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Does anyone know (or has anyone tried) *Anna Bellina*
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Wed Oct 13, 2004 9:31 am      Reply with quote
I stumbled across a website for a small cosmetics company consisting of products created by a woman who is a medical assistant, licensed esthetician, aromatherapist.

Some of the products also contain the current "rave" ingredient Argireline.

Her line truly sounds devine (and has no harmful ingredients which I really try to avoid) and since I have a trip to the states next month I am thinking of getting some products to try. (it seems you have to be a US resident to purchase)

I know it is a longshot, but has anyone tried any of her items?

Here is the site link:
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Wed Oct 13, 2004 3:02 pm      Reply with quote
WOW had a look at at site. All looks like nice stuff I haven't tried it, but had I not bought loads of other stuff lately I might be tempted. Well I am tempted but I am not spending any more money. Not much help am I. But I can vouch for argeriline its fantastic. The gals on this site that know a thing or two will tell you that 10% arg has been proven to be as effective as 20% I think I have that right. I cant be bothered to search and find out. Rolling Eyes But if you do buy some stuff keep us posted whether it works etc.
Love Lori
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Wed Oct 13, 2004 9:26 pm      Reply with quote
I was interested in trying this line at one point as well, but now I'm a little hesitant after reading the section, called "a little thief" skincare line's website. The creator Elizabeth O'Rourke of Rosayfruta claims that the creator of Anna Bellina skincare stole her skincare formulations. Now I don't know if there is any validity to her allegation, nor have I tried either line, but it's an interesting read.
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Thu Oct 14, 2004 4:12 am      Reply with quote
Actually, as we speak, I am awaiting a parcel from Rosa y Fruta. A few weeks ago I attempted to order from Anna Bellina & was refused firstly because she doesn't send to Canada (what else is new Mad ) & also because she was too busy to take on new customers anyway! When I spoke with her about both issues she was very nice but I was totally unimpressed with the way she was conducting her business. I looked on the MUA boards & low & behold there was a discussion going on about poor customer service & her ongoing "feud" with Rosa y Fruta, but also what a wonderful product the latter was.
I went to the Rosa y Fruta website, liked what I saw & e-mailed some ??? to them. The owner mailed me back with a phone number that she could be reached at; I talked a long while to her & the result is the order that I am now awaiting. I'll let everyone know the qaulity, etc. when I try it! Very Happy
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Thu Oct 14, 2004 4:33 am      Reply with quote
Its no good having a great product if you have poor customer service. You would think if there is a bit of a dispute going on, that every effort would be made to encourage new customers and keep them. It sounds like this business is not going to last long.
Why wont people ship to canada?. I don't understand. I have relations in Canada. just another bit of boring information about myself. LOL
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Thu Oct 14, 2004 4:51 am      Reply with quote
... this is why I love this forum so much. I get such great intel. Very Happy

Actually your postings kinda clarified what was in my mind... when I read through all the site I loved what the products looked like, but found the "site info" quite scarey. It was just missing that "warm and fuzzy" feel to it and was really quite harsh in tone. It was like "this is what I do and you fit in with me". I was wondering if the owner was a former marine. Laughing (actually I just thought I was over sensitive)

I was going to haev my friends in the US order for me, but I think I will try the other site.

<sigh> I have no interest in buying something if I am going to be treated bad, no matter how good the stuff looks.
Sad Thanks girls!
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Thu Oct 14, 2004 5:25 am      Reply with quote
Rosa Y Fruta told me that they shipped all over the world, tiger_tim! Take a look at their website & I think that you'll be impressed at what they carry. They maybe don't have the huge selection but realistically I have more faith in a company that does less & does it the best. I was disappointed in AB too but now I'm elated to think that I wasn't drawn into something that could have possibly been a mistake! And I have heard only good things about RyF.
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Thu Oct 14, 2004 3:02 pm      Reply with quote
RuthMarion, Can't wait to ready your rosayfruta reviews! I can't wait to try the line myself. Just waiting until I finish up some of my existing products first, then it's next on the very long (5 pages) Embarassed list of stuff to try.
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Tue Nov 02, 2004 5:58 pm      Reply with quote
Just received my Rosa Y Fruta trial products shipped to Canada. Delivery was amazingly fast! The products were well packed and looked so professional. Looking forward to trying them. Smile
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Sun Nov 04, 2007 12:10 pm      Reply with quote
I highly recommend not ordering any products from Anna Bellina as the owner is extremely rude, unprofessional, and the products are actually not very good. I emailed her to say I received the wrong the products and that it “is somewhat discouraging since this is the first order I have ever placed to Anna Bellina.” That was all I said regarding the wrong shipment of products. In turn, I received a long angry email saying that she has more orders than she can handle and asking me to excuse her for being human. She even added me to her spam list! I was appalled since all I wanted was the products I ordered and to be treated with a level of professionalism as a customer. A simple apology and a little reassurance for future orders would have been a much more professional reply. As well, the mask had a horrible smell and did not leave my skin feeling smooth and clean afterward. If you’re interested in high quality natural products I recommend Eminence Organics. The products are wonderful, smell heavenly, and are worth every penny. Most importantly, you will be treated with the respect you deserve as a customer!
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Thu Nov 08, 2007 1:23 am      Reply with quote
Anna Bellina has terrible customer service. The owner is nasty and the website is as cold as her business practices. Her products are mediocre at best and highly overpriced. For example, the sunscreen she sells smells odd, is whitening, is not very protective, and it separates on its own regardless of how much you try to shake it back together. It's terrible. The hydrosols and hydrogels are ok. I believe they are true organic hydrosols, but these can be purchased many other places for a fraction of the cost.
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Fri May 23, 2008 9:49 am      Reply with quote
Does Patricia of Anna Bellina Inc. know what "Customer Satisfaction" is?
I have experienced Patricia's (The Owner) unpleasant, rude and most definitely not customer friendly attitude for the last time. Now ir's time for action, and I hope you are listening!
I really have no idea what her problem is. I queried a product's smell once and received her reply and accepted it. Placed orders thereafter, and actually loved the products, recommended other people too. I even participated in a special research program she had and gave her the thumbs up, but now on two occasions, she has denied me products for being a "difficult, complaining customer" (WHAT????). Are customers not allowed to ask questions about her products? I don't think she has heard of "Customer Satisfaction". I do not recommend anyone wanting to buy her products to even comment on them. Otherwise, you'll be out the door, like the rest of us who have apparently UPSET her. She should be reported to the BBB, for her extremely unprofessional attitude towards her customers.
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Fri May 23, 2008 11:29 am      Reply with quote
She is a horrible woman.
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Fri May 23, 2008 11:35 am      Reply with quote
Thank-you edenfield. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so. I'm now researching both Rosa Y Fruta and Eminence Organics web-sites to try and find another product that I can use on my very sensitive, aging skin. So thank-you to thoughtcrime for the recommendation.

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Fri May 23, 2008 11:44 am      Reply with quote
And her ingredients page is full of lies..

"SOY - Recent research has proven this inexpensive and abundant product does not contain beneficial skin or hormone balancing properties. Many companies have cut corners, and costs, and process in a fast, cheap, and inefficient manner leaving the American soy virtually non-beneficial. However, I've been told the better and more expensive European extraction method, England particularly, delivers a more beneficial soy product."

I'd like to read this recent research, because everything I've read on Pubmed indicates the opposite.

England has no "unique" extraction process, and she herself said it was useful so who cares how you extract it if soy is so useless?
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Fri May 23, 2008 11:56 am      Reply with quote
No one could pay me a million dollars to order from her. She tried to charge me a fee when my credit card was denied. She also told me to go shop at walmart.
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Fri May 23, 2008 1:40 pm      Reply with quote
Wow... I used to order from her a few years back and never had any problems like you guys described. I quit because she stops making products all the time. Just when you find something you like she discontinues it. It sounds like she really hates what she's doing. If she's going to treat customers like that she should give it up! Mad
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Fri May 23, 2008 9:16 pm      Reply with quote
I have tried her products too, but they are on the normal standard, no special..
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Sat May 24, 2008 12:10 pm      Reply with quote
I have to agree with above posters. This is one horrible company to deal with. I also agree that her ingredient information is highly suspect which makes me wonder if she even knows what she is doing?! Rude in every way and mediochre to just plain bad products all combine to say "STAY AWAY!"

Just my opinion.
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Sat May 24, 2008 12:16 pm      Reply with quote
Anyone wanna place bets for how long it takes for her to come here and start yelling at us again? Bad Grin
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Sat May 24, 2008 6:40 pm      Reply with quote
I've always said, "What goes around, comes around". With her so "Holier than tho" attitude, she is going to lose a lot more customers. She doesn't realize it, but she has probably chased away a lot of actually "loyal" customers. I will admit that I truly loved her products and am angry and frustrated that I now have to go through another lengthy research on the net to try and find another product that I can feel will replace the ones I was using. Seeing she is so sensitive to criticism, she should probably take her products off the net and just sell privately, 'cause for her to refuse to fill orders from customers ordering from her web-site, is just utterly ridiculous. Mad
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Sat May 24, 2008 6:46 pm      Reply with quote
Has anyone ever tried "One Group", MiEssence from Australia Question They are 100% certified organic. I would like to try them, but would appreciate your views.
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Sun May 25, 2008 6:11 am      Reply with quote
I've tried a few of the Miessence products - skincare, makeup and haircare (I got lots of samples with an order I placed once) - can't say I was at all impressed with anything I'm afraid. Nothing inherently 'wrong' with them; they were all 'ok', but you can get lots better products..I guess if asked to describe MiEssence I would say it was a bit 'meh!' Laughing

Lucia, VERY fair (ghostly so!)redhead, combination skin prone to dehydration.
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Mon May 26, 2008 2:08 am      Reply with quote
Wow! For once I'm nearly speechless Shock Clearly, this woman's horrible reputation precedes her- I've read very negative things about her on other boards as well.You treat people like crap,and word travels mighty fast.I love trying new, interesting skincare lines but I would stay far,far away from this one. The overall tone of her website is SO off-putting that it's not even funny. I don't care how good her products may be. First of all, to steal another succesful person's formulations is heinous and a BIG head's up right there that this person can't be trusted. Thankfully,there are so many fantastic skincare lines out there to choose from! No loss,as far as I'm concerned.
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Mon May 26, 2008 4:55 am      Reply with quote
edenfield wrote:
Anyone wanna place bets for how long it takes for her to come here and start yelling at us again? Bad Grin

Don't even joke about it. She's really scary! Shock Laughing
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