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Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:54 am |
Thats the precise point, and thanks for putting it so eloquently. The scientific proof your talking about is patchy. Skin doesn't loose resiliency for no reason at all, there are things that go on at cellular level for that loss of resilency to occur. The body's first and foremost priority is survival, and so the face isn't high on its list normally. So when things like a persons face starts aging and lines, wrinkles, sagging all start to show up its considered that aging is the cause, yet science has shown us that no two people age identically either physically or mentally, and that whilst there are similarities there are also distinct differences. Likewise there are hundreds of examples of people out there above 60 and above that too, who age well without loss of resiliency. Are they the lucky ones gifted with perfect genetics, maye but they likewise can't all be the same. If this was truly a fact then there would be no place for argument, and as such there is always doubts even amongst the experts themselves as to what is the primary cause of loss of elasticity and resliency, which is the point I was making. As I say I have seen physical evidence when I hae worked with people in their 80's who have had dramatic changes over a period of time and so I'm always of the belief that as long as a person is breathing and willing to take action then they wil get results, and for me thats important because it gives a feeling of hope and encouragement, and if the belief that skin looses resiliency as we grow older gives you the same feeling bravo, but I'm simply sharing what is true for you hasn't and isn't true for me so far, and whilst I am not yet in my 60's perhaps I will revist that then and we can compare notes! |
_________________ FlexEffect Trainer |
Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:58 am |
Thats a good point, but likewise has everyone who is 62 and done the same things as you been able to remain looking great - I think the answer to that is clearly no, but I also think that you do a lot of things which are incredibly helpful. For example your knowledge of making your own products with high quality ingredients is amazing - you know more than a lot of pros out there in relation to things like ph balance, ratios, ingredients that mix well, soluability etc.
Not only that but your nursing background too is fantastic and I've learned from your posts too in relation to this and things like hyg, etc.
Its definitely about the DNA and cells, and that to me is the really exciting part because once you start on that journey a whole new universe starts to open up and you get that direct contact with your own body and the potentials that are available to it, and for me the idea of becoming 60 year old hunched over man, with no hair and wrinles and sagging skin I've already learned is but one possibility available to me, but there are so many others out there (as your good husband shows!).
Kassy_A wrote: |
Again, "with all due respect"..... I am 62, have smoked for 46 years, enjoyed a few glasses of wine a week for many years, and NEVER ate what I should have..
I'm no glamour girl (as I've said here ad nauseum), but here I am (with no makeup what so ever) along side my 66 year old Honey Bunny... and again I will offer (what I've said a gazillion times), it's more about the DNA than anything else...
... And of course, getting on the DIY bandwagon, so you can actually GET a few good actives to the deeper layers of your skin...(And yes, my skin is nicer now than it was 7 years ago at 55!.)
Trust me when I tell you, I'm the poster child for doing everything wrong, and still getting mistook for a 40 year old when I'm out and about... (I'm a size 6, very energetic, and think that has plenty to do with the 'younger look'.)
Anyhoo, that's my contribution... Take it or leave it
ETA: I can't see any picture and don't know what the hell I'm doing wrong... HELP? (I hate this sh!t..argh) |
_________________ FlexEffect Trainer |
Sun Mar 11, 2012 9:45 am |
SeanySeanUK wrote: |
Thats a good point, but likewise has everyone who is 62 and done the same things as you been able to remain looking great - I think the answer to that is clearly no, but I also think that you do a lot of things which are incredibly helpful.
for me the idea of becoming 60 year old hunched over man, with no hair and wrinles and sagging skin I've already learned is but one possibility available to me, but there are so many others out there (as your good husband shows!).
Time to give my dear hubby a pass... He had major surgery in Nov to remove 1/2 of one lung due to lung cancer... The photo was taken on Christmas (5 weeks post op)...
He's doing wonderful now, and is very handsome in his well worn face... His body on the other hand is toned, fit and looks like 30... NOT a freaking bit of cellulite.. Why is it that men typically don't have to deal with that dilemma..Argh!
ETA: Thanks to all for the kind words and the chuckles as well... (((HUGS)))  |
_________________ ♥I'm flattered by all the lovely PM's, but I don't get here much these days. Please don't be afraid to post your quearies to other DIY members who will be glad to help you (or sell you their wares..lol) Still happy with LED, dermarolling and a DIY antioxidant regime. Peace & Hugs to all.♥ |
Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:03 am |
Kassy_A wrote: |
Time to give my dear hubby a pass... He had major surgery in Nov to remove 1/2 of one lung due to lung cancer... The photo was taken on Christmas (5 weeks post op)...
He's doing wonderful now, and is very handsome in his well worn face... His body on the other hand is toned, fit and looks like 30... NOT a freaking bit of cellulite.. Why is it that men typically don't have to deal with that dilemma..Argh! |
Sorry to hear you and hubby went through that ordeal Kassy, I am Glad to hear he is doing well, and will keep him and you all in my prayers he continues on for many healthy years to come!
You do look amazing for your age so obviously doing something right.
Men do have that luck of aging better than we women, or is it we as women accept their flaws more than some do a females?  |
_________________ I'LL SEE YOU ON THE DARKSIDE OF THE MOON.... |
Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:55 am |
DarkMoon wrote: |
Sorry to hear you and hubby went through that ordeal Kassy, I am Glad to hear he is doing well, and will keep him and you all in my prayers he continues on for many healthy years to come!
You do look amazing for your age so obviously doing something right.
Men do have that luck of aging better than we women, or is it we as women accept their flaws more than some do a females?  |
Thanks so much for the kind words and prayers... It was scary as hell, but all is well now (thank God)..
I think it totally sucks that men seem to still look great, even with wrinkles, gray hair, whatever.. For instance; when was the last time you heard a 50 or 60 year old female referred to as "distinguished" looking...  |
_________________ ♥I'm flattered by all the lovely PM's, but I don't get here much these days. Please don't be afraid to post your quearies to other DIY members who will be glad to help you (or sell you their wares..lol) Still happy with LED, dermarolling and a DIY antioxidant regime. Peace & Hugs to all.♥ |
Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:21 pm |
Hi Kassy, I'm glad your husband is doing well. That is quite an ordeal to go through. Have you been able to quit smoking? |
Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:29 pm |
Hi Sean, I think you should teach a class on the power of positive thinking. I'm not teasing, I'm serious. Hopefully, one day you will write a book about all your facial exercise experiences. I would buy it. |
Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:49 pm |
Kassy_A wrote: |
DarkMoon wrote: |
Sorry to hear you and hubby went through that ordeal Kassy, I am Glad to hear he is doing well, and will keep him and you all in my prayers he continues on for many healthy years to come!
You do look amazing for your age so obviously doing something right.
Men do have that luck of aging better than we women, or is it we as women accept their flaws more than some do a females?  |
Thanks so much for the kind words and prayers... It was scary as hell, but all is well now (thank God)..
I think it totally sucks that men seem to still look great, even with wrinkles, gray hair, whatever..For instance; when was the last time you heard a 50 or 60 year old female referred to as "distinguished" looking...  |
Not ever that I recall! More like old, granny, worst HAG....  |
_________________ I'LL SEE YOU ON THE DARKSIDE OF THE MOON.... |
Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:53 pm |
DarkMoon wrote: |
Kassy_A wrote: |
DarkMoon wrote: |
Sorry to hear you and hubby went through that ordeal Kassy, I am Glad to hear he is doing well, and will keep him and you all in my prayers he continues on for many healthy years to come!
You do look amazing for your age so obviously doing something right.
Men do have that luck of aging better than we women, or is it we as women accept their flaws more than some do a females?  |
Thanks so much for the kind words and prayers... It was scary as hell, but all is well now (thank God)..
I think it totally sucks that men seem to still look great, even with wrinkles, gray hair, whatever..For instance; when was the last time you heard a 50 or 60 year old female referred to as "distinguished" looking...  |
Not ever that I recall! More like old, granny, worst HAG....  |
I hope no one has ever referred to you in this way DM. If so, is this person dead or just maimed?  |
Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:59 pm |
packratmack wrote: |
DarkMoon wrote: |
Kassy_A wrote: |
DarkMoon wrote: |
Sorry to hear you and hubby went through that ordeal Kassy, I am Glad to hear he is doing well, and will keep him and you all in my prayers he continues on for many healthy years to come!
You do look amazing for your age so obviously doing something right.
Men do have that luck of aging better than we women, or is it we as women accept their flaws more than some do a females?  |
Thanks so much for the kind words and prayers... It was scary as hell, but all is well now (thank God)..
I think it totally sucks that men seem to still look great, even with wrinkles, gray hair, whatever..For instance; when was the last time you heard a 50 or 60 year old female referred to as "distinguished" looking...  |
Not ever that I recall! More like old, granny, worst HAG....  |
I hope no one has ever referred to you in this way DM. If so, is this person dead or just maimed?  |
LMAO pacratmack........No, well only my ex maybe, but he got his punishment many years ago, I divorced him!  |
_________________ I'LL SEE YOU ON THE DARKSIDE OF THE MOON.... |
Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:33 am |
Oh Kassy that’s terrible re what you and your hubby have had to go through, but it sounds like he is a fighter and has pulled through which I’m glad for and hopes his health and yours continue to remain at good levels, because that’s where its at for me. Good health really does have an impact on the overall appearance which is why aging is such a fascinating topic to me, because it is a bundle of factors tied together, and the good thing is that when one thing starts slipping and you notice, you can take steps to remedy it and volia.
The grass is always greener they say. Even though men don’t typically have to deal with cellulite, there are other issues that effect us, and for men it can seem a lot more subtler from outward appearance but it can be just as painful internally. It can range from simple things like forgetfulness increasing, or just general recovery or loss of energy, which to men can seem like the of the world (especially if they’ve always had a good memory or have always been active). One of the things though that I do think is really important is that when it comes to men and aging, you never really hear them cutting each other down which is something that I think has a huge impact on a persons self esteem but also over time their looks too and I have to say that the way I see women talking about each other at times and judging and sharing their views or opinions its no surprise to me that there is such a value placed by them on wanting to look their best all the time and not age.
Packratmack, I’ve not only been on classes on positive thinking but have taught them too, but like most things it’s a combination of positive thinking and action that has the effect, not just one or the other, but for me its all about making the best of what you have and feeling good, because if those two are in place then your rocking. If someone is thinking the same thought over and over again, and its giving them discomfort then that’s where an issue arises for me and there are always choices or options available to us, no matter what the situation. It is just about finding them out. I’ve been criticised for that in the past, and its no biggie to me anymore, and people often say if only things were that simple, to which I always reply they are that simple but you can make them more complex if you wish.
Trouble with book writing, which I’ve sat down several times to do, is that there is so much to encompass. Deb too suggested that and I sat down and within 6 months I had over a thousand pages of info, and each time that I would finish a chapter I would find there was more information to add or new research or techniques and it became quite a stress to try to complete. It will happen one day, but I very much doubt any information I put out will be taken seriously until I’m in my 60’s and even then it will be said that the only reason I am lucky in the aging ratios is due to genetics and the fact that I started younger. I see this all the time – even nowadays and its sad but its not to say that I’ve given up on humanity. When the time is right the information will rise. |
_________________ FlexEffect Trainer |
Tue Mar 13, 2012 1:27 am |
I looked up and down to page five and still can't believe I didn't see a flexeffect thread? But, this applies to both programs so I'll go ahead and throw it out here....
I've read people voicing concerns that the cheek press/ crush buccinator exercise can really cause the cheeks to get hollow. This confused me because I thought the purpose of this exercise was to fill out the cheeks...
Is there any way to tweak the reps/sets/ technique to cause the exercise to fill rather than hollow?
For what it's worth, my main concern are NL lines that tend to look worse the thinner I get. When I gain weight, the extra weight tends to puff them out a bit, but when I'm thinner the extra skin seems to collapse on itself. I tend to have a very long, thin face as well, which certainly doens't help. |
Tue Mar 13, 2012 3:01 am |
I’m not so sure it does apply to both programs, as from memory the real issue with the cheeks getting hollowed was from Ageless and the Crush exercise moreso than from FlexEffect’s cheek press exercise (and these exercises are substantially very different in where they apply the resistance – even though they target the same muscle). Both exercises are designed to fill out the cheeks, but of course no two people start from exactly the same place, with the same strength in the buccs, nor will their muscles respond at identical speed or with full optimisation. Also from memory I think that people following the original recommendations for Crush noticed this moreso, and as a result this was changed into an optional type exercise.
Is there ways of creating more fill – you bet, but that’s a training question and one that I don’t think appropriate for me to answer here as it would be based on my FlexEffect knowledge and would need me to go into a lot of detail and I much prefer to keep the exercise/technique questions separate from EDS stuff for that very purpose and not only that but because flexers are my priority its also helpful to me to build that central info resource there moreso than here to help other flexers out too. It can be done though for sure, but its going to differ slightly individual to individual because of the reasons above.
Now if your concern are NL lines, then I’m not sure I can understand why you are concerned over the buccinators area, because this is a very different area than the nl area? Can you elaborate on that moreso? |
_________________ FlexEffect Trainer |
Tue Mar 13, 2012 4:40 am |
Well, that's good to know about the FE cheek press, because I prefer that to the Ageless version!
I'm concerned about the cheek hollowing because I already have quite a bit of hollowing there (I have a naturally long and thin face and pretty high cheekbones).
I mentioned that my NL lines folds seem to puff up and un-fold when I gain weight, so I thought that maybe puffing up the body of the mid-cheeks would help resolve those.
I think I'm going to go over to the NL thread to post more about those. See you there? |
Tue Mar 13, 2012 10:22 pm |
packratmack wrote: |
Keliu wrote: |
When I was in my early 30s, I still looked as though I was about 15. Believe it or not, it was annoying to me at the time that I looked so childlike!
Now, at 62, my face isn't too bad (could be allot better) - but oh my body!! It's collapsed! All of my body skin looks saggy and baggy. I'm not overweight and am relatively fit. But no matter how fit you are, your skin just changes with age - it loses all of its suppleness and freshness. I just look like a plucked chook!! (That's chicken for you non-Aussies). |
Hi Keliu, I've seen your pictures and you look great. You are explaining my point in an entertaining way. At some point, your skin is going to change. It's not going to remain forever smooth and elastic. |
Hi everybody!
Packratmack, how do you see a member´s photo? Where? |
Fri Mar 16, 2012 2:41 pm |
anca wrote: |
packratmack wrote: |
Keliu wrote: |
When I was in my early 30s, I still looked as though I was about 15. Believe it or not, it was annoying to me at the time that I looked so childlike!
Now, at 62, my face isn't too bad (could be allot better) - but oh my body!! It's collapsed! All of my body skin looks saggy and baggy. I'm not overweight and am relatively fit. But no matter how fit you are, your skin just changes with age - it loses all of its suppleness and freshness. I just look like a plucked chook!! (That's chicken for you non-Aussies). |
Hi Keliu, I've seen your pictures and you look great. You are explaining my point in an entertaining way. At some point, your skin is going to change. It's not going to remain forever smooth and elastic. |
Hi everybody!
Packratmack, how do you see a member´s photo? Where? |
I believe she meant on other threads, not on this one in particular. |
_________________ 49 years young, brown hair/eyes, Careprost, Ageless If You Dare, Tanaka massage ツ |
Sun Mar 18, 2012 1:17 am |
sandooch wrote: |
Holy cow, Kassy! Absolutely no offense to your dear husband, who is a handsome man in his own right, but you look as though you could pass for his daughter in that picture. You are gorgeous! |
sandooch, you have seen Kassy´s picture too
where? |
Sun Mar 18, 2012 1:37 am |
anca wrote: |
sandooch wrote: |
Holy cow, Kassy! Absolutely no offense to your dear husband, who is a handsome man in his own right, but you look as though you could pass for his daughter in that picture. You are gorgeous! |
sandooch, you have seen Kassy´s picture too
where? |
It was up on page 98 of this thread, but I guess she has taken it down now. |
_________________ 49 years young, brown hair/eyes, Careprost, Ageless If You Dare, Tanaka massage ツ |
Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:18 am |
sandooch wrote: |
anca wrote: |
sandooch wrote: |
Holy cow, Kassy! Absolutely no offense to your dear husband, who is a handsome man in his own right, but you look as though you could pass for his daughter in that picture. You are gorgeous! |
sandooch, you have seen Kassy´s picture too
where? |
It was up on page 98 of this thread, but I guess she has taken it down now. |
ok, I understand now
thanks! |
Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:26 am |
Hi:D Unfortunately some members have found that their pictures have been used on other sites without their permission or knowledge! At times even promoting a product, it is a shame but things have happened so many who post a picture will take it down soon after having posted it! |
_________________ I'LL SEE YOU ON THE DARKSIDE OF THE MOON.... |
Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:31 am |
DarkMoon wrote: |
Hi:D Unfortunately some members have found that their pictures have been used on other sites without their permission or knowledge! At times even promoting a product, it is a shame but things have happened so many who post a picture will take it down soon after having posted it! |
what a pity!
their pictures would be an encouragement for many of us (I think) |
Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:45 am |
anca wrote: |
DarkMoon wrote: |
Hi:D Unfortunately some members have found that their pictures have been used on other sites without their permission or knowledge! At times even promoting a product, it is a shame but things have happened so many who post a picture will take it down soon after having posted it! |
what a pity!
their pictures would be an encouragement for many of us (I think) |
I agree, if you really want possibly you could pm the person and see if they are willing to share it privately, I know I won't post pictures online even for short periods I don't like being taken advantage of!  |
_________________ I'LL SEE YOU ON THE DARKSIDE OF THE MOON.... |
Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:06 am |
DarkMoon wrote: |
anca wrote: |
DarkMoon wrote: |
Hi:D Unfortunately some members have found that their pictures have been used on other sites without their permission or knowledge! At times even promoting a product, it is a shame but things have happened so many who post a picture will take it down soon after having posted it! |
what a pity!
their pictures would be an encouragement for many of us (I think) |
I agree, if you really want possibly you could pm the person and see if they are willing to share it privately, I know I won't post pictures online even for short periods I don't like being taken advantage of!  |
yes, of course... |
Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:28 am |
I meant no disrespect to you at all, I also have taught 4 (now grown kids) never to post pictures or personal info online, and I still feel it would be hypocritical of me to do so. I may well someday be a grandmother and would also hope they would pass that lesson on down. There are too many dangers out on the web. Just my way I suppose.  |
_________________ I'LL SEE YOU ON THE DARKSIDE OF THE MOON.... |
Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:58 am |
DarkMoon wrote: |
I meant no disrespect to you at all, I also have taught 4 (now grown kids) never to post pictures or personal info online, and I still feel it would be hypocritical of me to do so. I may well someday be a grandmother and would also hope they would pass that lesson on down. There are too many dangers out on the web. Just my way I suppose.  |
DarkMoon, I agree with you. I didn´t mean another thing. |
Mon Mar 10, 2025 7:03 pm |
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