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Sun Jun 04, 2006 10:53 pm |
Yeah, I've been feeling MUCH better too after quitting the pill, since i'm not flooding my body with synthetic hormones anymore. Believe it or not, it has been a month after quitting and I have lost 8 of the 10 pounds I have put on over 2.5 years I was on the pill. It is so rewarding to see results from cardio, pilates and light weights. My hair has stopped shedding so much and I haven't gotten the mood swings that plagued me while i was on the pill. My skin arsenal of Clarisonic, Dermastyle acne pen, Dermalogica cleanser, Decleor Ylang Ylang and Skyn Iceland's Oxygen Infusion night cream have kept breakouts at bay. My skin is a pain in the @ss to keep looking good, but i've never felt healthier in my life.  |
Mon Jun 05, 2006 5:40 pm |
Being off the pill is really liberating. The Genuine Health Daily Detox pills and Juice Beauty products are really helping my skin. I did the Green Apple Peel yesterday and my co-workers kept complimenting my skin (haven't gotten one of those in a long time).
Now I just need to tone up some more and lose those acne scars then I'm set.  |
Mon Jun 05, 2006 6:11 pm |
Yen, when you first started your daily detox pills, did you experience worse acne from purging? |
Mon Jun 05, 2006 6:22 pm |
Nope (suprisingly). I think it's helping me with weight loss too. I notice that I look a bit better in my clothes now.  |
Mon Jun 05, 2006 8:28 pm |
Sweet! Now i wanna start taking those pills!! If by any chance you happen to live in BC, where do you get them? |
Mon Jun 05, 2006 8:40 pm |
Yen, do you have any physical side effects from doing a daily detox? I've taken CleanseSmart (I *think* that's what its called) before and I had *ahem* bathroom problems at all hours of the day.
I'd like to know more about this! |
Tue Jun 06, 2006 9:10 pm |
Yen, I just went out and bought those pills. I saw that it also comes in liquid form (Green Apple), which was more expensive so I opted for the pills. Fingers crossed that it will help my skin. Other than improvements in your skin, have you noticed other improvements in health? |
Wed Jun 07, 2006 8:23 pm |
dollbird, I got the pills also. I didn't want to mix the powder. I take the pills about 1/2 hour before each meal. I also noticed differences in terms of my appetite (I eat less now) and being more regular (in terms of the trips to the bathroom). Just be patient. Let me know how things go.  |
Thu Jun 08, 2006 11:24 pm |
Yen, Dollbird-
I decided to go off the pill last October (05). I had been on some form of hormonal birth control for about 5 years, at that point. (Ortho tri-cyclen, Ortho lo, Depo shot, then Yasmin). Throughout the time I was still on it, I suffered from so many side effects! I guess I didn't realize I was trading my health (and well-being) for 'regular' periods.
It has been 9 months now and still I have not gotten a period. Right after I stopped taking Yasmin I started getting terrible cyctic acne (which I never had before), mainly on my scalp. Then bouts of mild depression, fatigue, etc. It was so terrible. Although I'm slowly getting better, I feel like my body will Never get back to normal.
I hate it that you both had similar bad experiences, but it is reassuring that I am not alone. |
Fri Jun 09, 2006 9:30 am |
Hi Olyn, good for you that you quit too. I too figured it was not worth it trading my well-being for the sake of contraception. I was on the pill for 2.5 years and recently just had my period on day 27 of quitting. I guess i'm lucky in that respect. If you don't get yours within a couple of months maybe you should get your hormones checked. Prior to getting my period my skin was badly misbehaving. I find that a good skincare regimen helps and like Yen, have just gotten on a daily detox program. Yeah, be assured you're not the only one. If you click on the link to a forum that I posted earlier in this thread, it will be comforting to know that tons of women are going through the same thing, so much so that they were thinking of writing to Oprah to do a show on post-pill side effects, because it's not something doctors tell us about. THey prescribe the pill too freely i think, for acne prevention to ovarian cancer prevention but don't think about the long-term side effects on the reproductive system and psychological repercussions the woman experiences when she quits. Good luck and hang in there, it will get better!  |
Fri Jun 09, 2006 10:22 am |
I think the pill (and other hormonal methods) are a blessing to many women and was a factor in women's empowerment. Now we have almost 100% protection against unwanted pregnancy and we can choose if and when to start families, and how many to have. We can have careers, and we don't have to rely on men to use protection. There is no other contraception choice that has the same level of effectiveness (besides IUD's, and some of those also release hormones). The pill also has some good side effects. From the Planned Parenthood website:
" The pill also offers some protection against pelvic inflammatory disease, which often leads to infertility when left untreated."
"The combination pill offers many other benefits, including some protection against:
cancer of the lining of the uterus
cancer of the ovaries
ectopic pregnancy
excess body hair
iron deficiency anemia that can result from heavy menses
noncancerous breast growths
ovarian cysts
premenstrual symptoms, as well as related headaches and depression
vaginal dryness and painful intercourse related to menopause
In fact, protection against developing cancer of the ovary or the lining of the uterus (endometrium) can last up to 30 years after stopping the combination pill. Protection against both of these types of cancer increases with each year of use:
-Eight years of combination pill use reduces the risk of endometrial cancer by up to 80 percent.
-Ten years of combination pill use reduces the risk of ovarian cancer by up to 80 percent."
I'm really sorry that some of you have had problems with the pill, but for others, it is a lifesaver (figuratively and also literally!) |
Fri Jun 09, 2006 3:53 pm |
cloud_9, your post was basically what the nurse said when she prescribed Marvelon to me. She didn't tell me anything about life after the pill. That's why I have to agree with dollbird. They should offer a full view of the pill and not just the benefits. |
Sat Jun 10, 2006 5:29 pm |
I would certainly not argue that the pill works as an effective method of birth control, with limited (or zero, if you're lucky) side effects for many women. I know that this does limit unplanned/unwanted pregnancies, in addition to helping regulate periods, help with endometriosis, etc. I of course agree that all of these things are very beneficial.
Unfortunately, many women do suffer negative side effects as a result of using the pill....sometimes long-term negative side effects. I think my main issue is that although I was made aware of 'the risks' of using the pill, 'the risks' were made out to seem few and far between, and generally rare. I no longer think that is the case. I also was Never made aware of the post-pill issues I am experiencing.
My wish is that I had felt more aware of the actual probability of side effects, and what to look out for. I am 24 years old, and as a result of depo, I have osteoporosis. I also experienced depression, hair loss, irregular bleeding, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, mood swings, fatigue, and anxiety issues throughout the time I was on the pill, in varying degrees depending which pill I was taking. As I mentioned previously, I am now suffering from additional different/new side effects since I have been off the pill.
Of course I am happy for any woman (and jealous! sorry )who can use hormonal methods effectively, without side effects. I also believe that accurate knowledge is key to future empowerment among women, especially in this regard.
Dollbird, Yen, thank you for sharing your experiences. And Dollbird, thank you for that link. I am currently reading a book entitled "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" by Toni Weschler. So far it is a great read, and very eye-opening. Unfortunately, I can't apply much of it currently due to my lack of periods, but it is very useful nonetheless. I believe it was mentioned in that thread. If either of you (or anyone else) are interested, let me know and I can give you a better idea of what it's about.  |
Caspers Mum
Joined: 02 Nov 2002
Posts: 1694
Sat Jun 10, 2006 10:37 pm |
Re: hormonal issues & acne.
It sounds like you're estrogen-sensitive! I don't know what else you've tried, but as a former (volunteer) counselor with Planned Parenthood of B.C. (now "Options for Sexual Health"), I can tell you ... a lot about the Pill & hormonal methods of contraception.
1. Any Pill can improve acne, theoretically. However, the Pill can also cause acne in some individuals. It's relative to one's body chemistry, the ratio of hormones, and type of progesterone used.
2. It's all about finding the right Pill for you. Trial and error. This includes other hormonal methods of birth control: the Patch (Ortho-Novum), or contraceptive ring (Nuva-Ring). The Mini-Pill (progesterone only) doesn't help acne.
3. Those which are commonly prescribed for the treatment of acne vulgaris: Allesse (20 mcg ethinyl estrogen/levonorgestrel), Ortho Cylen, Tri-Cyclen, or Tri Cyclen Lo (new). In Canada and other international countries (not the U.S.) ... Diane-35/Dianette. The latter being a LAST resort for acne treatment, as cyproterone acetate (progesterone) is ONLY meant to treat acne & poly-cystic ovary syndrome. The addition of ethinyl estradiol will regulate cycles & provide the benefit of contraception. |
Sat Jun 10, 2006 11:32 pm |
Casper's mum,
What does it mean to be "estrogen sensitive?" Thanks |
Sun Jun 11, 2006 1:22 am |
Olyn wrote: |
I guess I didn't realize I was trading my health (and well-being) for 'regular' periods.
It has been 9 months now and still I have not gotten a period. |
It sounds like you were having hormonal issues before you started the pill - i.e. irregualar periods. This fact coupled with your symptoms now can all be related to a lack of oestrogen also (i.e. menopause can have the same symptoms). I'm not suggesting that you are going through menopause, but it does seem like you have problems with the levels of oestrogen in your body, a lack of which will cause anovulation (no eggs released from your ovaries) and hence a lack of periods. There are many reasons for this, but I would reiterate a visit to a specialist - a gynocologist preferably, and as soon as possible. IMO this is a seperate issue and not simply due withdrawal from the pill. Waiting for your body to normalise will most likely not happen on it's own.
Good Luck  |
Sun Jun 11, 2006 4:40 am |
Here is my experience - had horrible acne for most of my life resulting in pitted scars. Finally went on Ortho-Tri cyclen, and it cleared up like magic. But I developed moderate freckling over my nose and cheeks (I never used to get them). I don't mind them because they are cute and make me look younger, but I also gained about 10 pounds over 6 years of usage, and had gall bladder and liver pains.
So to combat that I went for Ortho Tri-cyclen Lo... and lo and behold, my liver problems improved a lot. I lost the weight. Luckily for me the acne is still totally banished! My suspicion is that my body is just too sensitive to hormones so the OTC-Lo was still effective for my personal body chemistry.
For everyone who has had problems with depo... I really sypathize. That drug did evil things to so many women that it should be banned. Chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, the stories go on and on. Some people have no problems with it but in my opinion it is way too dangerous to use without improving the formulation.
With hormones it may be advisable to wait a couple of cycles before making a decision about its effectiveness... the body still needs time to adjust its own hormone release centers before everything stabilizes. My acne certainly didn't disappear overnight... it was kind of a gradual modification. And my boobs got bigger too, I didn't even notice when or how!  |
_________________ prevention of aging |
Sun Jun 11, 2006 7:52 am |
I had acne problem and nothing that I put on helped. Finally, I took birth control pill Diane 35 for 2 months and it stopped. |
Sun Jun 11, 2006 10:16 am |
I have been using Marvelon (high estrogen) but have switched to Alesse (high androgen) and Ortho TriC (high estrogen) in between. Switching made my hormones crazy again and i would break out, so i ultimately went back to Marvelon. It was the "right" pill for me, i.e. no side effects other than the weight gain and hair loss, which i think are minor compared to the side effects that Olyn experienced. Oh yeah the pill also gave me nil sex drive. But only when i got off the pill did i realise how much better i feel in the long moods have been more stable and i'm not so easily fatigued. I also want to mention that i did not have pre-pill hormonal irregularities.
Olyn, i have that book too! Have yet to finish reading before i actually try the natural method, but i must say that going back to condoms is not a sacrifice if that means i'm actually doing the deed.  |
Sun Jun 11, 2006 12:14 pm |
Olyn, dollbird, is that book soley about fertility? |
Sun Jun 11, 2006 8:58 pm |
Melissa49-Thank you for your concern! I have actually been to my obgyn recently with my concerns and was told to 'wait it out'. She mentioned it can take up to 18 months to get back to normal! This is the 2nd doctor I have been to recently that dismissed my concerns/made me feel like a hypochondriac. So. Unfortunately I do not have an alternative other than trying to find out more information on my own to better understand what is going on.
Yen-No, not at all. The focus of the book is more about understanding how your body and reproductive system work. It also outlines a natural, effective method of preventing pregnancy through understanding the cycles in your body(Fertility Awareness Method). (Note: NOT the rhythm method). Although quite a bit of the book deals with fertility in general, I think the title of the book is a little misleading. |
Mon Jun 12, 2006 6:08 pm |
Thanks Olyn. I will give that book a try.  |
Tue Mar 04, 2025 1:15 am |
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