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Tue May 23, 2006 11:39 am |
I am looking for a brand of birth control that will help me with hormonal acnes. I used to use ortho tricyclen lo. It is supposed to help, but I just dont really see it. Recently switched to yaz. Also a low dose, hence it is supposed to help with hormonal acnes.
Is there anything else out there that you girls know that is good for hormonal acnes?
cheers |
Tue May 23, 2006 11:51 am |
hi roadtonowhere, I have been on various birth control pills to help with my acne. My dermatologist put me on Diane 35 which is a birth control pill especially for people who suffer from acne. I heard that this pill has helped many women. However, Diane 35 didnt help me... in fact it caused my acne to worsen. Then my dermatologist put me on Allesse, and that also made my acne worsen as well as made me gain weight. Now i'm on Yasmine and experience no side effects. My face is looking clearer.
Birth control pills depends on the woman... all women are made differently and a certain BC pill may work for one person, the same BC pill may not work for another. It's just trail and error. I would suggest testing out Diane 35, while this didnt work for me, maybe it will work for you. Just remember if your acne worsen with a BC pill immeadiately disregard it and move onto another brand of pills. |
Tue May 23, 2006 12:44 pm |
BCgirl, I have never heard of dianne35. Is it only available in Canada? |
Tue May 23, 2006 2:22 pm |
^ it should be available in the US as well if thats where you are from. |
Tue May 23, 2006 3:31 pm |
It says on the Ortho Lo page:
"4. ORTHO TRI-CYCLEN helped my acne; can ORTHO TRI-CYCLEN LO do the same?
ORTHO TRI-CYCLEN LO has not yet been studied for the treatment of acne. ORTHO TRI-CYCLEN is indicated for the treatment of moderate acne vulgaris in females ≥ 15 years of age, who have no known contraindications to oral contraceptive therapy, desire contraception, have achieved menarche and are unresponsive to topical anti-acne medications."
So if you're looking for a pill specifically to help with acne I'd try the full strength version. |
_________________ 25, very fair, dry/sensitive, mild rosacea, otherwise good skin!  |
Tue May 23, 2006 4:05 pm |
I was on Marvelon. It was pretty good for my acne but it made me gain weight.  |
Tue May 23, 2006 4:25 pm |
Yup what harmonster said-- the ortho low dose won't really help with acne. The regular one is supposed to, as is the patch, ortho evra. I was on the patch, but I also use proactiv, so it's hard to say which really kept my skin clear.
I switched to the low dose, so I guess we'll find out!! |
Tue May 23, 2006 5:22 pm |
you know.... i have no idea why i am going on ortho lo instead of regular ortho. I think it has something to do with weight gain (acne and weight gain are my biggest enemies). Now, I am on my second day of yaz. anybody ever used yaz? |
Wed May 24, 2006 4:59 pm |
I decided to switch to a low dose because the hormones in the patch were way too much for me, so much so that it'd make me physcially sick for hours at a time. I still like the method, sticking a patch on my butt once a week, but the way the hormones entered my bloodstream was bad news.
My body is not happy with me right (just switched last month) but hopefully the switch will turn out for the better. I never really thought about the patch keeping my skin clear, but now I'm starting to wonder???
I would suggest staying with one method for at least three months before switching. It takes that long (sometimes longer) for your body to adjust to hormonal birth control. |
Tue May 30, 2006 4:20 pm |
I was on Marvelon for 2.5 years which helped my acne, but made me gain weight and led to shedding of a lot of hair. I just got off the pill 3 weeks ago because I have been hearing lots of horror stories about people, post-pill. Some never get their reproductive system back on track, some even had worst acne flare-ups when they stopped. To whoever who is considering going on the pill, think twice, and don't listen to the doctors when they tell you that you shouldn't have any problems getting off the pill, because no one has really done any long-term studies about people post-pill. I personally know someone who is two years off the pill and hasn't got one single period yet. This forum also helps:;f=7;t=000307;p=3. My skin is freaking out right now, with lots of cystic acne on my chin, but i pray it clears as my body learns how to regulate its own hormones again. |
Tue May 30, 2006 5:25 pm |
dollbird wrote: |
I was on Marvelon for 2.5 years which helped my acne, but made me gain weight and led to shedding of a lot of hair. I just got off the pill 3 weeks ago because I have been hearing lots of horror stories about people, post-pill. Some never get their reproductive system back on track, some even had worst acne flare-ups when they stopped. To whoever who is considering going on the pill, think twice, and don't listen to the doctors when they tell you that you shouldn't have any problems getting off the pill, because no one has really done any long-term studies about people post-pill. I personally know someone who is two years off the pill and hasn't got one single period yet. This forum also helps:;f=7;t=000307;p=3. My skin is freaking out right now, with lots of cystic acne on my chin, but i pray it clears as my body learns how to regulate its own hormones again. |
You had problems with Marvelon too. I was on it for about 6 years or so. I finally went off last year because I couldn't take the weight gain anymore. I'm currently doing a "detox" to try to clean up my system and hope that would clear up my skin. |
Tue May 30, 2006 5:40 pm |
roadtonowhere wrote: |
you know.... i have no idea why i am going on ortho lo instead of regular ortho. I think it has something to do with weight gain (acne and weight gain are my biggest enemies). Now, I am on my second day of yaz. anybody ever used yaz? |
With yaz... you do mean yasmine right? I use yasmine for about a year now and I love it. No weight gain for me, in fact I think I have had a little weight loss  |
Tue May 30, 2006 5:44 pm |
I'm not too sure the regular Ortho Tri-Cyclen is any better at clearing skin. I've been on it for years and I'm still breaking out. Which is kinda scary ... because what if it IS helping and without I'd be breaking out twice as bad?!  |
Tue May 30, 2006 8:14 pm |
Yen wrote: |
You had problems with Marvelon too. I was on it for about 6 years or so. I finally went off last year because I couldn't take the weight gain anymore. I'm currently doing a "detox" to try to clean up my system and hope that would clear up my skin. |
Yen, has your period returned and are you having regular cycles? I have also broken out on my back, a place i have never broken out before. A lot of people don't realise how bad the pill is for you. Also, any luck with your skin? |
Tue May 30, 2006 8:39 pm |
dollbird, my period is still irregular. I've been off the pill since last November. I would get my period for one month and miss it the next month. The last three months have been consecutive which I hope is a sign that things are going back to normal.
Lately things have been better for the skin, I started taking Detox supplements and started using Juice Beauty (Green Apple Peel, Blemish Serum and cleanser). I still have a long way to go in terms of all the acne scars. |
Tue May 30, 2006 10:39 pm |
thanks Yen. I guess there's still hope left for some of us. |
Wed May 31, 2006 3:28 pm |
Yeah, there is still hope. You just have to be patient. On the brighter side, I wasn't able to lose weight even when I worked out before (while on the pill). Now that I'm off the pill, I can see more results and inches are coming off (slowly but it's happening). |
Wed May 31, 2006 6:30 pm |
dollbird wrote: |
I just got off the pill 3 weeks ago because I have been hearing lots of horror stories about people, post-pill. Some never get their reproductive system back on track, some even had worst acne flare-ups when they stopped. To whoever who is considering going on the pill, think twice, and don't listen to the doctors when they tell you that you shouldn't have any problems getting off the pill, because no one has really done any long-term studies about people post-pill. I personally know someone who is two years off the pill and hasn't got one single period yet. |
The pill has been out since the 60's now, and has come along way since then. Every Dr has to report adverse effects from prescribed medications, including the pill, and if reproductive problems arose after a women has been on the pill, it would have been reported, and any trends would have been identified. I think your friend who hasn't had a period for two years is not ovulating, and there are other issues she may have had BEFORE going on the pill, or co-incided with her coming off it - and it could be because of many reasons (early menopause - which affects 1% of all women, or other ovary function issues, maybe PCOD). There is research to suggest that being on the pill MAY contribute to delaying menopause as you don't ovulate while on it and the ovaries have a specific number of eggs and each women has a predetermined number of cycles to go through before menopause (but the research is theoretical and NOT a scientific study - since women are generally going through menopause later this is one theory, another is evolution as women are having children later and we are looking after our health better). Many, many women are on the pill across the world and are able to have successful reproductive ability afterwards (within two to three months of coming off it - I personally know of at least ten women in the last few years).
FYI I've been on yasmine for almost three years on and off (went off it for six months recently), my breakouts do get worse during the first three months or so when first on it, but settle down afterwards, and also I don't get the painful and massive blind pimples or the headaches I used to get. I went to a family planning clinic here in Australia and the Dr sat me down and talked about all the brands I'd tried, what were my problems with them, what symptoms I got (and whether they were related to female or male hormones), and THEN prescribed me the yasmine as the best choice (and sampled me as well so I could try it first for a few months too). Yasmine has a third generation progesterone in it which is supposed to reduce the "male" symptoms such as acne (which is attributed usually to the progesterone). She was excellent and I recommend seeing a specialsit in this area if your concerned.
HTH's  |
Wed May 31, 2006 9:50 pm |
Ortho Tri-Cyclen has helped my hormonal acne, my skin is the most normal it has been my entire life!!!
I had severe acne in my teens and went through accutane. It helped and worked for about 5-7 years, then it came back each month during my cycle ... really bad. My acne doctor put me on spironolactone and surprisingly, it worked. I went off it and a year later, the hormonal acne came back again ... and really bad.
Finally, I could not bare it any longer ... I went to the doctor and asked to go on spironolactone again and in conjunction, started the birth control pill last year and my skin is sooo normal, I cannot believe it! My skin was always an oil slick for as long as I can remember and now, it is completely normal.
I specifically requested not to be put on Diane 35, because I have a history of severe migraine attacks and I heard that Diane 35 can trigger migraines in those who are prone. However, I had heard good things about it and that it works just as well and Ortho Tri-Cyclen for acne.
Personally, I think the spironolactone on its own was able to control my hormonal acne ... I can't really tell how much extra effect the BCP has because I have never taken it on its own. I went on BCPs for contraception and haven't tried it on its own only for acne.
So maybe give spironolactone or Ortho Tri-Cyclen a try?? I currently take both, and they are a HUGE life saver for me.
I know first hand how awful and frustrating hormonal acne can be, but hang in there and good luck! |
Sat Jun 03, 2006 3:06 pm |
I was breaking out so badly that the acne left some scaring on my face. I was so depressed. My friends saw me and they all asked me 'What happened to you?' I was so desperate. I had facial done and I tried all kinds of product but no use. I was still breaking out. Finally, I went to my gynecologist and he prescribed Diane 35 for the acne. I took it for 2 months and the acne stopped. Thank God. Wished I took it earlier before all the scarring. I stopped after 2 months and the acne did not come back, only some pimples before my period. I noticed that as soon as I took the pill, my skin just cleared up and the texture was so much smoother and finer. However, I found the freckles on my face got darker. I read the information on the pill and that is one of the side effect or else I would had kept taking it. It made my skin looked better because of the hormone. |
Sat Jun 03, 2006 4:18 pm |
Yen wrote: |
Yeah, there is still hope. You just have to be patient. On the brighter side, I wasn't able to lose weight even when I worked out before (while on the pill). Now that I'm off the pill, I can see more results and inches are coming off (slowly but it's happening). |
OH my gosh. Me too! I've lost quite a few inches...and its pretty noticeble to other people. I don't know why "they" say that you don't gain weight when you're on the pill. My girlfriend just went ON the pill and she is ever-so-slowly putting on weight.
I was on Alesse and it cleared up my face (it wasn't bad to begin with, but that wasn't why I went on it). After being OFF the pill, my face has been such a warzone. Its so hard to get it under control. I keep saying to myself that I have to give my body time to re-adjust, but its already been 6 months and I don't really see any changes yet. My face is WORSE than when I went on it.
Oh yeah, I was never regular to begin with, so there really isn't any difference there. Its such a pain in the ass. |
Sat Jun 03, 2006 5:09 pm |
puglove, what is your current skin care regime? I've been experimenting with various skin care lines ever since I've been off the pill. I used to use Serious Skin Care (for my acne) before I went on the pill and it worked really well. It was still fine when I was on the pill but when I went off the pill, that line didn't work for me anymore. Such frustration.
My friend is on Alesse too. She works out daily but she doesn't see any results. That pill is a mixed blessing. You get more regular periods and less acne but the weight's so not worth it. Especially when you get off it. Then it really hits you. |
Sun Jun 04, 2006 6:22 pm |
I've gained 10 pounds after getting on the pill. Enough said. |
Sun Jun 04, 2006 6:32 pm |
dollbird wrote: |
I've gained 10 pounds after getting on the pill. Enough said. |
I've gained like 30 pounds and that's over a 6 year period. The thing is that you don't gain the weight all at just slowly creeps up on you.  |
Sun Jun 04, 2006 9:01 pm |
Yen wrote: |
puglove, what is your current skin care regime? I've been experimenting with various skin care lines ever since I've been off the pill. I used to use Serious Skin Care (for my acne) before I went on the pill and it worked really well. It was still fine when I was on the pill but when I went off the pill, that line didn't work for me anymore. Such frustration.
My friend is on Alesse too. She works out daily but she doesn't see any results. That pill is a mixed blessing. You get more regular periods and less acne but the weight's so not worth it. Especially when you get off it. Then it really hits you. |
Hi Yen,
I'm on the Biophora line now. It seemed to be working while I was using it. Now that I've found this little place of heaven and treat called EDS, I've been trying different products. I really shouldn't veer off course, but the reviews are quite tempting.
I have am using a sample of Cellcosmet Ultra Vital, and it seems to be calming my skin down and giving it moisture. It also seems to be "healing". I have ordered a trial pack for sensitive skin line to see how I take to it (part of me doesn't want it to work because of the price!!). If it doesn't work, I will revert back to the Biophora line. It is quite a simple routine, and I seem to want to keep mixing things up and be more agressive with my skin care regime. I guess I should stick to what works.
I was on the pill for 6-7 years and I put on about 10-15 lbs. Its was so depressing, but the thing is, it didn't come on all at once. It was like one day nothing fit! When I came off it, the pounds just melted[b]off. It felt so liberting! Since then, I started doing bikram yoga, eating healthier and going for long long walks. The initial weight loss was definitely motivating!
The only thing is to try and regulate my skin. I try not to stress too much about it because it starts to show!! |
Tue Mar 04, 2025 3:00 am |
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