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Am really down in the dumps!!!!
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Thu Nov 10, 2005 7:02 am      Reply with quote
Well I had been looking forward to having my hair done for ages and I finally go with the intention of returing to my natural hair colour, my other half begged me not to have it done or to go this particular hairdresser as he's convinced she cannot cut........he was right!!! Confused

Before I had lovely long blonde locks and now it is a dark mousy blonde but even worse is the cut, she cut it into a bob and used thinning scissors, now even before I needed all the volume I could get!! So I am stuck like this over Christmas whilst I save up for a new hairdo.
Oh and I really need for it to grow Rolling Eyes
It's ironic when your hair looks better tied back than down. What's even worse is that I asked for all this so I can't even go mad at the hairdresser and all the I told you so's ......

Please tell me you have all been there!!!

oily/acne prone - acne scars on chin area/Large Pores in winter. Oily in Summer. Fair, nuetral/cool complexion, burn easily. Early 20s
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Thu Nov 10, 2005 7:19 am      Reply with quote
been there been there been there. a good hairdresser is SOOO hard to find. i've yet to find one that has the talent at cutting hair that they suggest they do and that the prices/salon they work at make you think. and i've had my hair cut at at the top name salons and not with the trainees, paying top whack and am usually disappointed with the simpliest of cuts!

my sympathy is with you! why not make this a time to get in to a hat fetish? make a statement by going bold?
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Thu Nov 10, 2005 8:09 am      Reply with quote
Oh, I can't even tell you how many times I've been there. Let's see...there was the time when I got my hair chemically straightened and they burned a huge gash into my scalp about 3 inches long. Sorry to be gross, but puss in the hair is not a good look.

Then there was the time when the lady only half dried my hair and when she realized how naturally curly/frizzy my hair really is she decided to use a super hot curling iron to dry the rest. SIZZLE!

Finally, I decided to be brave and get my hair cut above shoulder length. Well, she cut it about the right length, even though it was a bit short, but it was just a bob and I had asked for the ends to be tapered since my hair is sooo thick. So she starts "tapering" them and ends up cutting it to almost boy length. On top of that, I found out from some co-workers that she had cut a HUGE hole in the back. Since my hair was SO short, I couldn't cover it and had to have it like that for months.

Well, those are just a few of my worst. I hope that made you feel a bit better. And don't worry, one day you'll look back and laugh at yourself. I know I am now! Very Happy
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Thu Nov 10, 2005 8:23 am      Reply with quote
Oh gosh, going to a bad hairdresser is the worst! I haven't paid to have my hair cut in over a year, I simply gave up and bought a pair of barber's scissors and I do it myself every month. Thankfully I have a simple hairdo!
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Thu Nov 10, 2005 9:22 am      Reply with quote
You poor thing!

my heart reaches out to you in your misery!

But I think you have a right to be mad at your hairdresser though...
She's supposed to be a professional, and you'd think she'd like to have returning customers... she should have been able to figure out that the cut you were asking for/she was going to give you wouldn't suit you... And told you so.

That's just my opinion though...

Isn't it B-vitamins that promote hairgrowth?

hope your feeling better!

Location: Denmark. Me = 32, think I'm combo without oiliness + sometimes sensitive. Have noticed that skin doesn't heal as quickly anymore and I've developed fine lines around my eyes... Hormonal breakouts which are sometimes cystic. PCOS
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Thu Nov 10, 2005 10:26 pm      Reply with quote
Trust me we have all been there Laughing

I am so attached to my hair I don't think I will ever be able to get another haircut Shock
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Thu Nov 10, 2005 10:52 pm      Reply with quote
Rosebud, this, too, shall pass. Think of it as a liberating experience. We get so attached to things, like our hair... it is good to break away from those attachments at times and focus on other things... maybe even more "important" things.

The more confident you feel about yourself, the more beautiful you will be, regardless of your hair...

Maybe this is a time to see your beauty in other ways, like how pretty your eyes are, or how soft your skin is... play these things up! Try different eyeliners and shadow techniques. Use a different blush. Learn to love your hair in a clip. Play with clips and spray.

Just have FUN and look forward to the day when you look back at this and smile to yourself that you made it through with grace and style.

36, skin in a "new" phase? Oil/break-out free but now having bouts of sensitivity and surface dehydration.
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Fri Nov 11, 2005 1:31 am      Reply with quote
Thankyou everyone for you kind words. If nothing else I haves certainly realised how vain I had become Laughing Embarassed

I'm getting used to it now and starting with the "it's not that bad" and it will be better once it starts to grow out a little, I think what gets to me more now is that I actually paid for this, I keep thinking of all the other goodies I could have spent my money on Laughing

On the plus side I threw out all my old frumpy clothes last night, so at least Im dressing better, yesterday nobody mentioned my hair they were all too busy comenting on a top I had that I always save for best Wink
So yes LandB you have hit the nail on the head Wink

oily/acne prone - acne scars on chin area/Large Pores in winter. Oily in Summer. Fair, nuetral/cool complexion, burn easily. Early 20s
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Fri Nov 11, 2005 4:18 am      Reply with quote
plus it's winter so you can wear a hat! Very Happy

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Fri Nov 11, 2005 6:33 am      Reply with quote
Oh dont even get me started on the hair thing my most recent was having foils done as my hair is long and had to be folded to fit the foils and where the fold was I had about 1inch on each foil that had no colour Shock it looked hideous Embarassed

Even though your hair is not how you want it Rosebud just think that al least your sking is perfect and that makes you look stunning anyway Wink
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Fri Nov 11, 2005 8:56 am      Reply with quote
Oh dont even get me started on the hair thing my most recent was having foils done as my hair is long and had to be folded to fit the foils and where the fold was I had about 1inch on each foil that had no colour Shock it looked hideous Embarassed

Oh that must have been awful Confused
I have to admit I did laugh at myself this morning, my hair is natuarally quite thin and after she used thinning scissors I have that whispy old woman effect........NO HAIR!!!
I look the spitting image of my mum when she was my age!!!
I've uped the vitamin intake and am going to pick up some Silica next week and am not going to moan about it to the other half any more (it's worse for him......he paid Confused , you know males and their pennies Wink )

And this Christmas I am determined to snap lots of pictures of me and the hair as a stark warning Laughing
I have had lots of fun digging out the warm snuggly hats and beautiful hairclips I had hidden away Very Happy

oily/acne prone - acne scars on chin area/Large Pores in winter. Oily in Summer. Fair, nuetral/cool complexion, burn easily. Early 20s
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Fri Nov 11, 2005 9:05 am      Reply with quote
Thats great news Very Happy

re the colour I would not have minded but it cost me £98 Shock

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Sat Nov 12, 2005 1:54 am      Reply with quote
I'm sorry to hear that rosebud! I hope you can find a nice way to put it up with hairclips. You're making me a bit nervous - I have an appt next Monday...

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Sat Nov 12, 2005 9:25 am      Reply with quote
Ah yes...

- first perm at 14 and hair was fried within an inch of its life. blonde, blue-eyed, whitey me looked like a Jackson5 brother in a dress. ended up with all this 1" growth because under layers were burned off.

- oh, the lovely burgundy dye job I had done the day before leaving on an overseas vacation.. it looked lovely - till the next morning when I went to tie it up for the long flight and found that all the hair around the base of my neck was still golden blonde. Sad Rolling Eyes

Off the top of my head those two are the worst I can remember.

OH I do remember paying over $100 (a while back this is) to have my hair foiled with blonde highlights.. then the stylist racing to fetch the manager and whispered discussions on how to fix my yellow straw highlights... only to have them dye the highlights back so that my hair looked EXACTLY the same as when I walked in. not a bit of difference. Yes, idot door-mat me paid for it and did not complain.
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Sun Nov 13, 2005 10:07 am      Reply with quote
first perm at 14 and hair was fried within an inch of its life. blonde, blue-eyed, whitey me looked like a Jackson5 brother in a dress. ended up with all this 1" growth because under layers were burned off.

I was never allowed a perm, I was so peeved at my mum at the time but looking back I just think thank god I didn't.

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Mon Nov 14, 2005 5:36 am      Reply with quote
Is your hair to short for extensions?

Sharon Osbourne has extensions in now...and her hair was quite short??

Rosebud, the amount of times I've had disaster after disaster!!

Best one is we have a Wella training salon at the bottom of our building. They asked for models for hair colouring and they would give us £50. A few girls accepted..They were told they could have any colour they wished. She asked for caramels and golds. When finished she had huge chunks of red and auburn and a wide line of gold from her fringe to the back of her head....FUNNY!!!!! she looked like a skunk! After crying for most of the afternoon, she went back and told them to dye it dark brown!!!!


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Tue Nov 15, 2005 5:52 pm      Reply with quote
I think we've all been there. Thank goodness it's not permanent. It will pass...hang in there!
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Tue Nov 29, 2005 6:54 am      Reply with quote
How's your hair coming on Rosebud Wink

Location: Denmark. Me = 32, think I'm combo without oiliness + sometimes sensitive. Have noticed that skin doesn't heal as quickly anymore and I've developed fine lines around my eyes... Hormonal breakouts which are sometimes cystic. PCOS
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Tue Nov 29, 2005 11:57 pm      Reply with quote
Hi Rosebud,

I just wanted to say I totally understand how you feel. I have gone to several very very expensive hairdressers who botched my hair so bad, my God it took a year one time for it to grow out!!! That hairdresser had 30 years experience and was famous for being one of the best.

My best advice is to just leave what you can not do anything about. Now you know what you like and the good thing is that your hair will eventually grow. Let it go and I am sure your hair will look great soon.

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Wed Nov 30, 2005 5:57 am      Reply with quote
Feliz I am doing just that, I want to leave it alone for a goood 2/3 months and hopefully encourage it to grow nearly an inch.
I've actually gotten used to it now, I still get pangs when I see photos of my old long blonde self but I figured there's no point being miserable about it.
Because the hairdresser used the dreaded thinning scissors on my already thin hair I have been experimenting with mouse to try and create more volume.
I have just been making more of an effort to smile and laugh, no-body even notices your hair then and to be honest I forget myself.
Oh and with all the vitamins I'm taking I could swear my hair has already grown a cm!!!!
My mother in Law went to the exact same hairdressor and I can see she loves the thinning scissors and crating 'layers', now she has thick hair and can carry it off quite well, she was probably trying to do a one style fits all Laughing

Anyway my SO still thinks I am beautiful so thats all that matters Wink

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Wed Nov 30, 2005 11:23 am      Reply with quote
Rosebud -

In addition to the silica supplement, try to get one that includes MSM as it is supposed to stimulate faster hair growth, too. Also, not sure if you’re a DIYer, but you can add some peppermint and/or rosemary essential oil to your bottle of shampoo and/or conditioner as they are both also known to stimulate hair growth. I would add about 25 drops of each to a 16-oz bottle of shampoo or conditioner....

I can totally sympathize with all of the hair disaster horror stories, which is actually how I became something an ‘expert consultant’ regarding hair because I’ve experienced a few disasters of my own. Ironically, my worst hair cuts are the result of the stylist *refusing* to use a razor or thinning shears on my hair because it’s so bloody thick that without these tools, it would take hours to dry it and it would have absolutely no movement or texture simply because of the sheer amount of weight of all that hair!

Nowadays, I probably know as much about cutting and coloring hair as most license professionals! I’m known for always having very chic and up-to-date looks. Even though I chose to wear my hair very short, you would be amazed at how many different looks and styles I can pull off with my hair cut short. Of course, the fact that I have the most amazing stylist in the world helps tremendously; I realize I’m extremely fortunate to have this sort of artist/muse relationship with the person who cuts my hair and believe me when I tell you that I won’t trust anyone else to touch my hair!

Anyway, because friends, coworkers and strangers are always coming up and asking me about my hair, and asking my advice about trying different cuts and styles, I’ve actually begin to cultivate a pretty wide reputation as a ‘hair consultant.’ I can take a look at someone’s hair color, cut, bone structure, etc., and just by asking a few questions, I can pick out a look that would work beautifully for each individual based on that person’s hair type/texture, facial structure, flaws or features to conceal or reveal, amount of time she is willing to spend recreating the look at home every morning, etc., etc.. Sometimes, I’ll even go to the salon with one of my “clients” to hold her hand or explain the desired look to the stylist (in hair-cutting “jargon”) so there is no potential for misunderstandings or miscommunication.

At first I just I just did this for a select few friends or co-workers, but strictly through word of mouth I begun to have complete strangers come up to me and beg for a ‘consultation.’ And I can’t tell you how good it felt to see that person again after her hair appointment and I saw the happy smile and special sort of confidence that comes from having the best hair-day of your life, when you know you look incredible and men are double-takes and women are watching you enviously....

Actually, that brings me to one of my biggest pet peeves: women who wear there hair exactly the same today as they did when the graduated from high school 20 years ago! I just want to smack them up-side the head and tell them that they outgrew their waist-length, center parted hair or the “Farrah feathered hair” or frizzy, poodle-dog perm about 19 years ago and it’s time to embrace the 21st century and start wearing a style befitting their current age and lifestyle rather than walk around looking like they’ve been caught in a time-warp. I know this sounds harsh and I don’t mean to offend or cause any hurt or embarrassment if the above-description sounds suspiciously like one’s self, but I’d love to help anyone get a hip new color and/or style!!

Über-oily,semi-sensitive, warm/fair-skinned redhead, 38...Will swap/shop for members outside U.S. and/or make homemade skincare products upon demand-PM me for details.
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Wed Nov 30, 2005 3:51 pm      Reply with quote
Carekate I love the idea of adding some essential oils to my shampoo Very Happy
I had a look at MSM supplements on the internet and got a little put off as they were marketed at body builders, was I looking at the wrong ones?

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Thu Dec 01, 2005 10:42 am      Reply with quote
rosebud wrote:
I had a look at MSM supplements on the internet and got a little put off as they were marketed at body builders, was I looking at the wrong ones?
I don’t know about that, but the supplement I used to take was a Hair/Skin/Nails formula that contained both Silica and MSM. I had no idea that MSM could help bulk you up! I don’t know about the rest of you but those great, overly defined muscle men just make me laugh because most of them have tiny little heads on great, huge torsos walking around on tiny little chicken legs. In fact, I’ve wondered how some of them are actually able to wipe themselves after they use the toilet because it doesn’t look like they can twist around to reach because their arms or now so short because of all that muscle mass!

While the male body-builders crack me up, the female ones just completely creep me out. If God had wanted a woman to look like that, he would have given us a penis and a hairy chest!

Über-oily,semi-sensitive, warm/fair-skinned redhead, 38...Will swap/shop for members outside U.S. and/or make homemade skincare products upon demand-PM me for details.
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Thu Dec 01, 2005 1:47 pm      Reply with quote
Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
Carekate I have just sprayed my food everywhere laughing!!!! My brother is sat in the same room, he is one of those muscle obsessed guys.....and YES it's all true!!!! Shock Laughing Laughing

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Sat Dec 03, 2005 7:58 pm      Reply with quote
Oh Rosebud, I am so sorry about your hair. I have totally been there (both with hair cut and coloring disasters within the last 5 years). I had to wear a scarf on my heads for a couple of weeks once.

When I had a bad and too short hair cut, I found that when I used cute hair clips it helped a lot. Like parting your hair on the side and then pinning one side at the top of your forhead and over a little bit (does that make sense?).

It sounds like maybe it isn't so bad now, huh? I hope so. Just don't think of it too much and before you know it, it will be grown out again. Smile Also, if you are looking for volume, a little moose near your roots helps.

Oh, yeah... when I was 12 my mom finally let me get a perm. I wish she hadn't! At that time I wore my hair in a short bob with bangs. When I had it permed the gal who did it left them in too long so I looked like a poodle! It was NOT at ALL what I had wanted and I couldn't even tie it back in a pony tail. I just wanted some loose curls/waves. Plus I had these little burns on the side of my temples. Oh, how I cried. I was so down and hated myself. I hate that feeling! Crying or Very sad Luckily, a couple of weeks later, the curls loosened a little bit and a couple of months later had grown out so it became bearable. I was so relieved when I finally was able to have the permed ends cut off. Wow, what a mistake for me to get a perm!

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