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The scam of vitamins in pills
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Nonie aka AD
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Sun Oct 20, 2013 6:21 am      Reply with quote
Ascorbic acid is an antioxidant and healing to the body. You consume it every time you eat oranges and other fruits because ascorbic acid is nothing more than vitamin C, chemical formula C6H8O6.

Also it is wrong to assume that acidic foods are acid-forming in the body. It is what one would think but lemons, as acidic as they are, are actually alkaline-forming in the body. So whether you drink baking soda in water or lemon in water, you do it some good by making it more alkaline.

Also the indigestible part of veggies provides dietary fiber which is beneficial to the digestive process, not only helping in regular bowel movements but it is also prebiotic meaning it helps stimulate growth and proper functioning of the good bacteria in your gut.
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Sun Oct 20, 2013 7:51 am      Reply with quote
I can agree that vitamin supplements aren't as effective as just eating nutritious foods. There are studies about the body only being able to absorb and/or utilize the form found in nature, etc.

There is no way breatharianism works. I can say with perfect certainty--there is NO WAY it works. There have been literally MILLIONS of cases throughout history where people died from dehydration or malnutrition. Breathing deeply and meditating really hard don't give the body what it needs to function. We are organic beings composed of cells, and those cells NEED water, proteins, fatty acids, minerals, nutrients, etc. to function properly and keep us alive. It is just the way life is.

There were no god-like giants in human history. We evolved from single celled organisms. This is modern scientific fact.

I'm curious as to the last time you ate, and what it was.
Nonie aka AD
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Sun Oct 20, 2013 8:42 am      Reply with quote
panoslydios wrote:
Nonie aka AD wrote:
Ascorbic acid is an antioxidant and healing to the body. You consume it every time you eat oranges and other fruits because ascorbic acid is nothing more than vitamin C, chemical formula C6H8O6.

Also it is wrong to assume that acidic foods are acid-forming in the body. It is what one would think but lemons, as acidic as they are, are actually alkaline-forming in the body. So whether you drink baking soda in water or lemon in water, you do it some good by making it more alkaline.

Also the indigestible part of veggies provides dietary fiber which is beneficial to the digestive process, not only helping in regular bowel movements but it is also prebiotic meaning it helps stimulate growth and proper functioning of the good bacteria in your gut.

I always speak about acid forming foods and not acidic foods.
Because if i did so i wouldnt advise fruitarian diet!!!

Well, I beg your pardon but you did say "Ascorbic acid internally reduces lifespan." Then immediately followed that with, "Every acidic method does." Which clearly showed me that you believe ascorbic acid is an an acidic method which is why it reduces lifespan. Yet not too long ago you were preaching "Eat oranges and live!" Yet oranges are sources of this life-reducing method. If I didn't know better, I'd swear you were no different from cult-leaders who serve KoolAid destined to kill their followers. I mean, if acidic methods reduce lifespan, why in the name of all goodness would you encourage us to eat "acidic methods" like ascorbic acid replete oranges????

Then you also said, "Because human blood is ph alkaline(7.35) from birth till death." Which is a downright lie. If that were the case, then why would we even be talking about foods that change blood pH if its pH never changed from birth to death? I think what you meant to say is the normal healthy pH for blood between 7.35 and 7.41. It does not necessarily stay that way all our lives. It depends on one's health status.

panoslydios wrote:
You dont need vegetables to live and look young.
They do have the improper mineral size due to growing fast and dying fast.
Its not the only thing that you dont need.

Panos, you really do make stuff up or you subscribe to a bunch of wackos without question, not unlike cult followers might. Because I am sorry but this point^^ above is simply nothing more than BS galore. I suggest you do your research on foods that are the highest sources of vitamins and minerals for the human body before you start spewing nonsense.

panoslydios wrote:
In fact in the early stages of physical perfection and physical immortality,human being was disereless.It was God-like.Giant 20 foot tall.
The first creatures lived on air alone.Humans lived to ages past 500 and thousand of years.

Confused Really now? And you know this how? Neutral

panoslydios wrote:
lets look at some facts.
1- you are composed of cells.
2-your cells are composed of molecules
3-your molecules are composed of atoms
4-your atoms are composed of electrons whirling around the core-center of attraction

Lets take it the other way around.
1-electrons dont need food to function
2-atoms dont need food to function
3-molecules the same
4-cells the same.

What has this got to do with the price of eggs? OK, so electrons don't have mouths and don't eat. They don't even need air or water or sun. So this must mean we all should peg our noses and tape up our mouths and crawl under some rock into total darkness. Why the heck waste time with water, air, sun, fruit, whatever when we DO NOT NEED THEM because according to Panos, we are nothing more than electrons. Neutral (Oh and BTW, atoms are made electrons, protons and a neutrons, not just electrons Wink ).

panoslydios wrote:
Then why the heck should the body need food to live well.Well it doesnt because it dies.We eat to live and we eat to die.

I don't know about you but I don't eat to die. I haven't come across people who do. Many people eat to live...and then some live to eat. I have heard of people who STOP TO EAT to die. I suppose you could eat poison to die...

Incidentally, Panos, since you strike me as a guy who is true to your word, why do YOU eat if it really is not necessary?

panoslydios wrote:
Some suggest that this degeneration comes from the creatures not being able to deal with the cosmic radiation as we come closer to the sun,so we keep searching for energy from other sources.


Human being degenerated from breatherian to liquidarian ,then fruitarian,then vegetarian and finally omnivore.

Lawd ha'mercy! I am sorry but I refuse to read the final part of your spiel because I really do not like to fill my head with stuff that sounds like crazy-speak to me lest it be catching. I would rather remain ignorant of such "wisdom" as may be contained therein, for it is a lot more blissful where I am in my ignorance.

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Sun Oct 20, 2013 9:11 am      Reply with quote
Never mind...

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Sun Oct 20, 2013 9:38 am      Reply with quote
I'm Cookie and I like to eat food. Of course I also like to breath air and hope to continue that for a long time. I even take vitamins sometimes and have lived to tell it. Embarassed

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Nonie aka AD
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Sun Oct 20, 2013 11:50 pm      Reply with quote
panoslydios wrote:
Nonie,even Oleda Baker that you so much admire and can make huge posts about her with photos claims she eats little dense food.THAT SUGGGESTS she never eats BIG AMOUNT OF FOOD.

For everyone seeking longevity and youth i suggest to throw away the ascorbic acid and msm supplements.

How these people could preserve their youth after 200 years of life,but here people have to do so many things for the same aim like staying out of the sun!!!! current in their face,creams,serums,facial exercises,ultrasound,evaporation of skin with peels and lasers,heavy metal particles internally(gold ormus,silver etc) and so on.
If these people looked at us ,they would have had a hard time to understand us and if they did they would laugh the hell out of them.

Not sure why you are informing me about "the quantity of food Oleda eats", Panos. Did I suggest that stuffing oneself was the way to go? No, I did not. So pray do tell, why is this pertinent to Nonie?

And while we are on the topic of Oleda, she doesn't subscribe to your diet BTW. Her diet includes complex carbs, fish and poultry, veggies and fruit...and she takes and recommends supplements. In other words, she eats kinda like how many of us here who think your diet suggestions are extreme or crazy eat.

I asked you earlier how the heck you know about these people who lived for centuries and their youthfulness. I see you quote K L Coe who quotes Robert McCarrison. You know how stories change as they are passed on? Well, the people he is talking about are the Hunza people of the Himalayans. And this information about their age has never been scientifically proven IIRC and we don't even know if they follow the same calendar we do. Unless one lives among them and monitors their aging from birth passing the banner on to other researchers (since chances are the researchers would die before these miraculous people so the "watch baton" would have to be passed on to younger researchers who still have some years left to live) to really confirm that the Hunzas live as long as they claim(ed). And 145 is the oldest I have read of them claiming to be, not 200. (As I said, it is a case of "the cow is sick" story being enhanced with flourishes every time it is retold so that in time it becomes "the cow is dead".) The suggestion that they were/are vegetarian is a complete misunderstanding of how their environment and poverty made it impossible for them to eat as we do; they ate meat when they could afford it. And this point is the one folks have been telling you thus far: that people adapt to a way of life depending on their living conditions. It is no wonder people trying to emulate ways of life that are not conducive to their living conditions leads to results that look nothing like those they are trying to copy. I previously showed you photos of people who eat like you who did not look young or exude health and vigor. So clearly, the gospel according to Panos is lacking in truth since it isn't fool-proof and is replete with contradictions and inaccurate info.

And FYI, we live in times when the environment is very different from how it used to be. The ozone layer is no longer providing the shield to UV rays the way it used to before human activities created a big ol' hole in it. Due to industrialization, environmental pollution is higher now than it used to be. So if anything, that people are living longer in such dangerous conditions than they did in the early years of the last millennium when the environment and food were cleaner, IMO, is no minor feat.

The reason animals continue to live while others become extinct it is because they adapt to change and develop the tools to survive the trials unleashed on them. So you keep on looking at a people living in a world very different from the one you live in and keep trying to copy their lifestyle to a T, let's see how well that will work for you. The rest of us will continue to use common sense and adopt any useful information we come across without dismissing the old which has served us well, as we continue to adapt our lifestyles to the world in which we live.

Also it is laughable that you dismiss without merit practices that have been proven to keep people looking young...which is why they have quite a huge following. Ironically, these people whose regimens seem crazy to you really do look good better than a lot of the people their age who don't do those things. Granted, there are a few disappointed folks along the way, but to make sweeping statements that are condenscending when the examples you come up with of people who do things your way do not rival those of people doing what you scoff at IMO is just bizarre; makes it seem like you live in an alternative universe not very far from Lala Land.

You made a comment that perhaps food is what makes 10Sylvia5 look her age. Ignoring how asinine that sounds just as it stands without clarification, how do you know what she looks like? And what is wrong with looking her age anyway? You say it like it's a bad thing. Neutral IMO looking your age but the best at that age is what's commendable and what many of us aspire to.

BTW, I showed a friend a photo of Oleda and she found her to look old. I had to point out the absence of sag and wrinkles...but she still maintained that she would not mistake Oleda for a young woman. I understood what she meant because while Oleda does not look like most septuagenarians, if you look at her series of photos showing her at different ages, you can see the very slight aging between them. Like her photo at 77 would not be confused with that at 38 because she clearly is older but still she looks fantastic for her age. Besides who the heck decides what a certain age should look like so that you can say with authority that someone looks a certain age or not. When 46 can look so many ways, who are you to decide which is the correct look?

Anyway, for anyone interested, you can read more about the Hunza people and their lifestyle at the following links:
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Tue Nov 12, 2013 2:01 am      Reply with quote
Sorry Panos, but as long as my body has a stomach, intestines, bowels and an anus, I'm going to keep eating food. If we didn't need food our bodies would not be supplied with the means to process it.

Your posts are contradictory and unsubstantiated. Unless you're willing to link to scientific evidence for your theories, you'll just have to get used to your posts being laughed at.
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Sat Nov 30, 2013 4:25 pm      Reply with quote

This is an article about the Breatharian movement.. it was really tragic till I read the last paragraph about a well known advocate getting busted outside a gas station with a hot dog, slurpee, and a box of twinkies. This whole conversation makes me really hungry to be honest.

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Sun Feb 16, 2014 8:23 am      Reply with quote
Is the number of the days he can fast without food and water . I was very impressed by this experiment
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