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Tue Apr 27, 2004 2:51 pm |
Hi Ladies,
Ever since getting engaged, I've been wondering whether I should try using birth control to control my break-outs. I've had a few friends that use different brands of birth control to control their acne and apparently it works.
The weird part is . . . my body is fairly "routine" if you get what I mean. I'm NOT one of those people who gets a "visit" every 30, 40 days. I'm very regular so birth control really wouldn't help "regulate" that part of my life.
I'm just troubled. I really want my skin to be as perfect as possible for my wedding day (in about 1.5 years). At the same time, I really dislike the idea of taking pills every day . . . it just seems unnatural. I'm also aware that my breakouts are always heavy during stressful times. (Like right now)
I'm just wondering what you gals would do in my position. My skin is really pretty tame when I'm not stressing over exams and such . . . but the occasional stress bullet will really cause my complexion to act up.
Sorry, this is kind of an embarrassing topic, but I figure there are enough experienced people on here to give some good advice. I was also thinking of going on birth control a few months before my wedding day (for the other practical reason) but I actually think my fiance and I will choose other methods (like natural family planning or something). I dunno . . . I would really use birth control for its anti-acne effects . . . and if those effects aren't as good, then I really don't want to do it.
Thanks for all your help!
Lisa |
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Joined: 26 Apr 2004
Posts: 3
Tue Apr 27, 2004 9:21 pm |
I tried using birth-control for my acne and it did not work. Like many products it is not for everyone. It really depends on what is causing your skin condition. It sounds like your hormons are in order and working normaly.
When I stop using birth-control my skin was really bad for one month. That is the drawback.
I stop using birth-control because it is not natural and not good for your body. The way it works, it makes your body believe that you are allready pregnant and that is why you can't get pregnant. Your body works harder because it tries to support you and the child. But there is no child. Overall birth-control is not that healthy and I would not take it again.
I wish you a wonderful wedding and I think that there are many other ways like cosmetics to make you look perfect on that day. |
Tue Apr 27, 2004 11:33 pm |
Hey, Lisa.
I've never used the pill, but based on a friend's experience; it actually made her skin worse. So basically if that is the only reason you are planning on taking it, there is no guarantee that it will make your skin better. Also on some Asians and on others with darker complexions, that use it long term, their is a chance of getting hyperpigmentation such as melasma. Good luck with whatever your decision is.  |
Wed Apr 28, 2004 1:08 am |
even if the pill DOES regulate your skin breakouts, don't forget that it will likely have you gain a few pounds. Easier to hide some spots than a few pounds!  |
Joined: 17 Aug 2003
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Wed Apr 28, 2004 1:36 am |
I think this is very difficult to comment on because, first of all, people might have different reactions to the same pill, and second, because there are different pills out there and we probably shouldn't generalise. I know that there are some pills that are specifically given to patients in order to reduce their acne.
My skin has always been pretty good, with maybe one or two pimples sometimes around that time of the month. After taking the pill that is still the same. I was also really looking forward to gaining some weight (which has been described by some as a side-effect) but that never happened.
I would suggest that you maybe message Caspers Mum, she might be able to help you more on this topic.
Mabsy |
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Wed Apr 28, 2004 6:58 am |
Congratulations. Getting engaged and being in love is very exciting.
When I was in grad school(I was 30 yrs), I had the same problem as yours. My skin would breakout like crazy. I never had this problem when I was a teenager.
My suggestion is to get a good aesthetician(very important ) who could help you. Facials very 3-4 weeks is what I would get. I had a great aesthetician(I use to live in Amherst,MA).
My acne cleared up in about an year or so. I thought, I would be scarred but I did not and my skin was absolutely clear.
Using the right products is also important. Good luck. I am sure your will be radiant bride. As they say in my culture(East Indian), even if an Apsara(celestial beauty)comes down to earth, she will not look more radiant and beautiful than the bride.
Hope this helps. Mira. |
Wed Apr 28, 2004 7:41 am |
Hi ladies!
Wow, everyone came to my rescue! I guess the definite answer is "no" for me in terms of birth control. I agree that it's unnatural and . . . it's just something totally external. I will look into getting a good aesthetician but I'm not "settled" yet. Mira, I live in Boston right now -- any ideas on a good spa? But my home town is in Texas . . . so the environment is constantly changing for me. Doh!
But thank you for helping confirm that birth control isn't for me! =D Saves money, too, right? More to spend on facial products hee hee hee!  |
Caspers Mum
Joined: 02 Nov 2002
Posts: 1694
Wed Apr 28, 2004 3:39 pm |
Please see my similar previous response to another Forum member, regarding the Pill's effects on acne. I suggest that you continue taking your Pill, and after your wedding, you can then make other decisions for your contraceptive. I would hate to know that your face was broken out on your Big Day |
Thu Apr 29, 2004 11:59 am |
Hi Casper's Mum!
Always a pleasure to read your posts! Actually, to be clear, I am NOT currently on the pill. My question was whether to start on it just to see if it'd have positive effects on my acne, but from the other advise on the forum, I think it's best to rely on topical products and drinking lots of water and getting rest. We're in the midst of final exams (i.e., tons of stress), so I suppose that's really aggravating my acne right now.
Thanks so much for your help!  |
west coast girl
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Fri May 07, 2004 2:34 am |
My doctor got me onto Diane 35 for 12 month treatment of my acne condition, diane 35 is an acne birth control pill, I must say my acne cleared up, my skin improved and by the 3rd or 4th month I didnt even need to be on it anymore. In regards to the concern about your health and the use of something "unnatural" being in your system, what about the pollution you breath in the air, the pesticides you eat in the food, and all the other environmental "unnatural things" that you are absorbing/assimiliting every single day and the use of birth control pills to improve your acne for your wedding shouldnt even be an issue whatsoever. If your eating healthy exercising frequently and living an overall healthy lifestyle then the use the birth control pill for that short period of time shouldnt even be an issue or a major concern. There are much bigger issues and unnatural things like for example pollution or second hand smoke or processed meats or fast foods like Mcdonalds (hello major one) to worry about then the birth control pill which in reality is peanuts. |
Fri May 07, 2004 11:02 am |
Hi West Coast Girl!
Very true indeed (about all the pollution)! Ha ha ha. I guess I never thought of it that way, but I still might stay off the birth control for now primarily because I'm pretty "regular." Most of my friends who are on the pill are on it because their cycles are really out of routine. I guess it's kind of bad to say I'm taking birth control only to get rid of acne. Ha ha ha. But I think the concern is that it's not my hormones that's causing the acne because my body is already so regulated. So I guess we'll see. The other thing is that I don't want to start on it, then get off it and then start breaking out again . . . ha ha ha.
Thanks for the input!
Lisa |
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Mon May 10, 2004 3:52 am |
i used the pill diannette for contraception and also my skin - i have to say that my skin is now perfect! my back used to be very spotty and now it is clear! if i get a breakout on my face it is only 1-3 spots and they arent big bad ones! i would recommend you talk to your doctor about this pill. i havent experienced any side effects either! its up to you though! |
Mon May 10, 2004 8:32 am |
I'd been on the pill for ages (not for acne) and would still get an occasional zit or two, normally around that time of the month. I've had to go off the pill for a few months (blood pressure issues) and this is the first time in QUITE a while that I've had absolutely NO zits at that time what so ever!! It was quite nice actually. At 38, I could definitely live without getting them anymore!
So....I guess that's my input on the pill/acne debate. I think it helped my skin with breakouts when I was younger, but it was definitely interesting that when I stopped, I got no breakout at all.
Good luck on your decision! |
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Posts: 3
Mon May 10, 2004 8:30 pm |
chunlisa congraulations on your engagement,
I just wanted to post my experience. I was on birth control pills when i was a teenager and it helped a bit but I was having stomach aches.So i stoppped taking the pill and my acne did go away. Until my 20's I had a huge break out ..and i had to say it was the most horrible break out i ever had. so i went to the dermo and she gave me pills and ointments and nothing really worked..cuz the pills causes stomach aches and the ointments dried my skin out..So then i went to sephora and the lady told me abou clinical peels for my skin and i have to say it was working really well.. I am 90% improved and my skin does look much better exp i still have some blemishes on my cheeks and i have two more visits and i think it will take care of that. the only thing i worry about is i dont want any more break outs. aighty peace |
Thu Mar 13, 2025 6:51 am |
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