alpha hydroxy
acids: Alpha-hydroxy acids are a group of natural fruit (or synthetic)
acids such as glycolic acid (from sugar cane; keratolytic effect), lactic acid
(from milk, fruit; smoothes and hydrates), citric acid, tartaric acid and
malic acid (helps with elasticity), etc. that work to exfoliate surface layers
of skin, which can help the skin better absorb creams and serums that are
applied afterward as well as diminish the appearance of fine lines and
wrinkles. Strength varies in percentage and is greatly influenced by the pH
level. The lower the pH level, the more acidic. Aipha-hydroxy acids,
especially citric acid, may also help bring hydration and increase
micro-circulation to the skin. At emerginC we generally incorporate fruit
acids in moderate strengths as we believe that longer-term over-use of alpha-hydroxy
acids may make the skin more vulnerable to UV damage and possibly pigmentation
problems. When using alpha-hydroxy acids, as always, we recommend the use of
emerginC sun 20 with zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, benzophenone, and
octylmethoxycinnamate. Products: emerginC cleanser, emerginC triple-threat
cream and peel. emerginC uses only natural fruit acids.
alpha-lipoic acid: Also known as thioctic
acid. Called the “master” or “universal” antioxidant because it is
the only anti-oxidant that is both lipid and water-soluble (works both inside
and outside the cell) and can help “recycle” both lipid and water-soluble
vitamins and anti-oxidants, specifically vitamins C and E and coenzyme QlO,
extending their ability to scavenge free-radicals. One of the most potent
anti-oxidants (can scavenge a large amount of hydroxyl or “free”
radicals). Improves sugar metabolism and energy production as it is a small
enough molecule to penetrate the mitochondria of the cell, where energy is
produced. Works synergistically with other anti-oxidants and vitamins to
enhance their benefit. Helps promote production of glutathione, one of the
most important anti-oxidants that the body produces (glutatluione helps
maintain cellular integrity). Alpha-lipoic acid is produced naturally in the
body, but only in tiny amounts; and alpha-lipoic can be ingested in foods such
as liver, yeast, red meat and certain green vegetables (such as spinach), but
also only in tiny amounts. Products: emerginC hypervitalizer face and eye
creams, emerginC complexion-perfection.
anti-oxidants: Anti-oxidants help scavenge and
“neutralize” free radicals (OH hydroxyl radicals). Free radicals are atoms
or molecules that are missing a pair of electrons, making them unstable.
Because of this instability, free radicals can damage healthy cells: cross
linking of collagen can occur (leading to wrinkles) and oxidation can harm
lipids and proteins essential for healthy skin. Therefore, free radicals are a
major cause of aging skin and anti-oxidants a major weapon against free
radicals. Free radicals can also cause damaging cellular inflammation and
anti-oxidants can diminish or eliminate this inflammation. All anti-oxidants
have anti-inflammatory properties. Products: almost all emerginC products.
Arbutin: Arbutin is a
natural, plant derived, highly-effective, stable skin whitening agent that
works on the skin by transforming excessive melanin production into colorless
substances as well as competing with certain enzymes that inhibit tyrosine
oxidation by tyrosinase (a main cause of hyper-pigmentation). UV damage
(primarily from the sun) is one of the main causes of hyper-pigmentation).
Products: emerginC spot, emerginC lighten up under-eye circle fighter.
bearberry extract: A
natural, stable, highly-effective plant-based skin lightener that helps retard
excessive melanin production without irritation. Products: emerginC lighten-up
under-eye circle fighter.
beta-hydroxy acid: A
naturally-derived acid that with a strong keratolytic effect (removes dead
skin cells). Excellent for acne, problem skin, for peeling, etc. Products:
emerginC triple-threat cream and peel.
ceramides: Natural-derived plant
extract, spongelike in form, that helps to maintain moisture levels in the
epidermis. Products: emerginC earth.
coenzvme Q1O: Coenzyme Q1O is a
vitamin-like anti-oxidant, essential for cellular energy. It acts like the
“spark” is all cellular activity and is an important defense against sun
damage. Products: emerginC vitality eye and mask.
copper: Copper
serves a number of key functions in the skin. It is essential in the
production of elastin, as it stimulates enzymes (specifically, lysil oxidase)
to help build new elastin. In the production of collagen, the stimulation of
lysil oxidase is stimulated by copper (which helps to link collagen molecules
to the building of collagen fibers). Copper also plays an integral role in the
production of keratin in the epidermis, thereby helping to improve skin tone
and texture. Products: emerginC earth.
green tea: Green tea contains
polyphenols, a class of bioflavanoids, with high antioxidant properties
(approx.200 times more effective anti-oxidant than vitamin E). Green tea is
also an effective anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory agent, and may have
other benefits for the skin. Products: emerginC vitamin C mask, multi-vitamin
serum, sun 20, spot lightening gel, earth, lighten up under-eye circle
iron: Iron is important for the
micro-circulation of the skin. In addition, it is essential in the
bio-synthesis of collagen as it helps transform certain proteins into
liquefied collagen. Products: emerginC earth.
kinetin: Kinetin is
a plant-based, non-irritating growth factor extract (also known as
furfuryladenine) that has shown to significantly reduce free-radical damage
and photo-aging in cells as well as slow down aging of plant cells. In
one demonstration, plant leaves coated with kinetin retain their fresh,
vibrant color while uncoated leaves turn brown. While it is clear that kinetin
has a potent anti-oxidant effect, it may also trigger other anti-aging
mechanisms in the cell--but the latter theory is not conclusive. Products:
emerginC hyper-vitalizer face and eye creams.
kojic acid: Kojic
acid is a natural, effective lightener (derived from rice) that helps fade
spots by retarding excessive melanin production. Products: emerginC spot,
lighten-up under-eye circle fighter.
magnesium: Magnesium
is essential in the bio-synthesis of collagen as it helps produce proteins
that are later transformed into collagen. It is also necessary for normal cell
metabolism as it plays a key role in ATP production. Products: emerginC earth.
manganese: Manganese
is vital in the bio-synthesis of collagen as it helps activate key enzymes in
the formation of collagen. Products: emerginC earth.
nanotope liposomes:
Nanotope liposomes, a patented delivery system originally designed for
pharmaceutical use, are ultra-small carriers--three to five times smaller than
conventional liposome s--that can entrap lipid or water soluble ingredients to
help them better penetrate the skin. Products: emerginC hyper-vitalizer face
and eye creams and mask
retinol: Retinol is
the most effective form of vitamin A without a prescription. Retinol has
demonstrated to give similar benefits to retin-A but without the irritation
(and at a slower pace). Retinol increases cellular turnover which evens out
tone and texture and helps skin to function better. Retinol is better than
other forms of vitamin A as the molecular structure is smaller.
sea buckthorn extract: Sea
buckthorn extract contains a remarkably wide variety of highly concentrated,
active ingredients. In certain countries, it has been used for burn and wound
healing. Sea buckthorn extract contains vitamin C, flavonoids (with antioxidant
and anti-microbial properties), tocopherols (vitamin E), carotinoids (which
break down to vitamin A), and high concentrations of lipids (and tallow)
similar to the skin’s own natural lipids. It is anti-inflammatory, hydrating
energizing contains anti-oxidants and other phytonutrients which help benefit
the skin. Products: emerginC complexion-perfection.
vitamin A: see
vitamin B: Vitamin B
is an effective anti-inflammatory. Products: emerginC H20+ and emerginC
vitamin C: Vitamin
c, in stable, low pH, high-concentration, L-Ascorbic acid formulations, is key
in fighting the aging process. Vitamin C (as L-Ascorbic acid) is a potent,
water-soluble, anti-oxidant, a vital co-factor in the production of collagen
and elastin, can reverse and help prevent photo-damage and help improve and
prevent pigmentation problems. As an acid, it also helps improve tone and
texture by removing dead skin cells and diminish the appearance of fine lines
and wrinkles.