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Oil Cleansing Method
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Tue Oct 06, 2009 8:03 pm      Reply with quote
The OCM mixture I use is bought online because when I make my own it doesnt turn out good. Here's the ingredients.

Certified Organic Sunflower Oil, Certified Organic Camellia Oil, Rice Bran Oil, Certified Organic Castor Oil, Vitamin E Oil, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Certified Organic Mandarin (Red) Essential Oil, Frankincense Essential Oil, Certified Organic Lemon Essential Oil, Certified Organic Lavender Essential Oil, Grapefruit (White) Essential Oil, Carrot Seed Essential Oil, Certified Organic Lavender Spike Essential Oil, Certified Organic Palmarosa Essential Oil, Certified Organic Patchouli Essential Oil, Clary Sage Essential Oil, Certified Organic Rosemary Essential Oil, Certified Organic Rose Geranium Essential Oil, Certified Organic Sweet Fennel Essential Oil.

Im not sure how long I massage. I guess 3 mins? I leave it on my face and then I just wash it off with warm water until the oilyness is completely gone.
The hot cloth seems quite a hassle and I would have to use a new cloth each time because I heard the oil is difficult to remove from the cloth.

23yr old Asian with combination skin prone to clogged pores. hyperpigmentation from pimples. uneven skintone, scars
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Tue Oct 06, 2009 8:13 pm      Reply with quote
Your oil sounds wonderful! I only have 2 suggestions,
Massage about 5 minutes or a little longer if you have time.
Wash with a nice cleanser if the cloth is a PIA for you, you want to clean all oil and dirt off.
Finish with a cold rinse to close pores.


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Tue Oct 06, 2009 8:14 pm      Reply with quote
Thankyou for your advice. I will try massaging longer next time. Very Happy

23yr old Asian with combination skin prone to clogged pores. hyperpigmentation from pimples. uneven skintone, scars
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Wed Oct 07, 2009 11:02 am      Reply with quote
Faeriedust, I'm glad you asked whether or not the cloth was necesary. I have been using hot water too and have now switched to using the cloth.

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Wed Oct 07, 2009 9:40 pm      Reply with quote
you can remove in different ways, most use a cloth soaked in hot water repeatedly until all oil is removed, some prefer to wash with hot water. I think it is most important to remove all oil and dirt, whichever way you choose it really is a personal preference.


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Thu Oct 08, 2009 12:32 am      Reply with quote
This method sounds really good......Will be going today to buy the oils and start this tonight. Will let you all know how i get on. x
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Thu Oct 08, 2009 6:35 am      Reply with quote
OK, I'll fess up. I don't want to wash 14 greasy washcloths per week unless I have to. Now that I put it in writing, it sounds a lot more silly than it did in my head. Laughing

I just switched from using 1/4 castor oil to 3/4 jojoba to using straight jojoba. I was using the castor oil to clear out my blackheads but wasn't seeing a huge difference. Even that small amount of castor oil was drying out my skin a little. Since switching, my skin is smoother and less dry. Blackheads appear the same.

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Thu Oct 08, 2009 7:35 am      Reply with quote
I know how you feel I have enough laundry as it is. It doesn't sound silly to me at all, I like to wash my skin as well! I do use a regular wash cloth when I have time, but not always, my personal opinion on this is the oil or Jojoba does the cleansing along with massaging. Many users do find Castor oil drying so you are not alone, it is those with really normal (like me) skin as well as oily types who seem to have no problem with it at all. If you are dry at all Jojoba alone is a good option. Getting those stubborn little buggers out can take time! Don't get discouraged, it does work in time. I have been doing this for years and blackheads on nose are nonexistent.
Good Luck with new oil!

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Thu Oct 08, 2009 7:39 am      Reply with quote
Just to add really massage on trouble areas well, you can do this while in a nice hot tub as the heat helps open the pores making getting the gunk to the surface and out easier!


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Thu Oct 08, 2009 8:21 am      Reply with quote
Wow, DM, that's encouraging. I'll keep it up in hopes that the black dots on my nose become nonexistent like yours. Very Happy
OCM massage in tub sounds wonderful (relaxing) and it makes sense that it would help clear pores. I will definitely try that.

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Thu Oct 08, 2009 9:05 am      Reply with quote
I really find doing it in the tub helps a lot! And you are right it is relaxing, plus it gives you a good excuse for a nice long hot soak!
Very Happy

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Sun Oct 11, 2009 9:32 pm      Reply with quote
I've just given OCM a whirl and I'm not sure it's for me... my skin was acting up (rosacea) and I was trying to simplify things, but on reading the OCM thread, couldn't resist giving it a go Rolling Eyes.

So I did OCM for a week (at night only; started with a mix of castor and avocado/jojoba; then tried just jojoba or avocado; massaged each time for between 5 and 8 minutes; and removed oil by using a hot wash cloth, several times.)

While it didn't seem to exacerbate my 'redness', I got some pimples along my hairline, and the odd big blind cyst-type pimple on my chin (these tended to resolve themselves without erupting, but I hadn't had blind pimples since adolescence). Anyhoo, I went back to Cetaphil for a few days, and my skin calmed down remarkably: no pimples, less redness.

Curious, I gave OCM another whirl last night (yes, I'm an idiot) and ta-daa!!! another big lumpie on my chin. Sigh.

I'm disappointed, 'cause I so like the idea of OCM (the oils, the massage, the el cheapo DIY pampering Laughing) and had hoped to include it in my ever-evolving skincare routine (I'm an EDS 'L' Plater). But... can't ignore how *happy* my skin was when I stopped.

Anyone had this experience and persisted? Or stopped? Any Rosaceans want to chime in?
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Sun Oct 11, 2009 9:48 pm      Reply with quote

No rosacea so I can't address that issue.
This purge stage when starting is what makes many give up. All the toxins deep in the skin are drawn up to the surface to rid your skin of them. Not everyone is willing to put up with this. Also not all break out, but it is common.
I do love what it does for my skin, that said as we see with many things no one thing is every one's cup of tea. If you just aren't comfortable getting past purging stick with what you like.


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Mon Oct 12, 2009 3:27 pm      Reply with quote
Thanks for replying. I was surprised re the cystic type pimples, 'cause I'm not acne prone and while I've got enlarged pores, only get the occasional plug. (And I took particular care to make sure I removed all the oil afterwards.)

Guess I was wondering if purging is always a temporary phenomenon - or if for some it's more of a permanent thing.

And with the purging - I expected a more superficial reaction (pimples, plugs, whiteheads), rather than my current pet: a deep, tender lump that takes up half my chin, but seems to have no intention of coming to a head (phew).

Also wondering how OCM compares to using vaculifters (do users experience the same benefits as OCM-ers re improved complexion; or the downside: 'purging')?

And: would love updates from other OCM newbies re the state of their pores!!
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Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:38 pm      Reply with quote
I am posting a link to a site with a wealth of information about OCM as well as oil suggestions per skin type for those who would like to do some in depth reading. There is much more than I can bang out on an iPhone. I am more than happy to answer what I can but the link is a great site to check out if you have concerns or want all the info you can get, there are others but this is a good start!


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Wed Oct 14, 2009 7:15 pm      Reply with quote
Ok, I'm wondering about the same thing as Cheesetoastie. For those using the OCM and have experienced breakouts, how long did they last (even after stopping OCM) and how severe were they. I really thought I was beginning to love this and then all of a sudden I don't want to leave my house. I am having one of the worst breakouts of my life and only around my chin, mouth & neck. I'm not convinced yet that this is because of OCM although I haven't really been using anything new. What really upsets me is that since starting the AALS my skin was really looking nice and now this. Could using the OCM cause severe breakouts w/cystic acne and last for weeks after stopping? Anyone?

Early 40's, fair skin, green eyes, rosacea, ocassional break-outs, dk. circles, sun damage. AALS, DermaWand, Safetox!
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Wed Oct 14, 2009 8:18 pm      Reply with quote
SongBird & cheesetoastie,

The cystic bumps and pimples are all about your skin purging, years of built up sebum and toxins coming out, not fun, but it does pass. I am one of those who had maybe one two at most pimples even as a teen. I feel bad telling you to hang in there when the most that I purged from my skin were a few tiny white sebum plugs and blackheads on the nose. I did see this work for my son who inherited acne prone skin from his
dad's side. One thing I recommend is some (a few drops per oz.) of Tea Tree oil it helped my son!
I am posting a link to a site specifically about OCM and acne. It has a load of info geared to your needs.


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Wed Oct 14, 2009 8:24 pm      Reply with quote
I have super sensitive dry skin with outbreaks of facial eczema. I've been using rosehip oil and it helps with the eczema-- the dry scaly patches are under control. I don't do it the regular way; I rub 1/2 of rosehip oil before showering-- I rub it in circles for about 5 minutes. I wash my hair and let water run on my face for a little bit; I wash the rest of me and shampoo my hair while the steam gets under the oil. I rub my face in little circles with my fingertips and the dry skin balls up. I run the water on my face to remove the dead skin then I pat the excess oil off. Nice glow and no more redness. I don't think rosehip oil is great if you have acne.
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Wed Oct 14, 2009 9:01 pm      Reply with quote
Some of the best essential oils for acne diluted in carrier oil are:
tea tree
clarey sage
ylang ylang


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Sat Oct 17, 2009 6:20 am      Reply with quote
Not quite sure where to put this question, but since this is about oils, I thought here would be a good place. Can anyone recommend a good site that tells, in depth, about oils and their benefits? I am specifically looking for info on grapeseed oil and sweet almond oil and the benefits to facial skin. The sites I have checked seem to have just a brief description of the oils, and I am looking for more info! TIA!
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Sat Oct 17, 2009 6:37 am      Reply with quote
rileygirl wrote:
Not quite sure where to put this question, but since this is about oils, I thought here would be a good place. Can anyone recommend a good site that tells, in depth, about oils and their benefits? I am specifically looking for info on grapeseed oil and sweet almond oil and the benefits to facial skin. The sites I have checked seem to have just a brief description of the oils, and I am looking for more info! TIA!

Hi Rileygirl,

Have you looked at the Nature's Gift website? (naturesgiftdotcom)? hth!
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Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:24 am      Reply with quote
Hi Rileygirl


They don't go into alot of detail but some helpful info. I am just learning myself about carrier oils, if you just google "carrier oils" or "aromatherapy" you will find alot of websites.

Hope that helps
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Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:59 am      Reply with quote
Thanks, Kate and Linda. I will check out all of those and see if I get the info I am looking for!
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Sat Oct 17, 2009 8:08 am      Reply with quote
Songbird wrote:
Ok, I'm wondering about the same thing as Cheesetoastie. For those using the OCM and have experienced breakouts, how long did they last (even after stopping OCM) and how severe were they. I really thought I was beginning to love this and then all of a sudden I don't want to leave my house. I am having one of the worst breakouts of my life and only around my chin, mouth & neck. I'm not convinced yet that this is because of OCM although I haven't really been using anything new. What really upsets me is that since starting the AALS my skin was really looking nice and now this. Could using the OCM cause severe breakouts w/cystic acne and last for weeks after stopping? Anyone?

I'm new to the forum, but I thought it would be helpful for me to share my experience. I wanted to start a more natural approach to skin care, and so when I heard about OCM, I jumped aboard. I made no other changes to my routine, and cleansed with only a gentle cleanser for two weeks prior so that I could give OCM a fair shot. I suffer from mild, sometimes moderate TOTM acne, and my first few weeks with OCM went fairly well. I made sure to use a new towel each time, steamed my face multiple times with a towel, and wiped the oil (castor and jojoba mix) cleanly afterwards (I did a finger test: take cleaned finger and brushed it lightly across my forehead, run it down a mirror - should be streak free). My third week into this method, I developed small bumps and whiteheads in the area between my eyes, and on both cheeks. This is odd for me, since I have never broken out in these areas before. I attributed this to purging, and continued. I continued getting whiteheads in these areas, and began getting more them on my chin as well. They were larger than before and some became inflamed. I began following OCM (which I really enjoy) with a toner, just to make sure there was absolutely no oil residue left. In the fourth week, I got angry red cysts (about the size of a dime) around my eyebrows, and a huge cyst the size of a nickel on my chin. Whiteheads erupted from either side of the cysts on my chin. I didn't remember *ever* looking this awful. The breakout did not coincide with my TOTM. The only thing that I could attribute this breakout to was OCM.

I discontinued OCM and cleansed with a gentle cleanser to let my skin normalize. The breakout, however, continued to worsen, and whiteheads would appear on top of my cysts (I didn't even know this was possible). My skin continued to "erupt" horribly for about four more weeks after I stopped OCM before it started to calm down. Given that I changed nothing else in my routine, I think that OCM just really did not agree with my skin. I wanted it to work very badly since others seemed to have such success with it, but my skin reacted horribly to it, and I had the worst acne breakout of my life.

I think a few whiteheads or blackheads here and there may be normal purging, but if you get cystic acne in unusual places from OCM, it may not be the method for you. I gave it a fair shot and stuck it through, probably longer than most. I used cold-pressed oils, and adjusted proportions, but I could not make it work.

This is a wonderful method for many, but, like all skin care, may not be for everyone. It definitely was not the method for me. I don't mean to put off people from trying OCM, but listen to your skin. I wish I had a little sooner.


Btw, a weird "side-effect" I had from OCM was that my eyelashes visibly thickened and lengthened (I noticed, and friends asked if I was using mascara) I did get something positive from this, hehe. From what I gather, this is from the castor oil. Has anyone else experienced this?
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Sat Oct 17, 2009 8:42 am      Reply with quote
rileygirl wrote:
Not quite sure where to put this question, but since this is about oils, I thought here would be a good place. Can anyone recommend a good site that tells, in depth, about oils and their benefits? I am specifically looking for info on grapeseed oil and sweet almond oil and the benefits to facial skin. The sites I have checked seem to have just a brief description of the oils, and I am looking for more info! TIA!

Here are some links to three sites with information anout many oils and their properties.


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