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Fri Dec 19, 2008 9:42 pm |
lol! Perhaps it was Kassy. WHOEVER it was, thanks. I just applied it right after the BQ. (Which came right after the Ageless if You Dare.) My poor DH just said, "Are you coming down sweetie, or are you doing that red thing again?"  |
_________________ Born in 1952. Blonde, very good skin. A few noticeable wrinkles. |
Fri Dec 19, 2008 9:43 pm |
Hey Kassy,ew -speaking of birthdays,I just hit 61 . You're just a kid. Hope you have a great one.
I feel the same mentally, but I never thought I would live this long. I'm so glad I've learned so much from all of you. Fighting the wrinkle battle is a little easier. |
Fri Dec 19, 2008 11:53 pm |
Antonia, which Youth Serum do you mean? I just googled it and came up with quite a few different brands. Is it IS Clinical? |
Sat Dec 20, 2008 3:34 pm |
Yes, Anna...IS Clinical. I used it last night and this morning. I have to say my eyes look way better this morning, but I won't attribute that to the serum just yet. Could be any number of things due to the INSANE # of treatments and gadgets lined up on my bathroom counter  |
_________________ Born in 1952. Blonde, very good skin. A few noticeable wrinkles. |
Sun Dec 21, 2008 4:00 pm |
Antonia wrote: |
Could be any number of things due to the INSANE # of treatments and gadgets lined up on my bathroom counter  |
Welcome to the club Antonia ...
Dontcha just love EDS? ...  |
_________________ ♥I'm flattered by all the lovely PM's, but I don't get here much these days. Please don't be afraid to post your quearies to other DIY members who will be glad to help you (or sell you their wares..lol) Still happy with LED, dermarolling and a DIY antioxidant regime. Peace & Hugs to all.♥ |
Mon Dec 22, 2008 12:45 pm |
LOL, Kassy. Unfortunately for me, I live very, very, dangerously close to their Richmond, B.C. warehouse... My DH is considering finishing the reno faster and shipping us all out to Nunavut.  |
_________________ Born in 1952. Blonde, very good skin. A few noticeable wrinkles. |
New Member
Joined: 18 Dec 2008
Posts: 3
Tue Dec 23, 2008 10:29 am |
I am 64, had a face lift a year ago, started using obagi in Sept. Pleased with the way my face and neck look, but the arms give away my age. Any suggestions that I can use for the arm wrinkles? |
_________________ niklei2 |
Tue Dec 23, 2008 10:42 am |
Niklei, my girlfriend and I are always on the lookout for something that will help our arms. It's been a fruitless four years. I have very well-toned arms, except for a strange area in the crook of my elbows (where one would take blood from) which looks like it has been transplanted from someone in their 80s. The tissue there is "stringy" looking, and the skin almost looks scarred, it is so dimpled and wrinkled. It happened when I turned 52 and hit the Big M. I have used every cream, lotion and potion and am now using the Baby Quasar on it. So far, it looks exactly the same. I have also Dermarolled the area, but it looked worse afterwards and I couldn't be bothered with it. I have asked two derms what has caused this and they both shrugged and said thinning skin and loss of fat underneath. One suggested he could get rid of it with a combination of Fraxel and Thermage and the exchange of $4,000. It's a nasty sight indeed and I won't wear short sleeves. A lot of people have suggested moisturising, skin-thickening products but I haven't seen any change in this area at all. Strangely, the skin on the backs of my arms looks just fine. I am making a point of rubbing my Bio-identical hormone creams into this area, in the hopes that they will, over time, help thicken it. |
_________________ Born in 1952. Blonde, very good skin. A few noticeable wrinkles. |
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Joined: 18 Dec 2008
Posts: 3
Tue Dec 23, 2008 11:12 am |
Antonia, Thanks for the reply. A bit discouraging though. My arms look like my grandmother's did when she was 80. All the loose skin. Sometimes I wonder why we put all the money into our face and our arms will give away our age. I live in Florida so I really don't want to wear long sleeves all the time. |
_________________ niklei2 |
Tue Dec 23, 2008 11:38 am |
Flabby arm girl just checking in with a thought, for what it's worth..
Now that I am seriously trying to learn all I can about facial exercise and massage techniques, I've become totally intrigued with the massage..
Flex Effect's book goes into great detail on the benefits of massaging the facial skin, and veteran flexer's, instructors and Deb herself consider it to be responsible for about 50% of the program's success... LouLou also covers speaks highly of it in her book; Ageless If You Dare.
Sean highly recommends it, and has gone out of his way to help me understand how and why it works, and exactly how to do it properly.. (I just couldn't grasp it, but now have a better idea.)
Anyway, I'm going to try it on the loose skin at the back of my arms, as well as the top of the hands.. It makes sense that it could help because it thickens the skin, and brings all of the oxygenated blood where it's needed.
I think the Vaculifter (lg face is a good fit for arms IMO) would definitely help matters there as well. And of course weight bearing exercises...
I sooo need to get busy practicing what I preach ...  |
_________________ ♥I'm flattered by all the lovely PM's, but I don't get here much these days. Please don't be afraid to post your quearies to other DIY members who will be glad to help you (or sell you their wares..lol) Still happy with LED, dermarolling and a DIY antioxidant regime. Peace & Hugs to all.♥ |
Tue Dec 23, 2008 11:40 am |
Hi Niklei, I never want to wear long sleeves either! I am hoping that someone on this forum will discover something for the weird skin on the arms. Mine looks so dramatic that I don't think skin creams could do anything. My arms look fine when they are outstretched but, when I bend them, they would scare Dracula. The skin there has clearly lost elastin as, when I pull it up, it doesn't snap back like the rest of me. I am wondering if an elastin cream would work over the long term. Something like Elastoderm or Dermalastyl. The BQ is supposed to help rebuild collagen and elastin in the deeper layers of the skin, so perhaps a combination of LED light and an elastin/collagen cream? I have heard that the LightStim is a very good light. I'd probably try this instead of the BQ, which has a very small head and takes a while to use. Kassy on this forum uses the LightStim. I don't think she has a problem with her arms, but swears by it for her face (and what a face...she looks so incredibly young and she's in her 50s). After Christmas, I'm using the BQ on my arms daily and also a collagen/elastin rebuilding cream along with my estriol. I'll keep you posted.
Added: Well, well, there's Kassy already! |
_________________ Born in 1952. Blonde, very good skin. A few noticeable wrinkles. |
Tue Dec 23, 2008 11:48 am |
I have to get this Vaculifter (Darn! There goes the LightStim!) Is there any site in particular that you would recommend, Kassy? |
_________________ Born in 1952. Blonde, very good skin. A few noticeable wrinkles. |
Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:35 pm |
Check out the stringy arms on Madonna, who has to be the fittest over-40 woman on the planet. I'm sure it must be Nature's way of saying, "Get over yourself - you're not 16!"
Maybe Retin-A? Lucky me, it's winter here and long sleeves are a given until April. |
_________________ ✪ My go-to products: MyFawnie.BigCartel.com ✪ |
Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:45 pm |
Fawnie, I just took that into PShop and, although I have seen her arms in other pics, this image has been so doctored, it's just a joke. One arm is so badly inserted into the pic that there's a huge space where the amateur PS-er hasn't bothered filling in the pixels in her sleeve opening. Same for her "cheekbones." |
_________________ Born in 1952. Blonde, very good skin. A few noticeable wrinkles. |
Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:48 pm |
Uh oh, well that shoots that theory in the foot! |
_________________ ✪ My go-to products: MyFawnie.BigCartel.com ✪ |
Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:53 pm |
LOL! It's a majorly nasty pic in my opinion. She looks bad but not that bad. I wish I could show you where the fake arm has been added but I don't have a photo uploading service that's working at the moment. |
_________________ Born in 1952. Blonde, very good skin. A few noticeable wrinkles. |
Tue Dec 23, 2008 2:11 pm |
I can always count on you guys to lift my spirits when I'm down in the dumps...Thanks for all the laughs, you guys truly brighten my days..
Antonia; Thanks for the kind words, I hesitated to show those pictures, but they really do tell the story better than my words ever could.. And yep, 90% of the results are from the AALS, honest to God..(Looking for a cross my heart emoticon!) And feel free to put any picture I post through whatever it is you know/do in photo shop, because once and for all, I would like people to know for sure, what I post is not enhanced...(It was all I could do figuring out how to get them in photobucket.. )
Keep using your BQ....It's a gradual process, that collagen building, and takes about 2 to 3 cycles (12 to 18 weeks) for the 'new' collagen to make itself apparent.... My feeling is that the combination of lights in the AALS will get folks there quicker, than just red/infrared, but don't give up the ship! Let's face it though, short of a trip to the PS, I don't know of anything else that affords folks instant gratification.. I am willing to spend the time with my LED, to be the best damn 59 year old (in 9 days .. ) that I can be.. To date I never had anything more invasive than a filling in my tooth, and I plan to keep it that way..
Fawnie; You crack me up on a daily basis, and I thank you for your witty way with words... That picture of Madonna is hilarious... She's starting to bear/bare (argh, not sure which one.. ), a striking resemblance to the poor Wildersteen woman...
niklei2; Welcome to the land of "Old Geezers Gone Wild".... You will have so much fun moaning and groaning with all of us, and learning all about what works and what's (ahem), shittay.. Stick with us, and you'll be waving around less of a batwing for sure... Oh yeah, the most important thing, is to keep your credit card right next to the computer ...
Anybody getting new gadgets/toys from Santa this year? Argh!, so many gadgets, so little time....  |
_________________ ♥I'm flattered by all the lovely PM's, but I don't get here much these days. Please don't be afraid to post your quearies to other DIY members who will be glad to help you (or sell you their wares..lol) Still happy with LED, dermarolling and a DIY antioxidant regime. Peace & Hugs to all.♥ |
Tue Dec 23, 2008 2:19 pm |
Gosh, that Wildebeest woman is really something scary, isn't she? Ugh! The Enquirer and the Star are really good at morphing people into ridiculous exaggerations of themselves.
I sure WISH I were getting a new gadget for Christmas. I think I need something that sucks along with the pricking and burning gizmos  |
_________________ Born in 1952. Blonde, very good skin. A few noticeable wrinkles. |
Tue Dec 23, 2008 2:37 pm |
Antonia wrote: |
I think I need something that sucks along with the pricking and burning gizmos  |
! ... Kinky! ...  |
_________________ ♥I'm flattered by all the lovely PM's, but I don't get here much these days. Please don't be afraid to post your quearies to other DIY members who will be glad to help you (or sell you their wares..lol) Still happy with LED, dermarolling and a DIY antioxidant regime. Peace & Hugs to all.♥ |
Tue Dec 23, 2008 3:42 pm |
Sorry I took so long to answer you but I've been working long hours and trying to prepare for Christmas with any free time. In response to expense-yes I do spend about about $200 a month on vit. and supplements but I could spend that much on cigarettes, alcohol and gambling.
I think its worth it because I see and feel the benefits. I'm never sick and I have as much or more energy than my 35 year old co-worker or 27
year old daughter. I do eat healthy 90% of the time and about 90% of what I eat is organic and non-processed. I don't think it's hard to eat this way. I do eat out in restaurants when I'm traveling or when I don't feel like cooking, thus the 10% when I stray.
Loved your reply to my post on Dec. 12. You are a testament that what you and I and many baby
boomers are doing really works. Keep it up girl! Thanks for the awareness on magnesuim sterate. I'm glad you contacted LE because I trust their info. Good luck with the arm treatments.
Exercise has always worked for me but I've been doing it for 20 years now. It's never too late to start but depending on how much loose skin you're talking about surgery may be your best option. Exercise will build muscle which will help make skin look tighter but exercise will not tighten skin.
Ayrm |
Tue Dec 23, 2008 4:39 pm |
Kassy_A wrote: |
Antonia wrote: |
I think I need something that sucks along with the pricking and burning gizmos  |
! ... Kinky! ...  |
And Rileygirl, I haven't tried that particular SB product although I seem to have every other CP-containing product known to humankind. The regular SB ones didn't work for me at all.
Here are the ingredients:
Purified water, copper peptides (hydrolyzed soy protein and copper chloride), squalane, ethylhexyl palmitate, glyceryl stearate, PEG-100 stearate, PPG-2 myristyl ether propionate, cetyl alcohol, stearic acid, glycine, propylene glycol (and) diazolidinyl urea (and) methylparaben (and) propylparaben, allantoin, cupric chloride, lavandula augustifolia (lavender) oil, tocophersolan (Vitamin E), retinyl palmitate, mixed (alpha, beta, gamma, delta) tocopherols, mixed (alpha, beta, gamma, delta) tocotrienols, lycopene, xanthophyll (lutein), ubiquinone (CoQ-10). |
_________________ Born in 1952. Blonde, very good skin. A few noticeable wrinkles. |
Tue Dec 23, 2008 8:45 pm |
Antonia wrote: |
And Rileygirl, I haven't tried that particular SB product although I seem to have every other CP-containing product known to humankind. The regular SB ones didn't work for me at all.
Here are the ingredients:
Purified water, copper peptides (hydrolyzed soy protein and copper chloride), squalane, ethylhexyl palmitate, glyceryl stearate, PEG-100 stearate, PPG-2 myristyl ether propionate, cetyl alcohol, stearic acid, glycine, propylene glycol (and) diazolidinyl urea (and) methylparaben (and) propylparaben, allantoin, cupric chloride, lavandula augustifolia (lavender) oil, tocophersolan (Vitamin E), retinyl palmitate, mixed (alpha, beta, gamma, delta) tocopherols, mixed (alpha, beta, gamma, delta) tocotrienols, lycopene, xanthophyll (lutein), ubiquinone (CoQ-10). |
Thanks, Antonia. I rechecked the price just a minute ago and I actually saw the price for the 0.5 oz cream ($11) not the 4 oz size, which is ($40), so not as "cheap" as I had initially thought! |
Mon Mar 10, 2025 6:43 pm |
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