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Would Renova fix skin on my chin? (pic)
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Wed May 29, 2013 7:43 pm      Reply with quote

My friend has an extra tube of Renova 0.05 (brand)

I have 2 photos of my chin in drop box that I got links for, but it will not allow me to post them as it says I am a new member. If there is another way for you to see the photos let me know and I'll do it.

I was going to use Renova on my you can see the skin is all strange. The rest of my face is okay. I get regular micro dermabrasion---moisturize twice a day, exfoliate and it just gets worse. Saw this coming 10 years ago and it slowly kept getting worse.

A friend said laser or a peel? But, thought I'd try the Renova first.

You all know your thought I'd ask and hope for some input.

Thank you very much.

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Wed May 29, 2013 8:03 pm      Reply with quote
Sorry...just saw I forgot to take out the word (pics) from the Subject. Didn't realize I couldn't post until I opened a DropBox for the pics. Sad
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Fri May 31, 2013 8:31 am      Reply with quote
what does the text. feel like and what color is it?
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Fri May 31, 2013 2:22 pm      Reply with quote

It is very dry on my often feels rough even after moisturizing. The color is the same as the rest of my face...very fair. 10 years ago, this crepey skin started just in the center of my chin and slowly spread to the whole chin. My last facialist said she didn't understand why it wasn't on my whole face...Luckily! Wish you could see it...maybe if you send me a pm I could send you the photos?

Thanks for any help.
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Mon Jun 03, 2013 8:07 am      Reply with quote
It wouldnt let me send you a pm...hmm,
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Mon Jun 03, 2013 8:09 am      Reply with quote
oh ys it did! sorry! hahaha
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Mon Jun 03, 2013 8:13 am      Reply with quote
so i got your email...that was not what I was expecting haha..I don't really know what that is?And to be honest its not too bad either but I guess your best bet would b to see a derm. I'm really sorry I cant help really:(
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Mon Jun 03, 2013 9:44 am      Reply with quote
Thanks for trying anyway Smile
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Mon Jun 03, 2013 2:52 pm      Reply with quote
Keratosis Piraris, I thought I'd look at the pics again...I came to the point that you might have this, I'm sure you can google a picture,here below I found a site that listed a description and treatment options...if this isnt it I'm sorry, but this is what it looked liked to me:

It is a common skin disease that is characterized by formation of hard plugs inside the hair follicles. This is an annoying condition but not usually serious in nature. It commonly affects children and often resolves in adults with increasing age. However, some individuals suffer from a serious form of this disorder that persists for most part of their lives.

The condition makes the skin look bumpy and occasionally red in appearance. The lumps are small in size and about the magnitude of a grain of sand. These are usually skin-colored in appearance but can also be red and swollen at times. Sometimes, the region around the bumps appears slightly pinkish. The acne-like humps are painless though itchy at times.

Picture 1 – Keratosis Pilaris
The disease is quite similar to another condition known as Pustular acne. Unlike Pustular acne, however, Keratosis pilaris bumps arise on rough, dry skin patches and are smaller in size.
The bumps caused by the disease may show an improvement, particularly during the summer season, only to deteriorate at a later time. This is proved by the fact that the disease generally worsens in winter and often clears up during the summer months. Generally, these humps show a gradual resolution even in the absence of any treatment.
Keratosis Pilaris Location

The lumps generally appear on the legs, thigh, outer upper arms and buttocks. However, it may also arise on the face and look similar to acne lesions. When arising on the face, the bumps may leave scars unlike in cases where they originate over other areas of the body. In mild cases, tiny bumps, which look like “goose bumps,” are seen on the back (posterior region) of the upper arms. When touched, the surface of the papules feels like extremely coarse sandpaper. Single bumps are tiny, skin-colored lesions that form inside hair follicles (openings).
Keratosis Pilaris Causes

The condition usually results from the accumulation of a type of hard protein in the skin known as Keratin. It protects the skin from infection and harmful materials. The buildup of this protein leads to the formation of scaly plugs within the hair follicles. The plugs obstruct the opening of the hair follicles. Generally, multiple plugs are formed which give rise to rough patches and bumps over the skin surface.
It is not clear why there is an accumulation of the keratin protein. The buildup is generally supposed to be associated with underlying genetic disorders or underlying skin conditions like Atopic Dermatitis and Ichthyosis Vulgaris. A hereditary association is often suspected as the disorder is found to affect generations of the same family. However, it also originates in people who are healthy otherwise.
It is not definitely known whether people with dry skin are truly susceptible to this disease, as is commonly suspected. However, dry skin tends to deteriorate this condition. It is more common in individuals who have very dry skin. It is also found to affect patients of Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema).
Keratosis Pilaris Risk Factors

The condition is quite common in young kids. However, it may affect individuals of any age group. As aforesaid, the condition has some associations with disorders like Ichthyosis Vulgaris and Atopic Dermatitis. People with dry skin are also susceptible to this disorder.
Keratosis Pilaris Diagnosis

Usually, physical examination by a health care provider is enough to make a diagnosis of this ailment. In normal cases, testing is not necessary. No skin test or laboratory examination is commonly conducted to identify the disease. Doctors typically rely on an examination of the skin and a consideration of the medical history of the patient. Dermatologists are usually able to detect the condition by examining the “horny plugs” or the little skin plugs formed by an accumulation of keratin. Patients may also be asked about the signs and symptoms that they are experiencing.
Once the disease is identified, medical treatment is usually unnecessary. Medications are not prescribed unless the lumps caused by the condition are too bad to look at.
Keratosis Pilaris Differential Diagnosis

The differential diagnosis of Keratosis Pilaris aims at distinguishing the disease from other condition that produces similar symptoms, such as
Atopic dermatitis
Acne vulgaris
Eruptive vellus hair cysts
Erythromelanosis follicularis faciei et colli
Keratosis follicularis (Darier’s disease)
Keratosis pilaris rubra
Kyrle’s disease
Lichen spinulosus
Lichen nitidus
Perforating folliculitis
Keratosis Pilaris Treatment

Usually, there is no need to cure this condition. Treatment is usually necessary in cases where the skin surface looks extremely displeasing due to the presence of lumps caused by this disorder. Even when cure is required, the disease is found impossible to be resolved through a single treatment. This is because there is an absence of a specific cure for this disorder. Treatment options usually include medicated creams and self-care measures that aim at softening the keratin lumps on the skin and improving the bumpy appearance of the skin.
Treatment of Keratosis Pilaris can involve several medications, such as:
Topical exfoliants

These are medicated creams consisting of urea or salicylic, alpha-hydroxy or lactic acid that help soften and moisturize dry skin. This helps loosen and take out dead skin cells. Topical exfoliant creams are categorized into prescription and over-the-counter medicines based on their strength. Your doctor can provide valuable advice on which type of cream should work best for your skin. However, it is not recommended to use these creams on the skin of young children as the acids presents in these creams may result in irritation, stinging or redness in the skin surface.
Topical corticosteroids

These are anti-inflammatory medications that suppress the immune system and help reduce cell turnover. Usually, Hydrocortisone or derivatives are recommended for treating widespread patches and sensitive areas such as the face. These are corticosteroid ointments of low strength. Doctors generally prescribe corticosteroids for short-term cure of the condition and alleviating the symptoms on a temporary basis. Stronger corticosteroid creams, when used for a long time, can cause side-effects such as thinning of the skin. They may also cause localized irritation itching or burning symptoms. Naturally, they are not used for long-term cure.
Topical retinoids

Derived from vitamin A, retinoids work by promoting cell turnover and preventing the plugging of the hair follicle. Retinoids may be an effective treatment, but they can cause bothersome skin irritations, such as severe dryness, redness and peeling. Tretinoin (Retin-A Micro, Avita) and tazarotene (Tazorac) are examples of topical retinoids.
Regular use of a medication may help improve the appearance of the skin. However, the condition often returns on stopping its usage. Even with medical cure, the condition tends to prevail for years.
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Mon Jun 03, 2013 2:52 pm      Reply with quote
Keratosis Piraris, I thought I'd look at the pics again...I came to the point that you might have this, I'm sure you can google a picture,here below I found a site that listed a description and treatment options...if this isnt it I'm sorry, but this is what it looked liked to me:

It is a common skin disease that is characterized by formation of hard plugs inside the hair follicles. This is an annoying condition but not usually serious in nature. It commonly affects children and often resolves in adults with increasing age. However, some individuals suffer from a serious form of this disorder that persists for most part of their lives.

The condition makes the skin look bumpy and occasionally red in appearance. The lumps are small in size and about the magnitude of a grain of sand. These are usually skin-colored in appearance but can also be red and swollen at times. Sometimes, the region around the bumps appears slightly pinkish. The acne-like humps are painless though itchy at times.

Picture 1 – Keratosis Pilaris
The disease is quite similar to another condition known as Pustular acne. Unlike Pustular acne, however, Keratosis pilaris bumps arise on rough, dry skin patches and are smaller in size.
The bumps caused by the disease may show an improvement, particularly during the summer season, only to deteriorate at a later time. This is proved by the fact that the disease generally worsens in winter and often clears up during the summer months. Generally, these humps show a gradual resolution even in the absence of any treatment.
Keratosis Pilaris Location

The lumps generally appear on the legs, thigh, outer upper arms and buttocks. However, it may also arise on the face and look similar to acne lesions. When arising on the face, the bumps may leave scars unlike in cases where they originate over other areas of the body. In mild cases, tiny bumps, which look like “goose bumps,” are seen on the back (posterior region) of the upper arms. When touched, the surface of the papules feels like extremely coarse sandpaper. Single bumps are tiny, skin-colored lesions that form inside hair follicles (openings).
Keratosis Pilaris Causes

The condition usually results from the accumulation of a type of hard protein in the skin known as Keratin. It protects the skin from infection and harmful materials. The buildup of this protein leads to the formation of scaly plugs within the hair follicles. The plugs obstruct the opening of the hair follicles. Generally, multiple plugs are formed which give rise to rough patches and bumps over the skin surface.
It is not clear why there is an accumulation of the keratin protein. The buildup is generally supposed to be associated with underlying genetic disorders or underlying skin conditions like Atopic Dermatitis and Ichthyosis Vulgaris. A hereditary association is often suspected as the disorder is found to affect generations of the same family. However, it also originates in people who are healthy otherwise.
It is not definitely known whether people with dry skin are truly susceptible to this disease, as is commonly suspected. However, dry skin tends to deteriorate this condition. It is more common in individuals who have very dry skin. It is also found to affect patients of Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema).
Keratosis Pilaris Risk Factors

The condition is quite common in young kids. However, it may affect individuals of any age group. As aforesaid, the condition has some associations with disorders like Ichthyosis Vulgaris and Atopic Dermatitis. People with dry skin are also susceptible to this disorder.
Keratosis Pilaris Diagnosis

Usually, physical examination by a health care provider is enough to make a diagnosis of this ailment. In normal cases, testing is not necessary. No skin test or laboratory examination is commonly conducted to identify the disease. Doctors typically rely on an examination of the skin and a consideration of the medical history of the patient. Dermatologists are usually able to detect the condition by examining the “horny plugs” or the little skin plugs formed by an accumulation of keratin. Patients may also be asked about the signs and symptoms that they are experiencing.
Once the disease is identified, medical treatment is usually unnecessary. Medications are not prescribed unless the lumps caused by the condition are too bad to look at.
Keratosis Pilaris Differential Diagnosis

The differential diagnosis of Keratosis Pilaris aims at distinguishing the disease from other condition that produces similar symptoms, such as
Atopic dermatitis
Acne vulgaris
Eruptive vellus hair cysts
Erythromelanosis follicularis faciei et colli
Keratosis follicularis (Darier’s disease)
Keratosis pilaris rubra
Kyrle’s disease
Lichen spinulosus
Lichen nitidus
Perforating folliculitis
Keratosis Pilaris Treatment

Usually, there is no need to cure this condition. Treatment is usually necessary in cases where the skin surface looks extremely displeasing due to the presence of lumps caused by this disorder. Even when cure is required, the disease is found impossible to be resolved through a single treatment. This is because there is an absence of a specific cure for this disorder. Treatment options usually include medicated creams and self-care measures that aim at softening the keratin lumps on the skin and improving the bumpy appearance of the skin.
Treatment of Keratosis Pilaris can involve several medications, such as:
Topical exfoliants

These are medicated creams consisting of urea or salicylic, alpha-hydroxy or lactic acid that help soften and moisturize dry skin. This helps loosen and take out dead skin cells. Topical exfoliant creams are categorized into prescription and over-the-counter medicines based on their strength. Your doctor can provide valuable advice on which type of cream should work best for your skin. However, it is not recommended to use these creams on the skin of young children as the acids presents in these creams may result in irritation, stinging or redness in the skin surface.
Topical corticosteroids

These are anti-inflammatory medications that suppress the immune system and help reduce cell turnover. Usually, Hydrocortisone or derivatives are recommended for treating widespread patches and sensitive areas such as the face. These are corticosteroid ointments of low strength. Doctors generally prescribe corticosteroids for short-term cure of the condition and alleviating the symptoms on a temporary basis. Stronger corticosteroid creams, when used for a long time, can cause side-effects such as thinning of the skin. They may also cause localized irritation itching or burning symptoms. Naturally, they are not used for long-term cure.
Topical retinoids

Derived from vitamin A, retinoids work by promoting cell turnover and preventing the plugging of the hair follicle. Retinoids may be an effective treatment, but they can cause bothersome skin irritations, such as severe dryness, redness and peeling. Tretinoin (Retin-A Micro, Avita) and tazarotene (Tazorac) are examples of topical retinoids.
Regular use of a medication may help improve the appearance of the skin. However, the condition often returns on stopping its usage. Even with medical cure, the condition tends to prevail for years.
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Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:42 pm      Reply with quote
Thanks so much! I never thought about any thing like that! Thought it was just age, but it matches a lot of what is written.

Going to try the Renova 0.05 and see if it does anything as the last paragraph speaks about that. Will put the cerve cream on top of it. Do you think that's the best moisturizer to use with Renova?

You've been most helpful and I really appreciate it SmileSmile
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Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:20 pm      Reply with quote
No problem, and yes that sounds like a good place to start, I say use the Renova and use whatever moisturizer you would like,it really depends on how dry it is.My personal preference is that I really like putting oils on my skin,but if you dont have that dry of skin use something like a serum or light cream. Cerve is recommended by most derms but I never really liked it.
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