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Sat Jun 10, 2006 3:08 pm |
My chihuahua, Chiquita and I were playing around earlier and she tried to jump on the bed and missed. She made this horrible noise for a few seconds, and then she was limping. Of course, I called the vet immediately all freaked out. She asked a bunch of questions and had me do some stuff and she said it doesn't sound broken, probably just some muscle issue. She told me what to watch out for if it gets worse.
She is acting totally normal (wants to play, runs around, has the exact same demeanor, eats and has a good appetite, was able to go poop just fine, and can still jump on the bed and couch-even though I tried to keep her from jumping, per the vet's instructions.) She doesn't give any indication that she is unhappy or in any pain. She definitely is limping, but hasn't made any noise at all since the first little outburst, even when I move each leg and feel all over them for tender spots. She doesn't even nibble at me to tell me to stop. I know, though, that dogs will hide pain really well. It seems to be her opposite legs (left front and right back-worst one). If she gets worse I'll see the vet for an emergency appointment, and if she stays the same and isn't totally normal by Monday I'll take her in first thing.
Has this happened to anyone else? My boyfriend is out of town this weekend, so I don't have anyone else to get a second opinion from. I was able to talk to him earlier and he made me feel better. I'm a really bad worrier, and I use him as my judge of what 'normal people' find worrisome! Thanks for listening to my long rambling! |
Sat Jun 10, 2006 3:18 pm |
Sorry to hear about your dog cloud. I have not had anything happen like that to my dogs, but I sure do understand your worry! It is natural to worry, so don't be too hard on yourself! Just wanted to say I will be thinking about you and your dog and hoping all is well. There is a great forum,, and you will get a lot of help from the people there. May be you can check that out. |
Sat Jun 10, 2006 3:48 pm |
Thanks! You know, I went out to check the mail and came back, and she did her crazy running around the house in circles at top speed thing. She can't possibly be badly injured! I think it must be just a sprain or something. It sure was a horrible feeling when it first happened, though. I don't know if I could handle it if she really hurt herself. She is totally my baby!  |
Sat Jun 10, 2006 3:52 pm |
How old is your dog?
When we had a german shepard puppy she started limping. We took her to the vet and they said it was "growing pains". It lasted a couple of weeks, then went away. If your dog is elderly, maybe it could be arthritis. Has the weather changed in your area recently? I know my joints have been aching lately since the weather has been cold & damp. |
Sat Jun 10, 2006 4:13 pm |
Your dog sounds fine. You're doing the right thing by watching very closely though. I mean think about how many times you've hurt yourself where you've screamed or yelped in pain and then a second later realized it didn't hurt as badly as you initially thought. I know I've done that a million times and have a bad habit of saying OW just when I THINK things are going to hurt. My cat was freaking out the other week when he attacked a bug or bee or something when we were outside and he jumped back screaming with his one eye shut. I freaked that he got stung in the eye. He opened it about 10 minutes later and acted like nothing happened. That was a couple weeks ago and he's fine now. I think your dog wouldn't be able to do all that stuff if he was injured, even though they do hide things well they still listen to their bodies. |
_________________ 24 years old...Please click to Fund Food for Animals at the AnimalRescueSite! |
Sat Jun 10, 2006 4:42 pm |
A very similar thing happened to my dog when he was a puppy! He is a beagle. He was running around my living room in huge fast circles at top speed(we call this behavior 'the zooms') like a crazy dog. Anyway, he turned a corner too fast and landed up banging pretty hard into the corner of my coffee table. He made the most awful sounding noises you have ever heard! I thought for sure he had something really bad wrong with him. I was so scared! Finally he stopped making the noises, and we took him to the vet. I was sure they were going to give us some kind of terrible news. I had Never heard a dog make those sounds before!
Well, turns out he was fine, just some bruising. Our vet said the noises he made were more common in puppies...she explained it like children or toddlers who fall down badly or get a cut and then bawl and bawl because it's the first time they've experienced real pain, and have not yet developed general coping mechanisms.
2 years later, and he's still fine. I will never forget the sound he made though!  |
Sat Jun 10, 2006 4:47 pm |
when my beagles run around crazy like that, we call it "banshee mode"!  |
Sat Jun 10, 2006 5:44 pm |
rileygirl wrote: |
when my beagles run around crazy like that, we call it "banshee mode"!  |
Haha ! How many do you have? We have 2 now. My experience with beagles so far is a constant learning process...they have so many quirks, and such great personalities, but seem to be a little more 'high maintenance' in many regards than other dogs.
Some days when they are zooming around or in the mood to cause trouble I have those exasperated, 'Why didn't I just get a Lab???' moments. But at the end of the day, when I have 2 little dogs that act human and curl up with me (and pretend to act interested) while I watch tv, I know I made the right decision!  |
Sat Jun 10, 2006 5:54 pm |
Oh, Olyn, you sound just like me! I have 2 also. My male is 4 months old and my female is 2 years old. They are very high maintenance and no matter how "well behaved" they are, if they are following a scent, they will not come when you call. I have had my "why didn't I just get a lab" moments also! They do have great personalities and I think they are just adorable! |
Sat Jun 10, 2006 6:15 pm |
She's 3, so I don't think it's puppy growing or old dog arthritis, and I actually saw it happen, but thank you so much for the suggestions. Chiquita does the crazy running thing when we get home sometimes, and always after baths , and sometimes just because she just gets so excited she can't hold it in. It's cool that other dogs do it, too, I thought she was just unusually high strung!
She's still favoring the back leg a little, but I think she'll be okay. I might take her to the vet anyway on monday, just to be safe, if she's still doing it then. |
Sat Jun 10, 2006 7:10 pm |
If she is still limping Monday, it would not hurt to take her to the vet, plus it would ease your mind, which is always a good thing! |
Sat Jun 10, 2006 7:32 pm |
I have a 4 yr old silky terrier (plus 3 other dogs ) who runs like the wind...Silkies are typically high strung, high energy little dogs.
One day a few weeks ago, I noticed he was limping and holding up his back paw. Like you, I was concerned maybe he had broke something while playing in the yard. But he didn't seem in pain other than the limping and was still chasing the other dogs around trying to keep up! I guess maybe he had just twisted it or strained it a bit because by the end of the day he was just fine. But I agree with rileygirl...if he's not better by Monday, I'd check with the vet. |
Sat Jun 10, 2006 8:43 pm |
You guys are great! Thank you so much for all your replies!  |
Sun Jun 11, 2006 5:15 am |
My boyfriend had a dog (pit bull mix) that was already old, but still agile. While jumping into the car the dog hurt its back. It was in pain, whimpered a lot, and never really recovered mobility after that. A few weeks later they had to put him down. If your dog doesn't seem like it's still in pain, it is probably okay, but a trip to the vet would put your mind at ease. Keeping the dog from jumping is smart though... though my bf's dog was in pain it would still try to do things it should not do and that made things worse. Hopefully nothing is wrong! |
_________________ prevention of aging |
Sun Jun 11, 2006 7:01 am |
Hi Cloud 9, I hope Chiquita is doing great today. My toy poodle has fallen off the bed and cried like he was dying. But within a few minutes he was perfectly ok. If he is walking without limping I would not be concerned.
Chopin, the toy poodle,is a big faker. Since he was a puppy if someone bumped him or walked to close to him ( in his opinion) we would hold
his paw ( not the hurt one) in the air and cry and we of course gave him attention, He is 9yrs old and still does this
Do these pets of ours realize how good they have it? ! |
Sun Jun 11, 2006 11:49 am |
I agree with rileygirl, your poor wee dog probably got a nasty bruise and will recover, but it won't do any harm to get it properly checked out on Monday if she's still limping.
Hope all goes well for her. She sounds like a cutie. |
Sun Jun 11, 2006 6:25 pm |
As far as I can tell, she seems okay today. My boyfriend says he can't see any sign of a limp. Looks like a crisis averted! Whew! Maybe we should get her those little doggie stairs "as seen on TV" I mean, she's 8 pounds, she really can jump on the bed with no problem, she's not one of those tiny chihuahuas! |
Sun Jun 11, 2006 6:32 pm |
So happy to hear she's ok! Thanks for keeping us posted  |
Sun Jun 11, 2006 7:02 pm |
No problem, thanks for listening!  |
Sun Jun 11, 2006 9:04 pm |
Glad to hear Chiquita is doing better! What a cute name, by the way!  |
Sun Jun 11, 2006 9:15 pm |
Olyn wrote: |
rileygirl wrote: |
when my beagles run around crazy like that, we call it "banshee mode"!  |
Haha ! How many do you have? We have 2 now. My experience with beagles so far is a constant learning process...they have so many quirks, and such great personalities, but seem to be a little more 'high maintenance' in many regards than other dogs.
Some days when they are zooming around or in the mood to cause trouble I have those exasperated, 'Why didn't I just get a Lab???' moments. But at the end of the day, when I have 2 little dogs that act human and curl up with me (and pretend to act interested) while I watch tv, I know I made the right decision!  |
HA! A Lab!? I'll trade ya the beagles for my Lab. He takes his retrieving to a WHOLE new level, 1 day he'll learn to put the stuff back where he found it! That and has chewed everything he can get his mouth on! Endless energy. Great for my 5 yr old. Exhausting for me! |
_________________ Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so, too. ~ Voltaire |
Mon Jun 12, 2006 8:49 am |
Aw, I'm so glad that he seems to be fine now.
Actually, we have some of those doggy (catty) stairs. We got them for our elderly cat, who suffers from arthritis. She likes to climb onto my computer desk when I'm working, but isn't so good at jumping nowadays. They're brilliant! |
Mon Jun 12, 2006 11:44 am |
It sounds like your lab might be...part beagle.  |
Tue Mar 04, 2025 12:37 am |
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