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Swollen brow area any suggestions
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Mon Sep 13, 2004 11:45 am      Reply with quote

One of my brow areas has been swollen for the last two years does anyone have any idea as to why? The Health care system sucks so bad in Canada now I have pretty much exhausted my options for dr's visits and tests for it.

I have given up every single product I use on my face for a month at a time to see if it were an allergic reaction.

It really bothers me and is something I think takes away from my appearance so if anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear them.

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Mon Sep 13, 2004 12:28 pm      Reply with quote
Have you tried benzomiacin. You need a prescription for it. But is helps with all kinds of skin irritations and swelling. I use mine every night. It even controls acne.

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Mon Sep 13, 2004 2:53 pm      Reply with quote
is benzomiacin an antibiotic?

If it is concerning you, you should see the dr. I appreciate that it's a drag, but it's surely worth it. Does it hurt or anything? If it does, then you really must see the quack. Maybe do a google?

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Tue Sep 14, 2004 3:21 am      Reply with quote
2 years? That's a LONG time. I have no idea but, just a thought, do you always sleep on the same side? Have sinus problems?

Another thing that you could try is lymphatic drainage massage. Perhaps do this for a few days in a row and see if that improves things?

Sorry, I'm not much help. Good luck with it!
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Tue Sep 14, 2004 3:46 am      Reply with quote
Thanks all,
I have seen the dr and specialists numerous times but unfortunately if you are canadian right now and not on your death bed you may as well forget it.

I do sleep on the same side Mabsy could that possibly cause it? As for the massage I have never heard of that but will do some searching and see if I can find it in my area.

The drug that was mentioned I never heard of and wonder if it is even available in canada..

Thanks again I am truly desperate here.

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Tue Sep 14, 2004 3:48 am      Reply with quote
P.S I have googled for reasons several times and come up with nothing that seems to fit.

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Tue Sep 14, 2004 4:07 am      Reply with quote

I'm just thinking that it might affect lymphatic draining of that area (for some reason). The Eve Lom cleanser comes with a little booklet that tells you how to do lymphatic drainage massage. But try Google and you should be able to find something. This is also something you can get done at a beauty salon.

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Tue Sep 14, 2004 5:32 am      Reply with quote
Thanks I will give it a try at this stage anything would be a help. I am beyond fed up with looking like one eyebrow has dropped because it is so swollen.

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Tue Sep 14, 2004 7:46 pm      Reply with quote
Could you see a massage therapist that specializes in lymphatic drainage? Perhaps you could have a massage including the scalp, neck and shoulders, with special attention to whatever area (maybe the forehead) that would cause the swelling if it is lymphatic? If the massage was concentrated to that area it should be a reduced price.


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Wed Sep 15, 2004 3:23 am      Reply with quote
Hi ,

I am going to see if I can find such a massage close to me but seriously doubt it since I live in the country .

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Wed Sep 15, 2004 2:42 pm      Reply with quote
SherriinCanada wrote:
Hi ,

I am going to see if I can find such a massage close to me but seriously doubt it since I live in the country .

Well hopefully you'll be a fortunate as I am. I live waaayyyy out in the country, on Lake LBJ in Texas.

When we moved out here from the city, I couldn't believe the number of people who take advantage of massage therapy and spa treatments! Actually, they are a bit cheaper out here than people pay in the city, but still I was very surprised and pleased! Wink


p.s. I know this is a long shot, but could this possibly be an ingrown brow hair? I should think that if it were, it wouldn't have lasted for 2 years though.

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Wed Sep 15, 2004 3:51 pm      Reply with quote
Hey if money is an issue you can always do a lymphatic massage yourself.

but it sounds to me that it could either be a sinus or a lacrimal (tear duct)problem more than a lymphatic problem. The highest lymph node on your face is the preauricular which is right infront of the tragus on the ear(the pointy cartiledge that some people get pierced). Tell me, is the area you are describing above your eyebrow or right below it? Has it ever been painful to the touch or when you rub it? Have you ever had headaches, any eye problems such as excessive tearing, Erythema (redness) around the area? If yes to any of the above then I would recommend seeing the doc. I've learned not to mess around especially when it comes to my health. Don't mean to scare you,...I'm just being honest

As for the lymphatic massage.. take a hot compress and apply it to your face, neck, and upper chest area (around the clavical). Slowly start to massage these areas in a circular motion: infront of your ears, behind your ears, around your jawline, underneath your chin, the back of your head where the hair line starts, the sides of your neck (superficial and then deep) and along the ridge of your clavical. When massaging you shouldn't be able to feel any nodes. if you do then they will feel hard and tender about the size of a pea). I'd do this for about 5-10 mins or so and afterwards make sure to drink plenty of water (for this will rid your body of any toxins released). There are obviously many more lymphatic chains, but thats all that consists of the head/neck...

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Thu Sep 16, 2004 3:13 am      Reply with quote
Hi Sherri, Just a little thought, the booklet that comes with the Eve Lom Cleanser is also given out seperatly as information about the product so there is not need to buy the cleanser (as its pretty pricey) The massage is very similar to the routine described above, apart from the back of the neck which I would include as well.
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Thu Sep 16, 2004 3:21 am      Reply with quote
Thanks for all your replies I will take any help I can get. I am scheduled for an MRI, or should say have been waiting over three mths for a call for one.

The area that is swollen is below the brow and sometimes under that same eye will swell as well. When the undereye swells it looks like I have a huge bag under one eye.

I found a spa about 45 mins from here and am going to give them a call today to see if the do the lymphatic massage.

I will also do a search today for the Eve Lom cleanser and see if I can get the booklet.
Thanks again
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Thu Sep 16, 2004 3:25 am      Reply with quote
Oops sorry Jill I just noticed your questions. I do have headaches but it is not at all sore to the touch or is it ever red. It is more of a cosmetic thing and to be honest an irritation to me. Sometimes it is so swollen it actually protrudes into my line of visions.


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Thu Sep 16, 2004 5:38 am      Reply with quote

Sorry I didn't realise you said you already googled before I suggested you google Embarassed

I actually googled for it last night and I could not find any instructions Sad The Eve Lom website also doesn't list them...

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Thu Sep 16, 2004 8:03 pm      Reply with quote
SherriinCanada wrote:
Thanks for all your replies I will take any help I can get. I am scheduled for an MRI, or should say have been waiting over three mths for a call for one.

The area that is swollen is below the brow and sometimes under that same eye will swell as well. When the undereye swells it looks like I have a huge bag under one eye.


I'm going out on a limb here and ask if you think this could possibly be a sinus infection in your sinus cavity near that eye?

If it is, I highly suggest that you try drinking aloe vera drink. I say that because my husband used to have at least two serious sinus infections each year and he had some of the same symptoms that you describe. When he started drinking aloe daily the sinus infections stopped and it's been at least 6 years since he had one at all.

You can get aloe at most any health food store, but be sure to look for one that has the seal of the International Aloe Science Council (IASC). That means that the aloe was processed within hours of being picked to preserve it's efficacy and that it is a quality aloe. Not all aloe drinks are created equal and some are mostly water.

The one we use is papaya flavored and tastes good. You can even mix it with juice if you prefer. Some definitely taste better than others. When I first heard of aloe vera drinks I thought "Yuk" because I thought it would be "slimy" like aloe vera is. But the drinks are not that way at all.

Ours is papaya flavored, has pau d'arco tea and beta carotene. It has no caffeine, artificial sweetener or artificial color. The purer, the better.

Since you're having to wait on that MRI, might as well try the aloe in the meantime. I've seen people coming down with flu or cold and start drinking several ounces a day and fight it right off; and, of course aloe is very good for infections or inflammation.


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Thu Sep 16, 2004 8:19 pm      Reply with quote

Your situation sounds very much like mine. One of my eyes is much puffier then the other. I collect fluid in my left eye so much more then my right.

I really think Judy has something there (Sinus). I find when I take my Allergy Meds. and a nose spray my left eye looks much better. One way to tell if you are conjested on the side of your swelling is to cover nostril on other side and sniff in and out on side of swelling. If you feel blocked at all BINGO.

I also massage that side of my face: from corner of eye down the side of my nose. I can sometimes actually drain my sinus.

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Thu Sep 16, 2004 9:03 pm      Reply with quote
My esthetician also seems to know accupressure and she knows pressure points to cause the sinus to drain. If you know a facialist, it wouldn't hurt to ask about it.

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Fri Sep 17, 2004 2:51 am      Reply with quote
Once again thanks to all of us. I have printed every one of your responses and plan to give both the massage as well as the aloe drink a go. It would be beyond awesome to have my looks returned to normal as this truly does detract from them a lot.

I am fairly new here and have to say you are all a terrific bunch of ladies and I am completely addicted to this site.

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Fri Sep 17, 2004 2:57 am      Reply with quote
OOPS am up too early on my day off it should be thanks to all of you not us lol..

P.S it might be sinus related Winnie but to be honest I had never really noticed if I do have sinus problems or allergies. That is not to say that I don't because quite frankly I am to hyper to notice if there is anything wrong with myself most days lol...
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Fri Sep 17, 2004 12:35 pm      Reply with quote
SherriinCanada wrote:

That is not to say that I don't because quite frankly I am to hyper to notice if there is anything wrong with myself most days lol...

Shame on you Sherri! Shame on you You've gotta take care of yourself! Soak in a relaxing hot tub with aromatherapy oil. Lavender would be my choice. Drool Have some relaxing music playing. Maybe even a nice glass of wine or champagne to sip. You deserve such lavish treatment! Very Happy But watch out, it can be addictive! Bad Grin


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Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:14 pm      Reply with quote
LOL Judy I have tried to do that so many times. By the time the tub has filled I have thought of something else to do so end up getting in sitting for two mins and out I get. I come by it honestly my mother was just like me.

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Sat Sep 18, 2004 7:48 pm      Reply with quote
SherriinCanada wrote:
LOL Judy I have tried to do that so many times. By the time the tub has filled I have thought of something else to do so end up getting in sitting for two mins and out I get. I come by it honestly my mother was just like me.

Well, I guess I'm one to talk... I never take a bath.... always shower. But, I do find other ways to relax. You know me and my 25 minute masque Laughing

Another way of relaxing that I absolutely love... About 4 years ago I bought a Chi Exerciser Machine. It's a sort of box structure that has a motor and has a padded piece on top that you lay your ankles on. The ankle thingie moves back and forth and that jiggles your body and flexes your spine. (I'm sure all of you have a very graphic vision of me now.)

Anyway, after 15 min. on this machine, you feel as relaxed as you do after a 45 min. massage. No kidding! My friends and I are addicted to these machines, take it when we travel, etc. I actually bought it when I had a broken ankle and it swelled something horrible. Within 2 weeks, using that little machine daily, the swelling stopped. It says it moves lymph fluids like massage goes, so I guess that's why it helped. But mostly, it just feel soooooo good. Very Happy

But then I read that accupuncturists say that they can relieve wrinkles and they say that what does it is that when they insert a needle, the chi energy flows to the spot. So, I'm figuring if my little machine is getting the chi flowing, then maybe these relaxing sessions could help my wrinkles! I'll try anything! Laughing

So, being one to leave no stone unturned, I do a 15 min. Chi session, then apply a mineral prep to my face (got that idea from the Janson Beckett site,) then apply my firming masque and relax for 25 min.

I do know the machine increases the blood flow and when it shuts off, besides the relaxed feeling, you have a tingling that goes all through your body for a few minutes. And, toward the end of the 15 min. it seems that I really feel something in the muscles of my face. Don't the estheticians say that increased blood flow to the facial area is good for it?

Like I say, I'll try anything for beauty!!! Very Happy


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Sun Sep 19, 2004 5:20 am      Reply with quote
LOL Judy that post really did give a hilarious image and my husband would know I finally lost it if I were to get such a contraption lol.

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