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Wed Mar 07, 2007 4:08 pm      Reply with quote
I have had adverse effects from using these products. It seemes as though they have changed the elasticity of the skin under my eyes and given me some lines.

I am trying to find more people who have had adverse effects from using these products. I have created a website where I have posted my experience and am trying to find others who would let me post their stories.

I think that for some people these products cause significant side effects and people should be aware of this.

Please contact me if you are interested.

I would post the website, but I guess if you're a new user you can't post links.
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Fri Mar 09, 2007 3:22 am      Reply with quote
Are you talking about the copper peptide products?As they're meant to make your skin look worse before they look better.

Scalawaggirl talks about it here

39, in Australia, using retin a, Skin actives I Bright and Antiaging Cream, change sunscreen regularly currently.
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Fri Mar 09, 2007 9:19 am      Reply with quote
Yes, as Carol noted, they can make your skin look worse (dependent on how they are used) prior to looking better.

What you briefly described are typical side effects from overuse of copper peptides. What I would recommend for anyone thinking of using them is to thoroughly research their intended benefits and then make a plan to slowly acclimate your skin to them. I have had great results and continue to use them but I started out slowly and diluted the weakest formula so I did not have problems like you described.

I imagine you did not follow a slow routine in order to acclimate your skin. Can you confirm whether you did or not? A little more information would be helpful and additionally, I do not appreciate a "freak out" post when there are a lot of successful CP users. Of course, I also understand they do not work for everyone. There are two sides to every story - please try to be more balanced in your efforts.

42; medium, warm-toned; large pores prone to congestion; oily; using Karin Herzog exclusively right now!
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Fri Mar 09, 2007 10:29 am      Reply with quote
scalawaggirl wrote:
Yes, as Carol noted, they can make your skin look worse (dependent on how they are used) prior to looking better.

What you briefly described are typical side effects from overuse of copper peptides. What I would recommend for anyone thinking of using them is to thoroughly research their intended benefits and then make a plan to slowly acclimate your skin to them. I have had great results and continue to use them but I started out slowly and diluted the weakest formula so I did not have problems like you described.

I imagine you did not follow a slow routine in order to acclimate your skin. Can you confirm whether you did or not? A little more information would be helpful and additionally, I do not appreciate a "freak out" post when there are a lot of successful CP users. Of course, I also understand they do not work for everyone. There are two sides to every story - please try to be more balanced in your efforts.

I agree. Whenever using something new that the skin has never experienced before, you should always start slow. I do a test patch before behind an ear before introducing CPs to the whole face. Sabine, you didn't say how long you were using the CPs.

Early 50s, blonde hair (natural) with red streaks (mid-life crisis), blue eyes, fair skin, small pores, very dry skin, some pigmentation (thanks to growing up in Miami), starting to see fine lines. Love my NuFace and Quasar SP and the CPs and Retin A are working as well.
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Fri Mar 09, 2007 1:06 pm      Reply with quote
Someone using the name "Sabine" and having a website on freewebs under the mame "Natashadiamond" has posted the same or similar message on other skin boards she just joined. Also, someone using the aliases "Natasha/Sasha/Michaela/Ella" and also having a website on freewebs under the mame "Natashadiamond" was banned from the skinbiology forum by Dr. Pickart board a couple weeks ago for being very disruptive. According to Dr. Pickart, this person was in trouble for using their boyfriend's credit card to buy copper peptide problems.
This is about a number of recent posts by a emotionally disturbed person posting under various names such as Sasha, Natasha, Ella, Micheala, (all with fake addresses), etc.

This person bought products from Skin Biology and Skin Biology Canada. The Canadian sellers discovered that she used a fake name in her orders. She did post an email as "Remka" stating that after one day she had problems with the products but later posted that she was doing well on the products.

If she has problems ( and is not just a "backcharge artist" - she told Skin Biology Canada that she used her boyfriend's credit card and maybe he is unhappy with her use of his credit card ), we don't understand them unless she has severe skin allergies. The products she complains about are best sellers to spas and clinics that treat many clients.

She may be one of the 3% of people that think they are ugly regardless of how they actually look. We feel sorry for her and suggest that she get professional counseling for her image problems.

She is disturbed. Every item that we could confirm, such as her true name, was false. Chronic lying is an emotional problem. Other than the validity of her boyfriend's credit card and a delivery address, nothing was true.

BTW, I also ran into someone also using the "Michaela" alias on YTF who is trying to claim that HA taken as supplement or applied topically causes cancer. She is misreading the primary scientific research about HA being a marker for cancer.

I would avoid interacting with this Sabine/Natasha/Sasha/Michaela/Ella.
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Fri Mar 09, 2007 1:45 pm      Reply with quote
Thanks for the info, Pathouli. I thought it sounded fishy and it seems so.

42; medium, warm-toned; large pores prone to congestion; oily; using Karin Herzog exclusively right now!
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Thu Mar 15, 2007 5:25 pm      Reply with quote

Sorry, I didn't realise their were so many replies here.

I was using the night eyes and protect and restore on my face at first. My skin I don't think reacted well so I stopped using them for quite awhile as suggested by the skin biology site to give the skin a rest. Then I was using the products about once or twice a week and kept experiencing bad reactions. Oh and I had also ordered exfol and incorporated that later as well. The skin under my eyes seemes to have lost elasticity and I also have lines as well. 2 1/2 months later the skin has shown no signs of improvement.

I am aware that many people like these products and I am happy for that. I am just trying to make people aware that these products do not work for everyone and do have side effects for some. I wish that Dr. Pickart would acknowledge this.

And yes I am the person who he said used my boyfriends credit card to place the order, which is incorrect and I think is not right to make up lies about customers. I used my own credit card to place the order. I also called Visa to send me my statements so I can verify this if there are any disbelievers.

I did post rather rashly on the Skin Bio site which I apologise for. I was just very upset and took a wrong aproach to try to resolve things. Yes I posted under some different alias's because I was worried they might not let me post is they saw I had negative things to say. So I was logging in as sifferent users such as Natasha, Sasha and Ella I think it was.

As for michaela, that wasn't me. She was someone who I was talking to. I have emails from her.

On the other hand, many posts by people that have had negative effects are deleted. I think that if these products are causing harm to some, this should be taken in to consideration by the company.

Dr. Pickart also said in one of his posts that no one has contacted them regarding any problems and that there are is no permanent damage from these products. This is also false because I emailed them twice regarding this issue.

I have been posting on different message boards because I have true concerns about these products and wish that I had not used them. I am not trying to make people upset and am sorry if I have offended anyone. Sorry for the long post. Hopefully I have answered some of your questions.

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Thu Mar 15, 2007 5:34 pm      Reply with quote
Sabine, sorry you had problems with the skinbio products. Honestly I cannot tell if I had a positive or negative experience with them. I bought the Exfol cream, P&R with Retinol, Super CP Serum, and P&R body lotion from them. I intended to use the first 3 on my tummy stretch marks, but it seems they're not strong enough for that, so I stopped. I just tried the P&R with Retinol on my face last night just out of curiosity. I hope I don't have a negative reaction (there's none this morning), but it sure would suck if I start to sag or get lines under my eyes, which I don't need. So thanks for your post, and I'll keep a close watch on results. I hope you can get your skin back on track soon. Smile
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Fri Mar 16, 2007 10:10 pm      Reply with quote

I have been using these products for some time. Maybe I have been using too much because my skin is not so good right now too. I have never had so many lines on my face. Especially around the eyes.

But, with that being said, it could be I am not using them right. I've been going in for facial treatments for the last month. I've had three LumiLifts, and a chemical peel. My skin is starting to look better. I've been using the copper peptides a lot less too because I bought MD cosmetic products.

Even though there were some negative reactions from this post, I am glad I was made aware of what the product may be doing to my face. I will stop using them alltogether and see if my face recovers.

I agree that the product needs to be followed as prescribed so it is my fault.

Thank you,
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Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:41 pm      Reply with quote
I'm generally a happy Skinbio user, but I would give Sabine the benefit of the doubt. Having read a lot over the several years I've now been using CPs there do seem to be some individuals that have a bad reaction particularly in the eye area and I'm not so sure it's from overuse. Besides Skinbio does not say water down their eye products. They just say apply sparingly and not daily to start. Even I experienced a couple of strange lines on my immediate undereye area the first time I used their original night eyes and I didn't overuse because they sounded quite frighteningly powerful from the product info. My sister experienced the exact same. Luckily the lines went away quite quickly and I haven't experienced any similar problems. Added to all of that Skinbio is not a great place to complain. People don't get a good reception for obvious reasons on a proprietary site. It's somewhat over the top for Dr Pickart to accuse her of mental illness Exclamation

Here's a little side warning from smartskincare which gives a possible reason for this reaction.

Caution: While moderate use of copper peptides stimulates collagen synthesis and has antioxidant effect (by stimulating the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase), excessive use can have an opposite effect by increasing the levels of free copper and/or by triggering excessive production of metalloproteinases. Free copper promotes free radical damage and collagen breakdown leading to accelerated skin aging. Metalloproteinases can digest collagen and elastin, weakening the skin and causing sag. These problems do not seem to occur among the majority of copper peptide users. However, there are anecdotal reports indicating that such side-effects might happen with overuse or, rarely, even normal use in sensitive individuals. Ideally, a sufficiently large study is needed to better quiantify these risk.
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Sat Mar 17, 2007 3:35 am      Reply with quote
I've been using cp serum at night, this year. I'm pleased with the skin thickening result. When I upped the amount I was using, my skin looked wrinkly and I abruptly stopped using the serum for a few days. My skin stabilised and I'm back to using it now.

I just got some samples of P&R day cream and GHK.

Should I only use one product a day, do you think?

ie Stop using cp serum at night if I'm using P&R in the day?
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Sat Mar 17, 2007 8:46 am      Reply with quote
catski wrote:
I've been using cp serum at night, this year. I'm pleased with the skin thickening result. When I upped the amount I was using, my skin looked wrinkly and I abruptly stopped using the serum for a few days. My skin stabilised and I'm back to using it now.

I just got some samples of P&R day cream and GHK.

Should I only use one product a day, do you think?

ie Stop using cp serum at night if I'm using P&R in the day?

You can alternate the days or use one in the morning and one at night. I had recently bought a brand new bottle of the cp serum right before they came out with the Super GHK. So...I use the cp serum 2x a week at night. The Super GHK during the day.
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Sat Mar 17, 2007 10:34 am      Reply with quote
Thanks skincarefreak.

I also have the free sample of the GHK. Looking forward to trying it.
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Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:06 am      Reply with quote
catski wrote:
Thanks skincarefreak.

I also have the free sample of the GHK. Looking forward to trying it.

Catski, when you watered down your CP serum, what was the ratio used? When I asked Kim at IFP, she told me to use 3 drops of CP and 5-6 drops of water. Then to apply this all over my face. I have not tried that yet. I have so many products on my bathroom counter I am getting seriously confused. Once I picked up the Super Viper thinking it was the Wildberry with Kojic Acid and rubbed that all over my face. Grrrrrr
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Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:20 am      Reply with quote
I use two drops, diluted with two sprays from my JI mister, which has distilled water in it. This is plenty to cover my face.

When I upped it to 3/4 drops, my skin looked pretty rough.

I feel the same way about my skincare and make up at the moment. A bit chaotic. I have been answering the door to the postman every day, it seems like, and opening endless mmu samples. It is crazy. I have never had so many little jars in my life. I've actually just washed some tiny empty jam jars - like you get at breakfast in hotels- so that I can mix up small amounts of yet more potions.

I have so many things I'm excited to try and use.

But I do know for sure that cp serum works for my skin. And it is super easy to apply.
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Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:27 am      Reply with quote
I'm using the CP, as well as their trireduction and Lacsal. I do dilute the CP. I haven't had any problems so far.
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Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:41 am      Reply with quote
I have the CP super serum in a pump bottle. Is one pump the same as one drop??

46 yrs old, I live at the beach and love being out in the sun.
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Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:49 am      Reply with quote
Hi all:
I have been using CP's now since September and I can't believe the results. I am probably the oldest member of this forum (my apolygies to the former title holder. LOL) and after several months of use my eyelid sagging has been reduced considerably as well as the jowls (that is such a horrible word). I have never had so many positive comments. In fact I saw My neice for the first time in a year and her and her husband asked me if I had "something done" to my face.

Enough bragging! But I should mention that I did start slowly and I now use the trireduction with retinol and the copper serum every other night. I also believe that the Emu oil contributes a lot to the process.
So basically the copper peptides work for me.

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Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:58 am      Reply with quote
Chrissie wrote:
I have the CP super serum in a pump bottle. Is one pump the same as one drop??

I've never used the pump, but would imagine that the pump is more than one drop.
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Tue Mar 27, 2007 10:55 pm      Reply with quote
I used their products on and off for a long time, but unfortunately they did nothing to my acne scarring.
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Wed Mar 28, 2007 1:39 am      Reply with quote
zaney63 wrote:
Hi all:
I now use the trireduction with retinol and the copper serum every other night.


zaney, you use both at one time?
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Fri Apr 13, 2007 7:45 am      Reply with quote
I used their CP Serum,Super CP Serum,Protect and Restore Cream,Protect and Restore Body Lotion,Triduction with Retinol,CP night eyes,Squalane with Retinol,BND Cream,Super Cop.
I like CP Serum,Super CP Serum,Body Lotion,Triduction with Retinol & BND Cream. I use Triduction with Retinol on my stretch marks,and it works.
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Fri Apr 13, 2007 3:06 pm      Reply with quote
I LOVE cp's and I've been using them for almost a year. They've changed my skin a lot, for the better.
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Tue Sep 02, 2008 4:37 pm      Reply with quote
I enjoyed the comments about CP and I was wondering if anyone has used the Obagi Nu-Derm and then switched to CP and how they compare?
I have also heard that the CP's can be used with other exfoliated serums. Has anyone tried that?
I look forward to your replies Very Happy

Cheri Lynne RN
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Thu Sep 04, 2008 5:55 am      Reply with quote
Cherilynne, I know that a lot of people were using the CP's along with the nu derm and getting good results. I have not heard of anyone switching completely from the nu derm to the CP's, sorry.

The skin bio site recommends using a CP at 1 end of the day and an exfoliant at the opposite end of the day.
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