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Made a new cake recipe and my Mom didn't like it! :(
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Thu Nov 23, 2006 10:10 pm      Reply with quote
Should my feelings be hurt? She doesn't ever bake, so I felt like shes's a little out of line being a food critic. Sorta ticked me off that she wasn't more supportive of the effort I made. DH and I thought it was good, and other guests seemed to like it.

As it turned out, I ate none of her store-bought mediocre pies. Razz Because I ate so much of my own dang good cake! Bad Grin
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Thu Nov 23, 2006 10:14 pm      Reply with quote
As long as everyone else liked it, you've got nothing to worry about. She's probably jealous of your good cake. Very Happy

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Thu Nov 23, 2006 10:58 pm      Reply with quote
Cake is good! I think it rocks that you make a cake, what sort was it?

I think it is just different strokes for different folks. If everyone else likes it that must mean the cake was good right?
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Fri Nov 24, 2006 1:39 am      Reply with quote
Marci, do you think she was being snotty about it? Or could it be that it had ingredients she just didn't like? My aunt makes a cake recipe that's been in the family forever and everyone loves it, except me! I can hardly eat it - it has a gelatinous fruit filling which I think is ghastly but the other family members eat is like its ambrosia from the gods. Yuck! They all think I'm weird.

My Mom made some mean comments about me cooking - last Thanksgiving I got up at 6:00 a.m. and started making side dishes from scratch to take to a friend's huge turkey day get-togther, as my family lives out of state. I was making my Mom's Southern-Style Candied Yams (which are TO DIE FOR!), my ex-fiance's Mother's stuffing recipe (again, TO DIE FOR - I always say that after 3-1/2 years of being in a relationship with him, the only good thing I got out of it was his Mother's stuffing recipe!) and a sweet potatoe pie (another Southern recipe). I called my Mom to ask her a question about the yams, and she said "Hey, its 6:00 a.m. California time, why are you awake?" (fair enough ... I am a notorious late sleeper). When I told her I was making a pie from scratch, among other things, she said "Hold on a second" and puts down the phone. She comes back after a second, and I said "What's going on?" and she said "I just had to check to make sure the four horsemen of the apocolypse weren't on my front lawn. Surely it must be a sign the world is coming to an end if you are awake at 6:00 a.m. AND baking a pie from scratch!" Thanks Mom, real sweet! Rolling Eyes I suppose I should just be grateful that she didn't imply that I'd probably poison people with my cooking! Neutral

I think if everyone else ate your cake, then it is safe to say it was a winning crowd-pleaser and that your Mom was just being finicky! Do tell, what kind of cake was it?
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Fri Nov 24, 2006 8:32 am      Reply with quote
It was a carmel apple cake (apple cake with carmel dribble glaze). I found the recipe in an old Kraft foods cooking magazine that I got. I know carmel apples are more in line with Halloween, but this just sounded so good to me and I wanted to try it. Glad I did!

MermaidGirl -- no, my Mom wasn't snotty about her comments, but she just likes to think she's a connoisseur of all foods in general. Wink DH and I giggle about her because she will tell us we need to go a certain very high-end restaurant because the food "is to die for" and DH and I really just don't care. And then she will tell us about every bit of food that was put in front of her for a meal.... Ugh, it is just not that interesting to us! I guess I'm a wicked kid! Bad Grin
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Fri Nov 24, 2006 9:33 am      Reply with quote
The cake sounds good.

I think its a mother thing my mum always finds fault with everything I do. So much so that I havent really spoken to her properly in 18 months. I just decided I had enough of her put downs and negativity & I always felt bad after talking to her and would moan about her to my best friend. I tell you I am a lot happier without her.

Oh and on the same note I try to be the opposite with my children no critism & complete support for their choices.

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Fri Nov 24, 2006 1:32 pm      Reply with quote
Marci, the cake sounds DELICIOUS! This was my reaction when I read carmel and apple! Drool Those are two of my favorite flavors together ... mmmmm!

You are not a wicked kid! If she believes herself to be a food critic, then I would've been a bit ticked if she didn't like my cake either. Maybe she thought the cake wasn't hifalutin enough for her? Like maybe a triple chocolate torte would've been more her style? Seriously, I'd just ignore her on that subject!

Lori, I'm sorry your Mom is the way she is ... my Mom oftentimes is the most negative person in the entire world. There are times I get off the phone with her and I feel so down ... she is very critical and never has anything positive to say. Even though I miss my family, I do realize the best thing in the world for me happened when Mom, Pa and Sister moved 3,000 miles away (leaving me here by myself in California - thanks guys!). They are all so negative and very hard to be around. I call them "my three little dream killers"! I was happy to see that you are aware of the issues with her and try to do the opposite with your children - that is my plan for when I have kids of my own!
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Fri Nov 24, 2006 2:10 pm      Reply with quote
Mmmm. I want cake now.


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Fri Nov 24, 2006 2:21 pm      Reply with quote
*putting cake slices on plates*

Yen, cuppre, MermaidGirl, loopylori and Paris -- thank you for making me feel so much better and please, have some cake! Very Happy

I am going to add the recipe to my file at allrecipes site and then I think it will be in a format that I can share it, if you want it.
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Fri Nov 24, 2006 2:59 pm      Reply with quote
please share the cake recipe! It sounds delicious~
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Fri Nov 24, 2006 3:09 pm      Reply with quote
I sure will. And BTW, it's even better the next day, as we've found out!
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Fri Nov 24, 2006 5:59 pm      Reply with quote
OOH! yes please share the recipe. I love cake. Very Happy

50, happy reluma user started 16.6.12 original formula. PMD user. started LouLou's ageless regime.
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Fri Nov 24, 2006 6:52 pm      Reply with quote
Yum! Sounds wonderful, do share the recipe. Then we'll each make it and report back to you that your cake is a dream!
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Fri Nov 24, 2006 7:23 pm      Reply with quote
Marci, I don't care for desserts much but I would like a slice of your cake! Smile Please cut me a thin piece, okay?

I am also a distant member of the family. Mine are not so negative, really, but we had a lot of negative experiences and, oh, everyone's got their stories. My mom is a religious nut so our conversations, which are thankfully rare - really rare - go something like this:

Hi, Mom.
Hi, religion, religion, religion, religion, religion, religion, religion, religion, religion, religion, religion, religion, oh got some money?

It's just lovely. As for your mom's comment, ignore it. She's just being picky and a not-so-supportive mom example. I know it's hard to not take it to heart but you can be like me and stick your head in the clouds. They are fluffy, fun to jump on, a bit glittery and soft to sleep on when you need a nap. Very Happy

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Fri Nov 24, 2006 7:58 pm      Reply with quote
The cake sounds lovely and I love cake that tastes good the next day too, since I can never finish a cake in a whole day Shock .

Thank you for the slices *imagines biting into the cake*

Definitely share the recipe because apples is my favourite fruit!
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Fri Nov 24, 2006 8:15 pm      Reply with quote
Marci, it sounds delicious!! I wouldn't worry about your mom not liking it, especially if everyone else loves it. I have had a few experiences like that too, but with my husband's grandmother. I have come to the conclusion that she has no idea what she's talking about, since her best cake comes from a box and is served in the baking pan. I take evil pleasure it thinking to myself that she can't even make a cake, but she has the nerve to criticize mine. Bad Grin
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Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:14 pm      Reply with quote
My mom makes a cake like that and I LOVE it. I was going to make it last month, but I just don't want to cut up all those apples.
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Sat Nov 25, 2006 5:39 pm      Reply with quote
I used an apple slicer thingy (that you press down on the apple and it separates the core from the 8 slices you get). Then I hand-peeled the slices (if I had done it with the apple whole, I would've taken half of each apple with the peel). Very Happy . Then I used one of those chopping bowls to coarsely chop the apples. It wasn't that bad to do, but it was the most time-consuming part of the recipe -- I am not so talented with sharp objects.
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Sat Nov 25, 2006 5:58 pm      Reply with quote
Very cool -- the Kraft Foods website has the recipe with a nice pic of the cake (mine was not quite this attractive)! So here's the link to the recipe on their site:

It's called Moist Caramel Apple Cake at, if the link doesn't work --

Things I did differently from the recipe:
* I added 1/2 tsp of apple pie spice to the batter, to give it a bit more flavor,
* I made the caramel glaze with 3 Tbsp of *water* rather than milk. It turned out great. (The scent of heated milk does not agree with me).
* The recipe called for Kraft (brand) caramels. We couldn't find Kraft and bought another brand instead. IMO, Kraft caramels taste much better (sweeter) so I would hunt these down the next time I make the cake.
* Just a note: The cake got more moist the longer it was left uneaten (and we're only at 2 so far -- the cake will be all gone later Bad Grin ) I think it's due to the fresh apples. It's not bad at all this way, but I just wanted to let you know that it may not have a long leftover shelf life.

I hope you enjoy it! Very Happy
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