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Sat Feb 25, 2006 12:18 pm      Reply with quote
I would first like to say i really enjoy this website for many reasons. The women and men are polite, give useful information, make you feel comfortable to talk about issues that really bother you without being judged negatively. Thank you.

I was wondering if any women have problems with bleeding and clotting. I use tampons and seem to go through them quite fast because of clotting. I tried to speak with my doctor about this but he says its normal. Before i had my son, i never had problems, my periods lasted 2 days. wonderful. (i do have endometriosis but over the last few years all symtoms went away for that) After my son was born, everything was great for a few months then the heavy bleeding and clotting started. Now i am starting to have painful periods again. It literly takes 2 days out of my life. I feel i cannot go anywheres because I would always need to be near a bathroom just in case.

Has anyone else had these problems? Do you think i should go to a different brand of tampons and see if they can better absorb? Does the bleeding and clotting sound normal? Is it all related to the cyst on my ovary? These questions are things i asked my doctor but as you all know by now he for lack of better terms at the moment is an idiot.
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Sat Feb 25, 2006 6:30 pm      Reply with quote

I have been a heavy bleeder with the worst cramps imagineable most of my life until I started the pill. That has lightened my flow and reduced my cramps significantly. Before, I couldn't go anywhere for days because I was laid up in bed. I was always getting accused of taking sick days when I didn't "need" them, which is another story. I did notice throughout the years that some tampons are better than others at absorbing. For instance I used the Tampax supers which are long, wide, fluffy and cylindrical vs.the O.B. little bullet shaped ones I found to be too small and dense to absorb quickly enough. There was also another one similar that did not do the job either, it was supposed to open up like a flower but really never did sufficiently to catch the volume needed. It may have been playtex. I opted for tampax and kotex tampons with pantiliners for leakage. And I would change them regularly, like every 2 or 3 hours even if one was only partially full. HTH Smile
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Sat Feb 25, 2006 7:38 pm      Reply with quote
yeah, my period's heavy too. the pill lightened it as well. tampax, in my opinion, is by far the best for absorption. before i started the pill, i was going through Super-Supers (yes, double super!) every two hours! the pill has really made a great difference!

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Sat Feb 25, 2006 8:15 pm      Reply with quote
Mine have always been heavy, though probably not as heavy as you describe, and I also find the Tampax super to be the best. But my daughter has always had unbelievably heavy and painful periods. After making sure nothing else was wrong, her doctor put her on the pill a few years ago (she's 20 now). It was lighter but she ended up bleeding between cycles and eventually went off the pill. Her doctor just told her it will probably lighten up as she gets older Rolling Eyes ! Lately, she's been trying the natural approach...peppermint tea, exercise, warm compresses--but still has to change tampons and pads every couple of hours.
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Sat Feb 25, 2006 10:50 pm      Reply with quote
Hey Ladies,

Thank you for your replies.

I am currently using tampax. I have been using the super ones these last couple months. I think the clotting is what is causing me to go through a tampon in an hour or two. I have to end up putting one in for a minute then take it out and put another one in. If i dont I will start leaking right away. maybe the super plus ones will work better.

I was on the pill for a short time when i was a teenager, but experienced bleed throughs. I do not want to take the pill if i dont have to.
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Sat Feb 25, 2006 11:36 pm      Reply with quote
I like Kotex Super Plus the best. I've bought Tampax many times, but keep going back to Kotex.
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Sun Feb 26, 2006 1:37 am      Reply with quote
After the birth of my children, I too noticed that my periods had gotten a lot heavier. So I switched to Tampax Supers (always used Tampax Regulars before.) This with a mini-pad seems to suffice for the heavy days. Then I switch to the Regulars for the lighter days.

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Sun Feb 26, 2006 5:52 am      Reply with quote
OK, I need to say a big HA here... I am 39 and have suffered from my periods since I was 13... my gyno always used to tell me "go have a baby, that will fix things up". well, glad I did not listen as it sounds like it doesnt.

I was on the pill by 14 to try and solve things and I took that till around age 26. At one point I had medication to stop my periods altogether for one yera (oh bliss) and the doc was like "oh, it could be up to 6 months before they come back now you have stopped the medication"... 3 weeks later they returned (very fertile the doc said. Laughing ) ... I had a curette, laparoscapy, (or however they are spelled).. but they could never find a reason. I have just had to suffer with cramps, heavy bleeding, vomiting.. stabbing pains like someone shoving a hot knife in me, and 2 or 3 days a month in bed.. blah blah.

I started taking bioidentical hormones about 8 months ago and these have helped quite a bit, though some months I still get cramping that puts me in bed.

One thing I will say.. if you have very heavy or long periods do NOT take Evening Primrose Oil. A side effect of Evening Primrose Oil is that it will thin the blood and this will result in MARKEDLY increased blood flow and bleeding time.
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Sun Feb 26, 2006 6:43 am      Reply with quote
I have always hated tampons and towels.
My periods have become a breeze since I bought a Mooncup:

So easy, put it in in the morning and then forget about it until the end of the day when all I need to do is empty, wash and re-insert.
They are far cleaner than all the mess towels and tampons bring and I no longer suffer from any irritations - no chemicals!!!
At the end of my period I just sterilise my mooncup and put it away until the next period.
A mooncup will last 10 years so it is far cheaper than towels and tampons.
On my heaviest days I only ever fill just over half a cup so no worries about over spill!!

Also during the summer months I can still wear a bikini or go swimming and it is literally like you are not on, you just forget Shock Very Happy

oily/acne prone - acne scars on chin area/Large Pores in winter. Oily in Summer. Fair, nuetral/cool complexion, burn easily. Early 20s
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Sun Feb 26, 2006 9:49 am      Reply with quote
wow, that mooncup sounds interesting.. but.. well, we are going to get icky here, but ...when taking it out how do you stop it spilling out?

And, I am you take it out and.. what? wash it down the sink? Then you have to clean it and then reinsert, so I guess you need to do this all the time in the privacy of your own bathroom at home... have you ever dealt with traveling or being at the office or out for the day?

I am so intrigued with this
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Sun Feb 26, 2006 12:12 pm      Reply with quote
Hi Fierce,

I've heard that your symptoms can def. be caused by cysts on the ovary.

Is there any way you can get a new Dr.? One who will listen and actually help you. Maybe a Dr. who also specializes in natural remedies.

I can relate to your query. Whenever my Dr. asks if my cycles are normal, I never know how to answer because I have nothing to compare it to. Normal? What is normal Confused ? It's good to get feedback from women.

BTW- I also think Tampax Supers are the best.
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Sun Feb 26, 2006 12:12 pm      Reply with quote
I started using the mooncup in June of last year after it was mentioned in this thread:
I love it and the only time I don't use it is for scuba diving although I'm sure it would be fine. My periods are shorter and I almost never have cramps anymore.
I used to have one or two really bad days when I'd have to take advil.
As far as emptying it, I don't find it any messier than tampons. I dump it into the toilet and wash it in the sink with antibacterial soap before replacing it. I haven't had to dump it in public restrooms.

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Sun Feb 26, 2006 2:33 pm      Reply with quote
I had a Mirena IUD put in for the same reason you discussed. For a few months prior, I had been feeling tired-more tired than usual. I started taking a multi-vitamin, but it didn't seem to help. The thing that got me back into the drs office, was I went to give blood and the American Red Cross turned me away. Do get this checked out, and I would suggest even switching drs if this one won't listen to you.
This IUD has been wondeful. Next month I will have had it 1 year. I have minimal periods, if any. Good luck!!!

46 yrs old, I live at the beach and love being out in the sun.
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Sun Feb 26, 2006 6:47 pm      Reply with quote
I don't understand. How does the moon cup shorten the duration of your cycle and also, how does it relieve cramping?

This sounds like a miracle product to me! Very Happy

I love the idea of no longer having to deal with pads and tampons. Plus, the benefit to the environment of less going into landfills. And if the pain of cramps reduced or went away, Hallelujah!!!
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Sun Feb 26, 2006 7:58 pm      Reply with quote

Wow this seems interesting. I have looked at the website that you suggested. I have a couple questions for you.

They don't seem to tell you actually how it works. How does it not tip when you lie down or if you are doing lots of activity?? Also are you able to go to the washroom without taking it out? I hope this is not too personal. I would just like to understand a little better how it works.

I hope they send to canada. Thank you for this information.
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Mon Feb 27, 2006 1:05 am      Reply with quote
I agree I would love to know how it reduces the duration and pain level.. perhaps this is only relevant to tampon users (tampons are renowned for increasing cramp intensity - the reason I stopped using them)

since I only use towels now, I dont think it would work like that for me, but oh how wonderful to no longer have the mess associated with use of towels and never to worry about "accidents" or ruined bedding/underwear!

Rosebud graciously PM'd me with some of the more "detailed" info.. so I am sure she will be happy to share with others too!
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Mon Feb 27, 2006 5:05 am      Reply with quote
OK girls I am going to give you all the gross information Laughing

First of all the mooncup locks into place by way of a suction device, if you look at the pictures on the mooncup website you can see little holes around the top, once in place at the top of the vagina the cup just locks into place, you can still pull it out when you want to but there is no danger of it falling out.
The holes just need to be kept 'unclogged'.

As for leakage, I too was worried about this at night, however I found if I emptied my mooncup (down the toilet if you were wondering Wink ) just before I went to bed, then I swill it out and re-insert, this way I am not going to bed with a full cup.
I have only ever had 2 mishaps where I did not insert it properly.......vanish stain remover worked a treat though Shock Laughing
I have had far worse though using towels at night.
Exercise has never caused any leakage, I have been swimming with my cup in, no problem.

I don't know why when you lie down there is no overspill or leakage, I think it may be due to the shape of the cup.
Fierce you asked about having to take it out in washrooms, with a mooncup you empty and rinse in the morning (at home) and then forget about it for the rest of the day and empty rinse at night (at home). It is not like towels or tampons that need to be replaced ever few hours.

As for pain, once I have inserted the cup I can't feel that it is there however when I am ultra sensitive I do feel a kind of subtle massage, I always joke to my SO that I have my love cup in Shock Laughing
It's like having an ache that is being massaged, in that respect it does help with any period pains.

It is like anything, you need a few periods to master the 'art of using' the mooncup, it's no different than first using a tampon or towel.

I hope this helps Laughing

oily/acne prone - acne scars on chin area/Large Pores in winter. Oily in Summer. Fair, nuetral/cool complexion, burn easily. Early 20s
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Mon Feb 27, 2006 5:35 am      Reply with quote
How often you empty it will depend on flow, on my heaviest days I do empty more often than I would when using tampons so please bare this in mind - so occasionly switch back from my cup for a day and only on light days do I sleep in mine. However overall I would say if you stick with it it does seem to lighten the flow and I have much less cramping. I imagine its partly due to this idea...if you wedged a cotton ball in one corner of your mouth it would wick everything away and your mouth after a time would feel uncomfortable, to me the same applies when using a tampon/cup.

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Mon Feb 27, 2006 7:33 pm      Reply with quote
Me suffering from this terrible bleeding and cramps since 16. From 14 - 16, I'm totally fine... still didn't know why Question I usually use both tampons (tampax) + pad because meeting sometimes last case the tampon goes fast. Worst of all, I would pass out totally while the cramp hit for the first 2 days of my period. After taking the pill prescribed by a doctor, it helps to control the cramps, but the flow is still heavy. I even bleed during my ovulation starting from the age of 26. Rolling Eyes

It got better after I went to a good Chinese herbalist at the age of 28. After 4 months of regulations (with daily bitter tar like herbal drinks), my first pain free and "normal" period flow started November last year. It has been truly a relieve for me for the past 3 months and I really hope it could last. This is my 5th herbalist that I tried, or maybe I'm just lucky.
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Tue Feb 28, 2006 9:25 am      Reply with quote
Thanks Rosebud for all your useful information. Sorry we had to get personal on you.
Caspers Mum

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Tue Mar 07, 2006 10:24 pm      Reply with quote
Chrissie wrote:
I had a Mirena IUD put in for the same reason you discussed. For a few months prior, I had been feeling tired-more tired than usual. I started taking a multi-vitamin, but it didn't seem to help. The thing that got me back into the drs office, was I went to give blood and the American Red Cross turned me away. Do get this checked out, and I would suggest even switching drs if this one won't listen to you.
This IUD has been wondeful. Next month I will have had it 1 year. I have minimal periods, if any. Good luck!!!

Mirena is the Mercedes Benz of i.u.d.'s. As I see you are in the U.S., you've likely paid too much for this device, or are a very lucky woman to have great prescription/medical coverage.

I say this, because even in Canada, where it is cheaper for prescriptions, and a physician who has been trained in Mirena insertion (different from traditional i.u.d.) is covered under national healthcare ... Mirena costs about $350 CDN to buy!

I volunteered as a counsellor with Options for Sexual Health (formerly Planned Parenthood of B.C.), and we didn't offer Mirena. Why? Number one: fewer doctors trained in their insertion. Number two: price factor. We would rather have a woman try a $65 Nova-T or Flexi-T, than lose an i.u.d. that cost over $300. (there is a risk of expulsion within the first month, with any new i.u.d insertion). If a woman experienced heavier, intolerable bleeding due to a traditional i.u.d, or wasn't a good candidate for this, the client would be referred to a doctor/gyn. who was trained in Mirena (if they had prescription coverage/extended medical), or simply had to consider a different method of birth control.

Mirena is a great method of birth control, as are all i.u.d's. The hormonal aspect (progesterone) of Mirena dries out the endometrium, which results in very light periods, if not ammenoreha. Ideal for breast-feeding women (will not alter production of breast milk), those whom have heavy periods, or experience undesirable side-effects from a traditional i.u.d.

It is too bad that it's cost & availibility outweigh it's positive benefits!

P.S. I have a regular, Nova-T. No problems, ever, and I was an ideal candidate to have one. $65, and it will last for years! A no brainer. Now, if it came equipped with ... a hot looking, smart, sensitive, verile man, I'd be a happy lady. Shock
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Tue Mar 07, 2006 10:27 pm      Reply with quote
rosebud wrote:
OK girls I am going to give you all the gross information Laughing

First of all the mooncup locks into place by way of a suction device, if you look at the pictures on the mooncup website you can see little holes around the top, once in place at the top of the vagina the cup just locks into place, you can still pull it out when you want to but there is no danger of it falling out.
The holes just need to be kept 'unclogged'.

As for leakage, I too was worried about this at night, however I found if I emptied my mooncup (down the toilet if you were wondering Wink ) just before I went to bed, then I swill it out and re-insert, this way I am not going to bed with a full cup.
I have only ever had 2 mishaps where I did not insert it properly.......vanish stain remover worked a treat though Shock Laughing
I have had far worse though using towels at night.
Exercise has never caused any leakage, I have been swimming with my cup in, no problem.

I don't know why when you lie down there is no overspill or leakage, I think it may be due to the shape of the cup.
Fierce you asked about having to take it out in washrooms, with a mooncup you empty and rinse in the morning (at home) and then forget about it for the rest of the day and empty rinse at night (at home). It is not like towels or tampons that need to be replaced ever few hours.

As for pain, once I have inserted the cup I can't feel that it is there however when I am ultra sensitive I do feel a kind of subtle massage, I always joke to my SO that I have my love cup in Shock Laughing
It's like having an ache that is being massaged, in that respect it does help with any period pains.

It is like anything, you need a few periods to master the 'art of using' the mooncup, it's no different than first using a tampon or towel.

I hope this helps Laughing

IMPORTANT: if a woman has an I.U.D., she CANNOT use this product, nor Instead protect cups, or The Keeper. Absolutely not! The suction can dislodge and/or cause expulsion of an I.U.D.

I wish that both The Keeper and Mooncup would be responsible enough to highlight this very important fact in their advertising.
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