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Your most expensive hair care treatment in a salon
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Sun Jun 11, 2006 12:06 pm      Reply with quote
My friend has just spent C$200.00 for perming hair including cut and shampoo in a famous hair salon in Vancouver. I thought it is too expensive to me.

It is curious to know how much you spend on perming hair.
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Sun Jun 11, 2006 4:14 pm      Reply with quote
I've never permed my hair.

My most expensive trip to the salon involved full highlights, cut and style for $350. She did an EXCELLENT job. This was about 2-3 years ago.

My new stylist (salon owner) is trying to get a new product in. Its the same concept as the Japanese hair straightening, BUT its for loose waves and will last 3-4 months. Since my hair is straight, I'd love to try it once he gets it in. To my knowledge, there aren't any salons doing this in Vancouver yet.
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Sun Jun 11, 2006 4:51 pm      Reply with quote
WARNING: Rant included in post LOL Wink

About 10 years ago I spent $180 on hilites, cut and style. I went in just for the hilites but the hairdresser kept begging me to let her cut my hair too. I kept hinting that I couldn't really afford the cut as well being a student and therfore poor (lol) but she kept inisisting in such a way I thought she was going to treat me to a freebie. She kept saying "Oh don't worry about it, just let me give you a nice cut". So thinking to myself that it was free, I agreed. At the end of it all when I went to pay she charged me the extra $40 for the cut. I didn't even have enough cash in my wallet so I had to to go a bank machine and come back. Obvioulsy enough I don't think I even tipped her. I still returned to her later on foolishly because I did like the end results but the next trips proved to be horror stories - bad colours and big errors on her part. I finally found another hairdresser that was affordable, did what I asked and was really nice too so I never went back to the first one. But would you believe that months later she called me to advise me she had openend up her own salon 45 min from where I lived (I later learned she had been caught stealing from her partners so they booted her out). I kindly explained that her salon was too far and I was pleased with my present stylist so thanks but no thanks. She went on to harass me on the phone and got extremely angry and, well, crazy. LOL Couldn't believe it was happening. I felt like I had entered the twilight zone. No wonder she was so desperate for clients that she was cold calling old and and non existent clients. Anyway...that was the most expensive hair day for me. You know though, that lady at supercuts that charged me only $20 a couple years back was THE BEST hairdresser I've ever been too, but unfortunately Supercuts moved from that location and I am now once again still searching for a good haridresser. Have tried and failed countless times since then. Man, finding a good hairdresser is almost as hard as finding a great pair of jeans!
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Sun Jun 11, 2006 5:58 pm      Reply with quote
Speaking of prices at salons, what has everyone's experience been with the cheap places, like supercuts, fantastic sam's sort of places? I haven't been to one since I was a kid, but I have trouble believing that they could be that much worse than "real" salons. Especially since I have never really loved a haircut from a 'real' place. I usually just cut my own hair, but it's getting too long. I'm tempted to try a cheap place because I'm a poor college student, but I also don't want to screw up my hair because I've been growing it out for 2 years. Any thoughts?
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Sun Jun 11, 2006 6:22 pm      Reply with quote
wildflower wrote:
Man, finding a good hairdresser is almost as hard as finding a great pair of jeans!

Laughing Agreed!
I went in for highlights and color(wanted my grays covered) and the stylist kept telling me I should just stick my natural color (which I hadn't seen in years, btw) and maintain the integrity of my hair. Well, my hair lost all it's integrity a loooonnggg time ago and I was only asking for a light-med brown color with honey highlights...nothing crazy or unreasonable considering my natural color is medium brown, if I remember correctly Laughing Well, long story short--he stripped the color that was already in it--and he had to do the whole process twice because my hair is so thick (they never seem to realize how much hair I have until they're halfway through and then I never hear the end of it)then he colored it a boring, flat medium highlights...he said he didn't have time and I could come back Mad . He charged me around $125 and told me he gave me a break on the second color stripping he did! When I got home and checked the color in the mirror, I noticed I had more gray hair showing than when I first went in. Seriously, I could have bought a box of haircolor for $6 and had better results Exclamation
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Sun Jun 11, 2006 6:34 pm      Reply with quote
A couple of years back I had a really great haircut (the best ever). I paid $60 for it. I never went back there cause that hairdresser was kind of a perv. I didn't like the way he talked to me. Kind of creeped me out. Sad
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Sun Jun 11, 2006 8:27 pm      Reply with quote
The most I ever paid for salon service was $70 including tip-- that was cut, color, and highlight. It was great work, so I think I got a good deal. I've been going to the same girl for years, though, so that has something to do with it too. Man, I feel lucky after reading all these posts to have found a wonderful stylist. At this point, I trust her completely as she knows what I like and don't like.

Cloud 9, my sister goes to the Fantastic Sams type places and has good luck. I don't see why it'd be different than a salon. maybe just ask for someone who has experience with your hair type, especially if it's overly thick and long.
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Sun Jun 11, 2006 8:37 pm      Reply with quote
I pay $230 for cut, color, hilights and style.
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Sun Jun 11, 2006 8:53 pm      Reply with quote
I had my Ionic Straightening in Salons here for $220 Smile That is the normal rate with deep conditioning after Smile
I have this done 2x a year Smile

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Sun Jun 11, 2006 9:14 pm      Reply with quote
My last cut and colour was $175. I've gone to this sylist twice now and been quite happy. He is someone you can say, "I'd like to try something new", and they will cut your hair that best suits your face/personality (from first impressions).

Pricy in my books, but very content with the end job.
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Mon Jun 12, 2006 8:19 am      Reply with quote
My hair debacle was $238 total. for "stripes" in my hair and basically frying it. My husband says it is the biggest racket and it makes him so mad.
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Mon Jun 12, 2006 12:06 pm      Reply with quote
I think the most I've spent is probably around $150-175 for cut, colour and highlights. I can't remember paying much more than that. Of course, I always end up buying more product (that I don't really need) and end up paying alot more than that. Sad
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Mon Jun 12, 2006 8:50 pm      Reply with quote
not me but my best friend went to robert cromeans he is a great stylist for paul mitchell salons and platform artist, speaker, yada,yada anyway she got a cut and color and higlites and spent $500!! my most expensive was probably $150 for cut and color.
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Mon Jun 12, 2006 10:36 pm      Reply with quote
I have found the color you get in a salon has weird "tint" to it. For way less money I just buy haircolor out of the box, Loreal preferance is good, if I want to mix it up a little I look for a color two shades lighter and do my own foil streaks.
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Tue Jun 13, 2006 12:50 am      Reply with quote
They had this exact topic on the radio here once...and one woman spent around 900 dollars on one session at the hairdresser Shock

Makes all of your sound reasonable in comparison- so don't any of you feel guilty!
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Tue Jun 13, 2006 9:20 pm      Reply with quote
I paid around $180 for a relaxing treatment a few years ago (X-Tenso) - I think that the stylist overprocessed my hair, it was horrible, so much worse than before I went in. I didn't even know when I left the salon because she had blow dried my hair straight (the treatment was supposed to loosen my curls). For me that was a lot of money, I was so disappointed.
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Tue Jun 13, 2006 11:25 pm      Reply with quote
$300 for extremely long, wrapped synthetic dreads. These dreads are not frizzy, they are very smooth and shiny (and heavy). Well worth it, because it took about 2 days of labor to put in. The girl who did it for me was awesome.

That having been said... I'm now going to sound bitter and say that I will never trust any haircutting/coloring people ever again. These people graduate from some hair school and then suddenly they develop a huge ego and place their "artistic license" above their client's wishes. Some of them are impatient as well, but they don't have the skills to pull off a fast haircut like the top professionals at hair shows. So no thanks, I will cut my own hair. It takes longer but I am satisfied with the results.

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Wed Jun 14, 2006 6:51 am      Reply with quote
Right before I went on vacation I decided to try a new hair place. I went to a "master stylist". She cut my hair, dyed it, and placed some amino acid stuff on my hair. It cost $200. That is the most I have ever spent on my hair. They color looks great, but I think any stylist could have done that. The hair cut was worth every penny. I have never had a great cut in all my life, but this woman was great and I don't even have to do anything to make my hair look good now!
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Wed Jun 14, 2006 10:39 am      Reply with quote
I've been lurking for a few weeks, and this is my first post... I have to say I am SO glad I found you! Even if I've spent way too much on products in the past few days (just bought Jan Marini's eyelash treatment Shock )...

I've moved a lot in my life & I always say the 2 hardest things to find in a new city are a hairdresser & a gyno that you like! That said, I've been with my current hairdresser for over 11 yrs...

The most expensive hair salon visit I ever had was when I lived in the L.A. area and went to Jose Eber's salon in Beverly Hills. Cut, color & hilites for $350 before tip!!! And that was in 1989!!!! They painted every hilite on with a paintbrush (no foils) & it took FOREVER!

I look forward to contributing more - I've been a skincare & makeup junkie most of my adult life.

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Wed Jun 14, 2006 1:21 pm      Reply with quote
Ah geez, I spent $850 for extensions at a salon and they SUCKED! They fell out almost immediately and just overall looked not so great. $850!!! This was like 4 years ago. I was always shedding all over the place it was crazy. Not to mention I had to pay for the hair seperately. I had them done downtown Chicago so I guess I was paying for the salon. I was in New York about a year later and had Great Length extentions put in for over a grand and I LOVED them. They were worth it. These days I'm extention free though and loving it. I really knew how to blow through money when I was younger.

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Wed Jun 14, 2006 7:02 pm      Reply with quote
the current rate for a haircut where I go (Bumble & Bumble) is $115 not including any tips (wash,cut,blow dry) - and that's the most I've paid.
Then I used to get my hair colored at a different salon (followed the colorist to a different salon) and that was $75 just for color - not even blow dry! And that was about 7 yrs ago. It was $100 when I got color and just a few highlights in the front.
I learned to color my hair at home and saved A LOT of money there! Very Happy

I've been going to the same stylist for about 10yrs. And I pay the price - with every increase - because she has given me the best cuts ever. They were easy for me to blow-dry/style, and I could go at least 3 months without getting a haircut. It grew out beautifully. Actually, I recently went 1 year without a cut and it still looked decent - considering. Shock

When my stylist got pregnant a few years back, she decided to quit and be a SAHM. For 1 1/2 yrs I was on a quest to find a new stylist. I tried other stylists at B&B, tried Fredrick Fekkai, tried one of the chain salons (Haircut etc?) - to no avail. They were nice haircuts, but I'd need to go every 6 - 8 weeks because the shape wouldn't hold up, and it was more difficult for me to style - which sucked. I was miserable.

Thankfully she decided to come back to work and I'm soooo happy! Image

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