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Fri Feb 03, 2006 10:50 pm      Reply with quote
Hello, I saw many times commercials about this product. The results that people have after using Proactive seems too good to be true... Did anyone used it? What kind of results do you have? Please, share your opinions Smile

Blond, blue eyes.Skin: Normal, sometimes oily, during winter very dry. Very sensitive. Occasional breakouts. Very fair.
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Sat Feb 04, 2006 9:27 am      Reply with quote
I've used it in the past. I stopped using it because the mail order thing was a pain in the butt and in the winter time the products would leak and be a sticky mess. I'd phone them to complain and they said they'd send me new ones but never did. If you look at their other products you'll notice they have makeup. I've tried that and didn't like it at all. It was kind of grainy and yellowy and didn't go on very nicely. This past fall my skin reacted really badly to MK products and my face broke out horribly. I was so close to going back to Proactive but then I found this site and OCM!! OCM is working wonderfully for me and it's sooooooooo cheap!! hehe
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Sat Feb 04, 2006 11:30 am      Reply with quote
Hi, there!
I used Proactiv before and it actually worked well for me, but like kittylove, I also kinda found the mail order thing a pain. PLus, CS wasn't the greatest--not rude or anything, but didn't see to have a clue and wasn't good about follow up---ex. I wanted to change the frequency of the delivery(they send out product kits too soon--didn't give me enough time to finish the previous kit), they said they would change it, but never did. They just need to be better organized.
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Sat Feb 04, 2006 12:02 pm      Reply with quote
I tried ProActiv a few years ago and it didn't work for me at all. It irritated my skin, made me break out more, etc. I think it's like everything else--works great for some and not for others, so you will really only know if you try it.

Murad worked very well for me, and so did Somme Institute.

I've since switched to more natural products. I was using the Dr. Hauschka line, which I love, but something's been up with my skin lately (maybe the weather?) so I just purchased the Naturopathica starter kit to try.
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Sun Feb 05, 2006 11:48 am      Reply with quote
I bought proactive for my husband but I ended up using it...! I loved it and my skin looked better than it had in a long time! I used it for a year and a half and have thought about usng it again but I hated all the chemicals on my face...sometimes when I worked out I could smell the chemicals coming out of my skin. It is mostly peroxide so it also bleaches everything...I ruined more towels and pillowcases! Overall I thought is was great...really helped my milia.
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Sun Feb 05, 2006 2:00 pm      Reply with quote
RIGHT!! The bleaching!!!! I ruined all six of my beautiful thick towels because of this...They are now pool towels and ever since I've only bought white towels....
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Sun Feb 05, 2006 2:34 pm      Reply with quote
Tried Proactive for about a first my skin seemed alright and I even had a few days of no breakouts whatsoever (what a treat!) but then about 5 months into using it my skin started breaking out again and my face was always agitated, flakey, red, reactive, etc. I kept using it thinking my skin would adjust but I finally got it after about a year that my skin just wouldn't accept it (took me long enough- geez!!).

About 4 years before this I tried Murad with no success... agitation and redness right from the start.

After the Proactive I tried ZenMed. Didn't work and very frustratingly and disappointedly it made my skin the worst it has ever been. It's like it got stuck in the purging phase. I was so hopeful for something homeopathic!

I ended up going back to modern medicine and live with having to put a few chemicals on my face (Tazorac and Benzaclin). But I have better skin for it. My skin got even better (and less agitated) once I started using all natural skin care (like homemade DHCC, oils, OCM, etc).

Btw, I am really liking the OCM!!

early-mid 30s || oily-combination, sensitive & acne-prone skin || mild breakouts (Aczone helps a lot) || occasional eczema rashes || fine lines around eyes || very dark under eye cirlces- concealer a must || very fair neutral-warm complexion, blue eyes, blonde hair
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Sun Feb 05, 2006 3:26 pm      Reply with quote
what is OCM?

But i have used proactiv. At first i used it in 1999. I had clear skin already but i wanted i guess a little smoother skin.. And no blackheads on my nose.. The first 3 weeks of using it wow. My skin looked better than ever.. BUT.. then after a while I started to get pimples.. Big ones.. Then i stopped using it because it didnt work anymore.. And then thats when the problem started..

I've been trying it again and again off and on thinking to give it a 2nd chance. Still the same..It sometimes works and it sometimes doesnt..

ONe thing to consider is that I heard that proactiv can make your skin more sensitive.. so be careful.. I use Murad now but not the acne complex because salicylic acid just kills my skin...
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Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:18 pm      Reply with quote
mixCD wrote:
what is OCM?


You can search for OCM on this site. I copy and past one of the articles for you:

Oil Cleansing Method, or OCM
When cleansing and moisturizing your skin, it is imperative that you keep in mind that oil disolves oil. Do not be afraid of applying oil to your face. Oil, alone, will not cause you blemishes. Pimples, cysts, zits, blackheads and whiteheads are a result of several different factors including hormones, bacteria, dead skin cells and the buildup of these factors. Your skin naturally produces oil because it needs it. It is not a malicious force to be reckoned with, it is there for the benefit of your skin. It is naturally occurring. Oil helps lubricate, heal, protect, and moisturize your skin so that it may function properly. Properly functioning skin is beautiful, clear, and glowing.

While I'm talking about the benefits of oil applied externally, I'd like to mention how important it is to moisturize from the inside as well. WATER! Drink no less than 8 glasses of water a day. If your skin has issues with blemishes, drink up! Water will help release and remove the toxins from within, leaving behind glowing, dewey, toned skin. Carry a bottle of water around with you throughout the day so water is always available.

Now, to the point of this article.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) is used for moisture, while Castor Oil (CO) is used for cleansing. Castor Oil tends to be a bit on the thick side, so a mix of the two (EVOO/CO) is frequently used. This allows for the Castor Oil to really sink into the pores and draw out the dirt and grime to the surface. You can vary this ratio to match your skins needs. More EVOO for moisture or more CO for cleansing (25/75 EVOO/CO for Oily skin, or 75/25 EVOO/CO for dry skin). EVOO is incredibly high in antioxidants, while CO is excellent for drawing and healing. CO has been the focus of many books and medical discussion because of its seemingly "magical" healing properties. It only makes sense (after a bit of research) that one would use CO on their face to help treat blemishes and acne, or simply to make their skin look and feel better.

As quoted in The Oil That Heals by Dr. McGarey, a country doctor (unknown?) states, "Castor oil will leave the body in better condition than it found it."

The Routine:
Massage a substantial amount (the cup of your palm, while hand is held open) of EVOO/CO into your face and neck.

This is to be done over makeup or any visible dirt. Take this time to give yourself a facial massage. Really work the oil into your skin. Take your time, breathe deeply, and relax. Sit down to do this if it helps.

You, of course, do not have to sit and relax, but keep in mind that stress isn't good for your skin and you should take any moment you can to destress and let tension float away.

Take a washcloth, terry cloth or flannel preferred, and soak it in steamy hot water. Wring it out and drape it over your face.

What we are doing is steaming your face as an esthetician would, but without the steam machine. You want to open your pores. This helps release any impurities from deep within your pores.

As the washcloth begins to cool, gently wipe the oil and dirt away. This will also help remove any dead skin cells that are stubbornly clinging on.

Rinse the washcloth out in hot water and wipe away any remaining impurities. You may have to do this two or three times more to remove any remaining dirt and oil residue, but it will come off leaving your skin with a beautiful, healthy glow. No additional cleansing is necessary.

After you have rinsed well, you can either splash your face with cool water to help tone and close your pores, or if your face feels tight, you can moisturize.

If your skin feels tight, take a tiny drop of your EVOO/CO, rub it between your clean, damp palms and pat it into your damp skin. Massage any oil residue into your skin so there is no film of oil left sitting on the surface. Being prone to breakouts, myself, I've found that this is perhaps the most important step.

Hope this helps.

Blond, blue eyes.Skin: Normal, sometimes oily, during winter very dry. Very sensitive. Occasional breakouts. Very fair.
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Sun Feb 05, 2006 6:38 pm      Reply with quote
MixCD...I'm in the EXACT same boat! I didnt have bad skin...I just liked how smooth it made my I have terrible skin! Same thing happened to my sister...I think it is had for your skin to adjust after you use it for so long.
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Sun Feb 05, 2006 6:39 pm      Reply with quote
MixCD...I'm in the EXACT same boat! I didnt have bad skin...I just liked how smooth it made my I have terrible skin! Same thing happened to my sister...I think it is had for your skin to adjust after you use it for so long.
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Mon Feb 06, 2006 10:07 am      Reply with quote
Well Proactiv!. Hated it. First of all as many put in this post, the whole mail order situation SUCKED. Would call in to order and item, unless you were part of the 'club" which I did not want to be since they send you a whole kit every two months (I think it is) when I may not need all the products again in two months, maybe only the cleanser. So if you were not in the club, you buy everything retail~. So my skin seemed a little better after using for a month or so, but after using for about three, I saw NO difference than any over the counter cleanser or product you can buy for $6. So why use this expensive hassle ordering product. (Of course, just my view). It hear it works for others. And I say, if it works use it!. We are ALL on the quest for perfect skin right?
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Tue Feb 07, 2006 2:00 am      Reply with quote
I tried it long ago. I was in my early 20's and it cleared up my face, but I couldn't use it on problem areas on chest/back. It would discolor my clothes.

I stopped using it when I moved to Hawaii. After the inital flare up my skin reacted well to the weather there and I had less issues with acne.

I looked into buying it again when I moved to a colder climate, but found they had kept the same price but shrunk the product sizes. This was also when it seemed to be very popular and I didn't think it was worth the cost.

40. Routine: OCM, ThayersRoseToner as needed, Dr. Denese Dream Cream and Eye Cream
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Sat Feb 18, 2006 4:13 pm      Reply with quote
Very Happy

Hi all. Newbie here. I wanted to say that I have been using Proactiv to successfully control my cystic acne for 7 years now. My skin was BAD. It would hurt, I had so many pimples. As long as I am faithful in using the repairing lotion, I stay zit-free. The only exception being one or two pre-menstrual pimples, which I can live with. I don't use the toner (don't believe in 'em). I use the cleanser occasionally. Right now I'm more into DHC cleansing oil, Remede Alchemy cleansing milk, and now am really exited to try OCM Idea . However, I will never go without my Proactiv repairing lotion. Never, never, never! Exclamation

30, fair skin, prone to acne if I get lazy, and always on the lookout for more products to play with!
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Sun Feb 19, 2006 6:58 pm      Reply with quote
Well before I started using Proactiv it seems I always had a few pimples on my cheeks mainly at a time. And I used Benzoyl Peroxide before and wasnt helping much. Then I started the Proactiv about 3 months ago, using it once a day and the results have been great. I rarely get breakouts anymore and if I do start to get one, it stops it in its tracks. Hopefully it will keep working. It is slightly drying to my skin, so I've had to use a moisturizer which possibly could be starting to break me out now...hopefully not. Sometimes its hard to win either way, but I think the Proactiv is worth a try but might be too harsh to use twice a day.
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Sun Feb 19, 2006 10:08 pm      Reply with quote
Mermaid- Moisturizer while on proactiv is essential, as overly dry skin is more likely to have further breakouts. A good moisturizer will certainly not contribute to more breakouts!

30, fair skin, prone to acne if I get lazy, and always on the lookout for more products to play with!
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Mon Feb 20, 2006 7:13 am      Reply with quote
I have been back on proactive since this post and it has totally cleaned up my skin again! I think it depends on what your body responds too...proactive is peroxide and it works for me! Other otc acne products contain salacylic acid (I cant spell) and that works for others...I just remember it drying me out really bad. Proactive does get a thumbs up for me...I didnt want to go back to it because I enjoyed using all the natural products but my skin was going crazy! I ordered Yonka gel cleanser and moisturizer 83 but I'll use them with my proactive to maintain my results. I would say proactive is worth a shot...I found one of those stands in my mall that sells it without the memebership so I just went and purchased the kit again. i would not suggest just buying one of the products they are better used as a system. Good luck.
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Tue Feb 21, 2006 4:43 pm      Reply with quote
Proactiv is a joke. I used 3 kits of this crap and it didnt do anything!!! Mad This stuff cost so much too!! This product shold only be worth 3$ for how it works which it dowsn't Mad It also bleaches EVERYTHING!! Made my skin VERY DRY and red! From a scale of 1-10 i would give it a 1.
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