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Tue Jan 09, 2007 2:28 am      Reply with quote
I suppose since its that time of year here in North America, I could just wear turtlenecks all the time, but I'd like some suggestions from you girls on fixing two problems I'm having with the skin on my jawline and neck:

(1) BLEMISHES! Why am I breaking out so much around my jawline?!?! I've heard that break-outs in certain areas of one's face can mean certain things ... is this hormonal?

I've used CareKate's Bump Blasting emulsion which works really well, but I keep getting recurring blemishes (like small cysts) all around the under side of my jawline down to the top of my neck! Its driving me crazy and I just realized that I've been having a continuous problem since October with this!

At night I sleep with my hair up and I change my pillow case every other night or two, so I'm not sure what could be causing this. No changes to diet or stress level ... help!

Sidda suggested the Nature's Cure two-part system, which I have ordered from ... all other suggestions welcomed.

(2) TREE RINGS! Most of you probably know the quickest, most accurate way to tell the average woman's age, right? Count the rings around her neck ... just like a tree! Apparently we get 1 ring for every 10 years of life.

During my teens and early 20s I was a major sun goddess (spent A LOT of time at the beach or in the pool) and I'm sure the rings I have are more from sun damage than anything else, because I'm very fortunate in the gene department and don't have any wrinkles (other than a "1" on my forehead and some crinkles under my eyes when I smile). However, I have a couple noticeable tree rings on my neck (though they are not super deep), and I want to get rid of them NOW.

I will use whatever it takes to make them (and the blemishes) go away, but I haven't a clue where to start! HELP! All suggestions are welcome, even if a successful result means I have to stand naked in a clearing of trees under a full moon and swing a dead chicken over my head! Shock

My skin: fair/pale with cool undertones, fine textured, tending a bit towards the sensitive side. I'm oily in my t-zone and dehydrated elsewhere. My skin has been like this for a long time; however, the blemish issue is relatively new but the tree rings did not show up over night.

Thank you in advance for any suggestions! Very Happy
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Tue Jan 09, 2007 6:51 am      Reply with quote
Could the blemishes be the result of eating too many sugary goodies over Christmas and New Year? I haven't had spots for ages, but the last week or so has been like a multi-Vesuviuvan orgy of the little buggers.

As for neck rings, I can only think of DMAE and lots of good moisturisation. Clarins Extra-Firming Neck Cream's pretty good, as is Neals Yard Remedies Frankincense Cream.
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Tue Jan 09, 2007 7:50 am      Reply with quote
MermaidGirl I am glad you posted this as my own tree rings/necklace lines and 'sleep lines' have been bothering me lately. I'm a former sun/tanning bed junkie too, so I have plenty of lovely sun damage to deal with Rolling Eyes

I am trying to choose between Decleor Prolagene and the Jurlique neck serum (unless of course someone has a better choice!). I will be following this thread to see what advice you get.
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Tue Jan 09, 2007 8:28 am      Reply with quote
Mermaidgirl, I have similar problems. My blemishes are at the back of my neck, I have them for a few months and never had them before in that location. First, I thought the reason was my hair conditioner, but I changed it about a month ago and don't see any improvement.
I have 2 rings on my neck that are permanent, and I never spend a lot of time under the sun, so don't blame yourself for that.
I started BND cream one week ago, so I'll let you know whether I see any improvement with my rings.
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Tue Jan 09, 2007 8:32 am      Reply with quote
MermaidGirl wrote:

even if a successful result means I have to stand naked in a clearing of trees under a full moon and swing a dead chicken over my head! Shock
Very Happy

Laughing Well, it's almost tempting to recommend the clearing approach!!! Bad Grin

I've certainly heard that jaw breakouts are hormonal and that cleansing one's liver is the way to go (milk thistle etc). Since it's winter, could it be a scarf or a collar causing irritation ?
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Tue Jan 09, 2007 8:41 am      Reply with quote
Are you resting your jaw in your hand or using it to prop up a phone without realizing it? Possibly your blanket at night is bunched up around your jaw(this is how I sleep, somehow the feeling of being strangled to death in my sleep is comforting! Embarassed) and needs to be washed?

27~Texas~Oily~ fair~ breakout prone~ easily congested~Cysts caused by emotional stress~ Using Ayurvedic skin care and philosophy~ Dry brushing body and face~ On strict less is more routine~ We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars~ Oscar Wilde
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Tue Jan 09, 2007 9:11 am      Reply with quote
"Tree Rings?" I believe it's mostly in how you hold your head. If you carry your head up, this doesn't happen or at least isn't as pronounced. I cannot break myself from watching the ground as I walk 'cause 1. I'm nearsighted and a klutz and need to watch my feet; and 2. 'cause the sun hurts my eyes.

I just checked. I have have the same 2 rings I had when I was 35, so in the last 2 decades, I haven't added a ring.


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Tue Jan 09, 2007 9:20 am      Reply with quote
Hi MermaidGirl!! Ok, so the neck acne totally sucks, doesn't it? One thing that you DON'T want to do is put any kind of spot treatment on your neck containing BP, because it will bleach stuff that you wear that day (learned that the hard way... Confused ). Actually, recently while I was traveling I got a horrible cyst, right where my head meets my neck. I remembered my derm had told met that sometimes I can put a little extra Taz on trouble spots, so I spot-treated the little bugger with Taz for a couple of days and it disappeared without a trace. I know you've been thinking about trying Differin, so maybe you could use it on your neck? It might help the acne, and it also might help the tree rings.

As for the rings themselves, I don't have any yet, but I definitely have the beginnings of them, so I want to nip them in the bud, ASAP. One thing that I should be doing is putting sunscreen on my neck more often--- I always forget!! Another thing I've been trying recently is putting Chrysalyx on my neck. It's really light so it won't cause any neck acne, and it contains DMAE, etc, so I figure it might help. Too early to tell, but I'll definitely report back! Keep us updated!

27, sensitive/reactive/acne prone skin, dark brown hair, blue eyes, possibly the palest woman alive...
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Tue Jan 09, 2007 4:18 pm      Reply with quote
Tree rings? That's a good name for them. Smile

I would suggest HA, DMAE and then a final layer of emu oil to top it off.
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Tue Jan 09, 2007 5:23 pm      Reply with quote
"tree rings"? Love that term.

I actually had about 3 rings going last summer. They've now DRAMATICALLY improved to one minor ring but honestly, I'm not sure what did it.

I'm in the class of "use everything you can". So, here's my list and maybe something will sound good ...

SAS DMAE w/ Dermagen
Radiance Souffle
Edelweiss Serum (probably not this since I didn't use it too often)
Chrysalyx (ditto above)
Avene Ystheal Cream
SuperCP serum
Exfol cream in the a.m.
Skinceuticals C&E
Carekate's Pearl Cream

mid 40's, Hawaiian/Japanese, combo skin, med/dark complexion. "If life hands you lemons, throw them at your enemies"
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Tue Jan 09, 2007 7:54 pm      Reply with quote
Molly recommended face exercise for tree rings on neck some time ago. You can check it here:

HTH. Razz
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Tue Jan 09, 2007 8:45 pm      Reply with quote
Hi MermaidGirl - PSF DMAE Serum has greatly reduced my two tree rings (Nature's Neclaces???). Even skincarecentral's 4% DMAE amine helped but I prefer the PSF product. Though it's 3% DMAE amine, it has a higher pH and is stronger.
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Tue Jan 09, 2007 8:51 pm      Reply with quote
If you haven't tried this already, be sure to exfoliate your neck with a microdermabrasion cream (like Epidermx) or whatever exfoliator you use. I used to stop at my neck when I exfoliated, but there's no reason, really. It can make a huge difference!
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Tue Jan 09, 2007 10:47 pm      Reply with quote
OMG, I have had terrible neck/jawline acne for about 3 months now. I've been taking milk thistle and I'm on the Pill, in addition to all the various spot treatments I've tried. Just when I think they're gone they pop back up with a vengence. The lady who waxes my eyebrows suggested it was the impurities working their way down my face (HUH?) since my skin has overall improved a LOT in the past year thanks to OCM. I'm going to the aesthetician tomorrow so I'll let you know if she has any insight.

As for the rings, I think I'm going to give Jurlique neck serum a try.
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Wed Jan 10, 2007 5:18 pm      Reply with quote
OK, I broke down and bought the Jurlique neck serum last night. I chose it over the Prolagene basically because I am impatient and could have it NOW NOW NOW (they sell Jurlique at DFS here but I would have had to order Decleor). I cleaned my neck and decollete with OCM and a muslin cloth, then misted with rosewater and applied the neck serum.

First impressions are that:

it smells fab, like jasmine. The smell doesn't hang around for a long time though.
light texture, not a gel, like a light lotion
absorbs straight away, no balling up
not greasy at all
left my neck and decollete very very soft
def less 'sleep lines' when I woke up this morning (comparing this to when I normally wake up after using oil on my neck and decollete)

This is only after one night so I don't want to give a definite opinion yet. I'm sure it won't have an effect on the 'tree rings' for some time, if it does have an effect at all. I can update after I have used it longer if anyone is interested.
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Wed Jan 10, 2007 7:27 pm      Reply with quote
Another thought re the acne. It's true that jawline acne is usually hormone-related. Spots by your mouth are often something you've eaten. In my case, my TOOTHPASTE or any coffee (the caffeol "coffee oil" NOT the caffeine). I no longer use toothpaste or drink coffee and it's worth it, I swear. Take a week off, if you have spots by your mouth, and see what happens.

Under your jaw on your neck.... Well, do you wash your face at the sink, Mermaid? Because when that has happened to me, it is simply a matter of my neglecting to rinse my face at the sink thoroughly enough. The soap and old oils rinsed off my face ran down my neck and clogged pores -- not unlike how shampoo or conditioner rinsed from your hair in the shower can cause back acne.

Be sure you rinse well, then take a washcloth and rinse/wipe your neck clean and clear. That may help you. I hope so.

Neck rings -- exfoliate and moisturize and never, ever look to the left or right EVER.

Okay. I kid. Dancing

Treat your neck and chest as well as you treat your face. Retinol products and moisture and natural oils work for me. And sunscreen. A lot of neck "damage" -- like eye bags -- is simply your DNA.

Also, I wanted to add that the BP in the Nature's Cure does not get the great reviews the pills do. Tea tree oil kills acne bacteria comparably to BP, without the irritation. The numbers are, like, 97% for BP and 93% for TTO. I can't handle BP, myself. It always just FROZE the zit in place. For months.

Oh, the horror, the horror.

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Wed Jan 10, 2007 9:13 pm      Reply with quote
Does this help?

As for breaking out along the jaw area...could be normal depending on your age. I heard mid-twenties to early thirties could get this problem.
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Thu Jan 11, 2007 6:42 am      Reply with quote
i think tree rings on neck is bornwith , so it is difficult to let them go

concerning the broke out, me before 25, many pimples broke out near my forehead and jaw ,of course the neck area Wink
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Thu Jan 11, 2007 6:58 am      Reply with quote
Could it be any hair products causing your neck to break out? When my hair was longer and I used a hair spritz, my neck would always break out. Hope you find a solution!
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Thu Jan 11, 2007 10:05 am      Reply with quote
My updates: on manslayerliz suggestion, I used avene ystheal emulsion twice a day for 2 days at the back of my neck area. I'm surprised with short-term results. My blemishes that I had there for about 2 months are almost gone. WOW! Thanks, manslayerliz.
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Thu Jan 11, 2007 10:27 am      Reply with quote
jumpingball wrote:
My updates: on manslayerliz suggestion, I used avene ystheal emulsion twice a day for 2 days at the back of my neck area. I'm surprised with short-term results. My blemishes that I had there for about 2 months are almost gone. WOW! Thanks, manslayerliz.

Well, you know me, I'm always happy to help, but actually could it have been Rjez who suggested the Ystheal?

27, sensitive/reactive/acne prone skin, dark brown hair, blue eyes, possibly the palest woman alive...
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Thu Jan 11, 2007 10:37 am      Reply with quote
Ah yes, the dreaded combo nightmare, MermaidGirl...well, I find that for me, breakouts on my neck are usually related to a product or something environmental. I cannot wear perfume on the front of my neck and had a reaction when I first started CPs (wasn't diluting but figured that out quick). Anyway, try to investigate what might be causing the breakouts in the first place. Any change in soap, laundry detergent, keeping your hands on your neck, STRESS (I know this is big for you and could be causing a reaction), etc. Now, as to the cure, there are a lot of good suggestions here and I second the Emulsion - it works well. I also use my Oxylight for oxygenation and this is a big help for breakouts. They normally clear up overnight (I do use some sort of anti-acne serum or whatever, let it soak in, then use the Oxylight).

As for the neck lines, drink lots and lots of water. For me, mine always seem to magnify when I don't have enough water in my system. The other suggestion to use your exfoliator is great. I use Epidermix II every morning and do so on my face and neck (but gently). Then, normally, both AM/PM, I apply Skin Biology's Exfol Serum (it is 2% salicylic acid in an aloe vera base that is very, very gentle) on my neck and under my eyes. This is done at the same time I apply any other "wait time" products like BHA or my TCA Latte (no wait required w/this but I like to give it time to absorb well). This product has done WONDERS FOR clearing up the bumpy skin under my eyes and on my neck. I know because I was uber lazy while in Montreal and now, my skin shows it. However, I am back on track and things are improving quickly. Lastly, I always apply emu oil to my face, neck and hands 2x/day. I started mixing Ice Elements Edelweiss w/my emu and it has showed nice improvements. Before, I wasn't mixing and wasn't that impressed w/it. Now, I really like the combo, though.

So, girl, I hope you come up with a decent solution. You probably have some products already in your arsenal that can help.

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Thu Jan 11, 2007 10:43 am      Reply with quote
I'm 51 and do not have any rings.
I do the facial exercises
I use DDF 12.5% glycolic lotion on my
neck in the evening
I use DMAE serums (currently Candy's)
I drink lots of green tea (and of course use sunscreen)
I am still a sun bunny at the beach

I did have horrible adult acne (you'd think that ne acne would be one of the benefits of getting older!!) but
I've been using Tazorac for 2 years and as long as I use it I have no adult acne.
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Thu Jan 11, 2007 11:14 am      Reply with quote
manslayerliz wrote:

Well, you know me, I'm always happy to help, but actually could it have been Rjez who suggested the Ystheal?

You suggested to apply it on the blemish area. Very Happy It's so simple, I don't know why i didn't do it before. I usually use all actives on my face and my neck, but not at the back of my neck.
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Thu Jan 11, 2007 11:15 am      Reply with quote
m.april wrote:
Hi MermaidGirl - PSF DMAE Serum has greatly reduced my two tree rings (Nature's Neclaces???). Even skincarecentral's 4% DMAE amine helped but I prefer the PSF product. Though it's 3% DMAE amine, it has a higher pH and is stronger.

Nature's Neclaces. . . I love that! Although, I don't think they'd match my outfits! I'm glad this topic was brought up. I didn't notice it before, but I'm starting to show some signs of tree rings as well. I use to stop with the epidermx on my face, but will now start exfoliating my neck as well.
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