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Dr. Kassy's face firming and eye cream
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Sun Dec 01, 2013 7:35 pm      Reply with quote
Thanks so much, Kassy! And I'm not flattering, just speaking the truth. Very Happy

I appreciate all the advice, too!! I know I'm lucky to have found EDS when I'm still a "young-un"--I hope to look half as good as the EDS ladies as I age! So more antioxidants for me... I haven't investigated LEDs much, but I'm always up for a new project!

As much as I like to go natural, I completely hear you on preservatives and sanitizing/sterilizing (thanks goodness I have a dishwasher for the first time in my life!). I'll get to work on that with a new bottle of alcohol too.

I didn't know that "heat and hold" helped with emulsifying, so I'll try that. Otherwise, is e-wax more optional based on texture preference? Thanks so much again!!

early 30s; combo skin: medium-fair pale with freckles, controlled breakouts. Love: argan and tamanu oil, Devita SS, NCN rhassoul cleansing bar, pumpkin peel, DIY Vit C serum. Getting into more DIY... Fan of natural/organic products.
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Sun Dec 01, 2013 7:42 pm      Reply with quote
"heat & hold" just makes the emulsifying go smoother, because everything is at the same temp and things just seem to emulsify much better.

E-Wax is my emulsifier of choice, and does add a bit of thickness to a serum/lotion/cream.. For something thick and creamy, I would also add cetyl alcohol and perhaps a bit of one of the 'butters'. There's also xanthum gum and a few other thickening agents available.

♥I'm flattered by all the lovely PM's, but I don't get here much these days. Please don't be afraid to post your quearies to other DIY members who will be glad to help you (or sell you their Still happy with LED, dermarolling and a DIY antioxidant regime. Peace & Hugs to all.♥
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Mon Dec 02, 2013 1:43 am      Reply with quote
I saw somewhere in this forum a lot of information on most potent antioxidants but cannot find it now. Is astaxantin still something to be used?
What are the top five antioxidants (excluding vit c. e. FA)?

52 years, sagging sucks
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Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:58 pm      Reply with quote
^A lot of the antioxidants haven't been compared to others, but hopefully somebody will know what you're talking about and post it.

I always mix astaxanthin & beta carotene because astax. helps protect from infared and beta c. helps protect from ultraviolet. Good mixed together to add color to a sunscreen.
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Mon Dec 02, 2013 6:24 pm      Reply with quote
Kassy_A wrote:
"heat & hold" just makes the emulsifying go smoother, because everything is at the same temp and things just seem to emulsify much better.

E-Wax is my emulsifier of choice, and does add a bit of thickness to a serum/lotion/cream.. For something thick and creamy, I would also add cetyl alcohol and perhaps a bit of one of the 'butters'. There's also xanthum gum and a few other thickening agents available.

Off to the (sanitized) kitchen with me then, Kassy! Thanks again!!

early 30s; combo skin: medium-fair pale with freckles, controlled breakouts. Love: argan and tamanu oil, Devita SS, NCN rhassoul cleansing bar, pumpkin peel, DIY Vit C serum. Getting into more DIY... Fan of natural/organic products.
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Mon Jan 13, 2014 3:57 am      Reply with quote
Kassy_A wrote:

-LED treatments for sure
-Antioxidant day cream (co-q-10, ALA, glutathione, panthenol, vit E + vit C)
-Antioxidant night cream (niacinamide, vit A,C,E, vit E + glutathione

Hi Kassy, I need to thank you for all you wonderful recipes on this forum! I've used several of you recipes already and love them!
Would you be able to post recipes of those creams you suggested above? The day cream and night cream Very Happy

I also have two questions for you:)
1. In the night cream, how would Niacinamide and Vit C work together in a cream? I've read somewhere that Niacinamide requires pretty high pH to work, and Vit C needs low pH.
2. Could you recommend some potent antioxidant to add to a generic cream? I got several store creams that I really like, but they could really use some extra antioxidants in them...
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Mon Jan 13, 2014 10:53 pm      Reply with quote
oh! One more question:) What can I incorporate into the mix to help with blackheads?
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Wed Jan 15, 2014 10:26 am      Reply with quote
light123 wrote:
I saw somewhere in this forum a lot of information on most potent antioxidants but cannot find it now. Is astaxantin still something to be used?
What are the top five antioxidants (excluding vit c. e. FA)?

"Summarizing and totaling the data equally weighted for each oxidative stress study, the overall oxidative protection capacity score of:

95- Idebenone
80 -DL- a-tocopherol
68- Kinetin
55- Ubiquinone [ Co enzyme Q 10]
41- DL- alpha lipoic acid.

The higher the score the better the overall oxidative stress protection capacity of the antioxidant."

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Thu Jan 16, 2014 2:05 am      Reply with quote
Thanks, Fawnie!

52 years, sagging sucks
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Mon Jan 20, 2014 9:28 pm      Reply with quote
I would encourage you to check out "glutathione".

It's probably THE very best antioxidant there is.

♥I'm flattered by all the lovely PM's, but I don't get here much these days. Please don't be afraid to post your quearies to other DIY members who will be glad to help you (or sell you their Still happy with LED, dermarolling and a DIY antioxidant regime. Peace & Hugs to all.♥
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Thu Feb 20, 2014 3:19 pm      Reply with quote
(This is for serious wrinkles)

3oz base cream or lotion (I use lotion)
1 tsp Argereline
1 tsp Hyaluronic Acid
1/2 tsp Matrixyl 3000 (or whatever equals 10 )
1/4 tsp Wheat Protein
1/8th tsp (or pinch) Idebenone

This is Kassy_A's recipe which I would like to try, I can find most of the ingredients except for Idebenone. I can only find this already made up as a face cream, but looking at the recipe I imagine it to be a powder. Can anybody help please.

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Sat Apr 05, 2014 10:26 pm      Reply with quote
Kassy_A wrote:
nani wrote:

Hi kass and THANK YOU!!! could I use aloe gel as an emulsifier, also is there any natural preservative I could use ie. Tea tree oil? I live in Spain and unfortunately the ferulic acid, SKB, and polysorbate 80 are not sold to the public..I was at the chemist this morning and asked for all those ingredients... They actually asked if I was using it for anything other than personal use and looked at me as if I were crazy or something...

If you are talking about a prepared aloe gel that you get from the store then yes, it will probably work.. Fresh aloe from a plant will NOT work, and just leave you with a sticky mess..(Forget the 'tea trea oil')

Grapefruit extract is considered a 'natural' preservative, if you can get a hold of it..

In general, if the necessary products for completely doing it yourself aren't available to you, there's nothing wrong with a 'Semi' DIY venture.. Get yourself a nice 12oz bottle of CeraVe Lotion, and use a bit of that for your preservative, emulsifier and thickener ingredients..

Play around with it.. You'll be surprised at the wonderful stuff you can come up with (that actually works!) Very Happy

I just found this forum and feel like a brand new door open, so much to learn, I am going to try this amazing CE ferulic serum.

I already have tea tree oil, can I use it to substitute grape seed oil as preservative instead?

so I have St Ives moisturizer, bought at amazon not long ago, long way to go for 10oz, can I substitute it in place of Cerave moisturizer to work as emulsifier and presertatives?

Thank you!
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Wed Mar 04, 2015 8:51 am      Reply with quote
Hi, had a bug to make a eye serum,hope not to toxin
To: Kassy_A
Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 9:32 pm
Eye serum
Hi Kassy,Enjoying all your recipe,much appreciated,can I add Butchers broom extract to your eye serum,to help dark circle,and also is SyN Coll,comparable to Matrixyl.Also is Cell Ox2 comparable to Argerilene?
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Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:06 am      Reply with quote
Kassy's had a bug to make a eye serum,hope not to bad,wanted to address wrinkles,dark circles,tightens,puffiness,some of my ingredients are from your serum,here we go.
1cc wheat protein
1cc SYN COLl
1cc CELL OX2
5 squirts pumpkin extract
1cc cucumber extract
1cc butchers broom extract
1cc virgin palm oil
1 teas coral SKB
1 teas glycerin
2 teas Tradition Tropical moisturizer
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Sat Mar 21, 2015 5:25 pm      Reply with quote
Just finished reading this entire thread. wow! I find this whole topic very interesting and plan on trying some of this out. Might be hard to source ingredients over here in France. Funny how you will see something is originating in France but when I start looking for it over here I can't find it Laughing Kassy, you just blow me away. You are just full of wonderful imagination. I too want to slow this poor skin's decline so I am ready to jump on the DIY train though I am afraid you are right about the rising costs of ingredients. I love the mixing and making though. I work with oils and eo's right now but some of these other ingredients are alluring. Thank you for piquing my interest!
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Fri May 01, 2015 5:02 pm      Reply with quote
Can anyone tell me which of Kassy's vitamin C serum formulas is the fastest absorbing formula?
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Mon May 04, 2015 7:02 pm      Reply with quote
I notice how every six months the skin ages quickly after 60. I've always had young looking sking as I've used creams and serums before. But I do notice no matter what you do, the skin succumbs to sagging real bad. No pronounced wrinkles but the sagging is beyond. I have pure powders: LLA, R-alpha lipoic acid, hyaluronic acid, ferulic acid,citric acid, L-carnitine, L-Bitartrate DMAE, and clear aloe vera 99.9% with its preservative. I've been into of recent the DIY serums but I really want to know will these serums meant for before you get older? And can I expect results re: sagging? What is a recipe for lifting under brow? I'd include a pic for the eye area but this mail system is not responding
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Sun Mar 27, 2016 2:46 pm      Reply with quote
Sorry if this has already been asked--BUT

I am a newbie at DIY and I came across Kassy's recipes for a DIY Vitamin C serum. I have looked at both versions A and B and I had some questions I was hoping someone could answer.

Can I use glycerin (vegetable based) instead of SKB?

What are the weighted amounts required for a 15% vitamin c serum with 1% HA, ferulic, Vitamin E, glycerin, and distilled water?

Can I used rubbing alcohol (70%) instead of vodka for the ferulic acid?

Any feedback/advice would be much appreciated.
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Tue Nov 14, 2017 5:47 am      Reply with quote
[quote="mb935"]are there any cheaper options for base creams???


A lot cheaper in the long run if you make the base yourself.

There are lots of kits now to assist with learning. I am a cosmetic formulator now, however when learning these kits were great.
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Obagi Professional-C Peptide Complex (30 ml / 1 floz) Swiss Line Cell Shock White Brightening Diamond Serum (2 x 20 ml) Osea Anti-Aging Sea Serum (30 ml / 1 floz)

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