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Sun Nov 14, 2004 1:08 pm |
This is sort of a stupid question, but what actually is mature skin? How old are you when your skin is defined as mature? Or is it the skins general condition?
And how does products for mature skin differ from e.g. products for dry skin? |
Sun Nov 14, 2004 3:09 pm |
My skin changed when I had my hysterectomy 1 1/2 years ago. It became very dry and I have had a hard time finding a moisturizer that works.
Sun Nov 14, 2004 7:40 pm |
I am just taking a guess at this. I would think that mature skin is over 40 skin. Dry skin can be present at 18 or 58. I am 59 and still have combo skin. When those hormones start changing I would consider one to have mature skin. Our skin tone and texture starts changing as we get older. Skin care products for mature skin target these issue.
Hopefully you youngins will address these issues before they start. Perhaps your skin will stay younger a lot longer. Biggest preventative: SUNSCREEN, diet, water, sleep. |
_________________ As I am getting older I realize my biggest beauty secret is smile more and frown less. Be aware that wrinkles do not make a person unattractive. Cynicism, unforgiveness, anger and jealousy are the real culprits. Sixty something  |
Sun Nov 14, 2004 7:53 pm |
I feel like my skin started showing changes when I turned 50. Before that, I never noticed any sagging or lines. They probably occurred earlier but that's probably when I started looking closer. Make that late 40's!  |
_________________ approaching 65 (OMG!), think of myself as 45...dry skin |
Mon Nov 15, 2004 5:38 pm |
I'm 49 and started to notice changes in my skin about 2 years ago. It's steadily and rapidly losing its elasticity. I suppose I am in the early stages of menopause.  |
Mon Nov 15, 2004 7:22 pm |
I'm in my early 40's and I'd say that I'm noticing my combo skin getting drier and just losing a bit of it's thickness. I use Retin-A and C, sunscreen so I'm sure it could be quite a bit worse. Many say that I look mid-30's so I guess it's all working....Just wish I hadn't baked myself as a younger person..Oh, well. Skin's just skin. I'm glad that I'm healthy and happy.  |
Mon Nov 15, 2004 9:35 pm |
I went through Menopause beginning at 52 which is the classic age they say you will. Immediately, my skin and hair took a dive. The skin became less smooth and drier and the hair became dry and fuzzy.
I chose not to use synthetic hormones and used natural progesterone cream for the hot flashes and night sweats and my skin and hair improved dramatically.
Now, with the various helps such as a great flat iron and good shampoo, my hair is in better shape than when I was 50 (I'm now 60) and my facial skin is not thin at all. My esthetician tells me that my skin tone is better than anyone my age that she works on. I do spend a bit of time and money on creams, masques and serums and I use them every single morning and every night. I also drink at least 1 to 2 quarts of water every day and eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies. Also exercise every day (when possible) and do resistance training.
A friend of mine once said that when her Mother was in her 90's she told her that "getting old is not for wimps". Boy is she right!
When my husband questions the expenditures on my beauty products, I just tell him that after 40 the body is a definite maintenance problem.
_________________ Looking young never grows old! |
Tue Nov 16, 2004 7:37 am |
Hello Judy,
I have a question for you. Have you ever used "Bee Pollen" for anything? I have read some marvelous results re the benefits of "Bee Pollen" supplementation, esepecially how good it is for the skin and keeping it young, smooth and supple well into "old age" whatever that is! I ordered a couple of bottles of good quality Bee Pollen, but I am wondering whether or not you have had a personal experience with this supplementation - thank you  |
Tue Nov 16, 2004 11:39 am |
Thank you for taking time and answer my question. I now know more about mature skin At least that I don't have it  |
Tue Nov 16, 2004 12:27 pm |
I'm 48, in menopause, and after reading this thread-thoroughly depressed!!  |
Tue Nov 16, 2004 12:43 pm |
Awwww Marina! heres a big hug!((((((((((((((   
I'm starting to lose control of my body heat... constant flushing and so on...I'm not even 40 yet
I hope to do a Germaine Greer and grow old aggressively  |
_________________ my new jewellery |
Tue Nov 16, 2004 1:19 pm |
Thank you I don't mind the drier skin part-I've been battling extreme oiliness all my life; it's the sudden appearence of a spare tire-I'm thin, never had to diet or exercise and now there's this THING around where my WAIST used to be.Unfortunately, there's no quick fix...if there IS a fix.We won't talk about lines and firmness. Anybody tried any good supplements? My doctor won't give me any hormone replacement-obviously so I'm looking for anything else that helps. God, Im starting to look like my mother!!  |
Tue Nov 16, 2004 1:47 pm |
about the menopause subject, I've heard consuming soy products (soy milk, tofu, etc) suppose to help... ?!?!...
I've changed to soy milk from skim milk about a year ago... found Costco carries fresh organic Silk Soymilk (Vanilla flavored) enriched with calcium and vitamins... it's cholesterol free and less carbohydate more protein than skim milk...  |
Tue Nov 16, 2004 1:53 pm |
marina wrote: |
Thank you I don't mind the drier skin part-I've been battling extreme oiliness all my life; it's the sudden appearence of a spare tire-I'm thin, never had to diet or exercise and now there's this THING around where my WAIST used to be.Unfortunately, there's no quick fix...if there IS a fix.We won't talk about lines and firmness. Anybody tried any good supplements? My doctor won't give me any hormone replacement-obviously so I'm looking for anything else that helps. God, Im starting to look like my mother!!  |
Revival Soy worked wonders for me. I have posted this before. Please read up on their product and menopause. My doctor recommended it to me. Added bonus its great for your skin.
Revival Soy.Com |
_________________ As I am getting older I realize my biggest beauty secret is smile more and frown less. Be aware that wrinkles do not make a person unattractive. Cynicism, unforgiveness, anger and jealousy are the real culprits. Sixty something  |
Tue Nov 16, 2004 1:54 pm |
Why won't he give you HRT?
As far as supps go, I'm not too clued up on it (yet!) but black cohosh is sposed to be good and wild yam as well. As moshi (and I think Winnie ) mentions, soy is supposed to help.
Personally, i don't think I'd notice if i got a spare tyre  |
_________________ my new jewellery |
Tue Nov 16, 2004 2:03 pm |
HRT=increased risk of breast cancer at least that's the latest buzz.) I'll try what you've suggested and maybe add some prozac. Re: revival soy-all I needed to read was "good for skin" and I'm off to check it out!!Thanks! |
Tue Nov 16, 2004 2:13 pm |
EXERCISE!!! That's been the best part of this aging thing for me. I've been on HRT since I was 48 and my doc hasn't gotten carried away by the latest hysteria. I'm on a very small amount and I trust her judgment completely. But the biggest change I've experienced is the strength and tone I've gained from exercising. Naturally I wish I had started earlier (or kept it up from younger days) but if you want to feel good about yourself, get thee to a gym, or buy some weights. I think if the body looks good (clothed, no one's fooled when you're naked), it makes the flaws in your face less noticeable. Or maybe its just that you feel better about yourself and feel like you look better. There's a huge psychological benefit.  |
_________________ approaching 65 (OMG!), think of myself as 45...dry skin |
Tue Nov 16, 2004 4:01 pm |
HRT puffed me up if you know what I mean. I only took it for 2 years and then did the Soy route. After one week on my soy shakes and bars I never had another HOT FLASH and the weight came off. |
_________________ As I am getting older I realize my biggest beauty secret is smile more and frown less. Be aware that wrinkles do not make a person unattractive. Cynicism, unforgiveness, anger and jealousy are the real culprits. Sixty something  |
Tue Nov 16, 2004 4:06 pm |
You are amazing. Everything works for, etc. You are just the perfect person to test things because it all seems to be instantly effective. I'm sooo jealous!  |
_________________ approaching 65 (OMG!), think of myself as 45...dry skin |
Tue Nov 16, 2004 5:02 pm |
Nanapost wrote: |
You are amazing. Everything works for, etc. You are just the perfect person to test things because it all seems to be instantly effective. I'm sooo jealous!  |
No, everything hasn't worked for me. Now sometime I will tell you what I used before ADCE and those products didn't work. And then there was the Atkins diet....nope that didn't work either. HRT made me feel aweful and look old. I am telling you what has worked. Hopefully, they will work for someone else too.
Winnie  |
_________________ As I am getting older I realize my biggest beauty secret is smile more and frown less. Be aware that wrinkles do not make a person unattractive. Cynicism, unforgiveness, anger and jealousy are the real culprits. Sixty something  |
Tue Nov 16, 2004 6:34 pm |
leeleedeedee wrote: |
Hello Judy,
I have a question for you. Have you ever used "Bee Pollen" for anything? I have read some marvelous results re the benefits of "Bee Pollen" supplementation, esepecially how good it is for the skin and keeping it young, smooth and supple well into "old age" whatever that is! I ordered a couple of bottles of good quality Bee Pollen, but I am wondering whether or not you have had a personal experience with this supplementation - thank you  |
I have not used bee pollen, but I have used bee propolis and had tremendous benefits from it. Since I don't have info on bee pollen, I'll tell you a few very interesting facts about bee propolis, and I predict that in coming years, you will hear a lot more about it.
Bee propolis is anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-microbial, it's like a natural anti-biotic. I used it to get red of horrible allergies, first. When I was prescribed anti-biotics after surgery, I couldn't take them (didn't want to anyway) because they made me ill, so I took bee propolis instead. You can get bee propolis at most health food stores and it comes in gelcaps, liquid, or spray. The spray is awesome for sore throat! And you know all these new products that are liquid bandaids? The liquid or spray bee propolis seals off cuts or scrapes so that bacteria can't get in and the wound heals faster and with less scarring.
To keep this more on-topic, propolis is also used in skincare products. How it works for skincare is that it kills bacteria on the skin that is responsible for breakouts, etc. I used it for several years and it was great for my skin... just never had problems. Although it's not a problem for me, skincare with bee propolis is wonderful for people with acne, because once again, it destroys bacteria.
One thing you do have to be careful about with the propolis is where it comes from. You want it to come from a very clean environment. The propolis I used came from Australia, one of the cleanest environments in the world!
_________________ Looking young never grows old! |
Tue Nov 16, 2004 8:15 pm |
Winnie, how did HRT 'puff' you up and make you feel awful? Isn't it supposed to do the opposite? I'm confused.I wanted to talk to my doctor to put me on it, at least for a short time. I should have spent more time researching this rather than anti-wrinkle creams!!! By the way, while looking up the revival website I found out I am no longer menopausal, I am now considered POST-menopausal. Now I feel better ..NOT!!!
Aurora, you don't know what you started with your innocent little question  |
Tue Nov 16, 2004 8:34 pm |
I'm sure Winnie will answer you shortly but I thought I'd put my 2 cents in. HRT has been great for me, no side effects at all. I'm down to just a small dose of estrogen in patch form and will probably go off it just because I've been on for quite a while..5 years, no make that 6. My doc says "the jury's still out" on HRT and this age is her specialty. I was on the patch and natural progesterone (Promotrium) and never had a problem.  |
_________________ approaching 65 (OMG!), think of myself as 45...dry skin |
Tue Nov 16, 2004 8:37 pm |
marina wrote: |
I'm 48, in menopause, and after reading this thread-thoroughly depressed!!  |
But Marina.... you really don't have to be totally depressed. There are natural ways to deal with menopause.
As Winnie suggested, Revival Soy is an excellent product. I wouldn't, however, depend on just any soy milk from the supermarket. Revival is supposed to have many times over the amount of soy as conventional soy milk.
Also, someone else mentioned wild yam and black cohosh. Both of those are great. I used a cream with wild yam, natural progesterone, black cohosh, vitamin E, aloe vera, burdock root and a few other herbs all through menopause and didn't use synthethic hormones. Within about two weeks of using the cream, my hot flashes and night sweats subsided... and they had been monsters!
I also had trouble remembering words and names when I first began to go into menopause and that leveled out too after beginning to regularly use the cream.
A good book to read if you can get it is "Hormone Replacement Therapy, Yes or No, How to Make an Informed Decision" by Dr. Betty Kamen. It will definitely open your eyes about many of the myths about hormone supplementation. Dr. Kamen has researched this subject for 40 years and has many best selling books.
_________________ Looking young never grows old! |
Tue Nov 16, 2004 8:38 pm |
How the heck did we get on this topic. Perhaps we should bring it into the lounge
When I started taking HRT it was fine for a few months. Then I started retaining fluid and gaining weight. My husband thought I had a puffy look in my face. In the 2 years I was on HRT I went from a size 6 to a 12. My hair seemed thinner
I am not saying this happens to everyone. Guess HRT did not agree with me. Now, I am back to a size 6 and feel I look and feel a lot better. My last yearly doctors visit my bone density was fine.
I would much rather be POST menopausal. Must say I was a bit emotional PRE.
Wow!! Love this color text!
Winnie |
_________________ As I am getting older I realize my biggest beauty secret is smile more and frown less. Be aware that wrinkles do not make a person unattractive. Cynicism, unforgiveness, anger and jealousy are the real culprits. Sixty something  |
Tue Mar 04, 2025 10:23 pm |
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