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Wed Apr 04, 2007 6:12 pm      Reply with quote
Hi catski. It's pretty early to report but it does seem that something in the mix or the combination - the dermaroller, Leaf and Rusher Active Serum and Eye Treatment - is making a difference. My wrinkles (crow's feet and ll are smoothing out), my pores look smaller, and my skin has more of a glow. I really have to say, I do see a difference!

42yo, natural strawberry blonde so fair skin, blue-eyed, and dry skin
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Fri May 11, 2007 6:01 am      Reply with quote
lucyluc wrote:
I bought it off ebay, its the leaf and rusher dermroller and does not say how long the needles are,they dont look that long...maybe no pain no gain?Where and how do you buy the one with longer needles without paying thru the nose?

I bought mine or Ebay but its not a Leaf and Rusher, it came from Thailand. I just did a search using the term "skin roller". I've been doing some research about needling and it is recommended that when using a roller with needles 1mm in length to use an anaesthetic cream. So I did that tonight - I applied the Emla and waited about 30 mins. It didn't hurt as much, but its really not a pleasant thing to do to yourself at all and some pricks did draw blood. Afterwards my skin was very red and stinging but I'm finding that using the Baby Q after the needling seems to help allot. Then I applied CP's and Retin-A.

The information I found on needling is written by the doctor that invented it and he recommends to do it every week for about four to six times with 1mm needles. He claims that this technique can give results equivalent to having your face laser resurfaced but is much more safer and beneficial to the skin.

I'm going to keep up with it and see how I go. It is very difficult to give yourself an aggressive treatment because of the pain factor. I think the use of an anaesthetic cream is essential. Maybe the more you do it, the less it will hurt. I've definitely found that to be the case when using an epilator for hair removal.
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Wed Aug 08, 2007 11:10 pm      Reply with quote
Zenity wrote:
Any users of both 0,5mm or less and 1,5mm or more can compare both products and results?


I have the 1.5mm roller bought on Ebay and the .75mm Novaderm roller. To be honest, I think they both do a comparable job. If you can't get your hands on the 1.5mm one, I'd go for the .75mm one from Novaderm.
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Fri Nov 02, 2007 12:32 pm      Reply with quote
Hi Mars,
I'm guessing the $149.00 roller you're looking at is from the Thailand seller--they are NOT one use. You clean it after rolling by running under hot tap water, and air dry. Basically, most of the rollers are good for 50-100 uses, basically when the needles loose their sharpness.
L&R is Leaf and Rusher- a brand that makes the shorter- 0.25mm rollers. I think they are sold online and at Bath and Body Works. The short ones are good for product absorption. The longer rollers--1.5-2.0mm are great for scar improvement and collagen production. There's a ton of info on this site, and the site about needling/dermarollers.
Best of luck to you,
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Fri Nov 02, 2007 4:12 pm      Reply with quote
Absolutely, just make sure you allow 2-3days down time the first time you roll. I'm usually fine (no rednness) by the following morning, but everyone is different.
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Sun Nov 04, 2007 6:26 pm      Reply with quote
Mars wrote:
I so very much appreciate all the generous sharing of experiences on this forum. Regarding the roller: is it painful? I really would like to address the two scars I have on my chin. Do I need to go with the 1.5? I've been through a LOT with my complexion since age 11. I'm tough but, I get weary of putting myself through pain. Having said that, if I thought it would significantly help, I'd endure the pain. Thank you for your help. I really, really appreciate it. Mars Smile

I use a 1.5 roller twice a week now. It really is making a significant difference to my skin - I think its really thickening up. For your scarring I would definitely go for the 1.5 roller. As for the pain factor - I believe in the old saying "no pain, no gain". Needling is quite unpleasant to do but the longer you do it, the more your skin toughens up. I would suggest using a topical numbing cream such as Emla for your first few times and then see how you go. Also, be prepared for some redness after needling. I used to look as though I had a very bad sunburn afterwards, however, I'm now finding that the redness only lasts a few hours - this is a sure sign that my skin is thickening up and laying down more collagen. HTH.
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Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:10 pm      Reply with quote
In case anyone is still interested in Dermaroller, BBW (Bath and Body Works) flagship stores are selling them 90% off!! $9 for the dermaroller and $11.2 for a dermaroller kit, which probably includes a small Tx serum etc. Of course all the other Leaf & Rusher products are 90% off too! I finally get a chance to try out the serum and the famous dermaroller Laughing Laughing
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Wed Jan 09, 2008 11:06 pm      Reply with quote
katebargold wrote:
Is anyone using these with DPL?
I was using the Leaf and rush one on my face but have stopped.
Got the DPL last month and am using it most days. Just wondering should i wait for the 2 months before recommencing the roller.

I am using the Baby Q along with the roller. When I first started rollering I used the Baby Q directly afterwards and actually found that it soothed my skin. I can't imagine any reason for not using them both together. I now roller twice a week and use the Baby Q about three times a week, but not on the same day.
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Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:12 am      Reply with quote
Cadia, it is great for hands!
I am using 1mm for my hands and can't wait to start using it for my face and neck
I totally love it! I am going to start using it too in elbows and knees. I have some sagging issues on "phase 1" that i want to stop to go to phase 2.

I think the dermaroller is just great.
My sister is so impressed with it that for the first time in 20 years cannot wait for the summer to wear a bikini and show her belly free of stretch marks to the world! yeeeeeeeaaaahhhh baby!
The side effect to her is a more taunt and thicken skin in the areas we have been working on, plus on her hips cellulite is dramatically reduced.
Really, this thing is absolutely doing wonders for her.
I am thinking on buying more of the professional rollers I have while I still have the chance. This things are quite expensive even in ebay and I really got a deal with them.

Keep rolling girls this is getting better and better!
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Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:25 am      Reply with quote
Okay, for the ones that still consider this thing as a torture machine let me add my two cents:
- if you use ice bags to the area previous treatment the "stinging" sensation will be reduced. If you use it after will help with redness and to calm down the skin. Also an azulene mask will help a lot.
-As some member as mentioned before a good option to start with is numbing cream.
- I have been doing dry skin brushing on my sister previous the needling and that made the trick too on the begining (now she is so used that doesn't really bother her any more)

If you have ever use wax to shave your body you might remember how unpleasant was the sensation at first and how fast you got used to it.
This is the same, at some point you don't feel that "pain". Your body gets used to it. It is more a stinging sensation.

I have to confess that I was a bit scared when I first read about this but after trying it I was surprised: it was more painful in my mind that in my skin!

Good rolling!
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Mon Jan 14, 2008 5:12 pm      Reply with quote
mountaingirl wrote:
Mars...I can't answer your question...this is all new to me....but I have some questions of my own for some of the experts. I bought the 1mm off Ebay (don't have it yet.) I didn't realize it was only good for 6 uses. Is there any way to stretch that? I'm thinking maybe I need to get the less heavy duty one to start on my face and work up to the 1mm. Any thoughts on this? Also, would appreciate suggestions on what active besides Retin A or C Serum, to put on after the process?

Don't stress, the roller can be used many times. Occasionally I have found that one of the needles gets bent, if this happens I just pull the bent needle out with a pair of pliers. Also, I don't think you'll have any trouble starting off with the 1mm roller.

Definitely don't put Vitamin C on after rolling - it would sting like hell and Retin-A is ok only for those whose skin is used to it. I would go for a good antioxidant serum - I use Skinactive's Lets Make Collagen but there are lots to choose from. Emu oil is great to put on top of the serum and is also very soothing.
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Tue Jan 15, 2008 4:18 pm      Reply with quote
I found one on ebay for $199 for 2.5mm and $179 for the 2.0.
Just got mine and used it saturday without numbing cream. (the 2.0 mm). Do not try this at home. lol That was the worst pain ever but makes Retin A work so well that your face peels off over the course of days.
Next time, numbing cream and definitely not .10% Retin A.
I'm still trying to get the peeling to stop.
I just love my Dr. Roller.

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Thu Jan 24, 2008 4:46 pm      Reply with quote
Barefootgirl wrote:
How often do you needle?
What size do you use?
What topicals do you apply afterward?
Please give us the details of your regime!!
Thanks, NS

I think its all there in my previous posts, but to sum up:

I use a 1.5mm roller

needle twice per week (Wed & Sun)

directly after needling apply Skinactives Lets Make Collagen and SKB - leave on for 30 mins then gently wipe off

then apply Retin-A 0.05% wait 30 mins

then apply Super CP serum and emu oil

On the nights that I don't needle, I apply Retin-A 0.1% followed by the CP and emu oil.
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Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:25 am      Reply with quote
Keliu: you wrote:
The information I found on needling is written by the doctor that invented it and he recommends to do it every week for about four to six times with 1mm needles. He claims that this technique can give results equivalent to having your face laser resurfaced but is much more safer and beneficial to the skin.

I'm not sure if you are saying to roll 4-6 times a week-- OR to roll in place, 4-6 times, once a week. Can you clarify?

Vehicle is a 1952 scratch and dent model....olive-ish, dry skin, long curly gray hair. Staples: Tazorac, 2mm Dermaroller, Anti Aging Light Stim, Devita Sunscreens, homemade C serums, some positive affirmations and whatever else it takes! Kicking and screaming the whole way...
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Wed Feb 20, 2008 2:16 pm      Reply with quote
Rebecca, from what I've read it takes about 90 days to see the real results. It's a relieving thought because since I switched to the 1.5mm Dr. Roller, I too peel like crazy.

Dr. Roller is a totally different quality than the Australian one and I'm so impressed with it. Tight wheel, protected packing and most important - the needles are sharp and make cleaner, less damaging wounds. I bled more with the old 1mm than from this! After I got my Korean assortment, I can't bring myself to use the other one again.

If you want to buy another one, I can't recommend it enough. It's the same as the one they sell here so it's not necessary to order it directly from the Korean business (but the price is much better there...) or ebay (more expensive).

I'm a bit sad that I wasted money on the Australian roller, but if nothing else, it has made me appreciate the good models more.

So far I've been rolling without any numbing cream, but I have ordered it and look forward to a little less painful rolling in the future.

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Thu Feb 21, 2008 11:34 am      Reply with quote
Hi Catski! wave I'd love to know if others have used any of their Dermarollers to treat cellulite. Ever since I read about *The BeautyMouse* (which is a mouse shaped dermaroller that was designed specifically for cellulite), I've been really curious whether it works any better than a regular dermaroller would on the body. Oddly enough, there isn't a single review at EDS about the BM. The main attraction of the BeautyMouse to me, is it's 50 mm wide, has 480 needles, and 8 rows, so you'll cover a lot more skin with each body treatment. The cost is steep though at 168 euros.

If I were you, I would break out your 1.5 mm roller and experiment with it on your body. Smile Once you've rolled the area you want to treat (for several minutes per section), the tiny puncture holes will remain open for 60-90 minutes before they close. This is the perfect time to slather on some actives as your skin has been prepped to receive 87% more product than it normally does. Try some anti-cellulite EO's or another special concoction, then wrap the area in cling wrap and cover yourself with a blanket for 45 minutes. This is exactly what I intend to do to re-create an 'at home spa experience' once I receive my 1.5 mm dermaroller! Wink

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Mon Feb 25, 2008 3:36 pm      Reply with quote
Wanted to add a tip for those starting out with rolling. As Cadia suggested, some areas are less "ouchy" than others. For eg. the cheeks in general, forehead, even under the eyes are good. I do these first. Then the more sensitive parts, mainly around the mouth, I do next, I ice, then just run over the area lightly, quite a few times, this seems to desensitise, then you can gradually push harder.

Doing my chest, I find quite ouchy at first, but I can't be bothered icing, coz its such a big area. So I roll it all over gently till it desenitises, then go for it.

HTH someone!!


47 years old. Battling aging and pigmentation. Using Tria and Pico and Dermapen.
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Thu Mar 06, 2008 2:27 am      Reply with quote
MissCay wrote:
Hi~every body~ I'm quite a newbie here~

After reading such long long thread @_@", I also want to try a roll~! But...I still wondering, can anyone roll w/out numbing cream? Does it cause pain?

Yes. What size roller were you thinking of.? I have been successfully rolling using a 1.5mm using ice only as needed. Even without it is not what I would call painful. To me it is an intense itching/stinging sensation.

You can also start slow. You do not have to push too hard to start with, and your skin desensitises as you go.


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Thu Mar 06, 2008 3:30 pm      Reply with quote
katebargold wrote:
Ok so I rolled my chest and neck with th 1.5 on Monday watching dancing with the stars Aussie version lol and I got this really weird reaction. Very rough raised skin almost like sand paper. The redness has nearly gone but it is still rough. Did I go overboard?
I put Vit C on it the next day and CPs on Wednesday so maybae it was overkill?

Yes, I get that texture most times I goes within 24 hours. I get it more on my chest and arms than my face!! I don't think you went too hard. Its normal for me anyway.



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Thu Mar 06, 2008 3:33 pm      Reply with quote
katebargold wrote:
Ok so I rolled my chest and neck with th 1.5 on Monday watching dancing with the stars Aussie version lol and I got this really weird reaction. Very rough raised skin almost like sand paper. The redness has nearly gone but it is still rough. Did I go overboard?
I put Vit C on it the next day and CPs on Wednesday so maybae it was overkill?

I think it sounds like you did a good job and that you'll peel soon Smile My chest peels every time too. Does it itch?
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Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:19 pm      Reply with quote
Cadia wrote:
This time was my first facial session with some numbing stuff (home-mixed version). I used it around the mouth and chin and it helped enough for me to do a thorough roll there. I numbed the lips by accident, so of course they got rolled too... Smile

snowqueen67 wrote:
I'm sure I've read that we're supposed to avoid the lips, but I'm not sure fact I would think the lips would respond well (if I could numb them enough).

You should NEVER use any kind of dermaroller directly on your lips if you have EVER had a cold sore as this type of virus is a member of the Herpes family. Rolling your lips can trigger the Herpes cold sore virus to erupt. It's not that a cold sore outbreak alone is cause for worry, rather, it's the cross-contamination that can occur from rolling other parts of your skin with a dermaroller that is carrying the Herpes cold sore virus on its needles. Pretty scary to think about, so I don't think I have to elaborate further!

So please, DO NOT even consider dermarolling your lips if you've ever had a cold sore before as there are serious consequences if you do!!!

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Mon Mar 24, 2008 2:01 am      Reply with quote
Mars wrote:
Hello, I ordered Dr.Roller 1.5mm. Should arrive any time now. Immediately after rollering, what should I put on my skin?

To start with I didn't use much, in fact just some avacado oil to soothe and heal. You will likely peel just from rolling. As I got used to it I added some Vit C serum diluted with the oil (when I didn't dilute it, I was very scaly). Now I use the Vit C straight.

I am also interested to see what others are using.


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Tue Mar 25, 2008 5:57 am      Reply with quote
Catski: I have been rolling my neck all along. It works well there I did not have much in the way of neck rings but the skin texture was getting chicken skin like (I'm going through menopause). It has definately improved skin texture.

Snow: I would like to roll near my eyes but I've only rolled the edges of the under eye area because I've been afraid of how tender that area is. Perhaps I'll try a bit more if it worked out OK for you (how is the area after a day?)
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Tue Mar 25, 2008 12:16 pm      Reply with quote
Good luck, Skincarefreak! Very Happy

Hope to hear what you think about it afterwards.
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Wed Mar 26, 2008 8:06 pm      Reply with quote
Cadia wrote:
Keliu, I think this is what you mean:®%20Vital

Thanks for the link Cadia - this is exactly what I'm talking about, interesting don't you think? I'm now applying hyaluronic acid, along with my other actives, directly after rolling.

BTW, I'm also really liking the effects of using my Anti Aging Lightstim after needling - it's very soothing and helps plump up the skin.
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