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Tips from Dips18 - TCA & Dermaroller (not for a newbie)
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Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:49 pm      Reply with quote
Hi everyone,
I have a patch of dermal pigmentation that is really stubborn and in the past year various things have helped but nothing has created a real dramatic improvement until I started using the dermaroller. I started to notice more breaking up and lightening of my dermal pigmentation - showing my topicals were going deeper.
Ever since I started reading that read and since I bought both rollers I have been tempted to do a test patch where - wait for it - I use the small needle roller and then apply TCA. Well I tried it on a 1cm square patch. I only rolled once and yes it did go deeper than the rest of the patch. I used 12.5% and only did one layer so pretty safe. It peeles in one nice little sheet no flakes which is not usual for me with 12.5% as I normally need 3 layers to get a good peel. Too early to tell if it has helped the dermal pigmentation but will keep you guys updated.
I'm thinking the big gun needle would be better BUT even I'm too chicken to try that! I'm so glad its winter here - helps with the peels and my risky adventures. I plan to do this again in a few days so will keep you gals posted. Anyone else tried this?
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Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:56 pm      Reply with quote
Iv'e Actually considered doing the same thing but was to scared Smile so what dermaroller did you use? not the deep needs you indicated, how long were the needles? I think in theiry his shoudl work to get the pigment under the superficial layers of the skin, Im curious to see how it will work out Smile
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Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:00 pm      Reply with quote
Thanks for letting us in on this. The idea sounds great and I look forward to reading more about your (and other's) results Smile
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Tue Jul 03, 2007 2:13 pm      Reply with quote
You are the gutsy one! What kind of pigmentation are you treating? Melasma (like from pregnancy or birth control pills), or just hyperpigmentation from scars? I'll be very interested on how the TCA after rolling affects it- hopefully it'll help. I have melasma- not too bad, but it bugs me, and hypopigmentation spots from acne. The hypo spots are showing some pigment since I've been rolling, but not even with the rest of my skin yet.
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Tue Jul 03, 2007 5:15 pm      Reply with quote
I own the "sissy roller" Laughing The one from leaf rusher for 75.It doesnt really hurt my face, its a little prickly...I am kinda scared to use the big gun roller.I just bought amatokin and I am hoping the dermaroller will give a better result for this over priced much touted wrinkle cream.
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Tue Jul 03, 2007 5:17 pm      Reply with quote
I own all of the dermaroller, from the smallest upto the 1.5 mm the 1.5 I think is really only useful if you have serious scarred areas or some very thick skin you need to break up
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Thu Jul 05, 2007 10:17 pm      Reply with quote
Well so last night I did a larger patch. Swiped with acetone. Rolled several times with the small needle dermaroller (.75mm) and then applied 3 layers of 12.5% TCA. Did sting a bit but nothing major and no frosting - will have to see how it goes. I'm thinking I should have used my usual 15% so that I got a frost. Skin feels very tight though - tighter than the patch that had no rolling. Also feels thick? I'm really thinking of using the big gun and might just do a test patch with it this weekend - keep you guys posted. My first 1cm sq patch is looking ever so slightly lighter so I am very pleased!!! Smile and very confident this will work.

kyplantjunkie wrote:
You are the gutsy one! What kind of pigmentation are you treating? Melasma (like from pregnancy or birth control pills), or just hyperpigmentation from scars? I'll be very interested on how the TCA after rolling affects it- hopefully it'll help. I have melasma- not too bad, but it bugs me, and hypopigmentation spots from acne. The hypo spots are showing some pigment since I've been rolling, but not even with the rest of my skin yet.

Hiya Robin,
Yes I am taking risks - I want this pigmentation gone! I have a mixture going on - hyperpigmentation from ipl (most of that has faded), pigmentation from acne scars and a small patch of dermal pigmentation (from electrolysis). Gosh thats great about your hypo spots now showing pigment - that is fantastic! Amazing isn't it that such a small tool can do that...keep us posted! Dips
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Sun Jul 08, 2007 9:56 pm      Reply with quote
Patch still has not begun peeling. Did this on Thursday night and it is now Monday. Normally I begin peeling on the 2nd or third day. Hopefully will peel soon. Confused
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Thu Jul 12, 2007 7:18 pm      Reply with quote
All peeled!! Yipee!!!. Gosh that took ages it was like the skin was "stuck" there. Using the dermaroller did make a difference - definitely made the TCA go deeper. No probs and skin looks great - a shade or so lighter than the patch next to it that had no rolling. Think using the roller helped the TCA to "spread" out as my patch was small but what peeled was a lot larger if that makes sense.
Going to try again on my dermal pigmentation patch with the 15% in about two weeks - might even use the big gun - will post my results then. Dips
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Fri Jul 13, 2007 12:01 pm      Reply with quote
dips, That is so exciting! I don't think there's any way I can wait until winter to try this. But, trying not to be a total psycho, I'll wait until there's a weather forcast showing several days in a row with rain--I'm also a garden junkie (hence the name), and I know myself well enough that if its not rainy, I'll be playing in my garden! Did you go through a crusty phase before you peeled, or was is simply tight, then peely?
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Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:52 pm      Reply with quote
kyplantjunkie wrote:
dips, That is so exciting! I don't think there's any way I can wait until winter to try this. But, trying not to be a total psycho, I'll wait until there's a weather forcast showing several days in a row with rain--I'm also a garden junkie (hence the name), and I know myself well enough that if its not rainy, I'll be playing in my garden! Did you go through a crusty phase before you peeled, or was is simply tight, then peely?

Hey Robin, Gosh I know what you mean about trying not to be a total psycho - that bit made me laugh. Laughing a lot! I'm exactly the same. I started my TCA peels during summer?? - desperation at the time. But you know the drill - suncover / sunscreen, no playing with plants Smile etc etc and you should be fine. Good idea on checking forecast - very lucky at the moment in NZ (well for peels that is) it has been raining and overcast a lot.
This summer I've decided I'm not going to do peels - too risky with the NZ sun. I've told myself that by mid November I am stopping all the peels and acids for at least 2-3 months so less chance of re-hyperpigmenting but I got a funny feeling I might have withdrawal sypmtoms and will be sneaking in a light peel to two (esp just before Christmas do's).
Anyway back to the job at hand so yes the skin in this case was just really tight (like tighter than usual) and then kinda crispy peelies if you know what I mean. So I think when I do this next time with 15% and get my skin to frost I reckon it is going to crust. Keep us posted on how you get on. Smile Dips
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Mon Jul 30, 2007 5:34 pm      Reply with quote
Friday Night:
Prepped my skin and went over the patch with the small dermaroller. Applied 3 layers of 18% TCA. Stung a fair bit but was only a test patch so nothing too painful - wicked even frost so all good.

Saturday: Skin on patch is tight and SOOOOO dark. Darker than other peels done before.

Sunday: Skin felt dry and tight - felt like it was "stuck" there again so applied warm water compresses. No other change by end of day.

Monday Night: Skin cracked and began lifting off in a nice sheet. When I do peels I normally get small wafery thin sheets. This was NOT wafery thin - def thicker which means the peel has gone deep - YIPEE!. Lovely new smooth skin underneath. Very happy with this experiment. Wish I had tried this earlier in the year!

Gosh using the dermaroller definitely pushes the TCA to go deeper. Love the results. This result would have taken me as least two or 3 peels. Eeeekkkkk - think I am ready to do my whole face??? Esp since I am due to do my whole face this week?? and have two days off work - might have to give this a go!! Laughing
Keep you gals posted. Dips
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Wed Aug 01, 2007 8:05 am      Reply with quote
dips, That sounds fantastic- I can't wait until fall/winter to give it a go!
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Wed Aug 01, 2007 4:32 pm      Reply with quote
Dips when you prep your skin, what exactely do you do? I use TCA peels but am not sure how to prep the skin, thanks in advance Smile
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Wed Aug 01, 2007 7:26 pm      Reply with quote
I DID IT! Just finished - Rolled with the dermaroller once all over face and applied 3 layers 15% TCA. Frosted alomost all over. Sting factor is enhanced with rolling. Have day off work so just finished and am now Sitting here with my whole face covered in Manuka Honey! Smile

andreana wrote:
Dips when you prep your skin, what exactely do you do? I use TCA peels but am not sure how to prep the skin, thanks in advance Smile

Andreana - I'm assuming you mean the prep just prior to the peel yeah? Here's what I do - just did.
1) Took 2 arnica tabs 15mins prior
2) Cleansed face (twice), pat dryed with towel and let skin air dry a bit.
2) Swiped whole face with acetone wipes (rubbed hard on pigmented parts - tip from a derm)
3) At this point is when I rolled with the dermaroller.
For my previous peels when I wasn't using the dermaroller I would at this point use a toothpick to 'scratch' the surface of my skin. This helps to 'cut' through the fat barrier so to speak. I got this tip from a friend of mine who is a retired derm in his early forties. He told me that the success of a peel is to get though this surface and when he was working, depending on the client's skin, he would 'scratch' the surface of the area. He reckons the dermaroller should do the same thing BUT he wouldn't openly reccommend it to just anyone - it really depends on the person's skin.

Both steps 2 and 3 up the 'ouch' factor!

4) Apply TCA
5) Apply Manuka Honey or burn healing cream.
6) Jump on EDS forum Smile

Robin - love to hear how you get on!
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Fri Aug 03, 2007 4:55 am      Reply with quote
Thanks Dips:) what sort of acetone wipes do you use? is it pure acetone?
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Fri Aug 03, 2007 6:37 pm      Reply with quote
andreana wrote:
Thanks Dips:) what sort of acetone wipes do you use? is it pure acetone?

It has 70% isopropyl alcohol. Can't buy 100% acetone in NZ. But these wipes at 70% work fine. I've read on other forums where people apply nail polish remover but my derm says that is a no no. Gosh I look very dark at the moment BUT skin is starting to crack
BTW, how do you prep your skin for a peel?
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Mon Aug 06, 2007 8:05 pm      Reply with quote
I Just started the at home TCA peels, I have done 2 so far, I mostly used to get my peels in the doctors office so I actually didn't realise that I had to prep my skin (or should) but come to think of it I think the doctors used to put alcohol on my face first, I will try this , thanks again Smile)
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Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:20 pm      Reply with quote
kyplantjunkie wrote:
dips, That sounds fantastic- I can't wait until fall/winter to give it a go!

OMG!!! Gosh Robin, I can't wait for you or someone to give this a go either!!! My skin looks amazing!! I haven't been this impressed for ages. I think I have seriously found the ultimate HG solution for my dermal pigmentation and scars in general!!
It has been one week since I did my whole face and I am just about all done peeling. I still have a some flaking going on here and there BUT my skin is soooooo smooth, soft, dewy looking and most importantly for me - pigmentation is lighter in colour. I am so happy Very Happy and at the same time I am kicking myself for not taking a before and after photo just for myself??? Camera arrived one day too late!
Points to Note:
Some areas of skin did crust
Downtime involved - had to stay indoors for first few days
Depending on skin tone the skin really darkens
Skin feels extremely tight until the peeling gets underway
If you don't frost then skin tends to 'cling' for ages

I really want to try the big gun but don't want to tempt fate and go too far so I am holding myself back at the moment and will stick with this for a while Cool
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Tue Oct 30, 2007 8:29 pm      Reply with quote
Hey guys,
Hope all is well with everyone. Well I did my last TCA peel for 2007. Gosh it feels like the end of an era. Still peeling at the moment but my skin is looking amazing. I can't believe it had been one year since my unexpected ipl experience.
I now have women ask me what I use and how I get my skin looking so smooth. It really is a good feeling to go from severe hyperpigmentation where you want to hide to being asked how you get your skin looking so great - what two extremes.
So anyway I did use the big gun dermaroller on one patch - enahanced the ouch factor but it really does push the TCA deeper and the result is amazing. I'm hoping I can resist the temptation and not cave by doing another peel as summer is beginning in NZ.
ROBIN - did you ever get around to doing this?

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Tue Oct 30, 2007 9:12 pm      Reply with quote
Dips18, where did you purchase a dermaroller?
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Wed Oct 31, 2007 5:06 pm      Reply with quote
Bira wrote:
Dips18, where did you purchase a dermaroller?

Hi Bira,
I bought the small roller .75mm in NZ. The 1.5mm one I bought from ebay. HTH Dips
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Fri Nov 02, 2007 12:44 pm      Reply with quote
Cool Hi Dips,
I'm so glad you've had good results. I have not done the TCA/dermaroller treatment. What I DID do, however, was roll with the big gun (1.5mm), followed by the Cosmelan 1 mask- and left it on for 8 hours. This was after using the mask the day before, with zippo results--thick skin. Anyway, I peeled like a leper 4-5 days later; very attractive! I've been using the cosmelan 2 daily ( twice a day for the first 2 weeks) for about 2 months now. I couldn't be more thrilled. It has actually faded the melasma on my neck, just below the chin line- that I've been trying to fade for.......well, my youngest is 14-so, 14 years. I slather up with Neutrogena #70 sunblock everyday, and so far, so good.
Oh yeah, I'm also still taking the Heliocare supplement we talked about. I've got to believe it's also helping, because in the past, no matter how much sunblock I put on, I got hyperpigment more!!
Robin Very Happy
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Mon Nov 05, 2007 6:06 pm      Reply with quote
Wow that sounds excellent Robin! - so pleased for you too, my neck needs some help. Oooo I am so tempted so sneak this treatment in before Christmas - Where do you buy the cosmelan mask? Can PM me?
Yes Heliocare is great. Glad you like it. My partner doesn't even have pigmentation and his skin benefited from taking Heliocare.
Does the Neutrogena really protect your skin? It did nothing for me. Found a great sunscreen at the moment that is working great. I actually feel comfortable when I'm outdoors which is a big change from when I was using Neutrogena. Take care. Dips
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Sun Nov 14, 2010 8:19 pm      Reply with quote
So, did this method of dermaroller + TCA end up helping with dermal pigmentation?
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