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Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:33 am |
I received my package from carekate today, and I'm sooo impressed! I haven't even tried anything yet, and I just have to say that her presentation and generosity make me never want to buy anything from a large cosmetics company ever again. Not that I tend to favor large companies in the first place, but she reminded me how important it is to support those who really have your best interests in mind (Candy, too!).
as for ms. carekate's offerings, she has really got us covered! I won't spoil it with details; i just think that everyone on this board should place an order with her and see what it's all about
And carekate, I have two product requests:
osea's essential corrective oil
darphin's chamomile aromatic fluid!
two great, eo-based products that really work, but that are $$$$$$$$....when and if you have the means, you should make your own versions!
Thank you!
--avalange |
_________________ http://newnaturalbeauty.tumblr.com/ 37, light-toned olive skin, broken caps, normal skin. My staples: Osea cleansing milk, Algae Oil, Advanced Protection Cream, Eyes & Lips, Tata Harper, Julie Hewett makeup, Amazing Cosmetics Powder, & By Terry Light Expert, Burnout, and daily inversion therapy and green smoothies! |
Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:47 am |
I have enjoyed reading all of her posts. Does she have a website or a product list available? |
Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:29 am |
I totally agree. Carekate rocks!
I ordered her pearl creme and plumping lip balm, and she loaded me up with sample goodies. I'm waiting for more time with the products before writing reviews, but I can say that after trying and loving the super sonic aspirin mask sample, I will definitely be ordering it from her in the near future. |
_________________ Best, Jeannine (40s, fair skin, hazel eyes, sensitive skin). To fight the dread lemming sickness, I promise not to rave about a product until I have used it for a long while. |
Wed Jan 24, 2007 7:55 am |
I third the feeling. Her lemon-neem cuticle cream is my new HG product. All my life (and I'm not exaggerating here), I have had awful breaking cuticles. I've tried various expensive oils, cheap oils, Barielle's cuticle cream, Burt's Bee etc. Carekate sent me a sample of her lemon-neem cuticle treatment and ..... HOLY COW, I now have decent cuticles! I don't think I can live without it or my hair oil, which is another reason her name is revered at home! I'm terrified the full jar won't make it on time as my sample is finishing... |
Wed Jan 24, 2007 8:03 am |
Agent OO-CAT wrote: |
I third the feeling. Her lemon-neem cuticle cream is my new HG product. All my life (and I'm not exaggerating here), I have had awful breaking cuticles. I've tried various expensive oils, cheap oils, Barielle's cuticle cream, Burt's Bee etc. Carekate sent me a sample of her lemon-neem cuticle treatment and ..... HOLY COW, I now have decent cuticles! I don't think I can live without it or my hair oil, which is another reason her name is revered at home! I'm terrified the full jar won't make it on time as my sample is finishing... |
actually cat, this is what i ordered, too (the cuticle balm and the hair serum). I've already applied the balm to a cuticle that I ripped off with my teeth last night when I was thinking too hard about Baudelaire. It was good timing--it seems to be healing already. Well, I actually thought I ordered the hair balm but she sent me the growth serum instead! I think she intimated somewhere that they were basically the same, ingredient wise. I don't think I can go wrong there, at any rate! I am going to hide it from my boyfriend, though, because he will think I'm crazy if he sees a hair growth treatment in my cabinet--my hair already grows like a weed, but hey, we can always prevent future hair loss, right?
my question to you is, how do you use the hair oil/balm? I will try to use it for my next wash, and I was thinking of putting it on my dry hair as a pre-wash treatment, and using a moisturizing conditioning mask mixed with aloe to rinse, following with acv. I know it is mostly proteins, and I haven't used any proteins since clarifying and remoisturizing my hair...
any suggestions appreciated. I don't want my hair dream to end!
--avalange |
_________________ http://newnaturalbeauty.tumblr.com/ 37, light-toned olive skin, broken caps, normal skin. My staples: Osea cleansing milk, Algae Oil, Advanced Protection Cream, Eyes & Lips, Tata Harper, Julie Hewett makeup, Amazing Cosmetics Powder, & By Terry Light Expert, Burnout, and daily inversion therapy and green smoothies! |
Wed Jan 24, 2007 8:05 am |
If she has a website we would luv to see it. |
Wed Jan 24, 2007 8:36 am |
avalange wrote: |
I've already applied the balm to a cuticle that I ripped off with my teeth last night when I was thinking too hard about Baudelaire. |
This happens to be all the time! (Avalange you are hilarious!) |
_________________ 27, sensitive/reactive/acne prone skin, dark brown hair, blue eyes, possibly the palest woman alive... |
Wed Jan 24, 2007 10:10 am |
You should write more reviews, period. thank you so much for the detailed info!
--avalange |
_________________ http://newnaturalbeauty.tumblr.com/ 37, light-toned olive skin, broken caps, normal skin. My staples: Osea cleansing milk, Algae Oil, Advanced Protection Cream, Eyes & Lips, Tata Harper, Julie Hewett makeup, Amazing Cosmetics Powder, & By Terry Light Expert, Burnout, and daily inversion therapy and green smoothies! |
Wed Jan 24, 2007 12:53 pm |
I love getting parcels from Carekate too - she takes great care wrapping and they always reach Australia very safely.
I love her products too.
I used the Rosemary Scalp Balm last night and my hair loves it.
I'm also sending the Hair growth to my Mum in the UK. |
Wed Jan 24, 2007 1:02 pm |
I'm wanting to order her lip products but haven't heard back from her yet. Now I'm even more excited! |
_________________ 40, fair skinned, dark hair, blue eyes |
Wed Jan 24, 2007 3:23 pm |
I've had lots of trouble PMing Carekate. I find that messages get stuck in my Outbox rather than being sent (indicated by being in my Sentbox). Check to see if your messages to her are in your Outbox (they haven't been sent) or Sentbox (they were sent). I'm not sure how to fix the problem. Sometimes they go through and sometimes they don't. Maybe it has to do with whether she has room in her Inbox to receive a message?
c4ward wrote: |
I'm wanting to order her lip products but haven't heard back from her yet. Now I'm even more excited! |
_________________ Best, Jeannine (40s, fair skin, hazel eyes, sensitive skin). To fight the dread lemming sickness, I promise not to rave about a product until I have used it for a long while. |
Wed Jan 24, 2007 3:40 pm |
Jeannine wrote: |
I've had lots of trouble PMing Carekate. I find that messages get stuck in my Outbox rather than being sent (indicated by being in my Sentbox). Check to see if your messages to her are in your Outbox (they haven't been sent) or Sentbox (they were sent). I'm not sure how to fix the problem. Sometimes they go through and sometimes they don't. Maybe it has to do with whether she has room in her Inbox to receive a message?
c4ward wrote: |
I'm wanting to order her lip products but haven't heard back from her yet. Now I'm even more excited! |
I am also having trouble sending her pm's. They sit in my outbox for a while and then disappear but never make it into my sent box.
Does anyone else have a list of the products she sells that they could pm me? Or, is there another way to get in touch wih Carekate? |
Wed Jan 24, 2007 3:53 pm |
I have trouble reaching Carrie as well. I sent her maybe 3 or 4 PMs, and the first one was sent about a month ago maybe. I have not heard back. I heard about some storm that shuts down her work for 4 days, then her migraine attack, and her grandma's being hospitalized. I am sure she's swamped with private messages, and because of her limited internet access of 30 mins a day M-F, I am sure she's having a hard time catching up with everyone. I wouldn't be surprised if older members or those who ordered from her before would take precedence over us newbies. Hope that helps explain her lack of response. |
Wed Jan 24, 2007 3:57 pm |
I did see some of her posts dated 1/24/07 which is...rrrr....TODAY! Well, at least she is doing well. Thank goodness. I don't know Carrie, but she seems like a very nice and helpful person. I read her posts, and how she helped other members living outside of the US by placing an order for them and shipping it out for them. I don't know how she could find time to do so many things, including FT job, PT skincare entrepreneur, helping EDS members, answering PMs, and posting on this site. I think she should be dubbed the wonder woman! (Oh, and if she has kids to take care of on top of all else, I will just have to take my hat off for her (if I was wearing one)....kids take lots of time.) |
Wed Jan 24, 2007 3:58 pm |
Jeannine wrote: |
I've had lots of trouble PMing Carekate. I find that messages get stuck in my Outbox rather than being sent (indicated by being in my Sentbox). Check to see if your messages to her are in your Outbox (they haven't been sent) or Sentbox (they were sent). I'm not sure how to fix the problem. Sometimes they go through and sometimes they don't. Maybe it has to do with whether she has room in her Inbox to receive a message?
c4ward wrote: |
I'm wanting to order her lip products but haven't heard back from her yet. Now I'm even more excited! |
If they are still in your outbox, it means she hasn't logged in yet to retrieve them. Once she opens the email, it then moves into your sentbox. |
Wed Jan 24, 2007 3:59 pm |
An idea for CareKate ... have you thought about setting up a free, internet-based e-mail account strictly for use by folks who want to order product from you? People are really experiencing frustration with PMing you through EDS, so maybe a Yahoo or Hotmail account that you can access at work via the internet would be the ticket (how about "CareKate@yahoo. com" or CareKate@hotmail. com")?
I find the Yahoo system to be easier to use and it has a large capacity in-box, so it would solve the problem of people not knowing if you got their PM ... and would probably end up being a boon to you because then you'd be receiving ALL the orders sent to you vs. possibly losing some through the EDS PM system. Just a thought.
Since PMing you is difficult, I will be re-posting this on a couple other CareKate threads hoping you see it! |
Wed Jan 24, 2007 4:03 pm |
MermaidGirl wrote: |
An idea for CareKate ... have you thought about setting up a free, internet-based e-mail account strictly for use by folks who want to order product from you? People are really experiencing frustration with PMing you through EDS, so maybe a Yahoo or Hotmail account that you can access at work via the internet would be the ticket (how about "CareKate@yahoo. com" or CareKate@hotmail. com")?
I find the Yahoo system to be easier to use and it has a large capacity in-box, so it would solve the problem of people not knowing if you got their PM ... and would probably end up being a boon to you because then you'd be receiving ALL the orders sent to you vs. possibly losing some through the EDS PM system. Just a thought.
Since PMing you is difficult, I will be re-posting this on a couple other CareKate threads hoping you see it! |
I'll second that. I like Yahoo, too....or gmail which is a google email system. |
Wed Jan 24, 2007 4:10 pm |
jwils wrote: |
I am also having trouble sending her pm's. They sit in my outbox for a while and then disappear but never make it into my sent box.
Ooo, I feel so much better (well, in a weird sort of way) that others have had the same exact problems that I have. I have sent CareKate 5 different PM's starting as far back as 5 weeks ago and I have heard nothing. I keep reading about others receiving their orders so I knew she was still "in business" and that others' private messages must be getting thru. I was starting to take it a bit personally!! I have tried to be patient but.....it's so hard!! I really want to try her Pearl Cream!!
Anyone have any other way to get in contact with her???? |
Wed Jan 24, 2007 4:13 pm |
brenpatsa wrote: |
... Anyone have any other way to get in contact with her???? |
In a word, nope! That's why I suggested the yahoo or hotmail account. We'll have to wait and see if she notices my suggestion and if she decides to go forward with it or not. *Fingers crossed!* |
Wed Jan 24, 2007 4:16 pm |
hi, i had to wait a long time, too! She is only one person, and clearly she is getting swamped with requests, and she has a life outside of her burgeoning product business! I am positive that she will be able to get to you all in due time... She puts a lot of thought and 'care' into her packages, as well, so please be patient, and you will reap the rewards!
--avalange |
_________________ http://newnaturalbeauty.tumblr.com/ 37, light-toned olive skin, broken caps, normal skin. My staples: Osea cleansing milk, Algae Oil, Advanced Protection Cream, Eyes & Lips, Tata Harper, Julie Hewett makeup, Amazing Cosmetics Powder, & By Terry Light Expert, Burnout, and daily inversion therapy and green smoothies! |
Wed Jan 24, 2007 4:26 pm |
avalange wrote: |
hi, i had to wait a long time, too! She is only one person, and clearly she is getting swamped with requests, and she has a life outside of her burgeoning product business! I am positive that she will be able to get to you all in due time... She puts a lot of thought and 'care' into her packages, as well, so please be patient, and you will reap the rewards!
--avalange |
Avalange, have you tried Carrie's Rosemary Hair Growth Serum? |
Wed Jan 24, 2007 4:30 pm |
I just got it in the mail today, so I won't be trying it out for a couple of days at least... I'll let you know what I think, but in the meantime, I wouldn't hesitate to purchase it if I were you. You've been pretty silent about your own hair issues--how is everything turning out? What have you decided to do?
--avalange |
_________________ http://newnaturalbeauty.tumblr.com/ 37, light-toned olive skin, broken caps, normal skin. My staples: Osea cleansing milk, Algae Oil, Advanced Protection Cream, Eyes & Lips, Tata Harper, Julie Hewett makeup, Amazing Cosmetics Powder, & By Terry Light Expert, Burnout, and daily inversion therapy and green smoothies! |
Wed Jan 24, 2007 4:50 pm |
I just read a post from Carekate where she mentioned that a lot of the pm's in her inbox disappeared! That may explain why the ones I sent her are no longer in my Outbox but not in my Sentbox either.
I know she has limited internet access and didn't want to inundate her with pm's, but now that I know there was a problem, I think I'll try re-sending. |
Wed Jan 24, 2007 4:53 pm |
maybe we should just begin a thread with a particular product and 'sign up' for it... That way, everyone can post their needs and their email addresses? Not sure if that would work, though...
--avalange |
_________________ http://newnaturalbeauty.tumblr.com/ 37, light-toned olive skin, broken caps, normal skin. My staples: Osea cleansing milk, Algae Oil, Advanced Protection Cream, Eyes & Lips, Tata Harper, Julie Hewett makeup, Amazing Cosmetics Powder, & By Terry Light Expert, Burnout, and daily inversion therapy and green smoothies! |
Wed Mar 26, 2025 1:13 pm |
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