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What are your favourite collagen supplements?
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Wed Mar 28, 2018 3:45 am      Reply with quote
There are so many collagen supplements out there some of them very expensive - most of them derived from animals.

1. Has anyone had really good results with collagen supplement long-term? If so, what product?
2. Has anyone found a really effective plant-based collagen?
3. Any other supplements you found effective in building collagen.

I tried some a couple of years ago but was not too impressed. Currently I am taking a lot of Vitamin C, however, I would like to supply my body from within with the best nutrients to support all else I am currently doing.

Thanks so much!

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Wed Mar 28, 2018 6:50 am      Reply with quote
There was a discussion a little while ago, and what may be cheaper and better than collage is gelatin (and you can get vegetarian versions of it. It was discussed on here some time ago. A lot of people swear by it and say its better than the expensive collagen brands and delivers as much nutrients and has the same effects. I don't do it regularly enough, but try to when I can remember.

With the Vit C for skin remodelling I remember as well as Vit C, MSM was also mentioned and you may want to look into that.
Lilith_10 wrote:
There are so many collagen supplements out there some of them very expensive - most of them derived from animals.

1. Has anyone had really good results with collagen supplement long-term? If so, what product?
2. Has anyone found a really effective plant-based collagen?
3. Any other supplements you found effective in building collagen.

I tried some a couple of years ago but was not too impressed. Currently I am taking a lot of Vitamin C, however, I would like to supply my body from within with the best nutrients to support all else I am currently doing.

Thanks so much!
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Wed Mar 28, 2018 7:18 am      Reply with quote
Thanks for this intel! I used the 'search' function to find out more about collagen as I suspected it must have been addressed before - but there were so many messages connected to Collagen I could not find the one you mentioned. But I am learning still how to use the tools here on this forum as I have only been actively posting here for 2 weeks to find out about a couple of things. So might well be my lack of knowledge how to seach properly.

I take copicious amounts of Vitamin C and sometimes MSM (however, did not really see anything with MSM when I took it regularly).

Will try again - as I would be especially delighted to find a plant based product! By any chance do you remember a name or abreviation they might have used?

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Wed Mar 28, 2018 8:16 am      Reply with quote
Lilith_10 wrote:
There are so many collagen supplements out there some of them very expensive - most of them derived from animals.

1. Has anyone had really good results with collagen supplement long-term? If so, what product?
2. Has anyone found a really effective plant-based collagen?
3. Any other supplements you found effective in building collagen.

I tried some a couple of years ago but was not too impressed. Currently I am taking a lot of Vitamin C, however, I would like to supply my body from within with the best nutrients to support all else I am currently doing.

Thanks so much!

Hi Lilith,
I can tell you about my recent experience.
Until last September I was a vegetarian, then due to a problem of bowel health I had to completely change my diet, so I started eating protein (mainly eggs, chicken and fish) every day for lunch and dinner. At the same time I started taking Glutamine (to repair the gut)

I make a premise, before starting this new diet I noticed that the skin inside the arms, just under the armpit, was like grainy, sagging.
About a month ago, I was standing in front of the mirror in my bathroom and I stretched out an arm to take the bathrobe and I saw that the skin on the arm no longer had that sagging look. And only then I noticed that in general the skin of my body is firmer. I can say that this is a "side effect" that I did not expect at all and I am very pleasantly surprised. Now, I do not know if this result is due to the diet or to Glutamine but surely I will not stop taking them both.

As for collagen, I have been taking hydrolysed marine collagen for more than a year, I make sure it is always type I and III collagen but every time I buy what I find at the most convenient price. About the results on the skin I can not say if there are because I do too many things for it but I can assure you that since I take the collagen the few joint pains that I had have completely disappeared. So something does !!

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Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:21 am      Reply with quote
Hello Imma,

To be honest this is exactly my situation. My gut was ruined by antibiotics and I am trying to get the gut lining repaired.

I am not willing to eat fish nor chicken (yet!) but have introduced eggs on a regular basis and this made a huge difference for me as well.

Will definitely look into Glutamin on the weekend! Would be great to tackle two things at once. I am totally convinced that gut health is related to everything - skin and general health.

I have been checking out Fountain The Phyto-Collagen Molecule based on Marine Collagen sources... and am intrigued as it has some really good reviews... but still quite resitant to buy things if they high priced when I am not sure that it has a good chance to work and it is fish based. There are products based on algae but that did not do much for me.

As I am still trying to heal my gut - next stop is Glutamin.

Grazie Mille!

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Thu Mar 29, 2018 2:45 pm      Reply with quote
I do so many different things to/for my skin that I can never tell anymore when something is making a real difference. But I started taking different forms of gelatin as a "supplement" and a lot of my aches and pains are gone, and it seems like my dark under eye circles are gone for good.

I put "supplement" in quotation marks up there because I literally just do whatever it takes to get it into my body; make jello, flan, add it to meat balls, smoothies, etc. It's probably not as fast acting as the pills that contain type 1, 2, and/or 3 collagen but it's more cost effective and supposedly better for leaky gut syndrome.
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Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:29 pm      Reply with quote
Hi Chlorophyl,

Love the name - as I am a Wheatgrass-Junkie...
Interesting - will check this out with the other supplement Imma suggested as I am very much trying to still repair my leaky gut. It seems to take ages...

Thanks for your post!

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Sun Apr 01, 2018 5:27 am      Reply with quote
I'm not a vegan..I wish I could be but I have trouble getting enough protein as it is so I just avoid mammal (mostly based on ethics more than health).
Basically all I think I have discovered with collagen is that it seems to work best as a powder. This is regardless of what kind you decide to take and even if it's gelatin.
My conclusion for myself is that the pills seem to be less effective..
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Sun Apr 01, 2018 6:36 am      Reply with quote
Thanks, TigerLily, for the input. I am intrigued by the claims that marine collagene is supposed to be so good. Someone PM me and said they belive that amino acids are the key.

Anyhow, I guess it is too find what the body exactely needs to stay healthy. I will try Bamboo Silica as this is supposed the help as well... With gelatine I have always slight problems as it most sources are high in L-Argentine.

Happy Easter by the way!

“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.” Rumi
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Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:30 am      Reply with quote
Hi Lilith_10
Yes, you are right collagen supplements are very expensive and derived from animals, which makes difficult for vegan people to consume it. As we all know moderation is key therefore taking excess amount of vitamin c can sometimes leads to several problems such as upset stomach or nausea. So, you can go for Soy, Berries, Red vegetables(tomatoes and red pepper) and Oysters. These food items will definitely help you in boosting your collagen level.

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Sat Aug 18, 2018 4:50 am      Reply with quote

I am not a vegan so you may want to check this thoroughly... but just wanted to mention an interesting alternative that is a collagen precursor.

I've been switching to Biosil since two months or so and it seems there are some positive effects on my hair texture. I have the most fine and limp hair in the world so anything that makes the tiniest difference there is bound to impress me big time.

This is not by any means a scientific experiment Very Happy but worth looking into this. The basic collagen-inducing agent in Biosil is OrthoSilicic Acid.
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Mon Aug 20, 2018 11:53 pm      Reply with quote
Thank you, Richa and Soshka!

Great reminder about BioSil - I tried it about 8 years ago and took the drops - but the taste was for me too dramatic. I just could not force myself to continue taking them.

What type of BioSil are you taking the drops or any other form?

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Tue Aug 21, 2018 3:27 am      Reply with quote
Hahah - yes, read a lot of comments about the drops' nasty taste. I take the pills so no problem with that. They are not crazy big either and I haven't noticed any adverse effect on the digestive system.

I'm also hoping for some improvement with bone density as I have osteopenia. But for this I'll have to wait next year to see what the med exam reveals.
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Tue Aug 21, 2018 4:20 am      Reply with quote
soshka63 wrote:
Hahah - yes, read a lot of comments about the drops' nasty taste. I take the pills so no problem with that. They are not crazy big either and I haven't noticed any adverse effect on the digestive system.

I'm also hoping for some improvement with bone density as I have osteopenia. But for this I'll have to wait next year to see what the med exam reveals.

Brilliant! Thanks, for the great idea... will check out the pill form as well.

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Wed Sep 05, 2018 11:09 pm      Reply with quote
I have come across

CBN COLLAGENE Nutricosmetique fr Switzerland.

It's in a powder form from Bovine. I bought some waiting for shipment to arrive.
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Mon Dec 03, 2018 10:33 pm      Reply with quote
I read that collagen powders are useless because we can't absorb it. I tried anyways for 2 months and never saw a difference except Great Lakes Gelatin powder hydrated my skin severely. I'm naturally greasy and was waking up with my face wet every day. I would definitely use it to keep my skin hydrated if I had dry skin that was aging. The other type 1 and 3 collagen powders and supplements never helped do anything. I'm sure the amino acids naturally in it are good for you but you could probably just take protein for that or an amino supplement. Try Perque C Guard powder. C supposedly increases collagen. Don't take too much as high c is bad for the kidneys. Jade rollers are good as well.
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Tue Dec 04, 2018 7:19 am      Reply with quote
Yes, I have read that too but you will find the effects of nearly every supplement in debate as well as how different things effect different people.
It took me 6 months to a year before I saw the full effects of powdered collagen..The skin seems the last thing to be affected..But achy joints and hair seem to benefit fairly quickly. And nails, too, for some people.
Everyone is different.
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Mon Dec 10, 2018 1:05 am      Reply with quote
I have never used collagen before,but I know a brand named fancl whose collagen is quite popular in Asia, I wonder if their collagen is good , but I may try it as there is no other brand I can get
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Tue Dec 11, 2018 5:39 am      Reply with quote
You should try Collagen shots they are brilliant
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Sun Apr 28, 2019 4:05 pm      Reply with quote
The benefit of collagen versus regular protein supplements is that collagen powder has proline and hydroxyproline. These are important for making the collagen structure in skin, bones, and cells. I've noticed less joint pain and more hydrated skin since I started using AlcheVita collagen powder every morning in my coffee. I use 1 scoop per day, it mixes easily in my coffee and has no after taste. The research that I read said that you should use 10g a day for joint pain and osteoporosis and up to 3g a day for better, younger skin. It might take up to 1-2 months before you see results based on research. Recently, I read that it can help with healing your gut due to the glycine in collagen.
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