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I will qualify this as a brief review on a jb product....
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Barbara Portno
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Tue Aug 29, 2006 6:09 am      Reply with quote
I say this is "brief" not in length and a "jb" product with good reason. I hope more seasoned (no pun intended: Laughing ) users comment on what I might have....tried? tasted? Read on~

After posting on EDS about our 18 yo son's acne, several posters recommended two MD Forte products. EDS doesn't carry that brand so I was forced to buy elsewhere. When the package arrived it was around my daily glass of wine hour, so before opening the box I enjoyed my (rather generous) glass of vino. (Very good bottle I might say). Typically, my sweetheart and I have just one glass, but neighbors stopped by at the very end of our glass so we made an offering to them which they accepted-so now our one glass turned to two (again, rather generous). I am not a big drinker at all (I just started the daily wine 3 weeks ago) and I also have been dieting so my caloric intake is no more than 1400 calories. About an hour later, our friends said good night and I went upstairs to our room to wash my face and relax for the rest of the evening. I didn’t feel too buzzed but let’s say I was “relaxed”. I decided to put on a sconce light instead of the brighter light for some reason and proceeded to open the box of goodies. I looked at our son’s items and then searched to box for samples and low and behold I found a vial in a light blue bag with a small cardboard description. I knew it was a JB product but I had left my glasses down stairs and with the faint lighting I couldn’t really make out the rest of the description. Ah, don’t worry about what it says I thought, you are seasoned (there is that word again) product applier…
I pulled my hair back, noticed my eyes were a little red, skin needed some TLC so I washed and patted my skin dry and picked up the JB sample. The vial was similar to what you would find at a fragrance counter, clear with fluid but this one had a stopper on it. I recently cut my nails off, so I thought because my fingers were a bit sensitive I was having trouble getting the stopper out. I tugged and tugged and nothing. Unfortunately, the wine impaired my judgment so I put the stopper in my mouth and started tugging with my teeth. Within a few minutes I had destroyed the vial and also started tasting the product. I pulled it away from my mouth and started to giggle then laugh at what I had done. My husband heard me and came into my little area asking if I was ok. When I shared with him what I had done, he started to laugh too but wanted to help so he takes the mangled vial with the stopper still attached (he did have his glasses on) and says “Babs, I think you drank what was in here and I don’t believe this top is suppose to come out/off. Try dotting your face with the top”. So I did and he was right! I managed to cover my face with the product but I don’t know what it was (I can’t find the cardboard insert) but I can tell you it tasted a bit minty. It was more of a serum than liquid too. When I woke the next morning, my face looked great. I also liked the way it felt. (Now you know why I said brief review and seasoned-I didn’t get a true sample and I tasted more than I applied.) I have been to all of the product descriptions for JB products and can’t find any that use the minty description. I am hoping those that have a sense of humor and know the JB line will help…… Embarassed Very Happy


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Tue Aug 29, 2006 7:10 am      Reply with quote
Don't know what the product was, but found the story highly amusing! Laughing Are sure you aren't MY neighbor?

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Tue Aug 29, 2006 8:02 am      Reply with quote
Minty? Sure it was not a tube of GO SMILE? Laughing

SKIN: combination, reactive to climate changes and extremely fair. "Women complain about premenstrual syndrome, but I think of it as the only time of the month that I can be myself." --Roseanne
Barbara Portno
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Tue Aug 29, 2006 9:10 am      Reply with quote
Oh my God tiny tim, you are right!!! Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed The tube had Go smile on the outside, I thought that was just advertising (at least that night!!!).I thought I was radiant the next day, glowing. I was buying the JB product as soon as I got the name.....No more wine for me. No, I will not put any new products on if I have wine.That is the new deal Laughing Laughing

Irish (dry and sensitive) 50 (menopausal)dark hair/green eyes
Barbara Portno
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Tue Aug 29, 2006 9:13 am      Reply with quote
I just called you tiny tim-I dated myself. Tiger tim. It would help me immensely if I had a picture of you, I am sure my mental one isn't accurate.My apologies for calling you Tiny tim (do you remember him?)

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Tue Aug 29, 2006 9:26 am      Reply with quote
rofl One of the funniest threads I've read in ages! I think I may have to start putting Go-Smile on my face, for that nice "glow"! Oh.... and the "tiny tim" thing..... too funny. God I love this forum! It makes my day!

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Tue Aug 29, 2006 4:53 pm      Reply with quote
rofl thank goodness I am home alone right now as I just laughed like a lunatic!!

Babs, you made my day... but to make you feel better, my husband once washed his face with hair wax! rofl (and he was 100% sober at the time! Laughing) - so you are not alone in doing daft things...

Oh, and in some other post you called me Tiny Tim and I walked around the house singing bloody "tiptoe through the tulips" for the next hour. Laughing Laughing So, unfortunately I too am being "dated" here. I think he was pretty "hot" when I was about 3 and according to my mother I though he was just wondy (then again, at three I used to jump around the house like a kangaroo and cry when each episode of Skippy ended Laughing)

SKIN: combination, reactive to climate changes and extremely fair. "Women complain about premenstrual syndrome, but I think of it as the only time of the month that I can be myself." --Roseanne
Barbara Portno
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Wed Aug 30, 2006 4:49 am      Reply with quote
Oh please delete this post...
What bothers me the most is the "glow". (It was probably a light burn... Laughing)
Can I chalk this up to menopause?Being Irish? How about the wine, that has to be worth something....

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Wed Aug 30, 2006 7:11 am      Reply with quote
Barbara, just to make you go I thought I would post the ingredients of a tube of Go Smile (I am using it at the moment and just looked out of curiosity).

Ingredients: Alcohol, Povidone, Hydrogen Peroxide, Flavor

Shock Laughing

SKIN: combination, reactive to climate changes and extremely fair. "Women complain about premenstrual syndrome, but I think of it as the only time of the month that I can be myself." --Roseanne
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Wed Aug 30, 2006 8:56 am      Reply with quote
Oh, blimey! At last, someone who does things as daft as me! Laughing

No wonder your face glowed! Shock
Barbara Portno
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Wed Aug 30, 2006 9:50 am      Reply with quote
Maybe we can start a drawing on "How to appropriately apply inappropriate products" Brick wall (I think TT (or Tiny Tim’s) husband and me would take the first two drawings hands down.

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Wed Aug 30, 2006 10:16 am      Reply with quote
Barbara Portno wrote:
Oh please delete this post...
What bothers me the most is the "glow". (It was probably a light burn... Laughing)
Can I chalk this up to menopause?Being Irish? How about the wine, that has to be worth something....

I love this!! We have all done something like this by mistake - Barb, you were brave enough to post it!

Look at it this way, CareKate had us all using earwax stuff to whiten our teeth, you've now shown us how to get a rosy glow...

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Barbara Portno
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Wed Aug 30, 2006 10:46 am      Reply with quote
Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

Irish (dry and sensitive) 50 (menopausal)dark hair/green eyes
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Wed Aug 30, 2006 4:52 pm      Reply with quote
OMG Babs!! How insanely funny!!! rofl
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Wed Aug 30, 2006 6:18 pm      Reply with quote
Thanks so much for sharing this. Smile It was honestly a complete pick me up for my long, hectic week. I can't even count the number of times I've said the funniest things in life are the true things. Your story certainly qualifies.

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Wed Aug 30, 2006 6:33 pm      Reply with quote
rofl I don't know what's funnier...the fact that you rubbed Go Smile on your face (and liked it!!) or that you referred to tigertim as tiny tim Laughing Laughing Laughing

Don't feel bad...I almost gave my eyelashes a trim with my Personal Touch razor..wasn't looking when I picked it up and thought it was my lash wand Embarassed
la vie en rose
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Fri Sep 01, 2006 2:18 am      Reply with quote
lol, babs, thank you! been blue lately and that definitely got me roaring! sounds like something i would do as well....

when i was a teenager, my mum got some kind of salve for me to put on my pimples and she left it out in the hall. being a typical kid, i was up late on the phone, etc. i went out to get it in the darkened hallway (didn't want them to know i was still up) and rubbed the smelly stuff all over my face and went to sleep. i woke up the next morning to my mum yelling if i'd seen the flea bite cream she'd gotten for the dogs. "and, oh, by the way, didn't you want to try that new salve i bought you, honey???" i swear, nothing to this day has ever cleared up my face better Laughing
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Fri Sep 01, 2006 8:16 am      Reply with quote
Lifeplyr sits hear shaking her head, jaw dropping, eyes wide open all in the amazement of Rose applying FLEA OINTMENT to her face!!

Can it get any funnier or lunnier (this is a word right?) Laughing Laughing

Bet your family never let you live this one down ey?? Wink
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Fri Sep 01, 2006 8:22 am      Reply with quote
Flea ointment? OMG are you related to my face-washing-with-hair-wax-husband?! Laughing

SKIN: combination, reactive to climate changes and extremely fair. "Women complain about premenstrual syndrome, but I think of it as the only time of the month that I can be myself." --Roseanne
la vie en rose
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Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:04 am      Reply with quote
Lifeplyr01 wrote:
Bet your family never let you live this one down ey?? Wink

i'm not *that* stupid -- they never knew, says the girl who put flea cream on her face. Laughing miraculously "found" the ointment in the entry hall so tails were wagging all around.

and about your husband, miss vickie, shhhhhhhhhhh! you weren't supposed to know! Wink

p.s. my mum was disappointed that maybe i didn't need the special salve after all because my face looked so damned clear that morning!
Barbara Portno
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Fri Sep 01, 2006 3:39 pm      Reply with quote
la vie en rose that is so funny! The things we do in life, sometimes laughing, others not laughing until years after. Flea cream: lol: Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
You have to tell that story at Thanksgiving or Christmas etc. Your family needs to have that memory of you. We spend so much of our time (not to mention $$$) looking good, exercising to stay healthy not to mention keeping the adipose tissue in check but the truly memorable times are the flea cream times.... don’t you think?

Irish (dry and sensitive) 50 (menopausal)dark hair/green eyes
la vie en rose
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Sat Sep 02, 2006 2:55 am      Reply with quote
Barbara Portno wrote:
You have to tell that story at Thanksgiving or Christmas etc. Your family needs to have that memory of you.

actually, babs, my family, bless their heart, lacks a sense of humour. they'll just think it another one of my weird moments. (there are five of us kids and i was always the odd man out.) i just thought i'd share it with you all, my "virtual" family Very Happy as i thought it would be appreciated.

when i was in the hospital last month, my sister-in-law was taking my ten-year-old nephew to my room, saying they were to look for the even numbered rooms. confused, my beloved nephew asked wasn't that a mistake? shouldn't i have been in an odd one??? now *that* got a lot of laughter in my family and, i'm afraid, sums up their perception of me. on the other hand, i wouldn't have it any other way Laughing

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Sat Sep 02, 2006 4:50 pm      Reply with quote
Babs, Tiger Tim and La Vie on Rose, this is hands-down the funniest, laugh-out-loud Laughing thread I've read in a long time. Thank you so much for the lift. Very Happy
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Sun Sep 03, 2006 12:38 pm      Reply with quote
This whole thread has left me in stitches...thanks to all for making my face hurt from... grinning! Bad Grin Bad Grin Bad Grin
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Wed Sep 13, 2006 3:31 am      Reply with quote
This thread is absolutely hilarious Laughing Laughing Laughing

Enjoyed it immensely.

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