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Thu Sep 17, 2009 7:25 pm |
Thanks Songbird and Toby. EDS has been such a huge help to me!
Songbird, I think you'll be happy with the investment. A migraine book I'm reading called 'heal your headache' by David Buchholz claims that most 'sinus pain' is in fact a form of migraine! As are tension headaches, and even some neck pain. The typical migraine with aura is only one kind of migraine, not the only migraine! Most recurring headaches need to be treated the same way you'd treat migraine ie with dietary and lifestyle changes etc. I think this little device is amazing, mainly because it actually deals with the low endorphin levels that are always present in migraine sufferers.
An added bonus that my eyes are losing their 'pained' and kind of pinched look, and opening up and looking fresh, all in two days of rather steady use.
I'm pretty shocked with how my face has improved over the last year actually. Facial exercises have given me high sculpted cheekbones I never had and my puffiness has dissipated, topicals have improved my texture and tone no end... I truly look like a different person, and now I'm starting to believe I can feel like one too!! |
Thu Sep 17, 2009 8:05 pm |
I have definitely had migraines in the past or at least I labeled them as such. When my head pain is so bad that my entire head, face, eyes and ears literally throb, I'm nauseous and my vision is blurred.....I call that a migraine! I know most of my pain is a combo of jaw and sinus problems (which is I eventually need surgery for) but I'll take any relief I can get. I also have those constant frown lines from being in pain so much so a little "lift" sounds great.
I wish I could try the facial exercises, but was advised against it. I may try just doing some eye exercises and see how I fair with them.
I look forward to hearing how this is helping you. Not sure when I can order, but I'll update when I get one. I guess this has been answered, Is there nowhere in the U.S. that sells them? |
_________________ Early 40's, fair skin, green eyes, rosacea, ocassional break-outs, dk. circles, sun damage. AALS, DermaWand, Safetox! |
Thu Sep 17, 2009 11:41 pm |
I asked about US distributors a week ago and got no response. Does that mean no one knows? |
Fri Sep 18, 2009 3:44 am |
I'm so happy for you Trigger - I'm going to be interested to see if the Cefaly also helps with forehead wrinkles and the 11s. My headaches are definitely less severe than they used to be and I'm sure that it's due to the Safetox, and as you saw from the pics I posted, I'm also happy with what it's done for my eyes.
I'll be eagerly following your progress.  |
_________________ Born 1950. There's a new cream on the market that gets rid of wrinkles - you smear it on the mirror!! |
Fri Sep 18, 2009 6:57 am |
Day 3 woke up with my usual headache (I'm sure these will lessen over time as the prophylactic effect kicks in) so put the cefaly on and promptly fell back to sleep on the strongest setting!! I did two more 20 minute sessions before I got up to make sure it worked, and when I sat up, voila! No more headache. Pretty amazing.
I've got my husband using it every evening during our netflix moviefest (we don't have telly but love our netflix!). He's a real baby and can't handle the full strength yet, but seems to really like the effect and looks all blissed out after. He's got beautifully textured/coloured skin, but at 48 it's definitely getting thinner, and he has some pretty deep 11's. I'm really interested to see if this works on them! I'll let you know.
Keliu your pics are amazing. You look so rested, and your eyes and forehead look smooth and open. It was definitely a kicker in making me believe the device works. I appreciate your posts no end. You're always jumping in feet first and just going for it. |
Fri Sep 18, 2009 7:51 am |
Fariedust, I have the same question as you do. What about the lower part of the face?
Continued good luck to you, trigger. |
_________________ 65 Caucasion, history of acne, sagging, some wrinkling, rough texture. Using Dermawand, AALS, Microderm Machine,Copper Peptides |
Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:20 pm |
Fariedust and Mars, I think the Safetox principle is similar to botox inasmuch that it numbs and slightly paralyses the muscles responsible for frowning, and encourages you to use the muscles in the back of the head instead, which lift rather than pull down upon contraction, as the forehead ones do. This makes the eyes look open and gets rid of the 11's. Of course it does nothing for the lower part of the face, for that you'd either need to do facial exercises (that's what I do, and am lately seeing amazing results with higher more scuplted looking cheekbones - never thought I'd see that!!) or use something like the Tua Viso. I think Toby uses one and is thrilled with it. Manual exercising is fine for me at the moment, as I'm only 35. Just as you'd use different techniques on other parts of the face in a plastic surgeons, and not just rely on botox to fix everything, so it is with the tools we use. |
Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:48 pm |
Thanks, trigger for you comments. I seriously consider ing TV. |
_________________ 65 Caucasion, history of acne, sagging, some wrinkling, rough texture. Using Dermawand, AALS, Microderm Machine,Copper Peptides |
Sat Sep 19, 2009 12:51 pm |
Mars - the TV works great for the loser part of the face this includes both the jowl area and the neck. NCN may give EDS's a discount - you'll have to ask her. DiPhx |
_________________ getting younger |
Sat Sep 19, 2009 1:57 pm |
Thank you! I'll check it out.  |
_________________ 65 Caucasion, history of acne, sagging, some wrinkling, rough texture. Using Dermawand, AALS, Microderm Machine,Copper Peptides |
Mon Sep 21, 2009 7:36 am |
Mars wrote: |
Fariedust, I have the same question as you do. What about the lower part of the face? |
Take a look at this, the Slendertone - it's kind of like a Safetox for the lower face: |
_________________ Born 1950. There's a new cream on the market that gets rid of wrinkles - you smear it on the mirror!! |
Mon Sep 21, 2009 8:17 pm |
hehe. are you going to try it? I wished they made a 2-1 device for the face instead of having to buy separately.
Btw, are the results from safetox permanent or do you have to use it everyday? Can you stop using it for a while and the results remain? |
_________________ 23yr old Asian with combination skin prone to clogged pores. hyperpigmentation from pimples. uneven skintone, scars |
Tue Sep 22, 2009 2:50 am |
faeriedust wrote: |
hehe. are you going to try it? I wished they made a 2-1 device for the face instead of having to buy separately.
Btw, are the results from safetox permanent or do you have to use it everyday? Can you stop using it for a while and the results remain? |
I'm quite happy to keep useing the Safetox everday. Like everything, I would imagine if you stopped, the results might not last. I can't really see how they would be absolutely permanent.
The Slendertone looks very interesting, but there's no way I'm forking out that amount of money at the moment. I love what it promises, but my vote is on hold about these EMS devices at the moment. |
_________________ Born 1950. There's a new cream on the market that gets rid of wrinkles - you smear it on the mirror!! |
Tue Sep 22, 2009 6:21 am |
Thought everyone might be interested to know theres been a spanner in the works re. my Cefaly use. I'm pretty depressed about it, but, there's really nothing I can do other than just stop using it and try to forget the relief and enjoyment I had using it (not to mention the exorbitant costs which definitely exceeded $300US after postage etc).
My situation? Apparently I'm one of 3 people (in the 20 000 that have been sold in the last three years) that have had an allergic reaction to the gel in the electrodes. I have a hideous crop of scaly red watery blisters where the electrode sits. Of course I've been on a bit of a pity party wondering why in hell I seem to react to the most banal things that everyone else can tolerate perfectly, but it's not a reasonable thought, as I can cope with many things fine. Crippling pain from some kind of root canal gone wrong and a bit of a hormonal patch is probably compounding things.
I really tossed up whether or not to let people know about this, because I really think the device is fantastic, and believe the reaction is as rare as they say. I didn't want to turn someone off getting something great due to my unfortunate experience.
So far customer service has been pretty good with the company, as they say they are working very hard to find a gel the manufacturer can use for the three people that have reacted to the original one. This won't be available until the new year at the earliest (which my negative state of mind is telling me will end up being a year longer....).
They've said I can wait, or return to place I bought for refund. They're hardly going to refund the forty bucks postge. |
Tue Sep 22, 2009 12:29 pm |
So what is the cheapest way for us in the USA to order replacement Safetox patches?
I have found that a product named TAC GEL greatly extends the useful life of each patch. Still we need a North American distibutor. |
Tue Sep 22, 2009 12:42 pm |
Has Safetox refused to work with a distributor in the US? |
Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:40 pm |
trigger wrote: |
My situation? Apparently I'm one of 3 people (in the 20 000 that have been sold in the last three years) that have had an allergic reaction to the gel in the electrodes. |
That is absolutely tragic - especially since you were getting relief from it. Well, there's not much you can do, you're really stuck between a rock and a hard place because you can't do without the patches. I hope they do manage to come up with some other gel for you, but like you say, it will probably take ages. Total bummer! |
_________________ Born 1950. There's a new cream on the market that gets rid of wrinkles - you smear it on the mirror!! |
Wed Sep 23, 2009 5:41 am |
I just ordered the safetox from
Does it come with the patches or would I haveto buy them separately? |
_________________ 23yr old Asian with combination skin prone to clogged pores. hyperpigmentation from pimples. uneven skintone, scars |
Wed Sep 23, 2009 7:06 am |
Hmmm. I'm starting to feel very annoyed with the company ( It's like the product hasn't been tested sufficiently yet, and they are using the first buyers as part of there more extensive testing.
Basically they've offered no compensation for having purchased a product which clearly stated everywhere there were NO side-effects whatsoever, only to get quite a severe one (making the device totally unusable), and then have stated that I must send them the electrode at a cost to myself to them, for testing.
It's much too much of an expensive device to be receiving this kind of customer service. |
Sat Sep 26, 2009 1:10 am |
I can now wiggle my ears
Changed the batteries and hav decided to change the electrode pad after 5 sessiosn. Gosh the last session with new batteries and pads was very intenes (ouch) I think I love this and think i see benfits already  |
_________________ 54 fair skin green eyes, some fine lines. |
Sat Sep 26, 2009 7:47 am |
trigger wrote: |
Of course it does nothing for the lower part of the face, for that you'd either need to do facial exercises (that's what I do, and am lately seeing amazing results with higher more scuplted looking cheekbones - never thought I'd see that!!) or use something like the Tua Viso. I think Toby uses one and is thrilled with it. Manual exercising is fine for me at the moment, as I'm only 35. |
Hi Trigger.
As a matter of interest, what facial exercise program (or programs) are you using?
Sorry to hear to your issue with the Cefaly - that's really unfortunate. Is there no other type of "compatible" electrode you could use instead of the ones they supply?
x |
Sat Sep 26, 2009 4:20 pm |
The way the electrodes are made, I think they'll be the only ones compatible. There's a little notch the cefaly slides onto that locks it in place. On a slightly better note, I left it for a few days for the blistery yucky mess to die down, and used a O/C cortisone cream. Then I tried it again, and used the cream after. So far, it hasn't reacted too badly after a use, with a new pad. I'm hoping it was just the cleansing wipes that they came with that gave the reaction, or that I can keep it under control with the cream until they come up with a better idea.
I do Ageless, but will get FE when the new book comes out. It's working very well for me, but have heard it's not as good for issues with of the lower face. FE has more substantial exercises I've heard for things other than the cheeks... |
Sat Sep 26, 2009 4:51 pm |
trigger wrote: |
I'm hoping it was just the cleansing wipes that they came with that gave the reaction, or that I can keep it under control with the cream until they come up with a better idea. |
I just use a mixture of Apple Cider Vinegar and Water to cleanse the face before applying the patch. I hope it is the wipes and not the patch that you are allergic to. If it is the patch, maybe you can cover up the sticky stuff with something and stick it to your face with tape or something - there has to be a way around our situation. |
_________________ Born 1950. There's a new cream on the market that gets rid of wrinkles - you smear it on the mirror!! |
Sat Sep 26, 2009 5:02 pm |
I have had my safetox for about 2 weeks...using it consistently 2 times a day 2 sessions each time...
Wondering? How long before I start seeing a noticeable difference?
One thing I have noticed is my upper lids (severly hooded, but improved with ageless and flex program) look very heavy and sleepy all the time....Like my facial exercises were for naught.
Did anyone else notice this? And is it just a temporary effect? |
Sun Sep 27, 2009 11:51 am |
I hope the culprit does turn out to be the wipes, trigger. Like Keliu, I've been using ACV (although pure, rather than diluted! ) instead of the wipes in order to save a little money. It seems to work perfectly to get rid of any residues on the skin. |
Fri Mar 07, 2025 10:59 pm |
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