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Sat Apr 28, 2018 8:18 am |
Hallo. Need your advice. I did Peta's face exercises about 2 month long. Then i stoped, because i did'nt like how my vertical lines on my forehead. look deeper, althou the horizontal dissapiert. Now its like 3 month after, and i am schockt. Lip lines, chin lines, eye lines. The skin has wrinkly Texture everywhere and don't want to schrink back. Im only 33. and it Hurts, burns, i cant move some musscles....my skin aged like 30 years? Does some one hat the some experience and can tell me what happent with skin after stopping doing exercises? |
Sun Apr 29, 2018 4:39 am |
Every time I see a thread like this, people always respond telling the op to continue on with another facial exercise regimen they trust. I think the line-of-thought is that when you stop the muscles settle into wrinkles and sagging.
I don't think there's been a lot of actual research on facial exercise for anti aging purposes. But it must be doing some kind of good, because everyone keeps praising it. I'm considering starting it up myself. I need to find a good regimen I trust too! |
Sun Apr 29, 2018 5:33 am |
AS long you exercises, you don't see any dammage. I looked plumped, shiny. The skin looked great. And in 3 Weeks time such a colabs. Unbelieveble... |
Sun Apr 29, 2018 8:37 am |
I am a long term exerciser and I started in my later years (50). Now I have seen many people with similar issues and we are often told that when you stop exercising that your face will revert back. Sadly this isn’t always the case.
It seems to happen with every program so there isn’t ever a one size fits all. However a lot of programs have support. For example Facercise you can email Carole Maggie and she has trainers. Likewise Flexeffect has trainers. Tom Haggerty has his own forum. Eva Fraser and Carolyn Cleaves both answer emails too.
So first thing I would highly recommend is making contact with Peta. She has a lot of knowledge and will definitely be the best person to ask first and foremost.
I wish you all the best and hope PETA can give you helpful advice.
Megi wrote: |
Hallo. Need your advice. I did Peta's face exercises about 2 month long. Then i stoped, because i did'nt like how my vertical lines on my forehead. look deeper, althou the horizontal dissapiert. Now its like 3 month after, and i am schockt. Lip lines, chin lines, eye lines. The skin has wrinkly Texture everywhere and don't want to schrink back. Im only 33. and it Hurts, burns, i cant move some musscles....my skin aged like 30 years? Does some one hat the some experience and can tell me what happent with skin after stopping doing exercises? |
Sun Apr 29, 2018 9:04 am |
Well, i do not want to fix this with facial exercises anymore, because obwiosly it is not for me. I did them correctly, before mirror, 50 x 3 weeks, 100x 3weeks not even 5x a Week, somethimes just only 3-4x a week, one week break end 2 level two Weeks and then i stopt. It kann be that i did cheek plumper wrong ( thats why lips and Chin wrinkles) but i did eyes exercises correctly... BUT Yes. Skin is attachet to the musscles, the musscles are not the some AS musscles in the Body. Stupid me. PETA didn't force me to do Them. She wants to help, but: never Tuch running system. I should never mess with my face.
It looks like i would have pixelt structur, line next to line, dry old bumpy skin. Noone else this experience? |
Mon Apr 30, 2018 3:40 am |
Dear Megi
I understand you completely but I would take Peta up on her help for sure. Many have been where you are and come out the other side, but you want to work with the program author of the system you used to fix this and she has a wealth of knowledge that I am sure will help you come out the other side. Don’t give up hope – its fixable.
I do wonder with facial exercises and young people. I came to them in my 50’s. I often shudder when I see youngsters doing them because I think why fix whats not broke. However I have seen many people under 30 doing all the systems out there and none of them really gets good results. However I truly wish you the very best and hope you get this rectified.
Megi wrote: |
Well, i do not want to fix this with facial exercises anymore, because obwiosly it is not for me. I did them correctly, before mirror, 50 x 3 weeks, 100x 3weeks not even 5x a Week, somethimes just only 3-4x a week, one week break end 2 level two Weeks and then i stopt. It kann be that i did cheek plumper wrong ( thats why lips and Chin wrinkles) but i did eyes exercises correctly... BUT Yes. Skin is attachet to the musscles, the musscles are not the some AS musscles in the Body. Stupid me. PETA didn't force me to do Them. She wants to help, but: never Tuch running system. I should never mess with my face.
It looks like i would have pixelt structur, line next to line, dry old bumpy skin. Noone else this experience? |
Thu Aug 16, 2018 7:11 pm |
Megi wrote: |
Hallo. Need your advice. I did Peta's face exercises about 2 month long. Then i stoped, because i did'nt like how my vertical lines on my forehead. look deeper, althou the horizontal dissapiert. Now its like 3 month after, and i am schockt. Lip lines, chin lines, eye lines. The skin has wrinkly Texture everywhere and don't want to schrink back. Im only 33. and it Hurts, burns, i cant move some musscles....my skin aged like 30 years? Does some one hat the some experience and can tell me what happent with skin after stopping doing exercises? |
Hi Megi, I am so surprised to hear this sort of reaction to the exercises. I note however you are not mentioning that you have "holes" as in your most recent post in another thread.
It is my belief that you did not do the exercises correctly and/or you did not follow the program and added your own exercises. This, from what you are describing sounds like you have done way too much and have truly damaged your skin. This is the only way this could have happened, because, the program is a balanced program, it only has 5-6 exercises per series and is why the repetitions are graduated so you are not doing too much. And, on top of that, i do say if you cant do 150, do 3 weeks of 50 and 3 of 100.
I know you are adamant that you have done them correctly, however, if the exercises brought this sort of damage, why would i do them and then tell others to do them? If the exercises did that, I wouldn't do them let alone tell others!
You are right, I did not make you do it, but you are required to watch the coaching videos that I create to stop this sort of thing happening. I have 260+ videos on the channel, and if people watched them it wouldn't happen.
I am so sorry and in fact horrified to hear this, and yes, you will need to get some treatment from a specialist, and stop any sort of anything to do with your face, including exercise and devices as you are saying that your face is itching and burning. I have never heard of this reaction, and I feel that there is possibly something here you are missing telling me because I have never heard this before. I hope this subsides soon for you!!! |
Tue Aug 21, 2018 1:17 pm |
Sorry Peta for my late post, but i want to take time. Print your message and answer slowly, because there is lot of misunderstanding going on.
Why i didn't contact you.
There is no mail where i could write, Skype due to time shift not possible, and commenting under youtube videos is not an option for me. My google account have my real name, i can't change it. I have big range of young friends sitting on youtube day and night. i do not want to comment under youtube videos. I search on Instagram,but there is not option to contact you as well.
Secondly, you can't help me, you didn't force me, and you will not pay me, and probably, you will blame me. I had few questions about my case, i could write other facialexercise coaches, because they have email address on Homepage, and they answered even i was not their case, and i realised very quickly, that something is rare and not common.
HOLES and NAILS. NOOOOOO, i didn't do my exercises with nails. For sure not.It would be not possible to do it with nails. Don=t you think? It was my Kids. They pointed me once, and the mark was not going away. So i made second mark with my nails next to it, and it was not going away. And i did mark on my Husband forehead, and it was gone in seconds. Well, he told me: everyone is different. And then i forgot about it. But after all, i started to recap. And this came back to me.
I do not see holes on my forehead, but on corners of my eyes, from Eye exercise.
My frontalis and vertical holes (not wrinkles, but holes or gaps). I had them already before i started facial exercises. I am very Slim, so you could see gaps in-between muscles under certain light. But for sure, as i Plumped the muscle, Gaps has no muscle, they were more noticeable. I didn=t like this effect for sure. And this was my first concern. And my 11 looked as well more prone. I wanted to continue facial exercises, because i hat results, but i didn=t wanted this gaps be more noticeable. Do i was thinking, that i am overextending??? NO, for sure not. Look at yourself from profile. Your frontalis is HUGE.
In Serie2, at Forehead exercise you say that this exercises will address vertical lines. So i thought, give it slowly a try. If i see positive changes, i can move on. If not, i will have to stop.
How much muscle effort. I pushed just so much, that I can lift muscle and not so much that i could cause any wrinkles. Without certain pusch, you can=t lift the muscle. And i was not trying to stretch my Skin as well. Although, you want Skin to stretch just a little bit, on Neck exercise. I did, just a little bit, and now, i have lose skin there.
I was trying to put on wait at this time. But i do veeeeery slowly. So i gain 1kg at this time.
I am not runner, not smoker, i do not drink.
I have 44kg, my face was slim an flat, but i hat some saging muscles on one side of my face.
Yes, i SOMETIMES (not every time, or mostly) SOMETIMES did just only CHEEk exercise from S2 and didn=t do CHEEK and Chin Exercise from S1. Well, i saw your CHEEK exercise from S2, where you say, it is ok to do once or the other, just not all of them, and i saw your Do your own routine video, and thought, i am not exercising twice the some muscle.
It would probably turn out as an mistake, I SEE, IF i would finished S2. But i didn=t. I did only 2 weeks of S2. So how i could overexcercise?????
I am little bit concern if i did this cheek exercise correctly. You say, you purs your lips, but not as Kiss,but more you press them together. well i saw from different coaches they often purs or press lips as well together. So it is not unnormal. But It was definitely the Cheek exercise which leads to my upper and lower lip lines. AND WHAt MORE, i can't do KISS motion with my lips anymore till today. IT is just not possible to purs my Lips to a KISS.
I actually did less, then you say it is save.
I did just only 50x 3 weeks and 100 3 weeks just only 3-4 time a week. And i know it. it was even hart for me to rich the 100 and i did only every second day.
Well, it is late, i didn=t answered everything, but i will do in next post probably on Thursday.
Thank you for stopping by and trying to answer. I have as well few questions.
Did you ever stoped to do FE for long period of time? How it feels, what you experienced at this time?
How long it takes until the muscles return to previous stage? |
Tue Aug 21, 2018 10:42 pm |
Hi Megi, no need to apologise.
I want to point out that I am not a Medical Doctor and do not hold myself to be one, I am a Beauty Therapist and is where I have garnered my knowledge. Therefore, I cannot comment on any pre existing medical problems you may have. I am attempting to understand what has happened to you according to my own knowledge and experience.
I also wish to point out that I do not discount anything you say that has happened to you, and believe that this is indeed what has happened to you and is very real. I acknowledge that it would be horrifying to say the least to have to live with daily.
I would also like to acknowledge that you clearly have done the exercises in the correct manner, but for the changing of the cheek exercises. I have no doubt, by your explanations that you followed it the best you could according to my instructions.
Quote: |
Why i didn't contact you.
There is no mail where i could write |
I have a number of places to contact me on both my websites, at the top of the page at the bottom of the page on the websites, just like any other website on the internet and on my Youtube channel and on Facebook. I am unsure as to why you could not see those links on the various sites.
Quote: |
HOLES and NAILS. NOOOOOO, i didn't do my exercises with nails. For sure not.It would be not possible to do it with nails. Don=t you think? It was my Kids. They pointed me once, and the mark was not going away. So i made second mark with my nails next to it, and it was not going away. And i did mark on my Husband forehead, and it was gone in seconds. Well, he told me: everyone is different. And then i forgot about it. But after all, i started to recap. And this came back to me. I do not see holes on my forehead, but on corners of my eyes, from Eye exercise. |
On a different thread you said that you had "nail imprints". I can only go on what you said. I am unsure as to why this happened to you, why the nail imprints disappeared on your husband immediately and not on you. It could be that you did not have much "adipose tissue" which is in "simple terms" the cushioning between our skin and protects our muscles and organs before you started facial exercises. See this link for more information - https://www.britannica.com/science/adipose-tissue.
Quote: |
My frontalis and vertical holes (not wrinkles, but holes or gaps). I had them already before i started facial exercises. I am very Slim, so you could see gaps in-between muscles under certain light. But for sure, as i Plumped the muscle, Gaps has no muscle, they were more noticeable. I didn=t like this effect for sure. And this was my first concern. And my 11 looked as well more prone. I wanted to continue facial exercises, because i hat results, but i didn=t wanted this gaps be more noticeable. Do i was thinking, that i am overextending??? NO, for sure not. Look at yourself from profile. Your frontalis is HUGE. |
I am unsure exactly what you mean by "horizontal gaps". It is becoming evident that you did not have alot of existing adipose tissue under your skin due to the fact that you say that you are a very slim build and your face was flat to begin with. Again, I can only go on what you are describing to me. You have said that you may not have been over extending and you appear by what you describe that you weren't. It could be that because of your existing condition, the gaps "as you call them" became more noticeable by doing the exercises exacerbated your problems. By this, I mean that a person with normal conditions, would not have had this response to the exercises.
Quote: |
How much muscle effort?. I pushed just so much, that I can lift muscle and not so much that i could cause any wrinkles. Without certain pusch, you can=t lift the muscle. And i was not trying to stretch my Skin as well. Although, you want Skin to stretch just a little bit, on Neck exercise. I did, just a little bit, and now, i have lose skin there.
I was trying to put on wait at this time. But i do veeeeery slowly. So i gain 1kg at this time.
I am not runner, not smoker, i do not drink.
I have 44kg, my face was slim an flat, but i hat some saging muscles on one side of my face.
Yes, i SOMETIMES (not every time, or mostly) SOMETIMES did just only CHEEk exercise from S2 and didn=t do CHEEK and Chin Exercise from S1. Well, i saw your CHEEK exercise from S2, where you say, it is ok to do once or the other, just not all of them, and i saw your Do your own routine video, and thought, i am not exercising twice the some muscle.
It would probably turn out as an mistake, I SEE, IF i would finished S2. But i didn=t. I did only 2 weeks of S2. So how i could overexcercise????? |
You obviously learned the correct technique and did the best with how I have instructed. The cheek exercise that I updated were specific finger placements that made the exercise easier. It was to be used in that Series to what suited you best comfort wise.
Quote: |
I am little bit concern if i did this cheek exercise correctly. You say, you purs your lips, but not as Kiss,but more you press them together. well i saw from different coaches they often purs or press lips as well together. So it is not unnormal. But It was definitely the Cheek exercise which leads to my upper and lower lip lines. AND WHAt MORE, i can't do KISS motion with my lips anymore till today. IT is just not possible to purs my Lips to a KISS. |
I can see that you did indeed watch and listen to what I instructed according to the video and tried your best to perform the exercise correctly.
Quote: |
I actually did less, then you say it is save.
I did just only 50x 3 weeks and 100 3 weeks just only 3-4 time a week. And i know it. it was even hart for me to rich the 100 and i did only every second day. |
If this is what you say you did, you did! I do indeed tell people if they cant reach 150 repetitions to just do 3 weeks x50 and 3 weeks x100.
At this stage, I honestly cannot comment on what has happened to you other than it is something to do with the adipose tissue under your skin and the fact that you say your face was flat. I know in a different thread I said that you were over exercising, however, giving these new comments from you, which were not exactly the same as you described in the other thread, I feel that this is the problem.
I am not here to defend my program, but here to acknowledge that this happened to you by doing the program and can only comment on what I feel has happened to you. In this instance, you are correct to go to a Specialist and to seek what has happened to you. Facial exercises are for people who are in good general health. I am not saying you were in bad health, I am saying that there had to have been a pre existing problem with your physiology for this to happen, because this is not the normal response to people who do facial exercises.
I would be very interested to hear what the specialist has said in response to what has happened to you.
Facial exercise is not for everyone and things can go wrong. I do understand that. Unfortunately you are a rare individual that this has happened to. This is not the normal response to facial exercise.
I feel by your explanations that you did indeed do them incorrectly to the best of my instructions. I feel the physiology of your facial skin and muscles was simply not for facial exercise.
My main concern now is that you find out what exactly has happened and that it can be repaired as this is not a normal response that people have experienced whilst practicing my program and I am truly sorry that this has been your experience.
Please Megi, keep me updated. |
Tue Aug 21, 2018 10:46 pm |
Sorry, after I posted I realised that I did not answer all your questions>
Yes I stopped my exercises for six weeks after I retured from China in 2015 due to exhaustion. All I did was sleep all that time, and did not bother with the exercises. This is my truth, and I do tell people about this. I have no problem with telling people, because I feel it helps people with their own struggle and journey.
After that time, I felt my face starting to sag again and started the exercises again from Series 1.
When I did that, for me, my facial muscles responded to the exercise and started lifting again.
My own journey, for me, is that I try to be as transparent as I can, and I have found when I have made mistakes, I learn from it, adjust and move on. This has been good for me, because I do indeed do my exercises, I do walk my talk. If I didnt I could not relate to people who follow my program, I could not say to them the pitfalls of it.
Please, keep me updated Megi. |
Thu Aug 23, 2018 3:10 am |
Facerobics wrote: |
I feel by your explanations that you did indeed do them incorrectly to the best of my instructions. I feel the physiology of your facial skin and muscles was simply not for facial exercise. |
Megi, I am sorry, in re reading this I meant to say that you did indeed to them (the exercises) correctly not incorrectly.
Apologies for the typo, just wanted to clarify it for you. |
Fri Aug 24, 2018 4:02 am |
I didn't do Peta's program but did a program where I had access to the author. For me, I stopped exercises as I developed lower eye lid rolls of fat. They were thick and bulky. I hated that look and it aged me by 20 years. After long discussions the author agreed that she could see them and to stop and try isometric exercises instead. I did stop but didn't do the isometric exercises because they were too confusing and unclear for me to understand. In the end I opted for surgery to have them removed, which was costly.
I would say hand on heart I regret ever doing face exercises and that they are not for everyone at all. Anyone who tries to say that they are is ignoring people's reviews like mine. If I can prevent one single person getting the results I have, I am happy. I just wished that someone had shared this with me. Whilst it was some years ago, I still am very angry about this whole mess I got into. |
Fri Sep 14, 2018 3:42 am |
Not to worry. Muscles have memory. If you have been exercising the face for say, three years and stop and gravity does its “thing” … you can just start exercising again and within a couple of months you’ll be back to where you were at the three year mark.
If you don’t like a certain build an exercise is giving your face, simply stop doing that exercise and the muscle will go down. It’s that simple. It’s that natural. |
_________________ http://sunsoutbeauty.com/ |
Fri Sep 14, 2018 5:18 am |
Have you read any of the posts above???? If you had you would know this is completely untrue. For me, personally, I damaged my face through exercises and stopped and let time pass, contacted the program creator for support and was at first told it was all in my mind despite sending photographs which showed damage. Others could see it.
I was told the same bs that you are saying here and gave it at least 6 months and had to opt for surgical procedures to undo the damage!
sunsoutbeauty wrote: |
Not to worry. Muscles have memory. If you have been exercising the face for say, three years and stop and gravity does its “thing” … you can just start exercising again and within a couple of months you’ll be back to where you were at the three year mark.
If you don’t like a certain build an exercise is giving your face, simply stop doing that exercise and the muscle will go down. It’s that simple. It’s that natural. |
Thu Nov 08, 2018 2:49 am |
Hallo, again hier.
Sorry for the late post, but EDC Forum log me all the time out, and when i want to log in, i need a new Password again.
Time went on. I am sad to refer that there are no positive changes. In Opposite, everything looks even more destroyed. It is the hardest time i ever had in my live.
I can=t still move properly my Forehead, but there is lot of skin colabsing into wrinkles.
I still can=t move with my upper lip.
I still feel pain, my skin is icky and completely dry out.
My skin texture destroyed. There are more lines forming.
My muscles are still saging. I can feel it.
The neurological test are all good. I have no other Sickness.
I try healthier live style, but i can=t see any positive changes. |
Sun Jan 27, 2019 9:38 pm |
At a guess, it'd be like what happens when you stop going to the gym (eg slowly get back to the way we were...)
Megi wrote: |
Hallo. Need your advice. I did Peta's face exercises about 2 month long. Then i stoped, because i did'nt like how my vertical lines on my forehead. look deeper, althou the horizontal dissapiert. Now its like 3 month after, and i am schockt. Lip lines, chin lines, eye lines. The skin has wrinkly Texture everywhere and don't want to schrink back. Im only 33. and it Hurts, burns, i cant move some musscles....my skin aged like 30 years? Does some one hat the some experience and can tell me what happent with skin after stopping doing exercises? |
Sat Mar 08, 2025 11:43 pm |
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