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Sun Apr 03, 2005 4:32 am |
I know I started something about the cat being sick on the beauty forum and thought I would share another story about my furry little friend.
My in-laws went away on holiday and we always house sit for them and take the animals with us.
They have a great big conservatory which the cat claims as her own, she even has her own chair in the form of mother-in-law's best chair.
Any way I came down one morning to the cat yaw, yaw, yaw and went in the conservatory to be greeted by the chair covered in cat sick
So I set about cleaning and oh god it was awful, the sick had gone into all the little grooves and gaps in the wood, an hour later I was still there muttering away, picking it out with a pin - the cat sat in the doorway scowling at me and the boyfriend comes down "oh give me a minute and I'll take the chair outside and use the power washer"
"What, you have a power washer??????"
Well I got a huge goody bag of cosmetics brought back for me when M-I-L heard I'd cleaned out the conservatory for her  |
Sun Apr 03, 2005 4:44 am |
rosebud wrote: |
the cat sat in the doorway scowling at me |
My cat will sit and watch as I clean up her mess too although she doesn't scowl.
Actually, in the past if I haven't been quick enough to clean it up she has started to sniff at it and attempted to eat it.
Sorry to any people who are eating while reading this!
I can't believe you sat there with a pin picking out all the residue.  |
Sun Apr 03, 2005 11:04 am |
My eldest cat has and always had problems with her anal glands blocking. The vets charged £25 years ago to "express" them and as its a monthly job, I had to learn how to do it myself. Not pleasant, but quicker and cheaper than going to the vets. |
Sun Apr 03, 2005 11:31 am |
I was just drinking chocolate milk shake when i read that....sprayed it everywhere laughing....
well the cat was sick yesterday but we think she must have had a stomach bug, the dogs been throwing up all day - I really hate sick.
I came down and see it and think should i go back to bed, pretend i've not seen then when boyf comes he can clean it up....but i still do it.
We had Sunday dinner today (no i did not eat much!!) and the cat goes manic when she smells Sunday lunch - everywhere you go she's there under your feet or you feel a pair of eyes watching you - like Damien the omen - then there's two pair of eyes.
Another thing she likes doing is climbing into drawers, one night i woke up:
'oh god i think there's a ghost'
'i knew you'd be like this watching that film...i'm really not impressed now!'
'no just listen'
We had shut the cat in the chest of drawers, she must have woke up and wondered where she was - poor bugger came out with her tail like a brush. |
Sun Apr 03, 2005 11:51 am |
You poor thing Rosebud - your house is being overrun with animal barf!!
Thankfully the only pet I have at the moment is the husband!! (would love a labrador one day though)
T x |
Sun Apr 03, 2005 12:06 pm |
Here's a photo of our Kitty looking evil. We took the boat out this weekend and she got seasick twice. Poor little thing. She's in bed now, looking cute and pathetic. She's such a good sport. She never holds it against us when we crank up the engines and generator and move, even though she is miserable for a couple of hours.
more kitty photos |
_________________ Owner at GS & Company at Semiahmoo Shopping Centre |
Sun Apr 03, 2005 11:51 pm |
She looks as though she is going throw at any minute - bless her!!
Cute photos
T x |
Mon Apr 04, 2005 12:45 am |
awwww! bandit would have worked as a name too
looks like he has a black kerchief around his mouth  |
Mon Apr 04, 2005 1:13 pm |
She looks so mischievious - how you manage to get her on the boat I don't know.
When I figure how to get photos from camera to computer, I will put our Josie on - or rather when I've batted eyelids at boyf enough to get him to do it
Dogs looking adorable, fast asleep with all her toys around her, she rounds them up like puppies - cat just thinks she's daft. |
Tue Apr 05, 2005 9:59 am |
freefall2 I have a picture of our Josie (the cat) and have just read that there is no facility available for putting up pictures, you have to do it from a website - how did you do your picture? |
Tue Apr 05, 2005 11:15 am |
Hi Rosebud, I have an online photo album that I link to using the Img button. The one I use is called and there is a fee. I think you can do the same thing with the free ones like yahoo.
If you have your photo on a website already you just have to open it and do a right click on the image, copy image location, paste it into your post. Then highlight the address and click on Img. It will add a code to the beginning and end of the photo address. Click on preview to make sure it worked.
Our kitty lives on the boat, in fact never gets off it. She loves spending her days in the shade of the 2 boats on the upper deck.
_________________ Owner at GS & Company at Semiahmoo Shopping Centre |
Tue Apr 05, 2005 5:19 pm |
Rosebud: I do exactly the same thing when one of the cats catches something revolting ... I either slink away and pretend I never went out the back of plaintively cry out and look nauseated and pathetic at the same time!! Works a treat!
Cindi: that is serious dedication to your eldest cat!! :-&
Freefall2 - that is one cute cat!! Love the black part over her mouth!! |
_________________ They say hard work doesn't hurt you - I say why take the risk! - R Reagan |
Thu Apr 07, 2005 8:41 pm |
Just reading all your banter has left me feeling very nostalgic. My husband and I lived in England (Oxford and Brummie) for 2 years ('99-'01). We had to leave our 2 orange fluffy purring children behind with my parents. It was the most upsetting time for me. However, I did have my first born over there and came home with number 2 half cooked. My two cats are still at Mum and Dads and I have had a third!!  |
_________________ mimirose |
Thu Apr 07, 2005 8:52 pm |
Please meet Penny my 8 year old Persian. I also have Penny's brother Max. Penny was born deaf. She is an absolute love. My husband has developed Asthma. The doctors feel the cats are making his condition worse. The day might come when I will have to find a home for Penny and Max. We will do everything in our power to keep them. The only way I can let them leave would be together. Hope it doesn't come to that.
Fri Apr 08, 2005 3:19 am |
Oh the persians are adorable - I bet they malt all over the carpet!!!
Gucci has asthma and she has persians as well.
I've told the boyfriend we are not having kids (which he's fine with) - and that I want * spam * cats instead
Our sweet little angel - Josie has taken to yawing and yawing until we put the fire on for her, it's got the point where after yaw, yaw, yaw, yaw all you hear is "just put the bloody fire on! Anything to shut her up!" It's like a sauna now each night with the cat monopolying the fire and having a mini tantrum if you try and turn it off!!! I tell you she's turning into a little diva
But how do you retrain a * spam * cat???? |
Fri Apr 08, 2005 5:08 am |
freefall2 wrote: |
Our kitty lives on the boat, in fact never gets off it. She loves spending her days in the shade of the 2 boats on the upper deck. |
How do you KEEP kitty from getting off the boat? I mean, my cats have a mind of their own...sometimes I have a hard enough time keeping them in the HOUSE -- which has doors -- much less on a boat! Especially the baby, Mr. Finley. BTW, is that you in the photo, too? For some reason, I had you pegged as a brunette in my mind's eye.... |
Fri Apr 08, 2005 4:28 pm |
Carekate - Kitty is a chicken and won't jump down. The boat is big, 103' and she is on an upper deck about 15' above the dock. I only let her on the lower deck when she is supervised and I'll open the gate and let her walk down the ramp onto the dock so she can sniff around every once in a while. She spends a lot of time inside with us and sleeps in crews quarters at night.
Yes, that's me in the photo. My mom says the only reason I'm still blonde is because I live in the tropics. She was blonde until she was a teenager. I'm sensible like a brunette though!
_________________ Owner at GS & Company at Semiahmoo Shopping Centre |
Fri Apr 08, 2005 4:40 pm |
Winnie - Penny is beautiful. I'm jealous, you have 2 dogs and 2 cats, right? I'll have more animals one day. When we retire from yachting I want a big piece of land and lots of animals. That's awful that you may have to give the cats up for your husband's health. I'd get a second opinion! We had guests on board recently and one of them is very allergic to cats. I vacuumed more frequently but still let Kitty come inside and he didn't have any reactions. |
_________________ Owner at GS & Company at Semiahmoo Shopping Centre |
Fri Apr 08, 2005 9:53 pm |
[quote="Winnie"]Please meet Penny my 8 year old Persian. I also have Penny's brother Max. Penny was born deaf. She is an absolute love. My husband has developed Asthma. The doctors feel the cats are making his condition worse. The day might come when I will have to find a home for Penny and Max. We will do everything in our power to keep them. The only way I can let them leave would be together. Hope it doesn't come to that.
My parents probably wouldn't mind two more!!! |
_________________ mimirose |
Tue Apr 12, 2005 4:34 pm |
Our poorly Josie * spam * cat has got a cold.
All her nose is red, eyes wayery and she keeps sneezing. Her yaws are all croaky.
And then the dog has decided she wants to be poorly too as Josie is being constantly fussed.
So whenever she sees us looking she strts to limp and show us her poorly paw (she hurt her paw a while back but has never forgot all the attention she got).
I have to sit with one at each side, bless them, they really are adorable  |
Tue Apr 12, 2005 11:53 pm |
Well now, I must weigh in on this cat conversation. First of all, Princesa Preciosa is an absolute and unique beauty! freefall2, you always supply such great visuals -- your yacht makes my mouth water!!! Do you live on it? You look so young to have had heart surgery -- I hope you're recovering well. Best wishes!!!
Winnie, you're another one with great visuals. Penny and Max are the most glamorous couple!!! My husband is asthmatic too. Does yours have allergy-induced asthma? If so, I wonder if some dander allergens can be added to his allergy shot serum to innoculate him. Also, have you tried some heavy-duty hepa filters around your home? Perhaps the long hair makes matters worse -- I don't know --but what I DO know is I couldn't possibly give up my precious Bustopher and Bill unless it was a matter of life or death!!! Good luck -- I hope you can find a solution to your dilemma without splitting up your happy family!
Buster's on my lap now as I type, and he's been a sick little guy these past 6 mos: first was the radiation treatment for hyperthyroidism, then surgery to have a fibrous growth removed from his cheek, and now he's in the beginning stage of renal failure. He's hanging in there though, and has put on some of the weight he lost. Brother Billy has relented a bit when it comes to attempted buggery. A bit. They're 12 yrs. old, and when we adopted them at 8 wks. of age, they were curled up in a ball together, both runts of the litter (but now BIG). We'd set out to have an orange tabby, but when we saw them together like that, we knew we couldn't leave without the little brown one (B-pher) too.
One of my first generation of cats lived to be 3 mos. shy of 20 (my husband was on the floor sobbing the day we had to take him to his final doctor's visit). HIS brother was a much chubbier version of the Princesa (but not with such distinctive mouth markings - only a little goatee). He was so beautiful and loving!
I'm constantly cleaning up vomit, especially now that my poor baby's kidneys are beginning to fail I've had the same problem as rosebud, when they hurl on my mother's wicker furniture (which can't be pressure washed). What a chore it is! But I'd rather deal with this than have to express anal glands -- Cindi, you're a true saint, the Mother Theresa of cat lovers!!! |
Wed Apr 13, 2005 4:10 am |
I'm so sorry to hear the cat's been poorly - I'm dreading the day when either one of these 2 are not around and I'm not allowed any more, the boyfriend wants to be able to go away guilt free!!!
They have both driven me nuts today - the cat is having the silent treatment. Because of all the attention she's been getting, she's strated to torment the dog, anyway the dog came and woke us both up at 4.30 this morning, wimpering with huge scratches across her face so I have been cleaning up her face in the early hours.
Cat was just sat preening herself as though butter wouldn't melt - so poorly or not she was thrown out in the rain!!!
I tell you it's like having kids - they are both exhausted now and back to being friends  |
Thu Apr 14, 2005 4:52 am |
m.april wrote: |
One of my first generation of cats lived to be 3 mos. shy of 20 (my husband was on the floor sobbing the day we had to take him to his final doctor's visit). HIS brother was a much chubbier version of the Princesa (but not with such distinctive mouth markings - only a little goatee). He was so beautiful and loving! |
God, I hope I’m as lucky as that with my Domino. He turned 14 last week. I’ve had him since he was three weeks old when his mother abandoned him and his sister -- I had to bottle-feed them for about 10 days because they didn't even know how to lap yet. I had to put Caprice down two years ago, she had cancer of the bladder. Domino is still in pretty good health, but he's starting to get really sway-backed and you can just tell that he's getting old. I dread the day that I have to take Domino on his last trip to the vet -- I'll be the one sitting on the floor sobbing on that day! It was bad enough putting Caprice down, but Domy is my honey bunny.
As I said, they were littermates, both Maine Coons, although Caprice was the "giant," weighing in at nearly 30 pounds. Domino "only" weighs 22 pounds. Domino is a little "retarded," too. You can just tell that he's not really firing on all cylinders sometimes -- my mom says it's because Caprice hogged all the nutrients in the womb and when they were born (Domy was the runt), their mom probably didn't sack Domino out of his birth-sack quickly enough so he might've been a little oxygen-deprived for a couple minutes. I don't know and I don't care...the only thing that matters is that Domino is the sweetest, most loving cat I've ever had. At night, I can't fall asleep unless he's in bed with me...he lies in the crook of my arm and 'makes muffins' on my shoulder for about 20 minutes until we both fall out, and during the day, he thinks he's a "lap cat," always wanting to sit on your lap -- which is fine until your legs start to fall asleep under the dead-weight!
I have two other cats now, Mona Lisa, a Himalyan-tabby mix that was abandoned by her previous owner and left to fend for herself outside an apartment complex until a co-worker trapped her and brought her to the vet to be checked over and adopted. And then there's Finley, a long-haired black/brown tabby that I caught when he was a month old (neighbors moved away and left their pregnant female cat behind). Finley's got a funky tail -- it's crooked in the middle so it's like bent in two, and he can move/wag the parts independently so his tail is more like a dog's tail in that he is able to wag it, it's the funniest looking thing!
I love all my furry children, but Domino will always be number #1 in my heart.... |
Thu Apr 14, 2005 7:11 am |
rosebud, your bf sounds like a very independent soul. No wonder you love cats. But just as cats can be aloof yet so very loving and trusting, I hope bf will also learn to relax and trust you completely!!!
caretake - I know how you feel about bedtime. I wait for my little guys to jump in bed at night too. When I was a child, I couldn't go to sleep without surrounding myself with stuffed animals. I guess I haven't changed much since then.
My sincerest hope is that Domy will stay well and live to the ripest old age!!! It's so good of you to take in Mona Lisa and Finley. How on earth can people abandon animals, much less mistreat them? I've only been to an animal shelter once -- I wanted to bring them all home with me.
I never saw my husband shed a tear when his father, who he loved very much, died. His near convulsions when Monty had to be put down freaked me out as well as angered me -- I had to be the strong one that afternoon, and it was difficult. I grieved for a year, until the day we brought B&B home!!! |
Sun Apr 24, 2005 5:39 pm |
Kitty is my first pet. I absolutely dread the idea of her getting sick. I feel so guilty when we have to take the boat out because I know it makes her uncomfortable. On our trip from Isla Mujeres to Roatan she was sick for almost the entire 33 hours. If we ever have to make a really long crossing I will consider flying her there first so she doesn't have to suffer through days of seasickness.
m.april - yes the 3 of us live on the yacht. Tim is captain, I'm chef/first mate and Kitty is Admiral! We've been working and living on this yacht for 7 years. The owners are terrific and don't use it that often. Before that we were on a boat in the Middle East and before that, the Bahamas.
_________________ Owner at GS & Company at Semiahmoo Shopping Centre |
Mon Mar 03, 2025 8:20 pm |
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