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Hair Emergency (extremely fried)
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Wed Mar 01, 2006 10:05 pm      Reply with quote
Hello. My roomie is having a hair disaster worse than I have ever seen. She used to have hair almost to the middle of her back, but within a week it has split to above her shoulders! She put toner too long in her hair and it has been fried beyond compare. It is also bleached platinum blonde, so it was never that good of shape anyway!

I need the BEST conditioner available.. this is a serious disaster. All of her hairs are split and it looks like a frizzball even with tons of smoothing serum. I have heard Kerastase is good but she doesn't want to spend that much until she hears more about it. I let her use my peppermint mask from Tigi but it didn't really help.

If anyone could recommend some products that would be great and much appreciated.

Thanks! Embarassed
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Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:13 pm      Reply with quote
good old v05 hot oil maybe?

Combination - dehyrdated, acne, sensitive, late 20's.
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Thu Mar 02, 2006 1:59 am      Reply with quote
the best thing i've found so far is a combination of Fekkai's overnight repair system (it's about 150+ dollars). Put a little bit every night before going to bed and the next morning wash your hair with the new Pantene pro v restorative anti breakage and conditioner.
Since your hair is really fried i suggest to wash it every other day. The Fekkai conditioner won't make your hair look greasy in the morning anyhow because it's immediately absorbed. I sometime put it on and the next day don't wash my hair.
It took a few weeks but my hair stop breaking.
You can find the new pantene in any drug store and i found the fekkai at neiman marcus

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Thu Mar 02, 2006 2:08 am      Reply with quote
Just checking.. by "split" do you mean broken off or do you mean in the way of split ends?

Wouldn't it be best to visit a salon and have the split hairs trimmed off (or the hair trimmed neatly above the breaks)? I know this means she will go from very long to fairly short hair.. but it would seem the best place to start..

I had the same thing happen to me when I had my first perm at 14 and I was devastated ... I looked like a cross between a French Poodle and Michael Jackson in his big afro days. For the life of me I cannot remember what we did.. I think I just had to live with it or else went and had some trimming done. But a lot of my "underneath" hairs were burned back to like 2 inches long. She has my total sympathy!!
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Thu Mar 02, 2006 6:54 am      Reply with quote
Whenever I feel my hair is looking fried, I like to warm some extra virgin olive oil~(and who doesn't have a bunch of that sitting around???).. sometimes I even use some left over oil from my OCM (EVOO & castor oil) and use it as a hot oil treatment. I leave it on about an hour, my hair always looks great after that ~no frizzies!!! It sounds like your friend needs a trim first. GOOD LUCK!!

46 yrs old, I live at the beach and love being out in the sun.
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Thu Mar 02, 2006 6:55 am      Reply with quote
Okay, I seriously fried my hair about six weeks ago to the point were it felt sticky when it was wet! Shock It was so bad that I was actually afraid that I’d have to cut it all off and then begin to grow it back out again.

I’d been trying everything I could think of, all the high dollar conditioning treatments plus my own remedies. In desperation, I used a bit of Biolage Ultra-Hydrating Conditioning Balm that I found, long forgotten, stuck in the cabinet under the bathroom sink and it made a huge difference after only one application.

For me to recommend this product is a wonderment in itself because I have gone on the record here and on MUA several times stating that Biolage Cond Balm was crap and that it did absolutely nothing for my hair. Now I have to eat my words because this product literally SAVED my hair!!!

I think part of the reason that I wrote this product off in the past was because the Cond Balm doesn’t contain copious amounts of silicones which mostly serve to make the hair shaft feel slick and slippery, thereby fostering the impression that it has completely “healed” the damage to your hair because it no longer feels all rough and nasty, when – in fact – all those products were doing was temporarily coating the hair with silicones to disguise the damage rather than correct it.

Sure enough, the first time I used the Cond Balm this time, when I rinsed it out my immediate first thought was, “I knew this was a waste of time – my hair doesn’t feel conditioned at all!” But after I towel dried and began to apply my pre-blowdrying styling products, I could see and feel an immediate difference in the health of my hair. After a week of using it (twice as a deep conditioning treatment and the rest of the time as a usual after-shampoo conditioner), the damage to my hair was almost completely repaired.

I owe this Biolage miracle a most humble apology and I take back every bad thing I ever said it and I can confidently and with a completely clear conscious recommend this product to others!

Über-oily,semi-sensitive, warm/fair-skinned redhead, 38...Will swap/shop for members outside U.S. and/or make homemade skincare products upon demand-PM me for details.
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Thu Mar 02, 2006 7:02 am      Reply with quote
Chrissie wrote:
Whenever I feel my hair is looking fried, I like to warm some extra virgin olive oil~(and who doesn't have a bunch of that sitting around???).. sometimes I even use some left over oil from my OCM (EVOO & castor oil) and use it as a hot oil treatment. I leave it on about an hour, my hair always looks great after that ~no frizzies!!! It sounds like your friend needs a trim first. GOOD LUCK!!
This is great advice too, but just be aware that after you apply a protein treatment like the V05 hot oil treatment or the homemade variety that Chrissie mentioned above, you absolutely must immediately use a super moisturizing treatment afterward. If you don’t do this, your hair will feel even more straw-like afterwards...think of it like this: you use the hot oil treatment to “feed” your hair and make it healthy, but you also need to “water” your hair to keep it hydrated!

So get your friend to use a hot oil treatment, then have her follow it with the Biolage Ultra-hydrating Conditioning Balm and leave it on for at least 20 minutes (the longer the better) before rinsing it off.

Über-oily,semi-sensitive, warm/fair-skinned redhead, 38...Will swap/shop for members outside U.S. and/or make homemade skincare products upon demand-PM me for details.
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Thu Mar 02, 2006 8:39 am      Reply with quote
Where can I get the Biolage? I need some too!
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Thu Mar 02, 2006 8:54 am      Reply with quote
lily wrote:
Where can I get the Biolage? I need some too!
Anywhere that sells Matrix/Biolage hair care products. You can find it in most mid-priced salons, including places like "SuperCuts" or "Trade Secret" salons in the malls. I know you can definitely get them at JC Penneys salons, as that is where I got mine. You can also find it at Ulta stores.

Über-oily,semi-sensitive, warm/fair-skinned redhead, 38...Will swap/shop for members outside U.S. and/or make homemade skincare products upon demand-PM me for details.
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Thu Mar 02, 2006 12:23 pm      Reply with quote

Try using pureology on your friend. The nano treatment is what really helped my hair.
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Fri Mar 03, 2006 8:24 pm      Reply with quote
Hello, thanks for all of your advice. I also bleach my hair so I just might take some of it. My roomie got a cute choppy cut and dyed her hair brown. She said it felt better immediately.

Carekate, I love your posts on this forum. They have saved me so much worry and money. I bought some zinc supplements in hope of improving my hair and skin condition. I just bought some Biolage balm on ebay because it wouldn't hurt if my hair felt healthier either. I will also look into the olive oil and pureology treatments because they sound interesting... Thank you all.
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Mon Mar 13, 2006 1:39 pm      Reply with quote
Another good product line for really dry hair is AVEDA SAP MOSS. They make a pre shampoo product that is really good to use prir to washing. The shampoo is really gentle and moisterizing. The condtioner does a great job as well. The three step process, recovered my hair from being so dry from a thyroid problem and from coloring. I'm sold!!
The Jerk
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Fri Mar 17, 2006 12:28 pm      Reply with quote
Wow too bad!!

But it might not be a bad time to go can now buy cheap clippers in many shops...they are widely available...and clip back to the scalp!!!

Good luck!! wave

And don't wont look like this.. Sad
but be happy and confident and try to look more like this Surprised
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Thu Mar 23, 2006 9:49 pm      Reply with quote
Over 2 years ago I went to a ridiculously high priced salon to have highlights. They cooked my hair. It was very long, mid back & healthy. Of course I wanted tonnes of highlights. It was coming out in handfulls and the evil hair washer was trying to put it in a garbage near by, thinking I wasn't going to notice. Tip learned the hard way, Never let a hairstylist highlight your hair where it has already been highlighted. Threaten them if you have to.

I tried tonnes of stuff, egg yolkes & mayo, beer, sleeping in conditioner but once it breaks it breaks.

Don't worry though there is some hope. "Angel Hair dust trims" (2-3cms) every 3 weeks helps, Stop brushing your hair, it will break, Use your fingers and treat it like a baby. Do not blow dry it, sleep with hair up in a scrunchy, (I know, totally not hot) but it seriously helps. Gently use a pic in your hair. It is so fragile when wet! For products, its wierd but over the counter Infusium shampoo, conditioner, & leave in spray is the absolute best.When your hair is wet and after wash & condition, use the Infusium conditioner (dime size amount) and leave it in your hair. If you need to go to bed with wet or damp hair, cause you have given up blowdrying, take a big velco roller put it on top of your head and secure with a soft, soft, scrunchie. My hair looks set in the morning then. If all else fails.....

Loose 1 inch, with very sharp scissors. Seal the ends with conditioner.

If it totally is impossible to follow for you, and for while me too, I tried Cinderella hair extensions. They cost me about 1000. But I tell you they are unreal, they dont hurt your hair & my hair grows good now. It helped me out while it grew out.
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Wed Mar 29, 2006 10:15 pm      Reply with quote
i am a district mgr for a major retail salon cif you use joico kpak reconshain and also have fried my hair Smile
joico kpac reconstructor is the best for damaged hair by far! u shampoo towel dry(thats the trick for all conditioner and style products. roughs up the cuticle and product absorbs better) apply kapc leave a few mins rinse towel dry again apply kpac rinse towel dry again apply kpac leave a few towel dry and apply a really good moisterizer. its a miracle! my hair was falling out from bleach and it totally stopped. u only do this 1x a month too much protein is bad. alterna cavier shampoo and conditioner to maintain is awesome too! tammymamtam
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Wed Mar 29, 2006 10:17 pm      Reply with quote
sorry didnt spell check that joico kpac reconstrutor tammymamtam
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Wed Mar 29, 2006 10:19 pm      Reply with quote
damn! i still spelled wrong : Laughing
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Wed Jun 14, 2006 8:10 pm      Reply with quote
If you use the OCM on your hair, what ratio do you use? My OCM is 25CO/75EVOO for dry skin if I use this will it make my hair oily? What if you use the DIY of EVOO and honey conditioner treatment would you then still need to do a conditioning treatment like biolage or would that be overkill?

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Tue Apr 02, 2013 6:05 am      Reply with quote

My hair has been damaged very badly because of using my flat iron (straightener) ! I have no clue what to do with it. I have natural curly/wavy hair , but since I straighten it everyday if want curl right , or even when I try to scrunch my hair , it just flattens back down. I have horrible frizzy ends when I finish blow drying my hair. It makes me want to cry ! I had to get it cut off 3 inches , but my hair isn't but like a medium length long. If anyone has any solution to help my hair or knows anything I could do to my hair until it gets better ! Please help ! (:

Anna (:
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