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Mon Jan 17, 2005 1:37 am      Reply with quote
I had a big company dinner party yesterday(think ballroom in the city's top hotel) and I normally cringe at these events because I'm more a tomboy than glamgirl. I usually pretend I don't have to go until the hour before, when I'm running around with razor bumps or wax residue everywhere and wet overgrown hair, trying (and failing) to put together a cohesive outfit or find makeup that isn't long overdue.

Not this time. I got my haircut 2 days before and shopped for accessories the same day. The afternoon of I brought my accesories with me to choose some makeup, and I reasoned the stress of DIY hair removal was worse than any fear and booked myself for a waxing. It wasn't at all like the horror stories I've heard! I had a half-leg, full-arm, back, and I braced myself for the underarm but it was a breeze. Laughing I had so much fun I stayed for a manicure and pedicure, and the whole experience left me relaxed, and looking and feeling sublime all night.

I'm hooked, girls. Although next time I will get my waxing done a day before an event (thankfully the redness went down before the dinner). Looking forward to a visit to EDS for my first facial. The Multi-vitamin facial sounds perfect after all this cold weather, along with the body wraps, a massage, another massage...Very Happy

I'm so happy I just wanted to share with you all! I have finally reconciled with my girlishness. And I am so worth it. Rolling Eyes Laughing [/i]
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Mon Jan 17, 2005 1:58 pm      Reply with quote

Your day sounds so nice..and so does your planned trip to EDS. Wish I was working and could afford to join you. I guess I'll just have to settle for begging my boyfriend for massages...

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Tue Jan 18, 2005 1:23 am      Reply with quote
Sounds nice! Wish I was in Canada and could check out EDS! *sulks*
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Tue Jan 18, 2005 2:09 pm      Reply with quote

I saw you were going to LA, vancouver isn't that much further! Very Happy

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Thu Jan 20, 2005 12:48 am      Reply with quote
lianne wrote:
I saw you were going to LA, vancouver isn't that much further!

Alas, I only have a change over of flights in LA en route to San Diego Sad I need to find a conference to attend in Vancouver Very Happy
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Thu Jan 20, 2005 12:55 am      Reply with quote just missed the big sex trade show. That was last weekend. umm...umm...ummm...I'll come up with something!

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Thu Jan 20, 2005 1:01 am      Reply with quote
lianne wrote: just missed the big sex trade show. That was last weekend. umm...umm...ummm...I'll come up with something!

rofl Yes, I can just see my work reimbusring that trip!
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Thu Jan 20, 2005 1:05 am      Reply with quote
I have no idea what you do for work Mabsy...but that type of tradeshow is useful for everybody.

It could be training to make employees happier (less frustrated), keep an open mind (there's lots of freaks at work), and umm...something to do with sexual discrimination (next time some jerk tells you to go play with your rabbit you'll know what he's talking about).

hmmm..that's 3 good reasons there, I'm sure I could come up with a few more if necessary!
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Thu Jan 20, 2005 1:07 am      Reply with quote
I'm nasty tonight..I should go to bed so I'm back to my angel self again in the morning.

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Thu Jan 20, 2005 1:51 am      Reply with quote
Laughing Well, I could try to cut and paste that onto the expenditure clarification form but probably wouldn't be wise to hold my breath on an approval Smile

It's all good - I'll find something.... eventually!
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Thu Jan 20, 2005 11:50 am      Reply with quote
lianne wrote: time some jerk tells you to go play with your rabbit you'll know what he's talking about).
All right, Lianne -- you can't just make a statement like that and not give us the punchline Shame on you !!! Come on, share!! Razz
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Thu Jan 20, 2005 12:07 pm      Reply with quote
sorry kate...a rabbit I've heard is one of the best vibrators out there. I never tried it so I can't tell you if it's true. My friend who told me about it is probably getting one for her bridal shower gift. I was actually thinking of having one of those home parties for the shower...but I'm a bit shy and don't know if I can call people up and organize that.

Laughing Laughing
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Thu Jan 20, 2005 12:42 pm      Reply with quote
Ahhh, now I get it! In addition to the rabbit, they also have a ‘bucky beaver’ and a ‘blue porpoise with a purpose.’ How do I know this?! I went to one of those “Girls Night Out” parties last year that my best friend arranged after her monthly Bunko game. It was A LOT of fun!!!!! I can’t remember the last time I laughed so much. There were (good, pious, church-going – imagine a room full of good Southern Baptist) ladies there ranging in age from 18 up to 72!! I mean, I’m sitting there passing around these novelities and toys with my best friend’s mother (who has known me since I was in the 5th grade) in the same room. It was just hysterical!

They bring all of the toys and products (i.e.: edible underwear, “motion lotion,” etc.) and pass them around the room so everyone can see/hold the products and the presenter uses euphemisms like “Prince Charming” and “Cinderella” to refer to certain body parts so there’s nothing obscene or profane. Then, at the end, the presenter goes off into a separate room and the ladies who want to purchase something can go in one at a time and make their purchases, which are then wrapped in a plain paperbag so none of your friends have to know what you bought.

Just as an aside, in TX it’s illegal to sell vibrators so what they do is mold the vibrator so that it actually has a doll’s face on it and then call them “Dolls for Grown-up Ladies....” We all thought that was just hysterically funny....Anyway, there’s really nothing to be shy or embarrassed about if you call up and arrange one of those parties – I’m sure everyone is a bit bashful when they call the presenter to set it up...and I can guarantee that if you arranged one of those parties for your friend’s bridal shower, it will be a night they’ll never forget. Very Happy
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Thu Jan 20, 2005 1:48 pm      Reply with quote
She liked the idea of it, but asked that I please not invite her mom or aunt. They are quite religious. One of the other bridesmaids is super religious, I figured I'd invite but tell her she is excused if she doesn't feel comfortable. We'll be doing 2 showers and 1 stagette. I could maybe get the toy party in the same night as the stagette. Whoever doesn't want to come can show up after the goodies are done.

Why is it illegal to sell vibrators in texas?? I'm sure they sell men ------------, so why can't chicks get something too?
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Thu Jan 20, 2005 1:50 pm      Reply with quote
[quote="carekate"Just as an aside, in TX it’s illegal to sell vibrators so what they do is mold the vibrator so that it actually has a doll’s face on it and then call them “Dolls for Grown-up Ladies....” Very Happy[/quote]

OMG! you are joking surely???? What constitutes a vibe? does it have to be penis (sorry, will cyberspace carry that word to Austin without censoring it?? Laughing ) shaped or just vibrate?
Maybe if all the men are like Matthew Connaughy (or however it's spelled) Tex women don't need vibes Laughing

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Thu Jan 20, 2005 3:07 pm      Reply with quote
lianne wrote:
I guess I'll just have to settle for begging my boyfriend for massages...

Maybe it's time to start dropping Valentine's hints, eh? Idea

Ooh! I remember "The Rabbit"! It was on an episode of Sex in the City; The brunette doe-eyed girl wouldn't leave her bedroom for days and everyone thought it was due to heartbreak. Bad Grin
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Thu Jan 20, 2005 4:15 pm      Reply with quote
that's where my friend must've heard about it, she's addicted to that show!! I have to admit, some of the episodes I've seen are funny!

My boyfriend and I don't really do valentines day. We go out for dinner and that's it...well, not really, ummm... maybe I can hold out for a massage first. Laughing
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Thu Jan 20, 2005 4:55 pm      Reply with quote
Just as an aside, in TX it’s illegal to sell vibrators so what they do is mold the vibrator so that it actually has a doll’s face on it and then call them “Dolls for Grown-up Ladies....”

CareKate -- That has GOT to be one of the funniest things I have heard in a long time. Thanks for making me crack up and scaring the daylights out of my cat!

By the way -- WHY?
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Fri Jan 21, 2005 5:24 am      Reply with quote
I honestly don’t know why it’s illegal in TX. All I know is that it is against to law to sell any sexual aid that has the word “vibrator” in the product’s name or product packaging and be in the shape of a penis. Seriously! It was near my birthday last year when my friend had that party, so she bought me one of the “dolls for grown up ladies” as a gag gift. It’s bright fuschia, quite obviously penis-shaped, but on the ‘shaft’ of it, there is a child-like kewpie doll’s face molded into the plastic!! It’s just really obscene to look at because it’s quite obvious what the intended purpose is but it’s got the little dolly’s face on it so you’d probably feel like some kind of perv when you used it.

Sometimes I’ll have a fight with my boyfriend and he’ll accuse me of behaving childishly and he’ll say something like, “Why don’t you go back and play with your dolls...” HA! If he only knew..... Bad Grin

Of course, we have all kinds of “adult bookstores” or “massage parlours” in TX, which sell books, mags, vids, and “sexual aids,” and you can walk into any of them and buy vibrators, but they’re called “personal massagers” or the aforementioned adult dollies. It’s just completely wild! As for what constitutes a vibe, I think it’s any penile-shaped device who’s intended purpose is sexual gratification. I mean, the word “dildo” is also forbidden to appear in the product’s name, but you can still buy them – provided they’ve got a doll’s face molded into the shaft!!! I think those have to be called “substitute phalluses” or “erectile dysfunction aides”.....

One more thing: those ladies who do those “Girls Night Out” parties can and have been arrested for driving around with a trunk full of those ‘pleasure products’ here in Austin. The lady who did the party I went to told us that one of her co-workers was driving around the city with one of those magnetic signs attached to her car door that advertised the name of the company (‘Girls Night Out: novelties and aids for ladies only’ or something to that effect) and that gave a police officer enough probable cause to pull her over and search her vehicle, arrest her and confiscate her materials. But anyone (and I do mean anyone! even children!!) can read a copy of ‘Hustler’ or ‘Oui’ magazine while at the newsstand at Barnes and Noble. How sick is that??
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