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Cats or Dogs?
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Poll :: Do You Prefer Cats or Dogs?

 52%  [ 12 ]
 47%  [ 11 ]
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Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:10 pm      Reply with quote
Cats for me too. Even though I still love my dogs, I'm really a cat person at heart. I own two devons and an elderly siamese. I have had most of my back yard enclosed for them which is quite a large area, as my daughter does wildlife rescue( mostly birds) and I wouldn't want my cats to eat the patients
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Fri Jul 22, 2005 10:10 am      Reply with quote
I love all animals, especially cats and dogs. When I was a kid, I loved dogs and couldn't wait to get one of my own one day. But now I'm a grown-up (on the outside anyway) I have to admit to being a cat person at heart! We have 2 babies : Pushkin and Wiggums. I got Pushy from a charity that trains dogs for kids with autism. I volunteer there once a week to get a doggie fix! Very Happy We got Wiggies from a shelter so that Pushy could have a brother. They're apartment cats, but we trained them to walk on leash and take them outside everyday, sometimes twice a day. It wasn't hard to train them at all, but we started when they were very young. That way, they get to go outdoors and explore but without the dangers- we live on a very busy road and I just couldn't bear it if they got hit by a car. Crying or Very sad
Love the photos! They all look super snuggly. Smile

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Fri Jul 22, 2005 2:01 pm      Reply with quote
I absolutely adore dogs! My last one was a Lhasa Apso called BambiLion - she had the sweet charm of Disney's cartoon character and the heart of a lion. I was devastated when she passed away, its been 5 years and I still miss her every single day. She was my furbaby.

Cats are fine by me. But I only had a cat once, when I was 6, and she was a gift from my Grandpa. She was great! She got along so well with the family dog at that time that they took to eating together side by side. Each refused to eat if the other was not there. Wasn't that cute?!
Sweety Smarty
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Fri Jul 22, 2005 4:30 pm      Reply with quote
What a great name for this dog...and yes,it sounds cutejavascript:emoticon('Very Happy')
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Fri Jul 22, 2005 9:23 pm      Reply with quote
Hi Sweety wave and thank you. In her final months BambiLion suffered from severe arthritis in her hind legs but she still gave me the "welcome home" routine, jumping up and down in excitement, yelping, licking my hand. I can be very fragile, so let's just say she had things to teach me.
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Sat Jul 23, 2005 9:36 am      Reply with quote
thats a good way to see it...but still-im sorry for you...
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Sat Jul 23, 2005 11:19 am      Reply with quote
So sweet(y) of you to say! Very Happy
Sweety Smarty
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Sat Jul 23, 2005 12:48 pm      Reply with quote
EmbarassedThank you...But yours is even cuterjavascript:emoticon('Very Happy')
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Sat Jul 23, 2005 7:34 pm      Reply with quote
shoegal wrote:
Cats win my vote. I grew up with dogs and I currently own 7 now. I have had plenty of cats and I must say that they never caused me to be as nervous as I am with my dogs. First of all, cats are quite! My dogs bark and growl ALL the time( even in the middle of the night). They have DESTROYED my back yard by digging holes everywhere. I can never have company over without worrying that they might get bit if a dog gets out on them. Not to mention the smell!!!!! No matter how many times I have them groomed it seems that as soon as air hits their fur, the smell is ungodlly. When it rains they smell so bad that I can't even feed them (I make my husband). They lick you and their tongue is big and slimmy. Their are the nastiest creatures I have ever known. They just look very cute and people seem to look over their nastiness. Confused I wish that I didn't have my dogs to this day, but I do not believe in giving animals away just because you don't like them anymore. They know this place as their home. I will have to start taking nerve pills soon though because of them because the barking is out of hand and sooo loud. They bark at everything they hear or see. I do own one cat and she gives me no problems. All I have to do is scoop one or two clumps out of her litter box and she is done for the day. Laughing She only meows and that is not loud at all. If she goes out, she cleans herself thouroghly when she comes back in. She also kills all the disease carrying rodents and birds that come on my property. Wink

Must admit I could not handle 7 dogs Shock I have two dogs and two cats. My 8 month old baby is really sick now. I do think that when you dislike you pets they sense that. Have you ever thought of giving some of your dogs to someone who would enjoy the company of a pet? Some single or older people really would like the company. I hope things work out with your house full.
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Sat Jul 23, 2005 7:46 pm      Reply with quote
ALthough I can not STAND my dogs, I still care for them. I couldn't give them away because I don't believe in giving your pets away when this is the only life they have known I know Anxious my friends think Im crazy, but I grew up in a lot of foster homes and thats where it comes from. I just wish that I had never kept them in the first place!!!!! Brick wall

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Sat Jul 23, 2005 8:10 pm      Reply with quote
shoegal - I've seen some terribly disobedient dogs, that barked and dug holes all the time, be turned into almost angels. With some proper training of course and also proper environment modification (they could be bored, don't have enough toys etc etc). A lot of the training is easy but it's not intuitive (to us) either. I sometimes hear my neighbour yell at his dog when he gets home from work and finds that the puppy has done something wrong. I feel so sorry for the poor little pup because he's got no idea why it's being yelled at. I'd suggest you get a good book on training dogs and give it a go. I know this might be hard if you don't enjoy the company of your dogs in the first place (this might actually be making your dogs as nervous as it is making you btw) but it could actually make you like them Smile Anyway, there's a good book called "Second-Hand Dog : How to Turn Yours into a First-Rate Pet" if you're interested in trying this out. I'm sure there are other good books as well but this is one that has been recommended to me.

And, btw, 7 dogs is way more than I could handle so my hat goes off to you! Smile

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Fri Jul 29, 2005 7:38 pm      Reply with quote
cats and only cats for me.
though i enjoy my friends dogs. still would not want to have them at home.

we have 3 cats. well, they are not really cats - they are feline-americans.
1 princess. she is almost ten, beautiful himalayan. tiny, like a little bird. she talks a lot and sings too. being brushed is the most important thing for her. she thinks that if you are awake, it is your duty to brush her. she is our baby joy.

1 lover-boy/'terrorist'. he is rex, but thinks he is a dog. he fetches and loves to kiss. he also thinks that our little princess is a beautiful fluffy butterfly, so he constantly chases her. he is 4, very lean, tell and all-muscle.

1 is our latest addition - saved from the city 'kill'-shelter. he is pursian. very royal. we call him 'baron' and he thinks that everyone's job is to serve him. he loves to sleep on the hardest, coldest metal and let's you know when you displease him.

love them. they saved my mother life and for that we are forever greatful.
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Sat Jul 30, 2005 5:07 am      Reply with quote
Wow all you people keep you're cats inside the house? Shock That's really strange! Laughing

Also i can't believe so many of you dislike dogs, and prefer cats?! I mean cats can be cute BUT they are very annoying and constantly want attention (that is when they're in the house ofcourse!) and that annoying meow sound they make. Yes i love my cat but if i had to choose, dogs would definately be the one i would go for. Dogs are loving and fun and you can play games with them and they sit by you but don't fuss for attention like cats and they're very loyal. Also they are cute, much cuter than cats. Very Happy

My dog who is my baby is so incredibly lovely. Whatever room i'm in she usually comes and sits in it or at night if i'm on the computer she always comes up to me and just sits on my lap with me. We also dance around the room together when she is in my arms and its really funny! Dogs care about you rather than just themselves like cats. Cats come in when they want to be fed and meow until they get what they want. They alo come and sit on your lap rubbing their head against you so you will stroke them. Yes it can be cute but they are very selfish animals. Dogs are very selfless animals and really care for their owner.

Don't get me wrong, I love all my animals dearly and i know that when they are not here anymore i will miss them all terribly but i also know that the greatest loss will be my baby girl (dog).

That is my personal opinion and was not intended to offend anyone. Animals are all lovely in their own way and individual and should all be loved and taken care of.

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Sun Jul 31, 2005 5:13 am      Reply with quote
Show Gal: 7 dogs is a lot! Dogs can be trained. I have always had poodles or poodle mixes and they have never yapped or caused me much problem (everybody says small breeds yap but it's not the truth). All dogs require training they all love people and are eager to please. You have to let them know who's boss though and training when young is essential. My current pair are 6 months old. I've trained them not to bark by walking them (individually) around a next door neighborhood with dogs that bark when you walk by. When they began to bark I told them no and jerked the leash. They stop but then try to continue and I roll them on their back hold them down by the neck and pet them (show them gently who is boss). After several of these walks I can take them together and they ignore the barking dogs.It is really hard to train when you have 7. Also it works best when they are young or when you first get them, One of my current dogs (the really small one in fact) is very smart and fiesty. If I hadn't been very firm in training her I can see she would be a real pest. As it is she is wonderfully playful and the more independent of the 2.

Do you have a friend who is a dog lover? He or she could probably help advise you by assessing their personalities. You should consider finding a good home for at least a few of the dogs. Dogs are pack animal so if one barks the next tends to. Someone in my neighborhood also has a "anti-bark" device that senses barking and emits a high sound that dogs do not like when they do it.
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Sun Jul 31, 2005 10:28 am      Reply with quote
I'm with sharky, dogs love people but you do have to train them on what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Once they learn this they will do what pleases you because again like sharky said they are very eager to please.

I read somewhere that the difference between dogs and cats is that cats have their boundaries. This is true in my experience. I don't have anything against cats but I prefer the company of dogs. They "wear their hearts on their sleeves" and love you unconditionally. And when they are funny to boot like my last one they are a delight!

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Sun Jul 31, 2005 12:10 pm      Reply with quote
I totally agree with sharky. Dogs must be trained. Actually they want to be trained. My dogs are a small breed. Scotties are known to be very head strong. Guess what? I am more head strong then they are. My Winnie was a rescue Scottie. He is an alpha male. As a pup of 6 months he tried to rule our house. If I did not spend hours training him I do believe Winnie could have been very aggressive. He is now three and very social and well behaved. Most of my training was done with a lead. As a young pup he walked around the house with a training lead. If he was up to no good he was close enough for me to step on the lead and correct him.

Maggie on the other hand just has a sweet submissive personality. Maggie came from a home situation with lots of love and handling.

Have any of your every watched Dog Whisper? It is on the National Geographic Channel. Excellent program that shows you how an out of control dog can be trained.
It all comes down to the owner must become the Alpha in the home.
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Mon Aug 01, 2005 3:44 pm      Reply with quote
dogs dogs dogs. First of all I'm allergic to Cats. Second of all---I just love dogs. They are a friend and a companion. yes, they require a lot of work, but they pay you back with love. Funny enough...the only animal that I have ever owned has been a fish...
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Thu Aug 04, 2005 8:50 am      Reply with quote
I'm definitely a dog person! Can't wait until I have a house instead of an apartment so I can have one Smile

I do have to say though that I like cats a lot more than I used to...especially the ones that are more "dog-like" with their playfulness and affection...
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Fri Aug 05, 2005 3:38 am      Reply with quote
Dogs! I have always had a dog growing up - german shephards. Now I have my own house & yard to look after I have a little Lhasa Apso X Maltese called Teddy. He is my baby! Love him to bits!! Very Happy If I could take him to work with me I would, but working in a surgeon's practice its a little hard. Idea maybe thats why I have been trying to figure out a business venture to run from home?? hmm
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