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Jason Natural Cosmetics - Vita-C Max One Minute Facial?
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Sat Oct 29, 2005 4:55 pm      Reply with quote
I've been wanting to try this for ages but somehow still haven't got around to it. Someone else just reminded me about it and I thought I'd post and see if your opinions of it are as good as those on MUA So far there are 11 reviews of it with a 4.7 rating and 100% willing to repurchase.

Sounds wonderful based on their reviews, and it's cheap (well, in the US it is, after I pay to have it shipped here I guess it won't be!). Any experiences?

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Sun Oct 30, 2005 6:14 am      Reply with quote
Hi Mabsy,

I haven't tried this product ... hadn't even heard of it until you posted here and in the other thread ... but I did do a very little research on the web last night about it.

The product has me a bit confused ...

It says that it has "7 different" forms of Vitamin C ... and that stopped me cold.

If, as I have come to understand, that the skin can only use l-ascorbic acid ... and that even Vitamin C Ester has to be converted by the body before it can be used for the skin ... what is the logic behind the other 5 types of Vitamin C?

Any idea? Do the additional [but useless to the skin] forms of vitamin C somehow stabilize the l-ascorbic acid that the skin can use?

The product does sound interesting ... and I want to do some more research on it ... but that part does have me confused! Confused Of course, I seem to spend my life in some state of confusion ... particularly when it comes to cosmetics/skin care! Laughing


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Sun Oct 30, 2005 7:28 am      Reply with quote
Laughing You know, I didn't even look at the description of the actual product and what ingredients it has. I never meant for this to be a replacement to my vitC serum and simply got interested in it because of all the positive reviews. To be honest, I never knew there were so many different types of vitC!

From what I understand, l-ascorbic acid is what our body can work with. Anything else (e.g. Ester-C) has to be converted by our bodies to l-ascorbic before it's used. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong. The upside to some of the other forms of vit C is that they can be less irritating (so, good for sensitive skin) and also more stable - but they are not as effective as the same concentration of l-ascorbic acid. Doea that make sense?

I don't know that the reason is for using so many different types - perhaps issues of stability and trying to build up the concentration of the product?

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Tue Jun 20, 2006 12:44 pm      Reply with quote
Well Mabsy, I don't know if you ever ended up trying this, but I keep coming across the great reviews on MUA and figured I'd give it a go. Rolling Eyes I've been looking for another way to include vitamin c and a mild exfoliant into my routine and figured this would cover both. I'll do a review as soon as I use it a few times.

By the way, I noticed you haven't posted in a few weeks, where have you been? Staying busy with work? I hope everything is okay!!!

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Tue Jun 27, 2006 7:06 am      Reply with quote
I can't wait to hear what results you get with it! I think seeing those MUA reviews you can understand why I've had it in my shopping basket so many times already (although my will power prevailed Smile).

ps. I have actually been overseas for work since the beginning of June and just got back today Very Happy I wouldn't stay away from EDS otherwise, though I do have to take time out the next few days to catch up with masses of work emails and marking as well.
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Tue Jun 27, 2006 9:49 am      Reply with quote
I have used this product for years and I absolutely LOVE it!!! It's more difficult to find now then it was 5 years ago, though, because a lot of the health food stores that carry the Jason C line stopped carrying this product.

What I love about it:

* It helps heal my breakouts a lot faster. I always notice a huge difference when I run out of my bottle and I stop using it. Right now is one of those times. I haven't replaced my last bottle and I'm suffering from hormonal chin acne from my pregnancy. I can really tell that my skin is healing slower (and I'm still using my vitamin c DIY serum).

* It gives my skin a wonderful radiance that makes me feel good starting the day with. It makes my skin tingle too and this is nice in the morning as a wake-me-up.

* I can leave it on my face for as little as a few minutes, if I'm in a hurry, or as long as an hour (if I'm resting or reading, for example).

* It's moisturizing so my skin feels soft afterwards. It's not a heavy-duty moisturizing mask but it's just enough so that my face doesn't get greasy during the day after using it.

* It's a great mask for a mask junkie like me. I just don't feel complete unless I put some form of mask on my face everyday. This mask allows me to treat my skin everyday and satisfy this need of mine. It's so healing that I see a huge difference in my skin (for the negative) if I don't use it several times a week!

I have wanted to try to come up with my own formula for it since I use it so much. Perhaps someday when I can put in an order for the personal formulator, I will be able to come up with something. If anybody else uses this product and has some ideas on how to come up with a recipe, can you pass along your wisdom? It would save me a ton of money!!

Hope this helps!
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Tue Jun 27, 2006 10:16 am      Reply with quote
Thanks for your review, ellyp! I've been eyeing this for a while, and it sounds like a great product! (I'm also a mask junkie...)

27, sensitive/reactive/acne prone skin, dark brown hair, blue eyes, possibly the palest woman alive...
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Tue Jun 27, 2006 11:01 am      Reply with quote
Thanks ellyp! I've been using it for 2 days now and so far I love it too. I can't resist using all the time. I opened it right away and used it for 10 minutes the first and second nights and I've also been using it in the morning for a couple of minutes. I'm really trying to give my face a boost. Well, today my skin is glowing! I'm hoping that over time this will also help to soften some of my fine lines (as others on MUA have mentioned). I'll update after I've been using it for a while. I'm very glad that I've found this so far though!
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Tue Jun 27, 2006 2:44 pm      Reply with quote
I've been using this every morning in the shower, after I cleanse my face, for the past 2 weeks. I leave it on for about 4 minutes. It has an odd feel and scent, imo, but it certainly hasn't hurt, and might even brighten my complexion a tad. The texture reminds me of wax. I feel like my face has been dipped in wax, and I really have to rinse rinse rinse to get that feeling off. The scent is also rather medicinal, I think. But, I *do* keep using it every morning.

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Wed Jun 28, 2006 2:30 am      Reply with quote
Thanks for all the feedback. I was always tempted but managed to stay away from buying it because I figured that most of the MUA reviews were probably from people who didn't use a C serum on a regular basis. Are any of you also using a 15-20% serum at the same time by any chance? I'd love to know if I would also see results or if my skin is all c-ed out...
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Wed Jun 28, 2006 6:54 am      Reply with quote
Mabsy - I don't know if I can fully answer your question, but I can say this. For the last year, I have been making my own Vit-c serum. At first I really liked it, but then I didn't feel like I was getting much benefit from it, other than added protection. So I stopped using it for about a month and noticed no difference. I really didn't want to add the serum back to my routine since I already have so many other steps, but I wanted to figure out another way to get my Vit C. So this turned out to be a perfect solution from me. I just rinse my face with warm water in the morning, use this like a cleanser but leave it on while I brush my teeth (1-2 min) and then rinse off, use my toner and add my other anti-aging serum and ss. I will also use it as a mask at night if I want a little extra oomph. I have noticed a much better effect with this than my vit. c serum ever gave me. Perhaps it's true that oil based vit c is better absorbed/used by the skin? Plus the vit C supposedly sticks around for 48 hours so you could use it every other day if you want. I love it too much to skip though. And yes I know that the vit c probably isn't very stable, but as long as I keep getting this wonderful glow, I don't really care. Wink

Cedar - are you sure we're talking about the same product? This smells like orange candy to me, not medicinal at all. And it's also very much an oil to me, not a wax. I did buy the Vit C cleanser yesterday and that sound more like what you're describing, so I thought I'd double check. It's too early for me to tell on that one, but I like that it has both Vit c and BHA's. Even if the vit c isn't stable, I figured it doesn't hurt to use it! Very Happy
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Wed Jun 28, 2006 7:09 am      Reply with quote
Tamgirl99, yes, it is the same product. I know, I had read how great it smells, but, to me, it is nothing like a a yummy orange scent. On the bottom of bottle, it says 01/11, so, I was thinking that was expiration, although that might be ridiculous. I think the next time I'm in the store, will smell one and see if mine might be bad. I saw it there yesterday, but did not think to sniff. I ordered mine from So many raves about the scent really had me wondering, as soon as I tried it. Also, yes, the waxy feel is a little icky. Hmm. I will check into this. Thanks much.
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Wed Jun 28, 2006 7:37 am      Reply with quote
I've been using my DIY vitamin c serum with it when I still had some of the mask. I noticed a big difference when I ran out of the mask. All this talk of it makes me want to run out and rebuy it!
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Thu Jun 29, 2006 3:07 pm      Reply with quote
I contacted yesterday to ask them to please compare the one I received (smells medicinal, feels waxy, color is orange-ish brown) and the ones they have there, thinking I perhaps got a bad one. (Jason Vita-C Max One Minute Facial) I keep hearing how good it smells and feels, so I thought I should ask about this. I just got an e-mail and they are sending me another one, and they said they did a quality check, and all of the products on hand are fine. So, I'll be able to compare this one when it arrives. Very good service....hope there is a big difference!
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Thu Jun 29, 2006 3:48 pm      Reply with quote
That was really nice of them! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! Let us know if it's different. Very Happy
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Thu Jun 29, 2006 6:13 pm      Reply with quote
Does this work for oily/acne-prone skin?

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Fri Jun 30, 2006 2:18 am      Reply with quote
Ok, so I *do* need to buy this after all! It's back on my list Laughing
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Fri Jun 30, 2006 6:38 am      Reply with quote
sormuimui wrote:
Does this work for oily/acne-prone skin?

Check out the reviews on MUA. I believe there were many people with oily/combo skin and it works for them. I don't remember seeing anyone with a really negative review. The product itself is oil based, but it comes off clean and easy and just leaves your face feeling moisturized, not oily at all.

Mabsy - Well, since it's only around $20 and you get a ton of it, I think it's definitely worth giving it a go, even for people that use another vit c product. It's just a great treat for your skin. I'm going to try doing a longer mask tonight, maybe around 10 minutes instead of my usual 2 in the morning.

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Sat Jul 01, 2006 1:50 am      Reply with quote
TAMgirl99 wrote:
Mabsy - Well, since it's only around $20 and you get a ton of it, I think it's definitely worth giving it a go, even for people that use another vit c product. It's just a great treat for your skin. I'm going to try doing a longer mask tonight, maybe around 10 minutes instead of my usual 2 in the morning.

It works out a bit more because they don't have this in Australia. I spent ages trying to find out the online store with the best shipping option but now forgot what it was Rolling Eyes I'll find it though.... I'm really looking forward to trying this Smile
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Sat Jul 08, 2006 8:59 am      Reply with quote
I thought I'd followup on my previous posts about this Jason item. I received the replacement from, which was very generous of them, considering I had only asked them to compare the ones they had on hand to the one I received, via my description. Well, aside from it now having a pump top, as opposed to the toggle type top (say that fast 3 times), it is, indeed, the same item. So, I guess I don't love it, for reasons mentioned previously in this thread. But, it does seem to brighten my skin, and do no harm. I doubt I'll repurchase. The packaging is excellent; I leave it in my shower, it is so well protected with the pump and outer lid cover.
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Sat Jul 08, 2006 10:29 am      Reply with quote
Wow - a pump top now! I've been buying this on and off since 1997 and I have to say that is a definite improvement (IF one can find newer bottles in stock somewhere at a local store -- hard for me since so many people don't carry it anymore near me).

One thing I wish they would get rid of: the granules. I really don't like them because they are too harsh. I just try to not use it as a scrub and I just wash it off gently. If I ever come up with a DIY recipe, that part will NOT be in my recipe.

I've had some bad hormonal acne since the end of my pregnancy. My skin has been slow to heal from it since I've had my baby (three weeks ago). I went out and repurchased this mask and I've been using it every day with my vitamin c serum and aloe vera gel. Once I included this mask back in my regime, my skin is finally starting to get better. I do really like it.
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Sun Jul 09, 2006 4:21 am      Reply with quote
I have this too, but I don't find myself using it very often. here is my problem, while I do like how it feels on my face, I wonder if I need wash my face with cleaser afterwards because my face felt like a layer of oily film afterwards no matter how long I rinse. however, if I wash my face with cleaser then I don't feel the same effect and it just becomes another regular facial scrub. so help me!!!
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Sun Jul 09, 2006 2:25 pm      Reply with quote
hopemelody wrote:
I have this too, but I don't find myself using it very often. here is my problem, while I do like how it feels on my face, I wonder if I need wash my face with cleaser afterwards because my face felt like a layer of oily film afterwards no matter how long I rinse. however, if I wash my face with cleaser then I don't feel the same effect and it just becomes another regular facial scrub. so help me!!!

I know what you mean, but I just use a toner on a cotton pad right after this and my face feels great. If I do this treatment at night or on my day off, I just rinse this off with water and any remaining oils left on my face make for a great moisturizer. However, I use the toner for when I'm going to follow it up with sunscreen/makeup.
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Sun Jul 09, 2006 2:51 pm      Reply with quote
The first ingredient in this mask is sunflower oil followed by a mixutre of vitamin c (and a few other vitamins -- and oddly calcium). There is also macadamian nut oil as well. I looked those two oils up after I read they were in the product. Both oils are quickly absorbed into the skin usually. In fact, I've been using straight sunflower oil as a moisturizer for my newborn and I'm just amazed at how fast it sinks into his skin. If I don't spread it out fast enough, it sinks in fast and I have to put more in my hand from the bottle to use on him.

I haven't had a problem with the light oil left behind on my skin after using this product. I have oily skin (but not super oily) and I think that my skin liked the slight oil. Since I've started reading this forum, I've started to use the oil cleansing method at night as well as the Dr. H Normalizing Oil in the morning. This week I've replaced the Normalizing Oil with my DIY Ylang Ylang Oil. When I started doing these steps I noticed a drastic reduction in my acne. I think that's why all these years the oil in this mask didn't bother me and helped improve my acne.
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