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Any UTI (Cystitis) Sufferers out there?
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Mon Apr 02, 2007 4:19 am      Reply with quote
After 6 years of being Cystitis free, I had an attack on Sunday of all days.
I am loath to take antibiotics but will go to the doctors and have them on stand by.
At the moment I am taking Cranberry capsules, swallowing tea spoons of Coconut Oil (urgh) and massaging my abdomen with Tea Tree Oil.
I am about to place an order for Oregano Oil Capsues, hopefully this with help flush it out.
Just wondering what any fellow sufferes use?

oily/acne prone - acne scars on chin area/Large Pores in winter. Oily in Summer. Fair, nuetral/cool complexion, burn easily. Early 20s
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Mon Apr 02, 2007 4:48 am      Reply with quote
I luckily don't have it, but I do know of a product called Ural (?sp) available at chemists/pharmacies which is a fizzy powder that dissolves in water & is supposed to help reduce symptoms.(Not sure if this is available in all countries though??) But I guess that's about all I know & also the all important...when in the bathroon one should wipe themself from front to back rather than the other way around...sorry if that doesn't make sense Rolling Eyes I didn't want to get too descriptive, rosebud! Laughing

Hope you're feeling better soon. Smile
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Mon Apr 02, 2007 4:53 am      Reply with quote
Drink lots of cranberry juice, preferably the one without the added sugar and you can get those fizzy powders from chemists, they taste disgusting but work.

Avoid scented soaps and fizzy drinks, coffee etc.
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Mon Apr 02, 2007 6:00 pm      Reply with quote
UTI's are the worst, and can be very annoying and painful. Its usually caused by wiping back to front, or having (pardon my language) anal sex and then having vaginal intercourse.
Most people will get a UTI at least once. Women are more suseptible. Drink cranberry juice (non-sugar) and lots of water to flush it away from your system.
I've taken anti-biotics for UTI's and usually the medicine immeadiately takes it away.
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Mon Apr 02, 2007 6:08 pm      Reply with quote
this happens sometimes as we get older..and I mean way older...70's and up, due to the muscles getting weaker, in the stomach and the maybe some exercises for both those areas..and my grandmother went thru a rash of them and cured it by drinking 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinager in glass of water every morning..and for real they went away...she also did exercises...hope that helps some...
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Mon Apr 02, 2007 6:41 pm      Reply with quote
I had one last summer, I ignored it..and I thought it went away. WRONG. Two weeks later, I ended up in the hospital for 4 days with a raging kidney infection. Never again. It hurts to pee...I go to the dr that day.

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Mon Apr 02, 2007 7:22 pm      Reply with quote
i feel your pain. Last year i was in Asia and I had UTI. I didn't really want to go to a foreign hospital. So i dranked a LOT of green tea (loose leaves) and the more bitter the better. I dranked tons of water too. I made myself go to the bathroom every other hour because I dranked so much liquid and it got better in a day! you should try it.

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Mon Apr 02, 2007 8:22 pm      Reply with quote
yeah, unfortunately they really don't recommend that you try and clear it on your own because the symptoms may subside even though the infection is moving into the kidneys. My sister ended up in the hospital just like chrissie because she thought it had gone away. Not worth the risk in my opinion. As far as symptoms go though, you can get full relief in half an hour from Uristat (any drugstore) while you wait to get to the doctor.

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Mon Apr 02, 2007 9:52 pm      Reply with quote
I have suffered with UTI's for many years and became resistant to most of the antibiotics they treated me with. I have now discovered (and swear by) something called d-mannose. It's totally natural and it works like nothing else! I think it may be the substance in cranberries that keep the bacteria from adhering to the lining of your bladder in an ultra-concentrated and pure form -- like cranberry x 1000! You can get it in capsule or powder form. I have the powder. It's white and tasteless. I mix it up in a glass of juice every couple of hours. I continue to use it for a couple of days after symptoms subside. I once gave it to my dad for symptoms of a kidney infection and it totally wiped things out for him as well! I buy mine at, but you can find it at many health food / supplement stores. I use it for a preventative too, like when I participate in a particular "activity" that I know can bring a UTI on, I just take it immediately before or after and I have no problem! I'm never without a bottle in my home or in my suitcase when I travel!

P.S. I do suggest you follow the above poster's advice if it's been going on for days and/or there's blood in your urine -- definitely see a doc. You can use the d-mannose with any meds they give you since it's just a food product. Keep it on hand and next time you feel symptoms coming on, start taking it immediately and I'm not kidding, it'll wipe it out!

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Mon Apr 02, 2007 11:40 pm      Reply with quote
BCgirl wrote:
UTI's are the worst, and can be very annoying and painful. Its usually caused by wiping back to front, or having (pardon my language) anal sex and then having vaginal intercourse.
Most people will get a UTI at least once. Women are more suseptible. Drink cranberry juice (non-sugar) and lots of water to flush it away from your system.
I've taken anti-biotics for UTI's and usually the medicine immeadiately takes it away.

Not just caused by that. It can be caused or aggravated by scented soap or fizzy drinks.
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Mon Apr 02, 2007 11:46 pm      Reply with quote
lil_miss_skincare wrote:
I have suffered with UTI's for many years and became resistant to most of the antibiotics they treated me with.

Unfortunately it's one of those things that once you've had it once it can keep flairing up.
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Tue Apr 03, 2007 5:40 am      Reply with quote
I couldn't stand it and opted to take the anti-biotics, I have been doing some research and have decided to stock up on other natural remedies in case.
I have been taking Cranberry capsules and purchased the 'over the counter' drink sachets of Sodum Citrate.
I was reading that the more acid in your diet the more it burns when you urinate and all the Sodium Citrate drinks do is alkaline your urine, however this is not so effective if you are consuming acidic foods at the same time.
The anti-biotics tend to be the most effective depending on the strain of bacteria causing the UTI, in some cases (as it did with me in the past), the bacteria is not killed and just lies dormant until a later date when it flares again.
2 of the most effective natural cures I found are Oil of Oregano (this also kills Candida), you can find this in tincture and capsule form, the bacteria or candida literally slides off the walls.
Another is Mannose (found in cranberrys) which is found to extract E-Coli strains from the walls and they simply flush out of the system.
Also Homeopathy, 6 years ago I took the remedy Cantharis and it is only now I have suffered again so I will order some of this and have it in the medicine cupboard just in case.

oily/acne prone - acne scars on chin area/Large Pores in winter. Oily in Summer. Fair, nuetral/cool complexion, burn easily. Early 20s
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Tue Apr 03, 2007 7:08 am      Reply with quote
Just a coincidence, but in today's Daily Mail there is an article on cystitis.
Amongst other things, it says:-
'For interstitial cystitis,studies at the Alfa Institute of Biomedical Sciences in Greece found that hyaluronic acid - a compound used to treat arthritic knees - may help reduce symptoms by boosting the protective layer of the bladder tissue by replacing a natural compound, which is at low levels in people with that complaint.'
la vie en rose
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Tue Apr 03, 2007 9:31 am      Reply with quote
Holmes wrote:
Just a coincidence, but in today's Daily Mail there is an article on cystitis.
Amongst other things, it says:-
'For interstitial cystitis,studies at the Alfa Institute of Biomedical Sciences in Greece found that hyaluronic acid - a compound used to treat arthritic knees - may help reduce symptoms by boosting the protective layer of the bladder tissue by replacing a natural compound, which is at low levels in people with that complaint.'

wow! very interesting! i don't get them frequently, but tend to get them at the most inopportune times (like when travelling). however, i have not gotten one since starting the HA caps.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. off to find the article. thank you for sharing, Holmes.
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Tue Apr 03, 2007 11:46 am      Reply with quote
This is just FYI:

Interstitial cystitis is very different from UTIs -- it's a controversial and poorly understood illness/diagnosis. By definition, it's a set of symptoms present in the ABSENCE of any detectable bacterial infection. Cranberry products exacerbate its symptoms. A lot of IC sufferers can only tolerate pear juice.

I have some supplements at home that were formulated for IC, and it's interesting how many ingredients in it are also good for the skin. Off the top of my head: the HA that Holmes mentions, quercitin (anti-inflammatory)... I'll have to go home and check the rest.

rosebud, you might want to reserach your history to see if you might have a mild version of IC -- but you probably don't.
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Tue Apr 03, 2007 12:42 pm      Reply with quote
My sister has gotten these from the time she was a baby. The dr told her it is bc her bladder is misshaped and traps urine in certain pockets not allowing it to empty completly. It then causes an infection by just staying in there to long or by becoming so strong that it burns the lining and causes infection. She has antibiotics and other types of pills....I feel for you all! I have heard her crying in the bathroom so many times. I have had a couple UTI in my life and they are no picnic.

Bless you!
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Tue Apr 03, 2007 12:49 pm      Reply with quote
Hugs to your poor sister, Olivia.

In case this helps anybody:

It is only a pain reliever, and does not address causes, but I have found great relief on occasion by using pyridium -- in my case, the AZO-Standard brand. Careful, because it has a dye that makes your pee redder and can stain material -- but might be worth a try if pain is serious.
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Tue Apr 03, 2007 7:29 pm      Reply with quote
I am so glad you shared your info about dMannose.
I get them more than I would like.I have used the Azo and it works,but,wow,it really does turn your pee bright orangyred.
I hate taking antibiotics,so it is so awesome that there have been some good information.
So,thank you all for sharing on a subject that really isnt talked about.
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Wed Apr 04, 2007 8:13 am      Reply with quote
Hi Skin Care Addict! After years of misery I'm so very happy to be able to share the news about d-mannose -- hopefully it will be of help to some others as much as it has been to me! P.S. To those who aren't familiar, the pills that turn your urine red/orange (Uristat, AZO, etc.) are wonderful for UTI pain, but unfortunately they do not get rid of the infection -- you'll still need something else to help with that. Also, thanks to Alibabka for sharing the info on Interstitial Cystitis! Smile

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Fri Apr 06, 2007 8:29 am      Reply with quote
Oh no Olivia, I hope your sister is doing ok. That must be so painful and uncomfortable. All the best to her for dealing with this so regularly.
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Fri Apr 06, 2007 2:44 pm      Reply with quote
after i have read this topic, I have learned more about Cystitis!
bless you!
Beth Ann
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Fri Apr 06, 2007 4:46 pm      Reply with quote
Here is another tip for those with frequent UTIs. My family practice physician recommended the following to me:
1. Always urinate after you have intercourse - the sooner the better. This clears the urethra.
2. Take a 500mg Vit C (immediate release not timed release) right after intercourse. This changes the pH in the bladder.
I have followed this routine and have not had another UTI. I just keep a bottle of Vit C tablets in the bathroom.
I hope this helps. ~beth

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Mon Apr 09, 2007 10:22 pm      Reply with quote
I used to take a bath with baking soda as well. Would help neutralize things and made for a nice soak.

Just wondering how cystitis and interstitial cystitis differ ... asking because I know the cranberries, for example, causes grief with the latter and not with the former.
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Tue Apr 10, 2007 1:29 am      Reply with quote
UTIs have such a complicated set of reasons. The bathroom wiping is one, so are vigourous intercourse, drinking too much coffee, simple aging, bubble baths... and on and on. Basically, bacteria is able to travel up the urethra and take up residence. Coffee is bad cuz it forms tiny crystals, called spicules, which don't flow out easily. Cranberry acidifies the bladder just enough to make it hostile to the bacteria.

First sign of problems, drink gallons of water to try and flush out bacteria. Add a couple glasses of cranberry juice, note: NOT cranberry cocktail. If you're not relieved in 24 hrs, see your doctor. Don't mess around here as kidney infections are life-threatening!

eta: sometimes (and you'll know when Laughing ), it's not a bladder infection. It's what my doctor called "honeymoon cystitis". Ummm, a bruised bladder from being... shall we say, pounded on too much?
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