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Thu May 11, 2006 3:14 pm |
I still want to report her, but I am convinced (because for some reason I kept thinking about this during the day and it's REALLY disturbing me) that her cat died of natural causes and she decided to make a purse out of it's beautiful fur. Now that's not so bad is it? I'm still going to report this website though. |
_________________ 24 years old...Please click to Fund Food for Animals at the AnimalRescueSite! |
Thu May 11, 2006 3:29 pm |
I abhor what she's done, but it's very clear that she's a pathetic attention-seeker. She's probably thoroughly enjoying on all of the ruckus that she's caused.
She's definitely psychologically disturbed. This is the kind of thing you can imagine psychopaths starting out with. |
Thu May 11, 2006 3:44 pm |
pustekuchen- I definitely understand what you are saying. If there's anything years of being a vegetarian and animal rights activist have taught me, it's that everyone has their own comfort level when it comes to animals. Some people won't eat them at all, some people just abstain from eating certain ones, and some people are comfortable eating meat but feel strong affection for house pets like dogs, cat, and rabbits. I think the reason that people (myself included) become way more outraged over cruelty to housepets than over the meat industry is because so many people see firsthand that when someone adopts a pet, not only does that pet become like a child to them, but the owner also becomes like a parent to that pet. The pet loves and trusts that person, and relies on him or her not only for necessities like food and water, but also for love and companionship. So, in that sense, when you hear about someone abusing their defenseless pet, it strikes a chord in many people that is not unlike the feelings elicited when one hears about actual child abuse. By that token, I don't think anyone here is saying that house pets are worth more than other animals. I do, however, think that they are horrified to hear about anyone violating the bond that pets develop with their human families. Just my opinion... |
_________________ 27, sensitive/reactive/acne prone skin, dark brown hair, blue eyes, possibly the palest woman alive... |
Thu May 11, 2006 4:56 pm |
oh, i certainly think it's skeevy that someone could/would do that to their pet.
but the statements that it's cruel, are the ones i don't understand.
i don't see it as unquestionably abuse. animal abuse and child abuse anger me. puppy mills fill me with rage.
it would be cruel to do that to someone else's pet, it would be cruel to do it in a painful way for the animal.
if she had skinned her cat alive, or beaten it to death or something more horrific, i would be horrified and angry.
but the act of killing an animal and using the carcass for some purpose or another is not by definition cruel or abusive(unless you totally believe that no animal should ever be killed for any purpose)
would it be better if someone bred cats in a cage, and raised them in captivity and then killed them and used them for whatever? those cats would not have come to depend on their owner for love and affection. they would never have been pets. would that be less horrifying or cruel? because that's the message i'm getting, and i just don't understand that.
i do eat meat, but i prefer organic free range chicken and beef and wild game. i also prefer kosher meat, because the methods used are more humane than slaughterhouse meat.
i also understand the sentiment of a pet as a part of the family. i don't even live with my parents anymore, but i love their dog dearly. however, if the house were on fire and i could only save my mom or my dog, it wouldn't even be a question in my mind.
so yes, it's pretty twisted, i could never do it. when we raised rabbits we had "pet" rabbits and "food" rabbits. and they were kept in very different places and we would never ever have eaten one of the "pets". but that distinction was purely for our comfort of mind, and had nothing to do with abuse issues or cruelty. frankly, our "food" rabbits were better cared for than some "pets" i have met. |
Thu May 11, 2006 6:18 pm |
If you think it's skeevy to do that to a pet, i don't see how you don't understand why others find it cruel. You seem to have been around a lot of hunting...i guess that could give a different approach to a person. I used to know people around the corner that would shoot the squirrels and eat them. I hated them because the squirrels I used to feed ended up in their bellies. Killing another person's pet for a purse is no different than killing your own pet for a purse. Same crime...and that is animal cruelty. I will also say that most of the meat I eat i don't care to hear how it happens...because I am well aware animal cruelty occurring to the animal before it dies. No doubt goes in my head that the girl on this site probably did harm to this cat. It's extremely common. |
_________________ Extremely fair/sensitive skin(mild rosacea)that burns very easy.acne is rare/skin is dry.27 years old. |
Thu May 11, 2006 6:50 pm |
killing someone else pet is very different from killing your own animal.
i think it's psychologically skeevy, but i don't think it constitutes animal cruelty unless there is proof of abuse, the cat on her site did not look beaten or abused, just dead.
either it is okay to use animals for food, clothing and accessories, or it is not.
if one is going to call peta to report her, is one also going to report the artisan who makes deerskin slippers?
why is that different?
as for the people who killed and ate the squirrels, why hate them? is it because you were indirectly feeding them?
i don't understand why it is worse to kill an animal than to eat it or wear it. |
Thu May 11, 2006 6:57 pm |
Ok, I clicked on the link---- my god, it was worse than I even imagined. |
_________________ 27, sensitive/reactive/acne prone skin, dark brown hair, blue eyes, possibly the palest woman alive... |
Thu May 11, 2006 7:16 pm |
That site was so disturbing. I have three cats and if anything happened to either one of them...they would receive a proper burial and not become a fashion accessory. That lady is sick sick sick!  |
Thu May 11, 2006 7:29 pm |
heh..killing your own pet is just as bad as killing someone elses pet. Killing is a pet is killing a pet..whether it is yours...or a pet owned by someone else. The whole point of this topic is this seems as though you agree to the site moreso than not, though you claim you do not agree and that it is "Skeevy"...thats lovely. But yeah i think of my cats and I would most willingly love to do what i can to report this girl. Seeing that carcass is nothing more than an incentive to do so. |
_________________ Extremely fair/sensitive skin(mild rosacea)that burns very easy.acne is rare/skin is dry.27 years old. |
Thu May 11, 2006 8:27 pm |
why is killing a "pet" different from killing any other animal? |
Thu May 11, 2006 8:29 pm |
you are to dense to understand i suppose. Therefore I shall ignore any further questions from you. |
_________________ Extremely fair/sensitive skin(mild rosacea)that burns very easy.acne is rare/skin is dry.27 years old. |
Thu May 11, 2006 10:46 pm |
This thread has taken an interesting segue. I have been thinking about it on and off, and regardless of whether or not this site was real, I'm going to suppose that this person did actually make a cat's skin into a purse for the sake of discussion.
What it comes down to is cultural norms. Hello, 101 and Dalmations, anyone? Someone who wants to make a piece of clothing out of cute, DOMESTICATED animals is evil. Cats and dogs, through various avenues, are made almost human to us. I catch myself having full-on conversations with my cats. They look at me, they respond with meows. This is connection. We don't make connections with cows, pigs, chickens. Even though we may be cognizant of the fact these animals are treated poorly and their purpose in life is to die, it doesn't bother (most) of us. Personally, I'm not proud of this fact, and I have gone off meat every now and again. But I always go back because humans need protein. Cavemen ate meat. We eat meat. And so it goes.
When I looked at the website, my cat was purring in my lap. To think someone would want to flay him and make him into something I could put my lipstick into was perverse and appalling. I have the feeling it was supposed to make me feel that way, and I almost feel gullible. Almost. Mostly, I just have to wonder at people sometimes. |
Joined: 17 Aug 2003
Posts: 9644
Fri May 12, 2006 4:14 am |
Mammamia wrote: |
I looked at the Peta Netherlands site (although I don't speak Dutch) and it looks like you can contact them by sending an email to . |
Thanks for this - I'll send them an email shortly.
PhoebesMeow - her website host is and you can contact them via I doubt they will do anything but it's worth a try.
Btw, I don't know if she killed the cat - this is not explicitly stated. However, IMO, regardless, this site promotes or gives "unstable" people ideas on what to do to animals and that cannot be good. Also, the fact that this was her own pet, to which she should have had an emotional attachment, should mean (to me) that she would simply be unable to cut it up. Mind you, I have to put this is perspective and say that I got in trouble at school in grade 8 because I refused to cut up a dead frog (or something, I can't remember what anymore) in science class... Also, when I was around 5 years old my dad used to have to keep a shovel in the boot because I would burst into tears at the sight of roadkill and he'd have to pull over and give it a burrial to shut me up (which explains I guess why he wasn't keen on taking me for drives with him... ). So, I have a bias in that I really do love animals of all sorts and thus freely admit that I cannot understand this type of behaviour. |
_________________ 45, NW20, combination skin |
Fri May 12, 2006 6:48 am |
Our pets tend to build a relationship with us. They, hopefully, come to trust us, rely upon us, and their love is unconditional. This, I feel, gives us a great deal of responsibility towards them and their wellbeing.
I think the absolute horror is the fact that this pathetic woman has taken an animal who has lived with her and come to trust her for quite some time and killed it, solely as a piece of shock-art.
Not to eat because she needs the food. Not to keep out the cold because she needs to stay warm.
Her only motive appears to be, "Look what me and what I've dared to do!" She's lapping up the publicity, enjoying every minute of it.
Perhaps the idiot should volunteer to become a handbag herself. |
Fri May 12, 2006 7:15 am |
Mabsy wrote: |
Btw, I don't know if she killed the cat - this is not explicitly stated. |
There are some additional links that eventually lead to several published articles on her "art" work and they do indeed claim that she killed her cat for this. I had to keep searching for more answers in order to convince myself this wasn't true, but unfortunately my findings just went the other way.  |
Fri May 12, 2006 8:12 am |
It's hard to figure out to do with this website so if anyone else wishes to report her I recommend going to
and translating the page first. I don't see anywhere on it where to report an offense or anything of that such but I'm still sending them an email. |
_________________ 24 years old...Please click to Fund Food for Animals at the AnimalRescueSite! |
Fri May 12, 2006 8:19 am |
Ah, scratch that, I did the translation and when I tried emailing it to them i got a "script abuse" and the email didn't go through probably because of the translation. Just put whatever in the first field, your email address in the second, her web address in the third and in the comments box I don't know if English would go over well so include "Dierlijke wreedheid" in there which translates to animal abuse. Hopefully they'll get the picture! |
_________________ 24 years old...Please click to Fund Food for Animals at the AnimalRescueSite! |
Fri May 12, 2006 10:24 am |
pustekuchen wrote: |
Is it because a cat is "cuter" than a cow or a pig?
That makes me sad. |
I totally agree with your whole post, pustekuchen, it's no worse than killing a cow to eat it and use it's skin for bags and it's meat for hamburger, absolutely no different.
I've had cows as pets, they were no less loved. We have two pot bellied pigs, two llamas and two miniature goats, all pets and are pampered, never been bred (having babies is very hard on any creature, plus, we wouldn't know that the babies would get good homes, here are enough unwanted animals in this world as it is).
We also have two dogs and a cat who live in the house. Not one of our pets is anymore loved or more important than the other.
I wouldn't want a cat fur/skin bag, but it is absolutely no different than having a cow skin/fur purse. And it's so true that some (most?) farm animals live miserable lives, I'm speaking from an SPCA perspective, animals living on too little land, with too little water, food and veterinary care.
Personally I am not vegan but have not eaten beef or pork for 12 years now for health reasons. I also respect the vegan lifestyle, I wish I had the motivation to live it as I think it's the healthiest way to eat, I'm just too darn lazy.  |
Fri May 12, 2006 10:29 am |
I also want to add, because it's not clear in my previous post, our farm animal pets would never be eaten or their bodies used for consumption in any way, just like our dogs and cat. |
Fri May 12, 2006 1:37 pm |
Your bunny is so cute.  |
Sat May 13, 2006 12:23 pm |
Thank you, Yen!
_________________ 27, sensitive/reactive/acne prone skin, dark brown hair, blue eyes, possibly the palest woman alive... |
Sun May 14, 2006 12:03 am |
OMG I couldn't believe this.. if there weren't any pictures. She's got to see a psychiatrist. |
Mon Jun 05, 2006 11:41 pm |
Where is the women from? |
Tue Jun 06, 2006 12:25 am |
I didn't have the guts to view this website when this thread was first posted and I don't know what possessed me to do so tonight but OMG!!! I just about lost my dinner and had to stop looking at it. As graphic as the pictures are it doesn't seem like a joke (I was hoping it was). And to further read that she killed her own cat. Oh my, I feel faint.
Could someone please forgive me (for not reading throroughly through all of the above posts ) and give me simple instructions for reporting her if it is possible? Who do I email? |
_________________ early-mid 30s || oily-combination, sensitive & acne-prone skin || mild breakouts (Aczone helps a lot) || occasional eczema rashes || fine lines around eyes || very dark under eye cirlces- concealer a must || very fair neutral-warm complexion, blue eyes, blonde hair |
Tue Mar 04, 2025 12:26 am |
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