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Thu Jun 01, 2006 9:47 pm |
I have 2 hamsters...i had to put them in separate houses because they chew at eachother if not. Recently I noticed one of them lays around in his cage, which isn't really normal for him. Usually my hamsters sleep curled up in a comfy ball, but he kind of just lays there limp. This makes me very sad. when i touch him he gets up and seems perfectly fine. I made the excuse that the weather is warmer and he wanted to cool off maybe..but i've never had hamsters before so it could be that he is sick? my poor baby..
does anyone know if this is normal? |
_________________ Extremely fair/sensitive skin(mild rosacea)that burns very easy.acne is rare/skin is dry.27 years old. |
Thu Jun 01, 2006 9:51 pm |
this is arnold:( |
_________________ Extremely fair/sensitive skin(mild rosacea)that burns very easy.acne is rare/skin is dry.27 years old. |
Thu Jun 01, 2006 9:58 pm |
Hi purple turtle! I have never kept hamsters but I have kept guinea pigs and I currently keep bunnies. In my experience with small animals, any change in behavior could signify a health problem. I would recommend taking him to a vet that has experience with "exotics" as soon as possible--- tomorrow if you can swing it. Most vets offices will see you right away if you tell them you are afraid it is an emergency. Good luck. I know how you feel--- I've spent many rough nights worrying about my bunns! |
_________________ 27, sensitive/reactive/acne prone skin, dark brown hair, blue eyes, possibly the palest woman alive... |
Thu Jun 01, 2006 10:06 pm |
blah, right after i post this he got up and went into his castle. But he's been like this for the past few nights. During the daytime he seems alright, and his eating is perfectly fine. I've only had them for about 5 months and i refuse to let either of them go. I'll do more research tomorrow and see if my mom can give me a second opinion on his strange behavior. Thank you for your suggestion! |
_________________ Extremely fair/sensitive skin(mild rosacea)that burns very easy.acne is rare/skin is dry.27 years old. |
Thu Jun 01, 2006 10:24 pm |
I have a friend that keeps hamsters. There's something about the color of their ears and nose. if they're discolored at all, he may be sick and need to go to the vet pronto! Poor guy, hope he's ok. |
Fri Jun 02, 2006 12:42 am |
I would recommend taking him to the vet, hamsters are so fragile. I hope he is well, all the best. |
Fri Jun 02, 2006 4:31 am |
I'd keep watching for a while before turning your wallet over to the vet, especially if he's eating and playing are the same. I have two greyhounds, and although they're obviously very different than hamsters ( ), our recent hot and humid snap here has caused them to be a bit more lethargic. They do sleep more "stretched out" than when the weather is cooler and I think they're just trying to get comfortable. Greyhounds normally sleep in a tight ball. They bounced back when I bit the monthly electricity bill bullet and started using central A/C regularly. How about a gentle fan near his cage? |
_________________ 36, skin in a "new" phase? Oil/break-out free but now having bouts of sensitivity and surface dehydration. |
Fri Jun 02, 2006 8:34 am |
Awww...I hope he feels better. Poor little thing. I used to have 2 boy hamsters growing up...then they multipled and I had 5-6. Turns out we were sold one male and one female instead of 2 males
Anyway, hope arnold gets better!! |
Fri Jun 02, 2006 8:48 am |
puglove wrote: |
Awww...I hope he feels better. Poor little thing. I used to have 2 boy hamsters growing up...then they multipled and I had 5-6. Turns out we were sold one male and one female instead of 2 males
Anyway, hope arnold gets better!! |
purpleturtle, are you sure Arnold is a boy? Imagine if the little one was a girl and feeling out of sorts because wee ones were on the way.
I don't know anything about hamster but I hope Arnold is feeling better soon. |
Fri Jun 02, 2006 12:10 pm |
[/quote]purpleturtle, are you sure Arnold is a boy? Imagine if the little one was a girl and feeling out of sorts because wee ones were on the way. [/quote]
You know, Winnie, that is exactly what I was thinking... |
Fri Jun 02, 2006 5:33 pm |
Winnie wrote: |
purpleturtle, are you sure Arnold is a boy? Imagine if the little one was a girl and feeling out of sorts because wee ones were on the way.
I don't know anything about hamster but I hope Arnold is feeling better soon. |
Yes, he is definitely a boy. The first thing i noticed about both of them was that sometimes their umm...little twin friends are absolutely huge at times. Maybe moreso when they are warm. But there is no doubt they are male hamsters. |
_________________ Extremely fair/sensitive skin(mild rosacea)that burns very easy.acne is rare/skin is dry.27 years old. |
Fri Jun 09, 2006 7:40 pm |
How is your hamster doing? Hopefully he's better now. |
Fri Jun 09, 2006 7:50 pm |
thank you for checking up. I have him on my shoulder. He is doing fine, and i am relieved to say he is not sick. I noticed a few days ago my other hamster, Gobbles, started doing the same behavior. They squoosh up against the sides of their glass houses to keep cool I think. Also laying around helps them keep cool as well. The weather has not been warm at all, but for some strange reason they seem overheated. I keep checking on their water and food...but it seems like they are doing alright. |
_________________ Extremely fair/sensitive skin(mild rosacea)that burns very easy.acne is rare/skin is dry.27 years old. |
Fri Jun 09, 2006 7:57 pm |
I am so happy to hear the little guy is better.  |
Fri Jun 09, 2006 8:08 pm |
I'm so glad to hear he's doing better! I'm sure that's a big relief from your mind. All my life I've either had dogs, gerbils or cats, so I know exactly what you've been going through. |
Fri Jun 09, 2006 11:49 pm |
Happy to hear your hamsters are doing better!
I've never had hamsters, but I have a bunny.
I'm not sure if hamsters are like rabbits, but rabbits can't release heat like dogs & cats, so it's really important that the cage doesn't get hot. (placed in direct sunlight, placed near something that emits heat, etc) It does sound like your hammies are probably just warm.
Even my cats tend to lay around differently when it's warm in my apartment. They're sprawled out on the floor more.
When we had a blackout a couple of summers ago, I put ice cubes in the water-bowl. I also took a small square container and put some ice cubes and cold water, then put that in the cage. This way if the bun got hot, he could rest near/against the frozen pack.
Found a website. Not sure how good it is, but you can check it out: (there's a forum)
and another:
I read this on a couple of websites:
- Hamsters can catch the human cold virus, so avoid contact if you are sick.
- do not use cedar shavings for bedding!
Also read that the only hamsters that should be housed together is Dwarf Hamsters. All other kinds should be kept alone. So you did the right thing by creating separate housing. |
_________________ 41, mature dry skin, somewhat sensitive. Blue eyes, brown hair, fair to medium skin. Areas of concern: loss of elasticity & definition, sagging skin/jowls, neck, deep lip lines, broken capillaries on nose and cheeks, crepiness on eyelids. Less of a concern: photodamage, wrinkles around eyes and outer cheeks, darkness under eyes |
Sat Jun 10, 2006 2:35 am |
I use cedar shavings for their bedding:(
i just started that a couple weeks ago, so i guess next time i should pick up different bedding. Yes i did realize they cannot be together,and thankfully now they are much healthier in their own little houses..Thanks for the info  |
_________________ Extremely fair/sensitive skin(mild rosacea)that burns very easy.acne is rare/skin is dry.27 years old. |
Sat Jun 10, 2006 7:50 am |
A squirrel that comes to visit me for treats does the same "laying flat" thing after eating too many peanuts!  |
Sun Jun 11, 2006 11:19 am |
I had two hamsters once and they are supposed to be dwarf hamsters that they can live together in the same cage. They got along well for about six months and suddenly one day, one hamster was gone. It was impossible for the hamster to get out of the cage. We found some fur and some bones when we cleaned up the cage. So we figured that they must have fought one day and one hamster ate the other one. Can you believe that? Anyway, the loner hamster did not live long after he ate the other one. He died too shortly. |
Sun Jun 11, 2006 11:47 am |
thats what i was afraid of with my hamsters. Arnold was too aggressive and would bite him really hard. I found out how hard one day when i separated them and he accidentally bit me. I was gushing blood all over:(. Gobbles used to be really timid and shaky, and now he has done a complete 360 since being on his own. He's gained weight (Arnold used to steal all of his treats), and he doesn't get scared when i pick him up. |
_________________ Extremely fair/sensitive skin(mild rosacea)that burns very easy.acne is rare/skin is dry.27 years old. |
Tue Mar 04, 2025 12:22 am |
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