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Fri Nov 24, 2006 11:47 am |
Well, I know the lot of you are probably going to really want to take me up on my "slap me" request from my other thread that I posted when I ordered this bad boy from EDS (I rec'd a nice forum discount so it wasn't AS bad - choke).
Anyway, I have used the Nuface a total of 3 times so far and YOWZA does this thing work as advertised! I had a little droopiness that I wanted to address on my lower cheeks and also the depth of my nasolabial lines, which I felt was due to the skin/muscles being a bit loose.
Here is my customary comparison picture that shows a before on left taken recently (within the last week and a half) and today's on the right. You can see significant tightening, even I am very surprised by this, for the two sections I was referring to needing help and my eye area, which is greatly lifted (I am testing SkinCubed, too, but do not credit the lifting to that). Interestingly, you can see that I skipped using my beloved PSF Phyto Lift and my eyelid is doing its normal lazy thing. Gotta love that stuff!
One word of warning, though, the device comes with 2 products to assist with conductivity - 1 is a mist that I prefer and the other is a gel but this goes on rather thick. However, I noticed I am breaking out and believe it is due to the mist ingredients (whichever ones, who knows) so the next time, I am going to use aloe vera gel and see if that works as well. I started washing the mist off after using the Nuface but did not do so the first time so that could be the cause of the reaction. I am going to avoid it just in case, anyway.
Being obsessed with my skin, I have often played around by pulling the skin back and thought that a mini-lift would be in order at some point in the next 5 years. However, with this little magical device, I might be able to forego that for a long time! |
_________________ 42; medium, warm-toned; large pores prone to congestion; oily; using Karin Herzog exclusively right now!  |
The above post is a review of the following product available at EDS:
Fri Nov 24, 2006 12:52 pm |
Scallawaggirl, you look FANTASTIC. I've been following your posts on other threads with the photos and your skin looks brilliant. Well done! I'm more confused than ever now though, I've been saving up for a Baby Q, or Lightstim, and now it looks like I need one of these too. I know it's hard to compare when they are both working in their own way, but which would you recommend me getting first? I'm 53, no deep lines so not too worried about them, but I'm trying to lose weight, and am worried about sagging, because although I do facial exercises, my face is plumpish and we all know what happens with weight loss, the face suddenly ages. I've seen this happen to others and am a bit concerned so which do you think would help most to prevent that? |
Fri Nov 24, 2006 12:58 pm |
lillilulu wrote: |
Scallawaggirl, you look FANTASTIC. I've been following your posts on other threads with the photos and your skin looks brilliant. Well done! I'm more confused than ever now though, I've been saving up for a Baby Q, or Lightstim, and now it looks like I need one of these too. I know it's hard to compare when they are both working in their own way, but which would you recommend me getting first? I'm 53, no deep lines so not too worried about them, but I'm trying to lose weight, and am worried about sagging, because although I do facial exercises, my face is plumpish and we all know what happens with weight loss, the face suddenly ages. I've seen this happen to others and am a bit concerned so which do you think would help most to prevent that? |
Thanks, Lillilulu! It's certainly been a journey, let me tell you.
As for the specific targets you have right now, I'd say the Nuface will help most with tightening of muscles on the face/neck. The BabyQ, which you must have noticed by following my threads, I also love (!) but it does different work for me - mainly evening out skin texture and tone and also reducing redness. It does tighten things up but not like the Nuface. So, perhaps start with one then get the other later on. They are both fantastic at-home devices. |
_________________ 42; medium, warm-toned; large pores prone to congestion; oily; using Karin Herzog exclusively right now!  |
Fri Nov 24, 2006 2:24 pm |
Scally! You're killing me! Now I need to add the NuFace to my list of lemmings! Actually, I've been wanting one of these electrical muscle stim machines for a while, now I know I absolutely NEED one!
BTW, your results are fantastic after only 3 uses! Amazing. I can't imagine how awesome they will be with continued use. I firmly (no pun intended!) believe you are actually turning back the clock on yourself and are getting younger-looking, vs. ageing. Proves I am wise to look at you as my role model! |
Fri Nov 24, 2006 2:38 pm |
Wow, the pictures are certainly convincing. I never considered any type of device, but might have to look into this. Would you mind updating after a month of use, please, as sometimes the initial oomph doesn't translate long term? Thanks a lot, and good luck! |
Fri Nov 24, 2006 2:51 pm |
Why on earth would we want to slap you? Your reviews and progress photos are such a help. ...Well, maybe just a small one! I am definitely not going to get one of these. Yet. I think I'll wait for a couple more progress reports. I already have a Tua Visa which turned into one of those things that, although fairly easy to use, just takes up too much time: there are 17 place points on the face and you hold it at each place for 4 or 5 minutes: = 1 hour 25 minutes or thereabouts, daily or every other day. If I decide to get a Nuface (which seems to be much quicker and easier according to the advertising video), I can always sell the TV on eBay! |
_________________ 58. Fair, sensitive and dry-ish skin with freckles. UK. |
Fri Nov 24, 2006 3:38 pm |
MermaidGirl wrote: |
Scally! You're killing me! Now I need to add the NuFace to my list of lemmings! Actually, I've been wanting one of these electrical muscle stim machines for a while, now I know I absolutely NEED one!
BTW, your results are fantastic after only 3 uses! Amazing. I can't imagine how awesome they will be with continued use. I firmly (no pun intended!) believe you are actually turning back the clock on yourself and are getting younger-looking, vs. ageing. Proves I am wise to look at you as my role model! |
MG, yeah, I know! I'm killing myself, too. I figured that I could return the Nuface, if it didn't deliver but boy, oh, boy was I unprepared for such a huge bang! I was also going to wait a bit before posting comparison pics but hell, it was so amazing, I decided to go ahead. Aw, glad to be your gadget girl model.
Cedar, I will post update pics, as well (if you've seen my other threads, ha, I'm pic happy). The one thing that I am noticing is that the firming does not revert during the day - at all. It's evening now and the results are the same. So, it will be very interesting to see how fantastic I look after a month!
Cesce, I'll keep you updated. The most excellent thing about the Nuface is that it literally takes me less than 4 minutes to do the whole routine. It's almost nonsensical! In fact, I had to slow things down because I was cruising so quickly. I stretched it out to 4 minutes! I do know what you mean, though, having devices lying around is not a good thing. Fortunately, I'm glad that I took the plunge on this one because there were not a lot of reviews that I could find though I know MACrisis and kls have one, as well. I think MC intends to do a review at some point.
Let's see, I do have a bunch of gadgets, I admit but am happy w/each and every one of them thanks to EDS reviews.  |
_________________ 42; medium, warm-toned; large pores prone to congestion; oily; using Karin Herzog exclusively right now!  |
Fri Nov 24, 2006 4:28 pm |
Great results and so quick!
Is this similar in theory to the DermalTone? or perhaps Suzanne Somer's FaceMaster doohickey thing? There are so many things I want to try! |
Fri Nov 24, 2006 6:08 pm |
Dahli wrote: |
... Is this similar in theory to the DermalTone? or perhaps Suzanne Somer's FaceMaster doohickey thing? |
Hi Dahli, I'm not Scalawaggirl, but I can jump in and tell you that the short answer to your questions is: Yes (to both!). Exact same idea, different device. There are a number of them out there: the Tua Viso, the FaceMaster, Connie Stevens' Time Machine and the DermalTone among others (though DermalTone is out of business, you can still get one of their machines on eBay from time to time). I'm sure there are more of these types of machines out there that we aren't yet aware of. I imagine that all the devices differ in some ways - I know the FaceMaster has two probes and I'm sure some of them are more high-powered than others.
I'm not sure why you would want one, Dahli, or even think you need one - after all, you still look like you're in your 20s! |
Fri Nov 24, 2006 6:09 pm |
I am sitting here cracking up. Today I was doing some research on:
1. Where and what to buy for the TCA Cross method I have followed closely.
2. Ordering the 'Cellulite' machine I just have to have now
3. Buying an LED Light. BQ or other and what studies had shown.
So I come acrosswww.jellenproducts.com and their LED machine, then NuFace also on this site. After reading this I think of the DermalTone everyone loved on here, but is now longer available. So I come over to the forum and do a search and what do I find, Scally already trying this out and posting pictures!!!
I look at the date of the thread and it is today! What a coincidence
The results look great, guess I'll be adding this to my list. My bonus is quickly dwindling.
I hope you don't garden also, cuz then I'm really gonna be out a lotta money. |
Fri Nov 24, 2006 6:14 pm |
lorimcp wrote: |
I hope you don't garden also, cuz then I'm really gonna be out a lotta money. |
Yeah, I'm hoping she doesn't suddenly develop a love for exotic imported European cars! |
Fri Nov 24, 2006 6:19 pm |
You guys are so funny! If it helps, I do garden but not now because I'm in a 3rd floor apartment w/no balcony!!! In the past, I've had big container gardens and others but that's been awhile. As for the sassy imports, no, I drive a rather sedate Mazda Protegé - however, it does have scratching cool seat covers - so, you're safe (for the most part)!
I was originally interested in the DermalTone but opted out due to them no longer being in business. Didn't sound like a good plan in case of a problem. |
_________________ 42; medium, warm-toned; large pores prone to congestion; oily; using Karin Herzog exclusively right now!  |
Fri Nov 24, 2006 6:28 pm |
I wanted the DermalTone also, but when they closed, didn't want a old/ used one from Ebay. I have the SS FaceMaster, and I know it works, but too much time and the movements around my mouth hurt my fillings sometimes
Wonder if Turkey2006, still works?
Today I was looking at high-end indoor growing systems and lights to try growing tomatos and peppers inside in the winter in Indy. (Just trying to give you reasons to spend money on Gardening  |
Fri Nov 24, 2006 6:31 pm |
Scalwaggirl - great results!
What are we going to do with you girl!....LOL
Very soon I will be in the poor house  |
_________________ 3938 |
Fri Nov 24, 2006 6:51 pm |
Lori, you have a 10% forum discount already! I think that's what the turkey2006 was, anyway. You're gonna crack up some more but I was almost (actually resisted) pulled in by an in-home herb/tomato plant grower thing-y. The only reasons I didn't do it is it was small and took awhile to get the goods. Take heart, though, I am setting up a mini-nano reef in the next week or so. Are any of you into marine aquaria? If so, we can toss a little chaeto, skimmer, live sand discussions around. Takers??? I'm sure you are all happy to know that I have other obsessions, as well.
I heard that the other devices take quite a bit of time so am glad to confirm this is a quick routine - 4 minutes tops. Also, I tested it out w/plain, old aloe vera gel and it worked BETTER than with the included products! My braces were zinging!!! I know AVG doesn't break me out so am switching over to using that exclusively. As a matter of fact, I had to turn the dial down halfway because it was working so well as a conductor. With the others, I had it cranked to the limit and barely felt anything. Yahoo for testing.
Foxy, takes one to know one! We will be the youngest looking ladies in the poor house line - or welfare, I guess.  |
_________________ 42; medium, warm-toned; large pores prone to congestion; oily; using Karin Herzog exclusively right now!  |
Fri Nov 24, 2006 7:04 pm |
I was seriously thinking about getting this! (after X-mas though). I really love my BQ, dermawand as well. I still use my Beuer occasionally, but not as much as I used to. (too many gadgets, too little time, lol!).
I have a Tuo visa as well, but I found my face was looking too thin when using it, which I do not need.
Keep us posted on your results!  |
Fri Nov 24, 2006 7:08 pm |
scalawaggirl wrote: |
Lori, you have a 10% forum discount already! I think that's what the turkey2006 was, anyway. You're gonna crack up some more but I was almost (actually resisted) pulled in by an in-home herb/tomato plant grower thing-y. The only reasons I didn't do it is it was small and took awhile to get the goods. Take heart, though, I am setting up a mini-nano reef in the next week or so. Are any of you into marine aquaria? If so, we can toss a little chaeto, skimmer, live sand discussions around. Takers??? I'm sure you are all happy to know that I have other obsessions, as well.
I heard that the other devices take quite a bit of time so am glad to confirm this is a quick routine - 4 minutes tops. Also, I tested it out w/plain, old aloe vera gel and it worked BETTER than with the included products! My braces were zinging!!! I know AVG doesn't break me out so am switching over to using that exclusively. As a matter of fact, I had to turn the dial down halfway because it was working so well as a conductor. With the others, I had it cranked to the limit and barely felt anything. Yahoo for testing.
Foxy, takes one to know one! We will be the youngest looking ladies in the poor house line - or welfare, I guess.  |
I am going to put something together for the tomatos and use some things I have and probably just new lamps for now. I will take pictures and document and let you know how it goes
I have to set a budget for this month, BQ or NF? Hmmmm. Already ordered the PSF Holiday special, have to decide on the TCA and CPs. Think I will get the 30% TCA and mix to required strength, then get CP from SkinBio, seems a bit cheaper there. Oh yeah, and order and get started on the Cellulite machine.
Glad to hear AVG works as the conductor for NF, now you could even add you own ingredients like Niacinamide or KGF maybe? Wonder if the current would push it deeper? |
Fri Nov 24, 2006 7:08 pm |
lipglossdoll wrote: |
I was seriously thinking about getting this! (after X-mas though). I really love my BQ, dermawand as well. I still use my Beuer occasionally, but not as much as I used to. (too many gadgets, too little time, lol!).
I have a Tuo visa as well, but I found my face was looking too thin when using it, which I do not need.
Keep us posted on your results!  |
I sure will, lipgloss. Quick question, I am still hoping to zap my broken caps at home and the BQ is slowly, very slowly helping with them but I'm wondering whether you happened to use the Beurer for addressing this or can comment on how it compares to the BQ or others. Thanks! |
_________________ 42; medium, warm-toned; large pores prone to congestion; oily; using Karin Herzog exclusively right now!  |
Fri Nov 24, 2006 7:10 pm |
Quote: |
Glad to hear AVG works as the conductor for NF, now you could even add you own ingredients like Niacinamide or KGF maybe? Wonder if the current would push it deeper? |
I imagine it would. What's the scoop of the Naicinamide and KGF? Inquiring minds... |
_________________ 42; medium, warm-toned; large pores prone to congestion; oily; using Karin Herzog exclusively right now!  |
Fri Nov 24, 2006 7:11 pm |
lipglossdoll wrote: |
I was seriously thinking about getting this! (after X-mas though). I really love my BQ, dermawand as well. I still use my Beuer occasionally, but not as much as I used to. (too many gadgets, too little time, lol!).
I have a Tuo visa as well, but I found my face was looking too thin when using it, which I do not need.
Keep us posted on your results!  |
I wondered too, what does the DermaWand do for you that you like, vs the BQ? |
Fri Nov 24, 2006 7:17 pm |
Lori, my understanding is that the DermalTone is more in line with what the Nuface does though I'm sure others will pipe in with more info. I still adore my BQ, it has worked so well along w/my products that I will keep it forever (hope it never breaks). For me, it works on evening out skin tone and texture and minimizing/eliminating redness. I also think it helps (along w/products I use) to build collagen so it plumps up the skin and thus minimizes wrinkles/lines. The only place I noticed that - because no large wrinkles yet - is my nasolabial lines. They improved a lot with the BQ so that makeup doesn't collect in them much any longer. The Nuface is finishing the job by picking up the skin and tightening it.
I need to mention that I should watch how much I use the Nuface because I don't want my face looking any thinner than it already is! Anti-droop I'm after but don't want to look like the crypt keeper.  |
_________________ 42; medium, warm-toned; large pores prone to congestion; oily; using Karin Herzog exclusively right now!  |
Fri Nov 24, 2006 8:51 pm |
I don't know what the DermalTone and Suzanne Somer's Face Master Doohickey things are (and it's too late to go and find out). But I do know that the Tua Viso is not like the Nuface. Having seen the video (and Scallawaggirl confirmed it), the Nuface is something you stroke over your face and the whole treatment takes minutes. The Tua Viso is more like Slendertone for the face: you place the device according to the instructions and hold it there for 4/5 minutes in each of 17 places (8 each side plus one in the middle of your chin): it contracts your facial muscles, sometimes quite uncomfortably. And it does take quite a long time to do each treatment. Earlier versions of this were the 'Sleek Cheeks' (really made your fillings zing!) and the perennial 'Cleo' (also makes your fillings try to leap out of your teeth). I hasten to add that although the Tua Viso is mine (wish I'd found this forum first), the Cleo was my mother's and the Sleek Cheeks belonged to a friend. However, I do have the 'Integra', which might only be available in the UK - don't know. This is a home version, supposedly, of the CACI system. ::: Lots of gunk (for conductivity), two probes (therefore two hands), and you can't do it without a mirror. You have to be sitting at a table so that you can put both the machine and your elbows on it and it's also about an hour per treatment. If you see it; don't go for it. Mine is currently gathering a nice, thick, coating of dust on the top of my fridge. (Out of sight, out of mind ) Oh, I so want a Nuface! But am determined to wait a bit. |
_________________ 58. Fair, sensitive and dry-ish skin with freckles. UK. |
Fri Nov 24, 2006 9:41 pm |
Quote: |
I'm not sure why you would want one, Dahli, or even think you need one - after all, you still look like you're in your 20s! |
Mermaid - you sweet talker (with the fuzzy eyesight) you... I'm thinking prevention doncha know!?  |
Fri Nov 24, 2006 10:43 pm |
Hey Scally? Guess I'm a bit (actually a lot!) confused about these facial machines. Don't they all purport to basically do the same thing by working the face muscles? If so, why would anyone need more than one machine? Scally, your pictures made me decide I must get Nuface! My main problem too is the nasolabial folds on my face. But please explain the need for other machines. Thanks much! |
Fri Nov 24, 2006 10:44 pm |
Hey Scally? Guess I'm a bit (actually a lot!) confused about these facial machines. Don't they all purport to basically do the same thing by working the face muscles? If so, why would anyone need more than one machine? Scally, your pictures made me decide I must get Nuface! My main problem too is the nasolabial folds on my face. But please explain the need for other machines. Thanks much! |
Sun Mar 09, 2025 2:01 am |
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