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Wed Feb 21, 2007 4:21 am      Reply with quote
j0g6345 wrote:
Hmmm, just an observation here.

First I noticed that pictures of fake bags on this site looked really good. The bags looked just like the real ones. Then I realized that those pictures are not pictures of bags they are selling, those are pictures of the real bags and I have seen them somewhere else. For example, their LV bag pictures, most of them are pictures from eluxury is an authorized online retailer for authentic LV bags in US.

yeah, i thought they had maybe done that as well, although Katee did say her sis bag was an excellent replica...

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Wed Feb 21, 2007 6:48 am      Reply with quote
That website is selling knockoff bags so it isn't surprising that they would steal pictures from a legitimate website.

I was in Tuscany last summer and I didn't think that the knockoff bags looked that authentic. Some vendors were selling better copies than others but overall there was a difference between them and authentic bags.
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Wed Feb 21, 2007 7:44 am      Reply with quote
There is somewhat of a difference between replica and counterfeit bag.

There are "knock-off" bags that are sold that have the look and feel of the designer bags and are not counterfeit bags. These are the the ones that have circles instead of the Chanel double C logo, etc.

The sale of counterfeit bags is illegal.
The sale of replica products is not illegal and any replica bag that is made to look like the designer bags without counterfeiting the designer are fine. Meaning, if you get a bag that is the spitting image of the actual bag, which is something consumers go for, this is considered an illegal counterfeit if not made by the original manufacturer. It is not illegal to buy them, to sell them IS illegal.

But many designers have departments especially to tackle the counterfeit market.

"Counterfeit bags may have links to organized crime."

I used to * spam * bags...had a killer LV multicolore speedy. I knowingly bought it as a replica...and I didn't have a problem with that until I did my research. Actually it was getting ripped off on ebay that made me start to investigate the difference between authentic and counterfeit...I didn't want to be taken for an idiot. I bought something after being told it was real, it wasn't.

It's just not something I want to participate in...especially considering that selling counterfeit merchandise that brings in such groups as the FBI isn't worth my time, or the smaller amount of money I may spend. While not illegal to buy it, I couldn't ever in good conscience ( I said, I used to buy them) buy something from a buyer trying to circumvent the law like that.

ETA: Besides...I've seen some vendors sell "authentic" or even "replica" bags in models the originals never came in!!! Good examples are the cherry blossom print in LV...I see many women carrying around CB print bags in models LV NEVER made. While some may not care if it's fake...why would you spend money in an effort to get the closest to the real thing if you didn't want or care for it to look like the real thing? I think bad fakes are tacky...and I'm NOT one that can afford the real thing. Just my opinion. Not meant to offend anyone.

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Wed Feb 21, 2007 8:56 am      Reply with quote

FOR SOME TIME BEFORE leaving for vacation in Paris, Katie Kim had been in a dilemma: Should she travel with her favourite "Chanel" shoulder bag, a counterfeit bought in a Seoul market? Taking it with her, the South Korean university student risked being collared by customs officers and losing it-no small matter since she planned to carry it sightseeing and shopping. In the end, she threw caution to the wind. But Kim (not her real name) soon came to regret it. Although she sailed through customs, the day after she arrived in Paris her bag started causing her problems: Its shoulder strap broke.

At home in South Korea-where lawyers estimate counterfeiters produce 1 million fake European handbags and wallets a year-Kim might have been more cautious. But she was bored. For all its history, Paris lacked Seoul's gritty verve. So, on the home turf of the $54-billion-a-year luxury-goods industry, Kim decided to create her own excitement: At a Chanel store in Paris she buttonholed a clerk, and asked Chanel to repair her bag under warranty. "I was curious," she said afterwards. "I wanted to know whether the counterfeit I'd bought was any good."

Answer? Yes. Despite examining the bag closely, Chanel employees failed to recognize it as a fake and-with profuse apologies-repaired it for free. Luck was no doubt on Kim's side. But there was another, more important reason why her brazen prank succeeded: Her bag was what counterfeit connoisseurs call a "super copy."

I personally have never seen a super fake. Maybe someone have. I am just glad all the fakes I have seen can be spotted. For eg. Chanel use certain zippers in certain of the bags for years XXX. The fakes always seem to get these little details wrong. Of course, for all practically purposes, nobody is going to look at the lining or the underside of your handbag's zipper.

Long long time ago, I bought a fairly expensive wallet, the vendor kept saying it was expensive because "it was made by the same factory that makes Gucci". The quality of that wallet was superb. Indestructible is more like it, lol. I still have it, 25 years later. I have a Gucci wallet now, I actually don't think this one is going to last quite as long. I used to hang out with a bunch of designer handbag fans and the opinion is that the quality of Gucci, LV is not what it used to be. Hermes, famous as they are for their Birkin, actually make a inferior saddle. I have a couple of friends who are in the horse world and have these saddles and they tell me they fell apart when they shouldn't have, though Hermes fixed them up. Hermes service is wonderful.
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Wed Feb 21, 2007 9:54 am      Reply with quote
marina wrote:

Since then, I look for non-designer, but quality bags that are unique, functional & classic. Kathy van Zeeland makes nice ones-cheap at anout $150 cdn for a large bag.

I love my Kathy bag! Best of all I got it on sale for about $50USD. The lining after 3 years just now needs to be replaced because I abused it but, the outside still looks brand new. I want to have nice, quality things but, I cant justify spending 100's or 1000's of dollars on a flippin' purse. I especially learned my lesson after I treated myself to a very nice Via Spiga hobo bag and a nice Coach makeup bag, only to have them stolen out of my LOCKED car in the middle of the day at Whole Foods!

Mad Damn Hippies!

After that fiasco I decided to not let my identiy get wrapped up in (and not place so much importance) material things. They are not what make my life worth living.

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Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:45 am      Reply with quote
j0g6345 wrote:
Hmmm, just an observation here.

First I noticed that pictures of fake bags on this site looked really good. The bags looked just like the real ones. Then I realized that those pictures are not pictures of bags they are selling, those are pictures of the real bags and I have seen them somewhere else. For example, their LV bag pictures, most of them are pictures from eluxury is an authorized online retailer for authentic LV bags in US.

Yeah, hte tiffany jewellery is lifted straight off the tiffany site as well. I am skeptical to say the least that their 1837 silver cuff is really sterling silver because I have a real one and it's a lot of silver for 50 quid!

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Wed Feb 21, 2007 12:09 pm      Reply with quote
I remenber when I was student in college, every time I went back to Asia, I always went to those local markets where the sales people take you to little attics/apartments and they show you a room full of fake chanel, gucci, dior, lv, burberry..u name it they have it. Even watches, clothes, belt, wallets. Anyhow, they had certain grades for them too. There were AAA to A..the higher the grading the more "authentic" it was and there fore my expensive. Anyhow...I remenbered everytime I went back i bought either a few latest bags and some simple ones that were always AAA quality. But..after one year or two, the threading always started to come lose, or the handle broke. Nothing lasted ( i used my purse/tote bag everyday) And then I calculated the price that I've spent on those bags could've gotten me a real one! And so I bought a relatively nice coach bag. After 2 years of using it, everything is STILL intact and it has a lifetime warrenty. I guess that is something a fake can't provide. Then when I got my first real job, I bought my LV manhattan bag. The feel and the touch was completely different. I've also take care my real bags alot more. I guess when you buy a fake one, you dot really care of it that much because you know its fake. And because the quality isn't so great, you will always buy new ones. I think i rather save that amount of money and buy a real one. Which when my friend ask if its real, I can tell them "yes" instead of pretend to be offend that they would ask such a question. hahaha..also I realized once people noticing that you use fake, no matter if you get a real expensive one, they will still think its fake. I dont want to leave that impression that I only use fake bags. Also, I believe that if I don't have the money to buy the real thing. Then I should be saving it or buying something that's similar kind there are so many in the market rather than buying a fake one.
That is my opinion, i am sorry if i offended anyone. i guess this can be a sensitive topic. I mean..sometimes i get annoyed that i paid so much for a real bag and then there are so many knockoffs out there and people are carrying them.

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Wed Feb 21, 2007 1:36 pm      Reply with quote
I think that it is quite a misconception that the real bags are of the great quality, have better material and great craftsmanship. May be in the past, and may be stil true for a very few.

Just a few days ago I witnessed an interesting scene at local Saks Fifth Ave at the Gucci counter - a young couple was returning a Gucci bag, that the girl got for V day, and it had already stitches coming apart ( or a handle). It was bought at that same counter, they had a receipt, and the bag was returned without too much trouble. You should have seen the disappointment on the girls'face.

From my personal experience-

FENDI - does not last at all:
bought at their 5th ave store in Manhattan, the cosmetic bag needed repairs within a few months (NO WARRANTY), the edges stopped looking good within a year; the wallet did not last for more then 2 years either.

GUCCI - several bags (from Saks) - none lasted more then 2 years - leather lasted the usual time, then the edges gave way.

VALENTINO - slightly better, but not by much

MCM (German brand) - same as FENDI

The only execption I found is LV- their cosmetic bag looks almost perfect 3 years later.

Please, understand that I am not talking about occasional use and mostly storing them in a closet. I like to enjoy things on a daily basis, and not have them collecting dust somewhere in a drawer. I am talking about normal wear and tear from daily use, but not any abuse either.

I do agree with Katee - you pay for the label, name recognition and past good products.

The same way that I honestly doubt that the battery that Cartier puts in their watches ( and charges $40.00) is any different from the one that Raymond Weil puts in theirs (and charges $10.00).

I had already seen a fake Gucci of a better quality then the real one.


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Wed Feb 21, 2007 3:23 pm      Reply with quote
I have a real Giorgio Armani bag and a wallet that I bought several years ago. The handbag went out of style a couple of years later (I didn’t use it too often) and now it collects dust in my closet since I hope it will be back in style. But the wallet I am using for about four or five years every day, unfortunately now I have problems with the zipper. However, the leather is still in a very good condition.
So, based on my experience I will buy a brand name wallet but I don’t feel like spending a lot on a handbag that will go out of style in a year or two. Instead I did buy a few quality Italian bags for about $200 - $300 each when I was in Italy. However, I really like some of the styles of the brand name bags and this is why I am looking for a good quality replica.
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Wed Feb 21, 2007 4:02 pm      Reply with quote

is it possible to fix the zipper?
I had it done once, and was quite happy with the results.

BTW, let me know what you decide with the bag. I am also considering some of the styles.

Best of luck,

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Wed Feb 21, 2007 5:13 pm      Reply with quote
I wouldn't trust these people (ones referred to in first post.) I fly to Beijing all the time with work (flight attendant), and i hear of scams ALL the time on the web with factories over there. And the police in China don't care if you try to file a report, like my friend tried. The sites will post nice pictures, and what you get in the mail is purely plastic. Or if you order 2 bags, you'll get only one. Don't do it! These people can't even get someone to proofread their English on their website, and they have a hotmail address? Nope. I wouldn't.

At least on Canal St in NY you can feel and touch the bag for yourself to see what it's like. Don't forget: BARGAIN, BARGAIN, BARGAIN. They will let you think that $250 is a good deal, cuz of course the real bag is $1,200, or whatever, but these guys are not paying huge bucks to get them, so start your bargaining at $60 bucks, or something like that. Tell them if they give you a good deal, you'll come back and bring a friend. Start low, and be prepared to WALK AWAY if they won't bargain. There is no "fixed price" when buying a fake. But be careful, the bags on Canal St are all smuggled in, illegally of course, from China.

Your best bet is, apart from going to China yourself, and getting a replica for $20, is honestly, Ebay. You can tell when it's a replica cuz the bidding starts low, etc. But just look at the person's feedback, and go with a "power seller" who has done a transaction like this a million times. Much safer than the back alleys of Canal Street as well, and likely, better quality. Canal St fakes are famous for being CRAP, ie. plastic inside, label upside down, hardware falling off on first day you get it, etc.

I saved up a long time and bought myself one, awesome, expensive, designer bag by Chloe. And it's the only bag i've used for the past 3 years, and I love it. I don't plan on buying another one for a long time! And no more fakes for me!

Hope this helps

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Wed Feb 21, 2007 5:20 pm      Reply with quote
steffers wrote:
I wouldn't trust these people (ones referred to in first post.) ... Don't do it! These people can't even get someone to proofread their English on their website, and they have a hotmail address? Nope. I wouldn't. ...

Precisely! The things Steffers points out count as big, giant, neon, red flags in my opinion!
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Wed Feb 21, 2007 6:58 pm      Reply with quote
For the record - there IS a difference between a replica and a counterfeit.

Also for the record, if you were to email shortiez (the site I posted) and ask them if their bags are genuine pradas, hermes, etc, they will readily tell you that they are not.

When the original poster asked about replica bags, I remembered the shortiez site and was trying to be helpful. I wasn't trying to start a shitstorm. I'm not advocating infringement oF intellectual property rights nor am I assessing the wisdom of the People's Republic of China in refusing to revalue the yuan or commenting on the fact that they are not members of the WTO. I do not have a position that I wish to state on the efficacy of a mandatory vaccination policy for U.S. schoolchildren or the constitutionality of a CDC registry for those who test positive for HIV. However, I do think that if you have genital herpes, it should be tattoed on your forehead. But, that is just my opinion and not meant to offend.

patiently waiting for anna_in_sweden to say that her great uncle twice removed invented the HIV assay test and that..... ack nevermind...
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Wed Feb 21, 2007 7:01 pm      Reply with quote

BTW, for those among us with absolutely no sense of humor, 74.6% of the above post was a joke Cool
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Wed Feb 21, 2007 7:03 pm      Reply with quote
katee, you just got my vote for drama queen! Very Happy Very well done.

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Wed Feb 21, 2007 7:04 pm      Reply with quote
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Wed Feb 21, 2007 7:05 pm      Reply with quote
katee wrote:
However, I do think that if you have genital herpes, it should be tattoed on your forehead. But, that is just my opinion and not meant to offend.

I completely agree on this Rolling Eyes Bad Grin Bad Grin Bad Grin

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Wed Feb 21, 2007 7:12 pm      Reply with quote
Just because I'm curious - which 74.6% is correct?

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Wed Feb 21, 2007 7:17 pm      Reply with quote
Hmmmm, I am surprised nobody has brought up the fakes supports terrorism thing... Image Image
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Wed Feb 21, 2007 7:23 pm      Reply with quote
I heard a rumor about that years ago. Somehow I don't think they are that fashion conscious. Or maybe I'm wrong? Confused

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Wed Feb 21, 2007 7:24 pm      Reply with quote
I've actually never had a problem with my designer bags regarding repairs. Now imho I never thought brands like Gucci/Fendi/Dior, etc were worth the price they're worth giving you bags that are made out of awful lint-attracting canvas. LV on the other hand I find is still as good quality as they used to be, same leather, etc however personally I don't like their designs. Burberry leather goods are also of high quality for sure, but also not a fan of their designs (and it's a different story on their Japanese Blue label which imo has definitely a much worse quality to it). I use Prada most - not leather, just regular durable nylon but they are SOOO durable and the price isn't has bank breaking as the other brands. I also like Agnes B for the same durable quality which is less designer and Miu Miu for their leather and designs.

With regards to repair I have NEVER EVER had a problem getting a new zipper or lining. Now it's a different story with department stores but if you take them to their original free standing stores the SAs do it and most of the time it's free regardless of how long I've had the bag. I paid once when I brought a Prada in to have the buckle on the shoulder strapper repaired (it came apart, had it for 5+ years, used it all the time, couldn't find a similar style to replace it) - I even lost my authenticity card for that bag which was purchased from France. Anyways brought to a Prada store, they told me the buckle was no longer available so they'll have to change the WHOLE strap and also informed me the lining was really old so I should also get that replaced. SO got a totally new strap and new lining for about 10USD (it was 80HKD) so I think one of the things you get well I think they're obliged to give you for the prices they charge is the warranty on the bags to ensure quality. Oh and I did bring the same bag to the Holt Renfrew counter in Vancouver and they told me I'd have to pay 75CAD for the shipping costs to get it to the main branch in NY or something (again repair is free though) so there's a big difference in bringing it to a dept store or a free standing one (also depends on which country you're in as well and how popular that brand is I assume).

IMHO I think with designer bags/accessories, you're not just paying for the quality, you're also paying for the prestige and status of being able to afford the brand itself. I also feel the same about watches. Also I can spot a fake really easily because a lot of counterfeit nowadays make up bags that the brand didn't even come out with - like a shoulder strapped bag would come out on the counterfeit market when the designer only made the same bag has a hand-held. A lot of fakes from China are also made really poorly, you can touch and feel the quality but the whole thing would probably fall apart after a couple of months. I have also seen some very funny counterfeits - a prada with a square logo, an LV with the inside labelled Christian Dior Laughing

And you're right sigma - a watch battery doesn't just suddenly inflate due to the brand name but you have to keep in mind that most of that price you're paying for the labour as it's more complicated to replace a battery in a Cartier mechanism than probably a Raymond Weil. I've even had watch repairers charge me differently for shortening the straps of various brands of watches because they said some buckles are more complicated to remove Rolling Eyes But if you're buying a very expensive watch you'd get a better bang for your buck buying an automatic rather than a quartz (especially if you were to wear it on a daily basis), not to mention the possible re-sell value.

And for those of you who have authentic designer bags gathering dust in the closet, if you ever make a trip to Hong Kong you can always resell them, there are quite a few stores that buy and sell 2nd hand bags there, not sure if these exist in the US. If they're in good condition and you're good at bargaining you can get some good quotes on them.
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Wed Feb 21, 2007 7:26 pm      Reply with quote
sigma wrote:

is it possible to fix the zipper?
I had it done once, and was quite happy with the results.

BTW, let me know what you decide with the bag. I am also considering some of the styles.


It has to be replaced and I don't know if it can be done. Were did you fix the zipper? I love this wallet and the leather looks like new.

Thank you.
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Wed Feb 21, 2007 7:34 pm      Reply with quote

Thank you very much for your recommendations.
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Wed Feb 21, 2007 7:48 pm      Reply with quote
katee wrote:

When the original poster asked about replica bags, I remembered the shortiez site and was trying to be helpful.


You were very helpful!!! Smile

Thank you very much!!!
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Wed Feb 21, 2007 7:57 pm      Reply with quote
salli wrote:
katee, you just got my vote for drama queen! Very Happy Very well done.

Yes. Katee, you also got my vote.
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