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Cured my Insomnia with Lazarus CBD Oil
CBD seemed to work for me..... for about a month and then didn't work as well. For many drugs your body gets used to the effects and doesn't work anymore. Generally one should cycle these chemicals in and out so the body doesn't get too used to it. I found 5Htp also does the same thing. It works for a couple of weeks then trails off in effectivness.
I've even found that Yoga Nidra, a form of relaxation meditation, will be ineffective after a few weeks because the brain and body are always trying to
Revision Skincare
I recently started using Revison Skincare by default. I received a product as a 'forum' gift with one of my orders of another product brand that I like. For a background references, I am almost 47 years old and don't get botox or other cosmetic procedures.
First of all, Reviion Skincare arguably uses the MOST innovative skincare technology currently on the market today. The products perform at a superior level than ANY professional product I have EVER tried. I am incredibly impressed, to the point of
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