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Silly things we do when we are tired....
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Sat Aug 07, 2004 2:25 am      Reply with quote
I've been really tired this week (deadlines at work resulting in lack of sleep etc) and as a result I've been doing some rather silly things. A few days ago (at home luckily) I was sitting down when someone asked me what time it was. So, naturally, I turned my wrist to have a look at my watch.... I had a cup of juice in the very same hand Neutral Everyone thought it was hilarious - I didn't. Lucky I was just wearing daggy "around the house" stuff and that I was almost done with the juice (blackcurrant btw Confused). The sad thing is that this it NOT the first time I had done this Embarassed I remember doing this once about 10 years ago.... hmm

Then, the day after, I was in a hurry in the morning after going to bed at about 3am. I meant to reach for my lipbalm (which is standing up straight on the bathroom shelf right next to my Clinique Touch Tint, which is also standing up). I ended up putting the Clinique TT in Nude Sparkle (a nice neutral color) on my lips Confused Last week sometime I came this " " close to brushing my teeth with the Jurlique cleansing cream. I realised what I was doing as I was about to squeeze some onto the toothbrush.

Needless to say, I slept in today and I plan to sleep in again tomorrow (for my sake and for the safety of people around me Smile).

I'm hoping I'm not the only one that goes a bit loopy when I don't get enough sleep. What silly things have you done? Yes, just in case this is not transparent enough, I want to make myself feel better by reading other people's mishaps Very Happy

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Sat Aug 07, 2004 6:43 am      Reply with quote
Oh Mabsy, I hear ya!! Laughing One time I woke up in the morning all sort of groggy and started to make coffee, putting the filter and coffee in, and the water in the coffee pot, then I turn it on and later went to go grab a cup of coffee and I forgot to pour the water into the coffee machine:roll: Then another time I go to pour my sweetner into my tea and poured it into the sink instead of my cup!! The things we do when we are tired!! Luckily for me nobody was around, but I thought to myself, gee I should go back to bed Embarassed !
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Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:22 am      Reply with quote
hi mabsy and co

so you guys do these silly things when your tired? I do these things normally!!

At least three times a week i put the cereal box in the fridge instead of the milk, and the milk in the cupboard instead of the fridge - needless to say have not lost cereal but a lot of milk this way Laughing !!

gosh - just had a thought - does this mean im a walking zombie Shock ?

i also nearly brushed my teeth with my wonderful pevonia cleanser - granted it was the morning so i was a bit groggy.

so basically, not only are you not alone, but i think your comparatively extremely normal!!

p.s. its probably not wise to mention im soon to qualify as a doctor! - gosh the surgical jokes would be endless wouldnt they! Laughing
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Mon Aug 09, 2004 5:28 am      Reply with quote
...ummmm, used my toner one AM and thought 'feels odd'. Turned out to be nail polish remover Shock

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Mon Aug 09, 2004 6:03 am      Reply with quote
Well I've been trying to do 2 things at once...which is dangerous!

had the cats bowl and my plate next to one another, put the cat food in one and the tuna in the other, thinking I was eating my tuna, put a fork full of cat food in my mouth!

Glad I'm not a cat! Rolling Eyes

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Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:49 pm      Reply with quote
Gucci wrote:
Well I've been trying to do 2 things at once...which is dangerous!

had the cats bowl and my plate next to one another, put the cat food in one and the tuna in the other, thinking I was eating my tuna, put a fork full of cat food in my mouth!

Glad I'm not a cat! Rolling Eyes

Here's hoping that your "coat has a lovely sheen, your furballs are less, and that you're feeling frisky"

I can't recall any recent things I've done when I'm overly-tired, except that I find that my conversation skills are minimal to none. I've done things like washed my face with shampoo (big deal), put a carton of milk in the cupboard (which was then later, cottage cheese), and called my friends or colleagues "Casper".

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Tue Aug 10, 2004 3:06 am      Reply with quote
Laughing Oh yeah, I feel much more "normal" now Very Happy

Mistaking catfood for tuna is something that has never happened to me and I hope it never ever will Smile I don't particualrly want to get too cosy with my nail polish remover either....

Farouk - here's hoping that when people become doctors and start seeing patients they lose the ability to do silly things like that! Laughing Mind you, my best friend (who happens to be a doctor) lost the swipe card and keys to the psych ward (ON the ward) on his first day there Laughing

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Tue Aug 10, 2004 7:21 am      Reply with quote
Some funny stories there and to think you lot actually get beauty tips of one another!

Okay well last week was one of those weeks, hectic, stressed,tired, you name it I felt it. So on Sunday night I thought what could be better
than a nice sunday drive..BAD MOVE! After about 10mins of feeling the nice cool breeze on my face and listening to some mellow music I look
in my rear view mirror to find some ???? tailgating me, let's just say that he
was as close to my rear as humanly possible..rear of my car that is. I thought
nothing of it and continued at my moderate pace...okay so another 5 mins and he's still
there trying to force me off the road, at which point I'd just about had enough and decided to put my foot down.

So now my slow sunday drive had turned into an the Indy 500, we come up to some traffic lights which are just on their way to turning RED, I time it so that I just about make it but he gets left at the lights, looking
in my rear view mirror I couldn't help but Smile and continued my journey............only to see a bloody police car behind me! So end result what was supposed to be a quiet sunday drive, resulted in the embarrassment of being given a going over by the cops, 3 points on my licence and a nice £60 fine...a week to forget!
Confused definitely felt stupid, should have just pulled over but those kind of drivers really .... me off! Very Happy
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Tue Aug 10, 2004 8:24 pm      Reply with quote
Now that I've stopped laughing, wiping my eyes, etc., here's my story.

I use natural hormone creams prescribed by my longevity doc. I use testosterone cream in the am and also estrogen cream (bi-est) and then in the evening the bi-est only. At first they were loading them into separate dosage syringes.... one dose per syringe. The pharmacists decided that was too much trouble and they'd have to charge more so they started loading them into larger syringes that contain 6 or 8 daily doses. They package the syringes in two separate labeled brown plastic zip bags.

Last week, I dropped both bags. All of the syringes didn't fall out (thank goodness), but the ones that did got mixed. Shock

Both creams are the same color and consistency Embarassed

So, I just loaded them back and hope for the best. The bi-est dose per day is twice the amount of the testosterone dose. I'll let you know if I start being aggressive, speaking in a deeper voice and scratching my butt. Don't know if that rates up there with eating cat food, but it's pretty bad! And I don't even have the excuse of being tired Rolling Eyes

I feel so stupid, but I guess I'm going to have to tell the pharmacist that I'm going to need a different system...simpler maybe Very Happy

Fortunately, the pharmacists are women and I know we'll have good laugh when I tell them my problem.


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Thu Aug 12, 2004 4:34 am      Reply with quote
MBL - the same thing happened to one of my friends a few years ago. Except that it was the car that was tailgating him that ended up being an unmarked police car Laughing

Judy - LOL!!! Well if your posts get a bit aggressive then we'll know not to blame you but rather your pharmacist Smile I think you might have to implement some sort of color-coding process. Get home --> take them all out (without mixing them up) and stick colored dots on them. Just an idea...

Less Patchy
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Thu Aug 12, 2004 3:49 pm      Reply with quote
I lose my vocabulary when I'm tired and say the wrong word. The other night I said "competition" when I meant "composition". And I've screwed up "conversation" and "conservation". Those are the ones I've noticed.

The ones others brought to my attention include "Greeth Orkadox" and "hyptonize".

So I get stupid when I'm tired. Watch out world.
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Thu Aug 12, 2004 7:14 pm      Reply with quote
Yep, no doubt about it. I've got to have a system to keep the testosterone separated from the estrogen.

I'll probably take the lazy way out and ask them to package one of them in the smaller syringes even if I have to pay more for it.

Guess the testosterone should be in the BIG syringes and the estrogen in the "dainty" ones. Laughing
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Fri Aug 13, 2004 9:24 am      Reply with quote
I'm with farouk and Less Patchy, I unfortunately ~did~ brush my teeth with my cleanser (sooo sleepy, didn't notice until I tried to spit). Laughing

My co-workers and friends, especially co-workers, refuse to speak much less deal with me until I have had some coffee because they tell me that I'm not coherent. Embarassed

I am so NOT a morning person. Rolling Eyes

Re-edited as I noticed that I had the last 2 emoticons in the reverse order!! Shock

I wasn't kidding when I said I'm not a morning person and I had originally posted this at 8:24am PDT. Embarassed
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Fri Aug 13, 2004 10:14 am      Reply with quote
My daughter is absolutely NOT a morning person. Of course, since she has a 6 year old and since they have to leave the house by 7:00 to go to work and school, you become what you must. I wonder sometimes if Kay and Hope don't just get all the way across Houston by radar or something because neither of them are morning persons.

Last week, they were here at my house at the lake for a little R&R. I looked at Kay sitting at my bar and had to laugh thinking about the scene in "The Big Chill" where Meg is sitting at the breakfast table with her coffee and cigarette "the morning after". Of course Kay was sitting there with NO cigarette and a glass of orange juice, but the facial expression was the same!

My husband is a disgusting morning person. He almost always wakes up by 6:30 and immediately jumps out of bed and is wide awake immediately... and even cheerful Confused

Years of living with him have at least taught me to get out of bed by 7:30 (after he has called me 2 or 3 times). I'm not grouchy, but I just don't speak until I've brushed my teeth, cleansed, toned and moisturized my face. Cool

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Fri Aug 13, 2004 5:30 pm      Reply with quote
I had worked 2 nights and not slept very well after second.[Thats my excuse anyway] I had to meet my friend at 5pm.Somehow after rushing around like an idiot getting tea ready early I managed to leave house I was a bit stressed because I had not managed to do everything I wanted before I left home. Anyhow halfway there I glanced at my clock on dash it said 3.45pm so I assumed it was because I had not changed it for BST but no when I got to meeting place I really was an hour early. No wonder it felt like a short day. Still I had an hour to sit and read in peace and quiet.
Also a friend of mine was telling myself and another friend about another friends husband who had just died.She told us he had died of a genital heart problem. Sorry but we cracked up laughing, tears the works. We both had visions of his heart with genitals attached. Of course she was looking at us like we were wicked until one of us was able to explain that she probably meant congenital then she realised what she had said. Rolling Eyes

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Thu Mar 03, 2005 4:59 am      Reply with quote
I had to revive this thread.... I was up until 2am this morning revising lectures. Had to get up at 6 this morning and I didn't get home from work till 9pm.

Wait for it....

I just tried to log on to EDS with my work username/password and couldn't for the life of me understand why I couldn't get on. I thought I was banned or something! Embarassed
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Thu Mar 03, 2005 7:35 am      Reply with quote
I don't even know how many times I've thrown my sweetener in the garbage and tossed the empty packets into my coffee.....I've also used nail polish remover on my face instead of toner (just for a second though, the smell ended that mistake quickly enough)
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Thu Mar 03, 2005 11:26 am      Reply with quote
Well this often happens so i don't have an excuse that i'm tired but put some leave-in conditioner in my hands then go to put it on my face because i was going to put on my moisturiser!I realise before it gets to my face and my hair gets conditioner on it nearly every morning! I sometimes go to press the soap dispenser over my toothbrush aswell! I nearly have very runny toothpaste Shock
I do alot of other things aswell with no excuse except my extreme lack of sense and awareness of what i'm doing!

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Thu Mar 03, 2005 10:56 pm      Reply with quote
LOL! Lately I've been filling up the coffee carafe and forget about it filling. We reverse osmosis our drinking water and the little tap can reach onto the counter so the water always ends up like a little river through my kitchen. I get my small steam cleaner out and suck all the water up swearing it's the last time but I still do it all the time.

Once while tired and rushing to get out the door, my husband used my lip balm, in the dark, instead of his, wouldn't be a big deal except mine was that Blistex tinted stuff. I don't even know if it's still around but it had a real rosy tint, very noticeable, especially on my husband! I laughed so hard I cried when I saw him, luckily just before he walked out the door.

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