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What were your negative side effects from Copper Peptides?
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Thu Apr 24, 2008 5:21 pm      Reply with quote
For those of you that have not have a positive experience with CP's, what did it do to your skin? I definitely lost elasticity and now have enlarged pores just to the sides of my mouth and NL folds. Also interested if anyone has found anything to repair the damage.

Vehicle is a 1952 scratch and dent model....olive-ish, dry skin, long curly gray hair. Staples: Tazorac, 2mm Dermaroller, Anti Aging Light Stim, Devita Sunscreens, homemade C serums, some positive affirmations and whatever else it takes! Kicking and screaming the whole way...
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Thu Apr 24, 2008 5:30 pm      Reply with quote
I am currently sporting increased crosshatching under my eyes, and have cut back dramatically on my CP usuage in hopes that they will eventually go away.

I haven't given up on CPs all together though...I am just being MUCH more cautious in my usage (as they originally suggested, lol).

But I will be very interested in hearing any ideas to speed up their departure...

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Thu Apr 24, 2008 5:33 pm      Reply with quote
Mountaingirl; I don't use CP's, but a few friends do, and now that you mentioned it, it reminded me that their pores are all huge. They didn't have noticable pores previously.

Have you been using CP's for a while?

♥I'm flattered by all the lovely PM's, but I don't get here much these days. Please don't be afraid to post your quearies to other DIY members who will be glad to help you (or sell you their Still happy with LED, dermarolling and a DIY antioxidant regime. Peace & Hugs to all.♥
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Thu Apr 24, 2008 5:56 pm      Reply with quote
I don't use them anymore but I did for about 8 months. I was VERY VERY cautious in my application, starting slow and building up, and after 8 months I looked worse, not better. I thought maybe I needed to step it up and then it hit me...the CP's were damaging my skin. As far as I know, there is no reversing it....but would like to hear from others on that. Bethany: What is crosshatching??

Vehicle is a 1952 scratch and dent model....olive-ish, dry skin, long curly gray hair. Staples: Tazorac, 2mm Dermaroller, Anti Aging Light Stim, Devita Sunscreens, homemade C serums, some positive affirmations and whatever else it takes! Kicking and screaming the whole way...
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Thu Apr 24, 2008 8:49 pm      Reply with quote
I too started using CP's about 9 months ago. I started on the CP serum very slowly and then moved on to the super about 2 months ago. I started noticing enlarged pores and loss of elasticity but thought it was due to aging and thought that it could be much worst if I was not using the CP's. I came across a post just by chance where the person had experienced the same exact problems from using CP's. I have completely stopped using them! Naturally I am very angry! A product not helping is one thing but harming is another. There were so many raves about the CP's and I was not able to find any negatives other than the initial uglies! From what I understand enlarged pores can not be reversed!
I am scared to ask but I also would like to know what is cross hatching?
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Fri Apr 25, 2008 2:28 am      Reply with quote
I got more sun damage since using cp's. Much more !

I really dont know if that is attributable to the cp's or just the way it would have worked anyway, but I have stopped the cp's, just in case..
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Fri Apr 25, 2008 3:13 am      Reply with quote
I definitely noticed increased facial hair. I have stopped using the CP's.
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Fri Apr 25, 2008 5:19 am      Reply with quote
I have definitely decided not to use CP's. Tried the mildest serum diluted in half and my face looked rough, wrinkles exaggerated and age spots darker. I used it on every 3rd day. Just recently tried the 1st generation Super GHK (undiluted this time and still on every 3rd day) and the same thing has happened again. Oh, forgot to say I noticed more facial hair, also. Some people seem to have wonderful results, but it sure isn't me. Will say the damage went away in a couple of months. Sorry for your bad experience Mountain Girl. Anndy
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Fri Apr 25, 2008 6:19 am      Reply with quote
mountaingirl wrote:
Bethany: What is crosshatching??

It is fine lines in a criss-crossed pattern under my eyes.

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Fri Apr 25, 2008 6:35 am      Reply with quote
catski wrote:
I got more sun damage since using cp's. Much more !

I really dont know if that is attributable to the cp's or just the way it would have worked anyway, but I have stopped the cp's, just in case..

This could have been damaged skin migrating to the top, but that usually takes a while to accomplish.

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Fri Apr 25, 2008 6:37 am      Reply with quote
I had good results in terms of the skin, but TONS of facial hair. Then the area where I have hair (even on the cheeks where I never ever had hair) - would get inflamed if I tried to tweeze them. I just tried electrolysis - and for the past 3 weeks I have a bloody face with under skin bumps.

Early 50s, Skin: combin.,semi-sensitive, fair with occasional breakouts, some old acne scars, freckles, under-eye wrinkles; Redhead with hazel eyes
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Fri Apr 25, 2008 6:48 am      Reply with quote
BTW, much of this is called the "CP Uglies" and they tell you right up front that it happens, and is part of the skin remodeling process...the skin losens up, pores become bigger, etc. and then they gradually tighten back up as the collagen and fibroblasts are generated.

Has anyone had these issues long-term?

I am not stopping the usage of CP's because I believe in the science behind them. However, I have dramatically dialed back my usage...remodeling may take longer, but hopefully the uglies won't be quite as unbearable.

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Fri Apr 25, 2008 7:07 am      Reply with quote
Re-posting my CPs post from another thread from three months ago. I pretty much recovered from CPs damage, only a dense skin spot on my hand was not going away at all, so I ended up removing it and now have a wound that is trying to heal.
mpstat wrote:
I damaged my skin especially neck with CPs. Only after seeing ugly sore skin full of tags of questionable color Shock I realized how beautiful my neck was to start with... Sad It was even painful just to look at my neck and face at that time.

It has been about 8 months since I stopped CPs, and it is only now I restored the neck to my original creamy color, and the skin is nice clean and glowy. What I think helped me the most was camellia oil. Very Happy I use it practically every night, sometimes I use rosehip oil too, but normally prefer camellia oil. Also I found recently helichrysum EO, it really helps skin to heal.

I still have some CPs damage around right eye area, but hope that eventually it will improve....
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Fri Apr 25, 2008 7:36 am      Reply with quote
bethany wrote:
BTW, much of this is called the "CP Uglies" and they tell you right up front that it happens, and is part of the skin remodeling process...the skin losens up, pores become bigger, etc. and then they gradually tighten back up as the collagen and fibroblasts are generated.

Has anyone had these issues long-term?

I am not stopping the usage of CP's because I believe in the science behind them. However, I have dramatically dialed back my usage...remodeling may take longer, but hopefully the uglies won't be quite as unbearable.

thanks Bethany, your post was helpful!

46 yrs old, I live at the beach and love being out in the sun.
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Fri Apr 25, 2008 7:44 am      Reply with quote
sigma wrote:
I had good results in terms of the skin, but TONS of facial hair. Then the area where I have hair (even on the cheeks where I never ever had hair) - would get inflamed if I tried to tweeze them. I just tried electrolysis - and for the past 3 weeks I have a bloody face with under skin bumps.

I have never used CPs, but hair growth and methods of removal and encouraging growth interest me.

Just wondering - won't the facial hair disappear from itself after some weeks if you stop using CPs? When using topical remedies to increase hair growth on head, eyebrows, eyelashes etc. you will need continued use to keep hair growing.

Female, 40, Norway. Normal/dry skin, starting to see signs of aging. Staples: Glycolic acid cleanser, SkinCeuticals Phloretin CF, Revaleskin, NIA24.
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Fri Apr 25, 2008 9:26 am      Reply with quote
bethany wrote:
BTW, much of this is called the "CP Uglies" and they tell you right up front that it happens, and is part of the skin remodeling process...the skin losens up, pores become bigger, etc. and then they gradually tighten back up as the collagen and fibroblasts are generated.

Has anyone had these issues long-term?

I am not stopping the usage of CP's because I believe in the science behind them. However, I have dramatically dialed back my usage...remodeling may take longer, but hopefully the uglies won't be quite as

Bethany do you have any idea how long the whole process is supposed to take? Because I have been using the CP's for 9 months and just recently stopped without any good results.
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Fri Apr 25, 2008 11:50 am      Reply with quote
Starlight wrote:
Bethany do you have any idea how long the whole process is supposed to take? Because I have been using the CP's for 9 months and just recently stopped without any good results.

Star, I think it really recommends on the strength of the products you are using, and often you are using them.

Dr. Pickart, who discovered and patented both the weaker GHK-cu and stronger SRCP's, says that you need to start of VERY slowly (as in small amounts and weak peptides) and work your way up, or you will definitely encounter the uglies. However, I think many of us actually may be interpreting that in our own way...meaning my version of slow wasn't as slow as his version!

Yubs advised me to dial back and not use CP's every day to avoid the uglies (though Dr, Pickart advises daily usage), and I think that is very sage will take longer to see results, but you won't see the negatives as much (which is ok with me!).

In his book, Dr. P said that patience is essential and that it can take 6-12 months to tighten skin around your eyes. He also says that your skin may very well look worse before it begins to look better. However, I am using the strongest version from Skin Biology (Super Cop 2x) on my lower face, and I am already seeing slight changes in my marionette lines.
But I am not seeing any improvement around my eyes (I am using Super GHK Serum), and in fact they look much more wrinkled after 2 months.

However, I am not giving up yet...I am just dialing back to a couple of times a week. There are clinical studies behind these peptides (or at least the GHK ones) and full disclosure on the uglies, so I am going to be a little more tolerant than with products that have no proof of any performance.

So what CP products are you using, and how often? Maybe we can tweak your program a bit?

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Fri Apr 25, 2008 1:03 pm      Reply with quote
Nothing negative, but nothing positive either after an entire bottle.

46, curly dk blonde hair, fair, blue eyes, very oily T-zone. HGs: Tazorac .05% gel; Avene/Bioderma s/s (very high spf AND ppd); Cellbone vit Cie 20%; Cellbone Hyperpeptides; IFP 5% bha/10% aha; Obagi Clear; 'curly girl' method (no poo, just co wash) for my 3b curls.
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Fri Apr 25, 2008 1:24 pm      Reply with quote
bethany wrote:
Starlight wrote:
Bethany do you have any idea how long the whole process is supposed to take? Because I have been using the CP's for 9 months and just recently stopped without any good results.

Star, I think it really recommends on the strength of the products you are using, and often you are using them.

Dr. Pickart, who discovered and patented both the weaker GHK-cu and stronger SRCP's, says that you need to start of VERY slowly (as in small amounts and weak peptides) and work your way up, or you will definitely encounter the uglies. However, I think many of us actually may be interpreting that in our own way...meaning my version of slow wasn't as slow as his version!

Yubs advised me to dial back and not use CP's every day to avoid the uglies (though Dr, Pickart advises daily usage), and I think that is very sage will take longer to see results, but you won't see the negatives as much (which is ok with me!).

In his book, Dr. P said that patience is essential and that it can take 6-12 months to tighten skin around your eyes. He also says that your skin may very well look worse before it begins to look better. However, I am using the strongest version from Skin Biology (Super Cop 2x) on my lower face, and I am already seeing slight changes in my marionette lines.
But I am not seeing any improvement around my eyes (I am using Super GHK Serum), and in fact they look much more wrinkled after 2 months.

However, I am not giving up yet...I am just dialing back to a couple of times a week. There are clinical studies behind these peptides (or at least the GHK ones) and full disclosure on the uglies, so I am going to be a little more tolerant than with products that have no proof of any performance.

So what CP products are you using, and how often? Maybe we can tweak your program a bit?

Have you and Scotslass met yet? You guys are so sympatico from your descriptions and theories. You too should discuss!

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Fri Apr 25, 2008 1:40 pm      Reply with quote
The skin under my eyes turned into a crusty mess that no amount of exfoliation removed after using the weakest cp's on them a few times a week. This lasted for several months. The skin has pretty much returned to normal now but I will not be using cp's ever again.

The thing that really irks me about all of these negative experiences is that if you try posting about them on Pickart's forum they basically blackball you. I'm just a lurker Cool on that forum. I'd never dare to post based on how rude I've seen Dr. Pickart behave to anyone who has had serious issues. Shock

It seems to me that he simply does not want to admit that some people really can't tolerate his cp's. And the fact that these negative posts always end up being deleted on his forum is a bit too freaky for my taste!!! Rolling Eyes
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Fri Apr 25, 2008 1:45 pm      Reply with quote
lilredhead wrote:
The skin under my eyes turned into a crusty mess that no amount of exfoliation removed after using the weakest cp's on them a few times a week. This lasted for several months. The skin has pretty much returned to normal now but I will not be using cp's ever again.

The thing that really irks me about pof these negative experiences is that if you try posting about them on Pickart's forum they basically blackball you. I'm just a lurker Cool on that forum. I'd never dare to post based on how rude I've seen Dr. Pickart behave to anyone who has had serious issues. Shock

That's so strange. I've heard he behaves that way though I've never even lurked at that site. I briefly tried CP's, second generation and then the first. I know people in real life who've had great results and then others who haven't. That kind of Napoleonic behavior is a little strange but I've seen other skincare gurus place the blame on the paying customer before.

It seems to me that he simply does not want to admit that some people really can't tolerate his cp's. And the fact that these negative posts always end up being deleted on his forum is a bit too freaky for my taste!!! Rolling Eyes

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Fri Apr 25, 2008 3:52 pm      Reply with quote
The products may be good, but the customer service is deplorable...I called 1.5 weeks ago to discuss a horrible interaction between my hair color and the Folligen copper peptides, and spoke to one of the customer service reps who said they would get back to me.

It has been almost 2 weeks, and no reply.

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Fri Apr 25, 2008 6:49 pm      Reply with quote
BluesHeart wrote:
Have you and Scotslass met yet? You guys are so sympatico from your descriptions and theories. You too should discuss!

She recently gave me some great advice on emu oil, but we haven't chatted about CP's yet!

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Fri Apr 25, 2008 6:56 pm      Reply with quote
bethany wrote:
BluesHeart wrote:
Have you and Scotslass met yet? You guys are so sympatico from your descriptions and theories. You too should discuss!

She recently gave me some great advice on emu oil, but we haven't chatted about CP's yet!

You sooo need to. You share so many of the same interests!! Very Happy

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Fri Apr 25, 2008 10:11 pm      Reply with quote
bethany wrote:
Starlight wrote:
Bethany do you have any idea how long the whole process is supposed to take? Because I have been using the CP's for 9 months and just recently stopped without any good results.

Star, I think it really recommends on the strength of the products you are using, and often you are using them.

Dr. Pickart, who discovered and patented both the weaker GHK-cu and stronger SRCP's, says that you need to start of VERY slowly (as in small amounts and weak peptides) and work your way up, or you will definitely encounter the uglies. However, I think many of us actually may be interpreting that in our own way...meaning my version of slow wasn't as slow as his version!

Yubs advised me to dial back and not use CP's every day to avoid the uglies (though Dr, Pickart advises daily usage), and I think that is very sage will take longer to see results, but you won't see the negatives as much (which is ok with me!).

In his book, Dr. P said that patience is essential and that it can take 6-12 months to tighten skin around your eyes. He also says that your skin may very well look worse before it begins to look better. However, I am using the strongest version from Skin Biology (Super Cop 2x) on my lower face, and I am already seeing slight changes in my marionette lines.
But I am not seeing any improvement around my eyes (I am using Super GHK Serum), and in fact they look much more wrinkled after 2 months.

However, I am not giving up yet...I am just dialing back to a couple of times a week. There are clinical studies behind these peptides (or at least the GHK ones) and full disclosure on the uglies, so I am going to be a little more tolerant than with products that have no proof of any performance.

So what CP products are you using, and how often? Maybe we can tweak your program a bit?

Bethany I was using CP serum for 6 months; a dime size mixed with water then layered with Emu oil once a day in the morning. After I ran out of that I started on the Super and now I have not used anything for 2 weeks. It was so hard to give up the CP's because they did hydrate my skin but the enlarged pores and loss of elasticity really scared me. I wish I could reverse the damage but I am not sure if I can.
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