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Thu Nov 16, 2006 5:10 pm      Reply with quote
I'm debating on whether or not to dive into the world of cosmetic dentistry. I'm really torn and thought I'm ask to see if anyone here has done this or thought of doing this. I had braces years ago but never kept up with the retainer so my teeth have drifted. I've been thinking of doing Invisalign for a few years now. I started talking to my last dentist about it but I needed to find another dentist before we really explored the idea. My new dentist just happens to be a cosmetic dentist as well as doing general dentistry. He came highly recommended by several people at work. I've only seen him for about 1 year but so far I really like him. Being that he’s a cosmetic dentist he of course brought up Invisalign.

According to him (and my last dentist) I have too many spaces to just do Invisalign. Invisalign would straighten out my teeth and distribute the spaces so that they can be filled with veneers. I'd need veneers for my 6 top front teeth. My teeth are also quite small and I have a lot of gums. My dentist says the veneers would make them a bit bigger and he could trim back some of the excess gums to lengthen them even more.

When I found out how much this would all cost ($9000) I put the whole idea on the back burner. No way I’m spending that on any cosmetic procedure! Shock Shock Shock Besides, I had just gotten engaged and we’re paying for the wedding ourselves.

Fast forward to last week, I go in for a cleaning. Dr mentioned that if I want this to be done in time for my wedding I have to start now. I also find out that I’ll only have to pay for the Invisalign now and the veneers in about 10 months. That gives me time to save and they also have a 12 months same as cash which makes it definitely doable. I went over my finances and it’s definitely something that can be done. I spoke to my fiancé about it. I was really hoping he’d talk me out of it but instead he just pointed out that I really could afford it without going into debt or sacrificing the wedding plans. He said if it makes me feel better then I should go for it. That wasn't what I needed to hear Rolling Eyes

I’ve always hated my smile. I make a huge effort not to show my teeth when I smile if there’s a camera around. I can’t imagine trying not to smile too big on my wedding day. Even without the wedding it’s something I’ve hated for many years and I don’t think I’ll just get over it.

I was all set to do it but I wanted to do more research about veneers. Turns out they have a life span of 10-15 years. So, I’d have to have them redone again down the road! I'm only 29. I haven’t talked to my Dr about that part but plan to.

Oh, man!! I can’t believe I’m actually considering this! I had a dream last night that I did it but it all back fired and my teeth ended up being ruined! It was payback for being so vain. Someone please tell me I’m not nuts… or tell me I am nuts. Has anyone had cosmetic dentistry or any other cosmetic procedure done? Was it worth it?
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Thu Nov 16, 2006 8:02 pm      Reply with quote
Hi have had braces too. And recently the top have drifted and i have alittle gap in front teeth.
What are Invisalign???
How about getting your teeth whiten. I know i would feel more confident with whiter teeth.
People have said gosmile works.
Good luck Very Happy

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Fri Nov 17, 2006 10:05 am      Reply with quote
MarciaNZ wrote:
Hi have had braces too. And recently the top have drifted and i have alittle gap in front teeth.
What are Invisalign???
How about getting your teeth whiten. I know i would feel more confident with whiter teeth.
People have said gosmile works.
Good luck Very Happy

Invisalign is a system of clear removable retainers that you change out every two weeks. It's a way to straighten teeth with out getting braces. I could try whitening them. I really want to do this but I know I really shouldn't. It's like having the cartoon angel and devil on my shoulders going back and forth.
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Fri Nov 17, 2006 11:21 am      Reply with quote
I just wanted to add my two cents...

If you can afford it and you feel that it will make you feel much better, I say go for it. I had braces when I was younger, also wasn't good about wearing my retainers (plus my wisdom teeth came in FAST), and now my bottom teeth are very crooked. I tend to get embarassed when smiling now, and that shouldn't be. I'm getting a series of cavities filled now, but am really going to look into getting braces again (at least on the bottom) when I'm done with that.

I'm getting married next year, too, and am impressed that this could all be done for you before your wedding. It sounds like it would make you feel much better for your big day (and the rest of your life).

Anyway, I'm definitely not an advocate of people feeling like they need to be perfect, but again, it sounds like it will make you feel better and it's within your budget, so it sounds like a really good opportunity.

Best wishes on whatever decision you decide to make. (And if you decide to get them done, you know you've got to post your smile pics here for all of us to see! Very Happy ).

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Fri Nov 17, 2006 6:57 pm      Reply with quote
I would also say to go for it if you can afford it - it will make you feel much more confident (especially if at the moment you try not to smile too broadly).

About veneers: I have my two top front teeth veneered and yes, when the dentist did them he did say that they had a life of about 10 years. But that was nearly 18 years ago... You don't have to have them taken off and replaced if nothing is wrong with them. Just don't go opening bottles with your teeth! Laughing I would imagine that techniques are even better these days, too.

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Sat Nov 18, 2006 7:49 pm      Reply with quote
Cesce wrote:

About veneers: I have my two top front teeth veneered and yes, when the dentist did them he did say that they had a life of about 10 years. But that was nearly 18 years ago... You don't have to have them taken off and replaced if nothing is wrong with them. Just don't go opening bottles with your teeth! Laughing I would imagine that techniques are even better these days, too.

It makes me feel much better reading this! I was expecting them to start crumbling after ten years. I've been disecting my smile in the mirror for the past week, trying decide if my insecurities about my teeth are worth $9000. There's a saying at work, "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should." That keeps playing in my mind.

I've made a list of questions to ask my dentist on Monday. Hopefully the answers will point me in the right direction. Thank you everyone for the input.
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Tue Dec 12, 2006 8:46 pm      Reply with quote
I know this post might be a little late, but here is my "professional" opinion.
I worked in the dental industry for 6 years, and was well on my way to becoming a dentist (I was a Certified Dental Assistant with a specialization in orthodontics, prostodontics and implant surgery) until I realized i would much rather be a scientist.

If all you are worried about are the small gaps and drifting of your teeth I would not get veneers. Sure they look good, but you are sacrificing your healthy teeth. The process of getting a veneer involves shaving down your present healthy teeth and glueing something similar to a false finger nail on top.

It can be painful- some people have temperature senstitivity so extreme that it hurts for them to even breathe in air from their mouth. As well the color of your veneers won't change, but the color of your natural teeth will with time. So your veneers will become more obvious as you grow older (you can't bleach veneers).

Also it sounds like your DDS wants to do some gum surgery on you as well, if you have healthy gums, why take the chance of getting an infection that may potentially take months or years to heal?

If I was you I would just look at my orthodontic options- and bleach my teeth. I had the same problem as you, my top two front teeth drifted b/c I didn't wear my retaininer all the time. I got my friend (a dentist) to just do an occlusal adjustment- meaning he just shaved down ever so slightly the tips of my teeth to make everything more even. Or you can ask your dentist about "Bonding" this is a much cheaper alternative and is usually covered by dental insurance. I'm not sure what your teek look like so I can't say if this would be and alternative for you or not.

It is a bit extreme to get veneers for a gummy smile and slightly crooked teeth- but if you want a fast fix I guess thats what you should do then.
I really hope your dentists tell you of all of the pros and CONS involved with veneers. And I hope that he is a really good dentist- make sure you see pictures of his work first, especially ask to see cases where he has done the gum surgery and the veneers.

I hate to sound so pessimistic, but I am sure you will make the right decision for yourself. If you think it will change your life for the better- then go for it!
Good luck!
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Tue Dec 12, 2006 9:54 pm      Reply with quote
Hi, just came accross your topic on Cosmetic Dentistry and your thoughts on whether to do veneers or not, and wanted to give you my 2 cents.

I wanted my teeth lengthened because I was grinding my teeth at night, and ended up getting veneers by a well-known highly recommended dentist in town, and I have to say I HATE THEM! They look FAKE to me and now that I have them they are permanent and I can't fix them!

In my opinion natural teeth look prettiest and I would give anything to have my short teeth back!!!!
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Tue Dec 12, 2006 10:04 pm      Reply with quote
This is all very interesting and extremely informative. I've been considering cosmetic dentistry for some time but don't know anything about, yet. My teeth are very widely spaced, crooked and are in strange sizes; ex. top two front teeth look huge to me and the two bottom front teeth are still my "baby" teeth. Yep. That's right, 56 years old and have very tiny teeth on the bottom.

From what I just read, veneers aren't gonna do it for me. Looks like I need to do a lot of research.


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Thu Dec 14, 2006 2:28 am      Reply with quote
Veneers can last a really long time (mine are 10+ years old no probs so far, knock on wood!)

But you REALLY have to be just insanely diligent about oral hygeine! My dentist makes all his patients get a waterpik and a sonicare toothbrush so their veneers stay in good shape and last a long time.

Or if neglected, cavities under the veneers could be bad!

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Thu Dec 14, 2006 8:58 pm      Reply with quote
I've been interested in veneers for a couple of years, ever since my dentist told me I grind my teeth. I must do a really good job of grinding, because my smile is slanted -- the teeth on one side of my mouth are visibly shorter than on the other. I also come from a family whose members all have very small jaws, so packing the requisite number of teeth into an inadequate space means our teeth are anything but straight. BTW, a night guard to minimize further damage didn't work. I clamped down so hard on it during my sleep that I ended up fracturing a tooth. It became absessed, which necessitated a root canal and, finally, an extraction. And a bridge.

Guess I've watched too many Extreme Makeover shows, because I was under the naive impression that veneers could solve almost any dental dissatisfaction. Thank you all for the information -- it helps bring me back down to earth and take a more realistic look at the procedure. In spite of that, though, I've spent a lifetime being self-conscious about a number of appearance issues but, up until recently, could not afford to do much about them. I also spent a lot of time doing for other people and more or less neglecting myself. Not anymore, thankfully.

Those who love you will do so anyway, regardless of how you look. If changing something about your appearance will give you the increased freedom and confidence to shine like you ought to, I believe doing so demonstrates that you love yourself and are worthy of the same happiness you would wish for others.

Just my opinion, with hugs to all.
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Fri Dec 15, 2006 12:40 am      Reply with quote
I'm thinking of this same issue. I've had braces twice and full jaw surgery. Wore retainers for 6 yrs...the first 2 yrs all the time. My teeth have slightly moved. I have 3 crowns in the back. I have bleached my teeth several times. I've been on fertility hormones that have depleted my system causing a couple of gum line breaks at a couple of front teeth. I was told about visalign....over $5,000. From having braces twice before, I have a greater chance of stumping my roots. My gums receded alot from having braces. When I'm done with hormone treatment....I will definitely get veneers and crowns on the teeth that are not able to get veneers. I would choose "hollywood white", it's the whitest color and it's not on their color chart and they never stain! please be comfortable with your dentist, comparison shop , ask to see before and after pics. Good Luck!
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Mon Dec 18, 2006 10:10 am      Reply with quote
Sorry for not responding sooner but it's been a crazy week. I really appreciate everyone sharing their thoughts and experiences. It's given me some things to think about. I had impressions for Invisalign done last week. They're putting together a treatment plan to show me how my teeth will be moved and how long it'll take. Time is the key. If it can't be done in time then there's no point in worrying about it now. But as more time passes the more I doubt I'll go through with it now. It's the veneers that are holding me back. If it was just Invisalign then I'd have done it long ago.

My mom had cosmetic work on her teeth when I was young. Now that she's older you can definately tell that she had something done to her two top front teeth. I don't know the details but I know that if it can be fixed she just doesn't have the money to fix them.

Thanks again...
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Mon Dec 18, 2006 1:26 pm      Reply with quote
Hey! I would definitely think about veneers. Since I've had braces twice and have done everything that I'm supposed to do, my teeth have still shifted some. Veneers do not stain and can correct your teeth ....the veneers are facings on a tooth. Veneers last 10+ yrs and some way longer. Also, most people just get their first 6 teeth done...veneers range about $600 to $800 for each cheaper than braces. I absolutely love the idea of having straight extremely white teeth. Be sure to speak to a few dentists and ask for pics. Good luck! Since your mom had work has really progressed...very difficult to tell if they're veneers or crowns.
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Tue Dec 19, 2006 5:47 pm      Reply with quote
Here are a couple of sites that might be of interest for those considering veneers.

Personally I feel it is better to have your own natural teeth, everyone has different teeth and that is what gives us character!
But if you are really self concscious about them then do some research into the veneers.

I have probably helped put veneers on approximately 300 people, and most were very satsified- but about 20% of the people had a lot of senstivity after the procedure and wish they had never gotten them. Some people never got over the change- they felt like the looked too different and not like themselves with the new shape/shade of your teeth.

You do need to be extreeeemely diligent with your oral hygiene once you have the veneers, and please make sure you have a really good dentist, some dentist can really ruin the shape of your teeth, or leave unfilled microscopic edges between your natural tooth and your veneer- in this case it doesn't matter how much or how well you clean your teeth, bacteria will get through this edge and start growing underneath your veneer- this will either cause tooth decay, extremely bad breath, or both!
PS- the bad breath will not disappear until the veneer is replaced!

Also be careful what shade you choose for your teeth,- you need to match your lower teeth to your top teeth, and if you are going to bleach your teeth, make sure you do this prior to getting the veneers so the veneers can be matched to your bleached teeth. Don't make the mistake of choosing your color shade for your veneers first and then bleaching your other teeth to let them lighten up to the color of your veneers-your teeth most likely will not match the shade of your veneers. And watch out, don't be too tempted to get the HollyWood White! This shade actually looks like a bright white with light blue/gray on most people- take your complexion and the color of your gums into consideration. Also with this shade the teeth end up looking like chiclets, plus imagine how you would look under a black light!

If any of you do decide to get veneers, make sure that you are 100% happy with them before your dentist glues them on permanently! I always gave my patients a couple of days test run, where the veneers are cemented on temporarily and they can see how their family/friends feel about them, and also try see if they can still speak normally (sometimes the veneers will affect speach).
If they are happy with them- 2 days later we cement them on permanently, if they don't like them, we send them back to the lab and have them altered to exactly what they want.

This does not cost you any more $$$ and some dentists do not give you the option of doing this. But if you are forking out thousands of $$$ for this procedure, it is only fair that your dentist makes sure that you are 100% satisfied!

Good luck!
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Tue Dec 19, 2006 8:28 pm      Reply with quote
Great post Canadian Girl! Thanks!
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Tue Dec 19, 2006 9:19 pm      Reply with quote
Just remember what veneers did to Hilary Duff....
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Tue Dec 19, 2006 10:17 pm      Reply with quote
Very helpful information, Canadian Girl! My dentist suggested veneers for my upper 4 front teeth because I had braces as a child and strangely, the bonding and/or metal wires left divits in 2 of my teeth. To make the appearance more even, he suggested to do all 4.

My question to you is this: do you have any experience with "Lumineers"? They are supposed to be as thin as contact lenses and are placed over your existing teeth with little to no scraping or removing of tooth surface.

Here's a link:

They look very interesting. I'm sure they are very expensive!
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Wed Dec 20, 2006 8:37 am      Reply with quote
bex wrote:
Since your mom had work has really progressed...very difficult to tell if they're veneers or crowns.

What I meant with my mom is that she's at a point in her life where she can't afford to have them fixed. Her gums have receeded enough that her two front teeth (the ones she had work done on years ago) look really thick and unnatural. Plus with her age she has other dental work that needs to be done and fixing those two teeth are a luxury she can't afford. I'm only 29 so it's almost a certainty that I'll have to have the veneers redone at some point down the road. So, I worry that I might not have the means to do this again at that point.

Canadian Girl, thanks for the great post!
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Wed Dec 20, 2006 8:42 am      Reply with quote
edenfield wrote:
Just remember what veneers did to Hilary Duff....

See, here's what I don't understand. I mean, surely HD had access to the most elite and expensive dentists in Hollywood, no? So why does she look like she has a mouth full of chiclets now???

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Wed Dec 20, 2006 2:24 pm      Reply with quote
MermaidGirl wrote:
Very helpful information, Canadian Girl! My dentist suggested veneers for my upper 4 front teeth because I had braces as a child and strangely, the bonding and/or metal wires left divits in 2 of my teeth. To make the appearance more even, he suggested to do all 4.

My question to you is this: do you have any experience with "Lumineers"? They are supposed to be as thin as contact lenses and are placed over your existing teeth with little to no scraping or removing of tooth surface.

Here's a link:

They look very interesting. I'm sure they are very expensive!

Hi Mermaid Girl,
Actually the lumineers are a bit cheaper than the traditional porcelain veneer (most places about $200 cheaper per tooth). There is minimal or no tooth prep (shaving) involved, but it does add a bit of bulk to your teeth becuase of this reason.

Most of the Lumineers that people have placed on their teeth are not "contact lens" thin as claimed by the makers of lumineers, and most are only slightly thinner than a traditional veneer. Also they are more prone to breaking off than a traditional veneer because they don't have much retention- due to the lack or minimal tooth prep.

I would only reccomend lumineers to someone if they want to slightly change the shape of a few teeth- in your case the divits are a good reason. Or they are good if someone wants to change the shade of their teeth.

They are a poor choice if you have crooked teeth and want to align them by getting lumineers- if you want to do this you are better off getting the traditional veneers.

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Wed Dec 20, 2006 4:14 pm      Reply with quote
manslayerliz wrote:
edenfield wrote:
Just remember what veneers did to Hilary Duff....

See, here's what I don't understand. I mean, surely HD had access to the most elite and expensive dentists in Hollywood, no? So why does she look like she has a mouth full of chiclets now???

She said that she had weak teeth from taking antibiotics as a kid (I doubt that since her teeth were already bleached...and if she had been taking tetracycline they'd be a shade of grey). Anyways they chipped while she was on tour...

from all that "singing"...

and she had to get them fixed in some very small town. imo she could've spent the money on a plane ticket gone it done in los angeles and cancelled a tour date.
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Wed Dec 20, 2006 8:04 pm      Reply with quote
Canadian Girl wrote:
Hi Mermaid Girl,
Actually the lumineers are a bit cheaper than the traditional porcelain veneer (most places about $200 cheaper per tooth). There is minimal or no tooth prep (shaving) involved, but it does add a bit of bulk to your teeth becuase of this reason.

Most of the Lumineers that people have placed on their teeth are not "contact lens" thin as claimed by the makers of lumineers, and most are only slightly thinner than a traditional veneer. Also they are more prone to breaking off than a traditional veneer because they don't have much retention- due to the lack or minimal tooth prep.

I would only reccomend lumineers to someone if they want to slightly change the shape of a few teeth- in your case the divits are a good reason. Or they are good if someone wants to change the shade of their teeth.

Wow, that's inside information one is not likely to get from their dentist! Thanks, CG, most appreciated!

I don't want to change the shape of my teeth at all, but like everyone else, was thinking of having them whitened. The dentist told me to get bleached first, just like you said and then go in for a match on the veneers. She said not to go any whiter than the whites of your eyes, for a more natural look, but I just happen to have really white eyeballs!

I do NOT want traditional veneers, though - it would not be worth it to me to sacrifice perfectly healthy teeth to that kind of shaving /preparation. I might be a good candidate for the really thin Lumineers (if they even can actually be made that thin) because they would literally just fit over my existing teeth to cover the divits, which are like small dents right in the middle of 2 of my teeth!

Thanks for the info. I had NO idea they were less expensive, was just waiting to be told they were MORE expensive!
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Wed Dec 20, 2006 11:37 pm      Reply with quote
this is kind of gross, but may be helpful to those who have had braces or invisalign --
my orthodontist when I was a teenager insisted on this weird "operation" (awake, but with novocaine) called a fiberotomy where the doctor severs fibers in your gums. Apparently your teeth are attached to these fibers, which are what cause your teeth to move back to their original position after you've had braces. Apparently they pull your teeth back to the way they were, and that's one of the major reasons your teeth move years later.
The procedure took about half an hour and didn't hurt at all -- and I've had my braces off for 15 years with no retainer and they have not moved at all.
something to consider. I don't think it's widely done but I'm glad my orthodontist talked me into it.
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Wed Dec 20, 2006 11:45 pm      Reply with quote
That's interesting Waffle (not gross at all). I had an appointment with the orthodontist in my dentist's office because my bottom teeth have moved a bit. He recommended Invisalign because only a slight adjustment needs to be made. I want to catch it now before I end up with a real problem later in life. My top teeth haven't budged at all, thankfully! I'll have to see if this orthodontist knows about the procedure you had. If not, I'll find a new one (they're a dime a dozen around here).
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