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What kind of food ....
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Thu Feb 24, 2005 1:00 pm      Reply with quote
Hi ladies Very Happy Very Happy

I wanna ask what kind of food can help weight loss??
My bf is going on a diet because he's graduating from school this year, he wants to look great Laughing So i'm trying to help him out.

So far i found out these things can help:
Pink Grapefruit,
Green Tea,

He needs to lost about 30 pounds in 1 months.... any idea?
BTW, he hates sports and gym Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

Thanks !!!!
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Thu Feb 24, 2005 1:41 pm      Reply with quote
30 pounds in 1 month is unrealistic and unhealthy. I advise him to change his goal to something more realistic like 10 or 15 pounds.

I did weight watchers which really helped me, I lost about 10 to 15 pounds per month. (I did the WW program, AND spent a minimum of 1 hour at the gym per day, 6 days a week)

The WW focus is more on portion control than what you eat. If you put certain foods on a 'bad' list you'll obsess over them and be more likely to fail.

The only way to lose weight it to burn more calories than you take it. You should NEVER limit calories to less than 1500 cal per day, 2500 if you're extremely active.
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Thu Feb 24, 2005 4:40 pm      Reply with quote
Hi Christine

Im afraid I have to agree with lianne, I would have thought it impossible to lose that much weight in 1 month, unless he was ill, and I would imagine it would make him look ill too. I would imagine his skin would be lose if he lost the weight too quickly. But we dont want to discourage, he should try and have a diet of lots of fruit, fresh salad and veg and either chicken or fish for a main meal. He will need to exercise however and If he has 30 lbs to lose, can imagine he will feel uncomfortable in a gym with lots of posers.... How about going for lots of walks, take the dog for longer walks each night, or hijack a neighbours dog if you dont have one. Bike riding is good too. Can you hire equipment over there, such as exercise bike. If he eats a healthy diet and does alot of exercise he may lose 10 to 15 lbs I would guess, but any weight loss is better than weight gain.....
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Thu Feb 24, 2005 5:18 pm      Reply with quote
Eat less, eat better food, but most of all excercise, excercise and lastly sexercise xx
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Fri Feb 25, 2005 6:44 am      Reply with quote
I agree with Lianne and Cindi: while it’s possible to lose 30 pounds in a month, it’s going to be because you’re mostly losing water/fluid or even actual muscle cells (which you need to keep because they are ‘furnaces’ which help burn fat). It’s better to lose the weight slowly and realistically (i.e.: 1-2 pounds per week) to ensure that you’re doing it the right way, otherwise you’ll probably turn around and gain it all (and more!) right back. I can say this with a lot of confidence because I actually lost over half of my body weight! I’m completely serious. At one point, five years ago, I weighed almost 300 pounds. Not only was I ashamed of myself and couldn’t bear to see myself in a mirror, but it was seriously damaging to my health. Naturally I wanted to believe that there was a magic pill or operation that would turn me into a svelte supermodel overnight, but the truth is it takes a lot of hard work! It took me almost two years to do it, but I lost over 150 pounds simply by changing my lifestyle (i.e.: “diet” implies that you only need to follow that routine/regimen for a given period of time in order to attain results, but that’s not true! You have to change your eating habits *forever*, not just for a couple weeks/months. If you don’t do this, then you’re just going to fall right back into the some old routines that made you blow up like a pig in the first place!! What I did was cut out fat and processed (added) sugars, I didn’t cut actual calories! I mean, if you only give your body 800 calories per day, that’s barely enough to sustain you. You actually need to consume more calories – just the right *kind* of calories! – in order to fuel your body’s fat-burning furnace!!) and moderate exercise. That was 2 ˝ years ago, and I’ve managed to maintain my new weight (137 lbs) since then with very little fluctuation or “yoyo-ing” up and down simply by continuing to avoid foods high in fat and processed sugars and by walking at least 30 minutes each day. I’m not saying it was easy, though. I think most of us know how difficult losing weight actually is! Best of luck. I can promise you there is nothing in the world as thrilling as the moment you go out and buy a whole new wardrobe of beautiful, stylish, sexy clothes to flaunt the new “you,” and having your family/friends compliment you or see a man do a double-take and/or give you a wolf-whistle because you’re looking so confident, beautiful, sexy and – most importantly – HEALTHY!!!

Okay, now you all know my deepest, darkest secret.

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Fri Feb 25, 2005 6:50 am      Reply with quote
While it is possible for him to loose that amount of weight in a month,chances are he will gain it all back and more...

A good weight loss is 1-2lbs per week,and that comes from eating properly and getting regular exercise..I have lost 40lbs total,but it has taken me over a year to do that..

HEre are some tips

1.Eliminate ALL SUGAR
2.Stick to low fat or NO fat dairy products
3.Eat LOTS of vegtables..
4.Stay away from all whites-Potatoes,rice,etc
5.Drink lots of water
6.Exercise at least 30 mins,3 times a week

A slow steady loss is much better..think of it this didnt take him a month to GAIN it isnt gonna take him a month to loose it!

However,in saying that men loose faster than women..they have higher burning metabolisms and burn fat at a higher heading to the gym will be the key for your honey
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Fri Feb 25, 2005 11:21 am      Reply with quote
One of the best weight loss tricks I have used is eating EARLY. Going to bed with a full stomach slows digestion and causes you to gain more weight. If I'm dieting, I eat no later than 5 pm. Taking walks and trying to be active helps too -- going to the gym isn't necessary.
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Fri Feb 25, 2005 3:28 pm      Reply with quote
carrie...I too was once a fattie. I was 240lbs at 6 feet tall I wasn't a blimp, but I was big...I did WW and got down to 160 in about 8 or 9 months and now hover between 175-190. I hope to get back down to 160 for my friends wedding in september. I eat the same as when I lost the weight, but I'm not doing the exercise I need to start that up again and I KNOW I can do it!
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Fri Feb 25, 2005 5:29 pm      Reply with quote
Congratulations to all of you who have lost so much weight. Last April I joined WW online. I lost 20 lbs.and met my goal weight of 123 lbs.(5'2",small frame). I have gained back 8 lbs.Sad I guess I should get off the guilt trip and just get back on track. WW is a way of life. Must say I felt awesome while on it. After hurting my ankle I have not been exercising which has contributed to my gain.
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Sat Feb 26, 2005 3:00 pm      Reply with quote
Eat less, move more. Weight Watchers & T.O.P.S offer the most-sensible menus, as they essentially follow the American/Canadian Food Guide.
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Sat Feb 26, 2005 7:21 pm      Reply with quote
my mom's friend has belonged to tops for over 10 day I asked my mom why she bothers going b/c she's had no results from it. Well my mom told her and she went on the WW program and it's worked for her. Turns out her TOPS group was more of a social/gossip club
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Sun Feb 27, 2005 12:23 am      Reply with quote
Very Happy Wow all you folks that have lost that much weight congrats to the max. I know it is hard because I am doing it now. You are an amazing example for all of us in that position or for anyone really. Again big congrats! I was wondering since we have so many folks on this thread that have lost large amounts of weight using a good method. I am working on my weight right now and wondered about the loose skin. Did you all have loose skin in the areas where you lost weight? For instance like in the stomach area or upper arms. I have this concern in the back of my mind that once I've lost the weight, I will have these hideous slabs of hanging flab. Especially in the stomach area. Is that what I should expect? And if it is is there a way to stop that from happening.
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Sun Feb 27, 2005 3:27 am      Reply with quote
Thank you so much everyone !!
I think i'm a bit late to say this , sorry Very Happy .

Well, right now he has lost 5 pounds this week!! Isn't that amazing?? I guess because he's a guy. He's cut all the junk food, which is great .. i'll let u know the result after 1 month Very Happy

Oh one thing I have to thank lianne for suggusting me the Avon Cellu- sculpt cream. It's amazing!!! I'm not trying to lose weight but i just want to get rid of my cellulite and OMG this product really works!! I've been using it for a week now. marella, i don't know if this will work for you or not but definately give it a try Very Happy Maybe lianne can explain more about this .. since I don't really know how to explain it in words Embarassed
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Sun Feb 27, 2005 10:32 pm      Reply with quote

The biggest problem I've had with the weight loss is saggy boobs. I was a D, now I barely fill a C. They droop, there's absolutely no going without a bra...and tanks with shelf bras are a no too.

I also have a bit of loose skin around my tummy that won't go away. I think it depends on a few factors (age, begining size, how quickly you lose it, and heredity)
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Mon Feb 28, 2005 6:46 pm      Reply with quote
lianne wrote:
my mom's friend has belonged to tops for over 10 day I asked my mom why she bothers going b/c she's had no results from it. Well my mom told her and she went on the WW program and it's worked for her. Turns out her TOPS group was more of a social/gossip club

T.O.P.S : I guess it just depends on a member's group, and how much they motivate each other to lose and/or maintain weight! No program will work if it's not applied. Weight Watchers is just more expensive.
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Tue Mar 01, 2005 6:29 am      Reply with quote
Speaking of loose skin – gosh, I hope this doesn’t Marella from losing the weight! – last night on “The Insider” (daily TV show with celeb gossip, human interest stories, etc) they showed a promo of tonight’s episode where they’re going to talk to a woman who lost around 300 lbs, but was left with this enormous, hanging rolls of loose skin. The poor lady was going to have to undergo cosmetic surgery to remove the excess skin! Anyway, she described herself as looking like a Sharpei dog!! Shock
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Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:58 pm      Reply with quote
carrie, sounds like that singer...the one from wilson phillips who had the surgery for weightloss. She said in the tub her loose fat floated up. she ended up getting cosmetic surgery to fix it.

Christine, glad to hear he lost 5 pounds. It's typical to lose a large # the first week. Don't let him get discouraged if it's not as big a # this week.
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Tue Mar 01, 2005 11:09 pm      Reply with quote
Ugg not an appealing thought, but watcha gonna do. Confused
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Wed Mar 02, 2005 3:12 am      Reply with quote

I hate the Gym.....!!

I've been making my own soups every day. Having a bowl for my lunch and then a bowl for tea and I'm losing weight quite well. I'd say about 4 lbs a week...

I will make Asparagus soup. Little bit of butter melted in a pan, garlic clove, onion, 2 leeks, asparagus and a potato, stock cube, let it slow cook for 30 mins then blitz it with the hand blender.

I do, carrot, vegetable, celery, brocci, cauli etc in the same way.

I just eat these for lunch and dinner but at dinner I have a small crusty bread roll with it.

I've found this is the best way for me to lose weight as it fills me up.

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Wed Mar 02, 2005 6:04 pm      Reply with quote
lianne, i won't let him get discouraged! I've noticed that he has eaten less now , after one banana, one apple and a toast .. he will say he cant eat anymore while before he probably eat double or even triple before he thinks it's enough.

Gucci , 4 pounds a week is amazing!!!! maybe i recipe if you don't mind.should try your Very Happy
I also thinking of losing some weight before Summer arrives.. since it's too hot to be wearing a jacket in the summer.
I also hate gym.. Sad same as my bf.. so what should i do??

I'm 110 lbs.... i find it very very very difficult to lose weight at this point, even though i was sick and my weight had gone down to 105.. after i felt better.. it's 110 again.. Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad
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Fri Mar 18, 2005 1:09 pm      Reply with quote
Low-carbing worked for me - and no amount of calorie-counting and exercise ever resulted in any amount of weight loss, which was just excruciating for my morale. I am 5'3" and was a size 10 until I eliminated starches and foods with added sugars in 2001. Five months later, I lost 30+ pounds and 4 dress sizes, lowered my LDL & Trygliceride levels, and have been effortlessly maintaining ever since. I was so enthused by my results and overall improvements that I created a website to help others and offer laywoman's advice.

This is what works for me!
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Fri Mar 18, 2005 2:10 pm      Reply with quote
I lost 30 lbs back in '97 and I did it the old fashioned way, eating less and working out more. I was eating low fat at the time but I switched to low carb in '99 for maintenance.

A good friend of mine had gastric bipass surgery just over a year ago. She has lost over 100 lbs and does have a lot of skin she wants removed. Unfortunately she had no insurance and had to get a loan to pay for the bipass surgery and probably won't be able to afford the cosmetic follow up for a while. She says that for the most part the weight was coming off slowly enough that her skin would be loose for a few days and then feel normal again. The only spots that need trimming are her boobs, arms, and upper thighs. Overall she looks amazing and it has really changed her life.

Bravo to everybody who is making an effort. It's not just about looking good, it's about feeling good and being healthy.

Great Web Site Sheila!


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