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Men and their pee (not naughty spam)
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Fri Mar 10, 2006 1:51 pm      Reply with quote
rosyface wrote:
Cats lick themselves clean. EWWWWHHHHH Laughing Laughing Laughing


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Fri Mar 10, 2006 2:01 pm      Reply with quote
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Fri Mar 10, 2006 2:03 pm      Reply with quote
oh! Oh! that's terrible Bad Grin

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Fri Mar 10, 2006 5:47 pm      Reply with quote
Uh oh! I created a monster! We digress! But I feel MUCH better now. Thanks, everyone. This is a problem for many couples, I see. So my hubby isn't a freak. Well, THAT'S good. To think I was sore at him.

Poor guy. He had me fix his homemade hair cut today. And I accidentally made a few bald spots in the back of his head. He knew right away when he heard the clippers suddenly stop and I started laughing that something had gone awry. Luckily he can wear caps to cover it up.

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Thu Mar 16, 2006 6:34 am      Reply with quote
Oh dear, I guess I'm a little late responding to this post....

You know what? My son has NEVER peed on the floor. Never. I think the reason is because he was too lazy to raise and lower the toilet seat to pee – I wanted to train him “right” from the start so his wife wouldn’t have to un-do 20 years of ingrained habit of always leaving the seat up – so he learned to have better control from aiming at a smaller “target.” The worst I ever had to deal with – and it happened so infrequently that I didn’t make a big deal out of it – was a random droplet of urine on the toilet seat. Some day, his future wife and daughter/s are going to thank me! Wink

If you want to talk about people with horrible bathroom “etiquette,” my God, you ought to see the ladies room here at my office. A bunch of the women I work with are outright disgusting slobs who either piss all over the seats (HTF do they manage to do that?????) or don’t flush after completing their business. That is the kind of behavior I expect from men, but my female co-workers are worse then any males I’ve ever lived with!!

And while we’re on the subject, one day this adorable guy I used to work with (a tranplanted Canuck who looked like Harry Connick, Jr. – yummy!!) told my friend and I this absolutely hysterical story about one of our fellow male co-workers: apparently this poor man had some sort of “performance anxiety” so that he was not able to use a urinal and would only do his business in the lone stall in the men’s room. What’s funny about that? Frank told us that this guy would go into the stall, close and lock the door, and then proceed to take huge wads of toilet paper and stuff them into all of the seams and cracks in the walls/door of the stall to – seemingly – block out any outside noise or light before he felt comfortable enough to sit down and do his business. I can only imagine what happened when this guy was afflicted with a case of the trots and therefore lacked the time necessary to complete his little ritual before the inevitable “explosive decompression” voided his bowels.... Shock I guess I don’t need to tell you that Kim and I spent the rest of the interlude during which we worked with darling Frank trying to figure out who the “shy guy” was! Razz

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Thu Mar 16, 2006 6:41 am      Reply with quote
m.april wrote:
BTW LandB, after some hysteria on my part because of similar nighttime experiences like yours, I finally "trained" my dh to put down the seat. But the male ego can be fragile, and now I'm awakened nightly in the wee hours (pun intended) by an incredibly loud slamming sound, a sort of last word on the subject: You Want It Down? You Got It Down!
Did I mention that when I was 7-month pregnant with the aforementioned son, my fiancé left the seat up in the middle of the night where upon I not only sat down and fell in, but become lodged in the bowl and was unable to extricate myself and had to holler for him to come and bring a crane and forklift to get me back out.

I think now that you know the context in which I decided to train my son correctly from the beginning you now begin to understand my decision better....

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Thu Mar 16, 2006 6:42 am      Reply with quote
A bunch of the women I work with are outright disgusting slobs who either piss all over the seats (HTF do they manage to do that?????) or don’t flush after completing their business.

in my office, add onto the above repulsive behavior, not flushing when menstruating and even a little 'finger painting' from time to time on the stall walls with menstrual blood....i know just too too gross (i shudder to even say this) :-&

oily tzone;fair; mild roseacea;PCOS symptoms-hirsutism,occasional cystic acne. Mid 30's-light-med brown hair, light brown eyes
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Fri Mar 17, 2006 7:12 pm      Reply with quote
We own office buildings and yes, it's true that women's bathrooms are alarmingly and disgustingly trashier than men's. It's a fact. But this may be because women are sick and tired of cleaning up after men at home Idea Don't even get me started on menstruation and sanitary products. Would any woman try to flush a thick pad down THEIR toilet at home? I'm with you carekate -- WTH??? It makes me ashamed to be female sometimes.
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Sat Mar 18, 2006 5:35 am      Reply with quote

I've heard this about us (women) before. Ewww...When I was in college, the cleaning people said we were a lot worse than the guys.
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Mon Mar 20, 2006 4:43 am      Reply with quote
I just hope these women who do that nasty stuff don’t have any pets at home who might be looking for a fresh drink of water from the commode – all five of my cats REFUSE to drink from their water bowl and if you’re not home to turn on the faucet for them to get a drink directly from the “source,” then drinking from the toilet bowl is there 2nd choice....

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Sat Mar 25, 2006 4:05 pm      Reply with quote
When my husband was in the army, all the guys made a pact to sit on the toilet and to only use one toilet of the many they had in their dorm. The reason ... they had to clean the toilets themselves, so if they all sat and used only one then there was very little mess to clean.

After the army if my husband had friends over at his place he told them to sit on the toilet or they could take the cleaning supplies and clean the toilet themselves. Many guys were insulted by the request and would go outside to pee which was just fine with my husband.

Today he is still the same and cleans the toilet area more than I do. Am I lucky or what!
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Sat Mar 25, 2006 4:27 pm      Reply with quote
I think the funniest part is that you had to disclaim that it wasn't naughty spam!! Imagine what kind of crazy stuff "men and their pee" would be spamming about!! Laughing

PS. I need to go thank my bf for almost never missing and usually putting the seat down! (I have to admit I have fallen in a few times late at night, though)
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Tue Mar 28, 2006 7:10 am      Reply with quote
Also, ladies, be careful about what you leave lying around in the bathroom when you have company! During a get together my parents were having with their friends, my mother noticed that each man who would excuse himself to go to the bathroom came back with a smile on his face and would wisper something to another man, and he would excuse himself to go to the bathroom and so on until all the men had gone to that bathroom (there was only one bathroom in the house)- and what was the reason for all this fuss??? My mother had left her magnifying mirror standing on the tank of the toilet! Rolling Eyes Laughing
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Tue Mar 28, 2006 8:02 am      Reply with quote
ROFL!!! That is soooo funny! They all felt like studs! Poor guys that need a magnifying mirror to feel happy about their boy parts. Wink
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Tue Mar 28, 2006 10:12 am      Reply with quote
We have 9 bathrooms on this boat and sometimes after cleaning them I tape them shut so they don't get used in between visits from the owners and guests. How hard is it to walk to crews quarters to use one of the 3 toilets down there? Image

I used to fall into our toilet all the time but the Kitty trained my husband to close the lid. I told him that Kitty would die from ingesting the cleaning chemicals that I use if she was allowed to drink from the toilet. So he closes the lid out of concern for her, certainly not for me.

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Wed Mar 29, 2006 7:21 am      Reply with quote
This thread is so funny - wonder why I didn't look at this before - Its got me in a real good mood today.

My husbands OK - think he wipes after. But my "little" boy (11), well thats another story. He just hates using the toilets in school..........says that they are very dirty, so when he gets home he is in a mighty hurry.........Can you hear me Yell!

Freefall2 what a great Idea, I have kitty that likes drinking water from the Toilet!

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Wed Mar 29, 2006 11:44 am      Reply with quote
OMG!! I am so glad to hear that I am not the only one out there who has an inconsiderate man.
However, there is something no one has mentioned, which I have had to deal with for my entire life, beginning with my brothers. They do not LIFT the seat. They do their business with the seat down! Much like the female co-workers you all have been talking about who urinate on the seat. It is SO disgusting to have to "clean the seat" after them before I can go! Seriously, I blame my mother for that. And let me tell you, their aim is BAD on top of it.
My current boyfriend does this at times also. I have really laid into him about it, tried to explain to him that it's very disrespectful, and told him that this is not something I should have to put up with from him (he knows that my brothers have already driven me crazy with the same issue). It is a very sensitive subject for some reason. He thinks I am taking my anger with my brothers out on him! I've tried telling him that most women would give him hell for not putting the seat down, while I would just be happy if he put it UP in the first place!
I cut him slack if he's drunk or it's the middle of the night, but he still does it completely sober in the middle of the day, most of the time not flushing afterwards, and I just don't GET IT.
Please please please, if anyone else has had similar experiences with their S/O, please share! Am I the only one with such a disrspectful mate? Any ideas?? Rolling Eyes
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Wed Mar 29, 2006 12:04 pm      Reply with quote
bless you all!!!

this has made me feel soooooooooooooooooo much better(not to mention had me almost crying from laughter)! my BF was a confirmed bachelor when i moved in with him and after much trial and error on the toilet seat up and down, laziness won out. he keeps it down. and for the most part, his aim is damned good. but but but the one time of day he puts it up is for that last loooooooooooooooooooong pee before he goes to sleep (he's built like a two seater but seemingly has a tank the size of an SUV). needless to say, there have been some cold cold nights when i've fallen in and wailed. does he even get up to see? no! of course not! my revenge is getting into bed and snuggling my bum (which is an igloo even on warmer nights) into his nether regions.... Laughing revenge is sweet!

why these post gave me the laugh i needed, though, is that he's hurt his neck/back recently and it hurts him to move it. thusly, our wee little bathroom (they have separate closets here for the toilets) has been looking like a modern art painting. it's everywhere! toilet seat, toilet paper, floor, walls (i've avoided checking out the ceilings, but no drips thus far). i've started taking my *own* roll in.... i don't have the heart to say anything because he really is miserable.

so thank you all for cracking me up Very Happy
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Fri Mar 31, 2006 9:44 pm      Reply with quote
[in my office, add onto the above repulsive behavior, not flushing when menstruating and even a little 'finger painting' from time to time on the stall walls with menstrual blood....i know just too too gross (i shudder to even say this) :-&[/quote][size=9][/size]

Not to bring this part of the thread back up for discussion, BUT, I have to say THIS IS ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING!!

I am such a major germaphobe! I usually always try to open public bathroom doors with tissue or some paper towels..I can't trust that people have washed their hands!! I'm so nutty at times that when my boyfriend uses the can and does #2, I say, "did you wash your hands?" I ask my son the same question, his fasicious reply is soo funny, "Yes I did mom, wanna smell?" Laughing This coming from a 14 yo I guess should be expected. Rolling Eyes

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Sat Apr 01, 2006 11:35 pm      Reply with quote
This is the funniest topic i've read in the past few months... Laughing Laughing
Sorry for anyone who has this kind of problem.. I can imagine how terrible it is Not talking
Luckily my bf listened to me after the first time i noticed this kind of problem happened, he sits and pees right after the first time I complained about it because I said, you got to clean it up!! I'm not doing it !! or else you have to go somewhere else and yea.. it's never happened again.
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Sun Apr 09, 2006 1:57 pm      Reply with quote
A friend e-mailed this to me and it had me ROFL!!!!!!! I did a search on the net to find it so I could post the photo- it is at the beginning of this site (the rest of the site may be interesting but I haven't checked it out yet). This is a design for a men's bathroom in New York City and it was done by an all-women run interior design company.
Teee-heee Enjoy! Laughing
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Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:31 am      Reply with quote
ROFL!!!! I can't believe what I've stumbled across! Laughing
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Thu Apr 13, 2006 3:36 pm      Reply with quote
I'm reminded of that scene from the movie "Wolf" where Jack Nicolson's character "marked" his territory. I've gone into the bathroom after my nephew (when he was still a child) and it looked like some animal had been marking. Eeeeeeeeew. Shock Shock Shock

I can't understand the women who don't clean up after themselves and won't flush and throw paper on the floor. Makes me wonder how they behave at home.

My DH, by the way, has perfect aim! Very Happy

age 51, super oily skin (when, oh when, will I finish puberty?!?!)
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