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RE: * spam * cats!!!!
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Sun Apr 24, 2005 6:05 pm      Reply with quote
freefall, you lead an enviable life (except for your recent heart problems -- hope you're feeling ship shape now). I've been trying to convince my husband to do a charter in the Caribbean where we would help crew, but not on a power boat. So far he's unconvinced, although I think he'd love it -- he's a workaholic and the activity of sailing would keep him from getting bored with idleness.

Maybe you should talk to your vet about Kitty's malaise while at sea. I wonder if there's some kind of safe tranquilizer that would help her. Friends have tranqued their pets while flying, but that's not a long-term solution. Have you tried catnip? Or maybe some little cat house type thingy that she could snuggle in and feel secure?

Best wishes!!! April
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Fri May 13, 2005 7:51 am      Reply with quote
I'm feeling great thanks. I'm back to running 3 miles 6 times a week and playing tennis 4 or 5 times a week. I'm already starting to fit back into my clothes.

A sailing charter would be a blast, especially if you could share the boat with a few friends.

I have tried a gentle, natural kitty calmer and I don't think it helped much. She does ok as long as the boat isn't rolling too badly. I hate to see her sick and frightened but she always recovers really quickly and doesn't hold a grudge. She does have a couple of spots where she likes to tuck in and hide when we're under way. She does best held snugly in my lap because I can brace myself and protect her from the lurching moves of the boat. The good news is the owners don't use the boat much so we only take it out of the marina about 5 or 6 times a year.


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Thu May 19, 2005 12:55 pm      Reply with quote

Josie * spam * Cat - she looks good for a 15 year old!!!! A bit of a Diva now she's getting older and softer.

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Thu May 19, 2005 2:12 pm      Reply with quote

Petra - she's 14 now, keeps me fit ....she takes me out for walkies twice a day Laughing She is mad for stones, goes and digs them up and cries if you don't throw them for her. She carries one home with her everyday, so we have a little mound in the garden now Very Happy

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Thu May 19, 2005 5:32 pm      Reply with quote
I've missed this thread until now, but boy it's been fantastic reading all your posts and seeing pics of your beloved cats Very Happy I have two cats, a female (11) and male (10) and they are my 'babies'. The male adores me, while the female adores my b/f, so they are very hetrosexual Laughing She came from the animal shelter and I rescued him from a farm where the owners were going to shoot him!!!
Can you imagine shooting a poor defenseless kitten Sad
I dread the day when I have to have them 'put down' for whatever reason - I'm sure I'll be a complete basketcase!

Winnie I hope you can find a resolution to your dilemma.

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Thu May 19, 2005 8:18 pm      Reply with quote
So cute!!! (The boat's not bad either!) I'll have to take a picture of my 3 boys and post them...I have a black & white one too!!! >^..^< (<----that's supposed to be a cat, but I'm not so sure it looks like one!) Rolling Eyes

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Sat May 21, 2005 11:55 am      Reply with quote
We need to give Josie Puss a bath, she's starting to smell, I know it needs to be done but am reluctant to as she is getting old and doesn't always wash herself properly, I don't want to mess up her natural oils too much.
What do you wash your pets with? Is there anything natural I could use or could I make something up myself.

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Tue May 24, 2005 1:35 am      Reply with quote
The vet I worked at once sold gentle oatmeal shampoo for creatures- it smelled better than whatever I use. My kitty at home is old too, but sometimes just brushing her helps keep her clean- haven't bathed her yet, she wuld hate it I think.
Hope this helps a bit.
Is a lovely Josie-puss by the way
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Tue May 24, 2005 5:47 am      Reply with quote
Thanks Maddy, she's driving us nuts at the moment, has decided it is a good idea to stand in front of the bedroon door at 3am and yaw for up to an hour if thats what it takes for us to get up. Then when you get up to see what the matter is, it's chase time.
It's like having a baby that wakes you up all through the night Rolling Eyes
It's no wonder she sleeps all through the day Laughing

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Thu May 26, 2005 1:42 pm      Reply with quote
Here's another one of my two, I have not figured how to do away with the red eye yet.


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Fri May 27, 2005 1:50 am      Reply with quote
Rosebud- Lovely kitty! Love how they plan their mealtimes at completely inconvenient times for you. Or ask several different people for food so they have five dinners a night.
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Fri Jul 29, 2005 10:13 pm      Reply with quote
your cats & dogs are wonderful.
good luck to you all, especially to those with older cats.

our wonderful persian died 2 years ago. my husband still cries for him. he was the absolute saint. the most loving creature and a gentle soul.
we came back from a trip to australia to find our kitty (who was only 7 years old at a time) by the entrance door. he was unable to move his back legs and was alldirty and matted.

we did have a sitter and my mother taking care of 2 kitties. my mother got sick and checked herself into a hospital. when we questioned the sitter, he said 'i saw the cat sitting in the same spot, but i thought he was just missing you'.

we rushed our poor boy to the best animal hospital. his kidney was almost shot down.
a month (and 10k) later - he died in my arms on a way to the hospital. Crying or Very sad
it is not about the money - we would gladly pay more to save him. we were willing to do anything and the surgeon spend weeks putting poor sick kitty through battery of tests just so at the end, the kiney specialist rule operation absolutly impossible as there was no hope of recovery. why the specialist was not consulted earlier, we will never know.

we think our angel sent us our loverboy/terror cat and that saved my mother life. she was clinically depressed, getting serious shot treatments twice a year. and now these beautiful hairry babies are the apples of her heart. her life revolves around them. bless their little loving hears Smile
Sweety Smarty
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Sun Jul 31, 2005 2:00 pm      Reply with quote
Laughing Laughing Josie is such a cute cat...
I think,i actually dont have pictures of my cats(Romeo and Felix) Crying or Very sad freefall2(Is there a Freefall 1?) Your cat is really adorable Very Happy she has her own yacht?...nice...
i think Penny looks verry twee Very Happy
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Tue Aug 02, 2005 5:08 pm      Reply with quote
Sweety Smarty - Sometimes I think my Kitty must be the world's most photographed cat. I'm like a new parent who thinks everything their little one does is amazing and must be recorded. Tim and I are always making each other "Look at the Kitty". As if the way she is curled up at this moment is that much cuter than when we looked five minutes ago. Yes she is a spoiled little yacht princess and at the moment is waiting patiently to come in from the deck and have some fish.

Tim and I have been freefall2 since 1996 when we were living in Dubai. We're skydivers and there are 2 of us.

Kitty likes lobster too:


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Tue Aug 02, 2005 6:45 pm      Reply with quote
Hahaha -- what a great pic! I thought it was really cute and then I noticed the fish on the counter and started cracking up. Thanks for sharing! Smile
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Wed Aug 03, 2005 10:06 am      Reply with quote
Oh, my goodness! Admiral Kitty is adorable.. what a cute cat. I do the same "look at Lucy!" thing at my house, only I'm the only one who thinks everything she does is cute Rolling Eyes
Rosebud, your babes are adorable as well. That little stone thing your pup does is just too cute! I love little animal quirks..

Here are a couple of our loves
Two especially cute pictures of Tessa (I don't have very many.. new computer), boyfriend's cat
and one of my very old (well, he's 12) pup, Murphy.. he is suuuuch a good, good dog. I hate to see what the years have done to him Sad
I have another Jack Russel Terrier, named Jack (we didn't name him, ha, adopted him at 2yrs) and a mutt named Jill - all very, very good dogs. I have a cat named Lucy whom I'm lacking pictures of at the moment due to said new computer and a certain someone "borrowing" my digital camera... haven't seen it in quite awhile. Mad

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Wed Aug 03, 2005 11:58 am      Reply with quote
I just love Jack Russels the males are always so daft and dosile and the females are insane Laughing
Growing up we had a female the was litteraly psycopathic, she would try and fight with every dog on the block even the alsations!!!!
And you dreaded her sleeping on your bed at night, if you dared to even turn over, you would awake to growling Wink
She would attack your feet through the bed clovers. All the post was shredded, she could jump on the kitchen table and would do when we were all having our tea Shock Laughing
Oh another thing she hated people going out of the house and would do a run, skid and attack ankles to try to stop you.....I tell you insane!!!
Taintdlov I bet Kitty rules your Jack Russel!!
Freefall2 fantastic photo Wink

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Wed Aug 03, 2005 12:20 pm      Reply with quote
I had a female Jack as well.. she was insane when it came to other dogs (especially her puppies! Murphy is one of them) - I think to show that she was in charge! Other than that she was pretty docile.. as long as you didn't tick her off Laughing She was fun, and again, extremely well behaved. Quite the swimmer.. too. I miss that little babe.
Murphy's still pretty active for his health. He plays rough with the other Jack, which I think is adorable and likes to chase people around the pool. He'll also run about 90 mph to see you when you come home!
Jack the Jack is another swimmer, sooo much fun.. love the little guy. He will growl at you and lick your nose at the same time.. :hmm weird, but cute! He was abused before we got him, so we're assuming that's where the growling comes from. He didn't used to lick, four years of having him have softened him up a bit Very Happy

Couldn't you just talk about your animals forever?! Laughing

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Tue Aug 09, 2005 9:12 am      Reply with quote
call me prudish,but evrytime i read this topic,i turn reeeeeed Laughing Laughing
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Sun Mar 19, 2006 9:09 pm      Reply with quote
A couple of recent photos of Kitty.

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Mon Mar 20, 2006 1:06 pm      Reply with quote
I absolutely adore the way her surprised eyes and facial markings make her look as though she'd been caught in the act of eating licquorice! Laughing

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