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Ageless if you Dare - Loulou's Facial Exercises
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Fri Aug 07, 2009 1:02 pm      Reply with quote
Hey all! I'm new on here and started Ageless a couple of days ago. I was doing FE before that and saw some great results but it was taking up waaaay too much time. Rolling Eyes Now I'm doing some exercises from FE and the rest from Ageless. Wink

I have a question about the exercise for higher cheeks, on page 67 (of the e-book) - when it says 'use the muscle to lift the cheeks straight
up toward the centre of the eye.' - what exactly are you supposed to do? Would smiling be okay here?

And which exercises in Ageless are good for the jawline? I do the throat one (grabbing flesh either side of windpipe etc) but other than that, shouldn't there be one for strengthening the jaw and making it more lfted and defined?

Thank you for any help!

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Fri Aug 07, 2009 11:24 pm      Reply with quote
Hi SPF! I was doing Ageless and just added FE. I really appreciate that FE does have the chin/neck exercises that Ageless lacks. Ageless is phenomenal for cheeks.

The exercise on page 67 is my favorite, and I do it with an exaggerated smile. There are primitive videos that illustrate each exercise (see the URL on the last page of the book) and you can also go to her website for specific questions.
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Sat Aug 08, 2009 4:15 am      Reply with quote
I have been doing FE for a while now and have not noticed the difference in my cheeks I was hoping for so I am going to go back to Ageless and hope that will help.
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Sat Aug 08, 2009 8:54 am      Reply with quote
Can anybody point me to a website where i can buy the Ageless DVD? Thanks.
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Sat Aug 08, 2009 9:14 am      Reply with quote

I downloaded it and printed out the pages with the exercises. Makes it really easy to find the one you want.
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Sat Aug 08, 2009 9:19 am      Reply with quote
hmm... thanks for the reply but I was looking for the website to buy the DVD, not the book.
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Sat Aug 08, 2009 9:24 am      Reply with quote
Sorry, you did say dvd! (Waiting for first cup of coffee...)

She had some problems with them but apparently now has them available.
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Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:53 am      Reply with quote
Hermosa wrote:
Sorry, you did say dvd! (Waiting for first cup of coffee...)

She had some problems with them but apparently now has them available.

Thanks. It's nice that she has a downloadable DVD version. This way I can watch it on my computer. I'm too lazy to turn on my DVD player. Very Happy
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Sat Aug 08, 2009 7:58 pm      Reply with quote
KayS wrote:
I have been doing FE for a while now and have not noticed the difference in my cheeks I was hoping for so I am going to go back to Ageless and hope that will help.


How long have you been doing FE? From what I have read in the forum, it normally takes us 9-12 months to see results.

Though I am happy with Ageless, I'll buy FE once the new version is available.
sister sweets
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Sat Aug 08, 2009 8:38 pm      Reply with quote
SugarPlumFairy wrote:
Hey all! I'm new on here and started Ageless a couple of days ago. I was doing FE before that and saw some great results but it was taking up waaaay too much time. Rolling Eyes Now I'm doing some exercises from FE and the rest from Ageless. Wink

I have a question about the exercise for higher cheeks, on page 67 (of the e-book) - when it says 'use the muscle to lift the cheeks straight
up toward the centre of the eye.' - what exactly are you supposed to do? Would smiling be okay here?

And which exercises in Ageless are good for the jawline? I do the throat one (grabbing flesh either side of windpipe etc) but other than that, shouldn't there be one for strengthening the jaw and making it more lfted and defined?

Thank you for any help!

Hi and welcome! Yes you basically do an exaggerated cheesy smile which pulls your cheeks upward toward your eyes.

jawline - I would say the neck exercise is the targetted one. Ageless doesn't have a lot for this. Have you tried a freebie called "Kiss the Ceiling" This is good. You put your head back and push out lips (fish lips) and pucker and hold. Feel the pull along chin and jawline.

Enjoying dermalogica with my ASG and Pico toner ** Disclosure: I was a participant without remuneration in promotional videos for Ageless Secret Gold and the Neurotris Pico Emmy event.
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Sun Aug 09, 2009 11:38 am      Reply with quote
Sister, my mother's been doing the "kiss the sky" jaw exercise since probably the mid-70's, and judging from the fabulousness of her 72-year-old jawline, it REALLY WORKS. So keep it up! I myself need to take a leaf out of her book but she's hyper-disciplined about stuff like that, whereas I am not so much.

Also, I remember my grandmother chewing bubble gum relentlessly, saying it kept her from getting a "turkey neck" (meaning a waddle Laughing or double chin). She didn't look as good as her daughter (my mom) when she was 72, but I do remember she never developed a waddle.

So I have FE and haven't used it much (very time consuming) and I just ordered LouLou's DVD. Hearing so much fabulous feedbback about facial exercises has made me determined to integrate them into my life. I wish I could chew gum but I have too much expensive orthodontia to compromise it in that way.

In these facial exercise threads I keep seeing that FE is good for this, LouLou is good for that, and some Carole Maggio's exercises are good for other things, particularly for the neck area.

My question to all you experienced facial exercisers is: are Carole's DVD's worth investing in, considering I own FE and will soon be in possession of LouLou's ageless? The neck area is a concern of mine since I take after my father more than my mother and he definitely had a nice waddle on him. Confused I'd consider a couple of stellar neck exercises not found in the other two programs to be worth the investment.
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Sun Aug 09, 2009 12:16 pm      Reply with quote
Hi Yubs,

My two cents:

If you have and actually use the exercises in FlexEffect and Ageless, the only exercise of Carole's that does not have an effective counterpart in FE or Ageless is the "Nose Shortener". I totally think this exercise alone is worth the purchase or borrowing of the book (or you can see her demo it on All the other exercises in Carole's programs (eyes, forehead, jaw, cheeks), in my opinion, are totally covered by FlexEffect and Ageless in that there is a similar exercise for the same muscle group (and often one that targets the muscle with more resistance). On the jawline and neck front in particular, there is no comparison: I think FlexEffect hands down beats Ageless and Facerise.

Just my personal opinion...Hopefully others will chime in, too, with their opinions Smile

HTH Smile

34 y.o. FlexEffect and massage. Love experimenting with DIY and botanical skin care products. Appreciate both hard science and natural approaches. Eat green smoothies + lots of raw fruit and veggies.
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Sun Aug 09, 2009 2:20 pm      Reply with quote
ricayhermosa wrote:
Hermosa wrote:
Sorry, you did say dvd! (Waiting for first cup of coffee...)

She had some problems with them but apparently now has them available.

Thanks. It's nice that she has a downloadable DVD version. This way I can watch it on my computer. I'm too lazy to turn on my DVD player. Very Happy

Do you know how large the downloadable version is?


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Mon Aug 10, 2009 6:17 am      Reply with quote
Another good jawline exercise is to tilt your head up so your looking at the ceiling and start a chewing motion. I do it for about a minute. Ive found that and kiss the ceiling more effective than the ageless one.

39, in Australia, using retin a, Skin actives I Bright and Antiaging Cream, change sunscreen regularly currently.
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Mon Aug 10, 2009 7:26 am      Reply with quote
Yubs wrote:
Sister, my mother's been doing the "kiss the sky" jaw exercise since probably the mid-70's, and judging from the fabulousness of her 72-year-old jawline, it REALLY WORKS. So keep it up! ....

Yubs - it is great that your mom has such wonderful long-term results with "kiss the ceiling" !
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Mon Aug 10, 2009 7:28 am      Reply with quote
carolb69 wrote:
Another good jawline exercise is to tilt your head up so your looking at the ceiling and start a chewing motion. I do it for about a minute. Ive found that and kiss the ceiling more effective than the ageless one.

carol69 - thanks for the exercise variation! I love kiss the ceiling exercise, now need to try your variation Smile
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Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:53 pm      Reply with quote
mpstat wrote:
carolb69 wrote:
Another good jawline exercise is to tilt your head up so your looking at the ceiling and start a chewing motion. I do it for about a minute. Ive found that and kiss the ceiling more effective than the ageless one.

carol69 - thanks for the exercise variation! I love kiss the ceiling exercise, now need to try your variation Smile

No worries. I was just doing the ageless one but it wasnt getting rid of a tiny waddle under my chin. it was only slight but i noticed it.. ive since abandonend it for kiss the ceiling and the one i mention(which i found online) and find them effective.

39, in Australia, using retin a, Skin actives I Bright and Antiaging Cream, change sunscreen regularly currently.
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Fri Aug 14, 2009 5:47 pm      Reply with quote
Welp, girls (and guys?), I've taken the dare and ordered Loulou's ebook, "Ageless if You Dare" just an hour or so ago.

I've done the exercises for day one and realized that my facial muscles are really wimpy! (I'm one of those who couldn't raise an eyebrow to save my life.)

As a baseline measurement, my son took several photos of me yesterday with my hair pulled up, no make-up on, bright lights illuminating every wrinkle and sag in my shapeless Nicholas Cage face. (Isn't it shocking how much worse you look in a photo than in a bathroom mirror? Eek! Shock )

Should I see results, I'll let you all know. The blog I started to chart my progress is private for now (don't want to frighten anyone with my "before" photos). In the event of minimized sag or the appearance of cheeks, I'll open it up to the public. (And maybe try to contact Mr. Cage.)

Until cheeks appear,

this is Nightbloom, signing off.
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Wed Aug 19, 2009 4:07 pm      Reply with quote
OK, it's official. Loulou's program is amazing.

I got the download last spring but didn't do it because I had committed to FE, which I like[d] and which was having an effect, albeit slowly. Three weeks ago I read everything on this thread and decided to make the much easier commitment to Loulou's program, much, much, much shorter and easier than FE (which, again, I like and which was making a difference).

Last weekend, I saw some women I hadn't seen since February (I got FE last September and had been doing it 6Xs a week until the beginning of August when I switched to Loulou's). Three women came up and exclaimed how good I look and how wonderful I looked and it must be the haircut (which resembles the shaggy dog right now). I took the compliments and chalked it up to having a restful summer.

Today I saw a woman I haven't seen since May. She came up to me and said, "you look good. you've lost weight." I haven't lost weight although I did started walking 3-5 miles a day at the end of July. I said, "I haven't lost weight, but thank you." She said, "you've lost weight, a lot of weight. It really shows in your face."

Holy Cow!!!!!!! I have a great big ole moon-shaped face, so Loulou's program has given me cheek bones and thinned out the lower part of my face.

The women on both sides of my family turn into fire-hydrants with dinner platter faces on their 45th birthday.

And here I am at 52 with a youthful, feminine face and (holy mackerel!!!!) cheekbones.

Molto grazie to all of you, but especially Loulou for her genius and her generosity.

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Wed Aug 19, 2009 6:15 pm      Reply with quote
Congratulations! I'd keep it up with both Fe and Ageless. I think they really compliment each other. I try to hit one or the other every day.

It's great to have options that WORK!!!!!! Very Happy

Enjoying dermalogica with my ASG and Pico toner ** Disclosure: I was a participant without remuneration in promotional videos for Ageless Secret Gold and the Neurotris Pico Emmy event.
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Thu Aug 20, 2009 6:19 am      Reply with quote
sister sweets wrote:
Congratulations! I'd keep it up with both Fe and Ageless. I think they really compliment each other. I try to hit one or the other every day.

It's great to have options that WORK!!!!!! Very Happy

Yes, it's great to have options that work. I'm still doing FE twice a week, and I knew that I would be hard pressed this fall to do it more than that, so it's MAHVELOUS that I have something that not only keeps me from losing ground but MOVES ME AHEAD!!!!

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Fri Sep 04, 2009 3:24 am      Reply with quote
I bought the $14 us dvd download.How long does it take for her to email it to you?
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Sun Sep 06, 2009 7:23 am      Reply with quote
Hi everyone,

I started with the Ageless program about 3 weeks ago, and I just need to hear that my N/L folds will get better if I continue to do this. (On the flip side, has anyone stopped doing Ageless because of their N/L's getting worse?) I've read through the thread & it seems that N/L lines getting worse is only a temporary condition, an "exercise hangover", and that your facial muscles are actually getting stronger and need a little time to recover. *Please, can anyone out there confirm this for me? I need some hand holding!* (I woke up this morning looking *bad*... granted, I didn't have the best night's sleep...) I'm pushing 40 here, but hoping that I can hold my ground against the aging process!

By the way, I love the EDS forums! I've been lurking for a while & am so impressed by how informed everyone is!

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Sun Sep 06, 2009 7:33 am      Reply with quote
So you all do only 20 reps of every exercise? Isn't that like... too few? How often and much do you exercise?
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Sun Sep 06, 2009 2:20 pm      Reply with quote
I watched the DVD but I am afraid to pull my face,I am afraid it will stretch the skin and make my face sag Sad
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