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Wed Jan 19, 2005 9:20 pm |
I saw where this was discussed very briefly about a year and a half ago, with there being not a whole lot of info. I have developed really hollow eyes. They also have some dark inner corners underneath, but the hollowness is my concern at the moment. I didn't used to have this problem. Perhaps it is getting older-I'm 39- or maybe it is sinum related. I was hoping that there were products to help with this, but I'm not sure. If anyone has 'fixed' hollow eyes or if there are products that are supposed to help with them, I would really appreciate some input.
I had wondered if possibly any of the Alpha Derma products might help. |
Sun Feb 06, 2005 2:02 pm |
Hi marella, I dont understand what you mean by hollow eyes. Im 38 and not happy with my eyes, maybe we can help each other  |
Sun Feb 06, 2005 2:30 pm |
Hi Marella! By "hollow eyes" do you mean a kind of "sunken" look from the lower lashline to the lower edge of the eye socket?
I'm with Cindi - I Hope you give us more info!
Pudoodles  |
Sun Feb 06, 2005 3:23 pm |
Pudoodles: Yes that pretty much describes it. The entire area from my lower lash line down past my lovely new fine lines area to the bottom of the eye-socket at about the orbital bone area. It is as if they are receding into my head or something. Sort of starting to look a bit skeletal actually. It drives me crazy because it makes me look older and tired. And it is also freaking me out a bit, thinking that it will probably only get worse. I'm 39 now.
Cindi: I hope that we can help each other. It always seems to be the eyes in one way or another doesn't it? At least at the start. I even looked at a cosmetic surgery page for hollow eyes problems,--pretending I had any notion of being able to doing that --and read at the info page that I was looking at that there was really nothing to be done for hollow eyes. It is really bad when a cosmetic surgeon can't figure out how to take your money and fix you right up.  |
Sun Feb 06, 2005 3:33 pm |
Im not sure what to suggest marella, are you underweight? I wish I was, then I could enjoy a smartie feast and boost myself up I have very defined socket lines, for want of a better way to describe it. I put it down to not sleeping well, for the past 5 years too. It takes its toll. Between the prominent socket line and the eye lashes are fine wrinkles and a small "bag", or trapped fluid or however you wish to describe it. Either way, I hate it, it depresses me and I cant find a product to correct it. I joke about going under the surgeons kofe but of course a. I could never afford it and b. Im a coward. |
Sun Feb 06, 2005 3:45 pm |
Cindi wrote: |
Im not sure what to suggest marella, are you underweight? I wish I was, then I could enjoy a smartie feast and boost myself up I have very defined socket lines, for want of a better way to describe it. I put it down to not sleeping well, for the past 5 years too. It takes its toll. Between the prominent socket line and the eye lashes are fine wrinkles and a small "bag", or trapped fluid or however you wish to describe it. Either way, I hate it, it depresses me and I cant find a product to correct it. I joke about going under the surgeons kofe but of course a. I could never afford it and b. Im a coward. |
Nope not underweight. I do tend to have thin skin, but I don't know if that makes any difference. And if it does, then I am pretty sure that I am going to have the thin skin anyway. I know that before this when I would get really tired for a period of time that my eyes would look a bit hollow. No dark circles, just the hollow eyed look which went away with rest. Now a few years later I have the dark circles that I never had before at the inside corner of my undeye area, and the hollow eyes which seem to be a more or less a permanent thing no matter how much rest that I get. I am trying products for they eye circles to see if that will help, but the hollowness seems to have decided to unpack their belongings and live with me.
It is depressing isn't it? I know that I have read reviews about help with under-eye bags somewhere on this forum. I don't know if you have tried any of the products that are supposed to help. Or used certain ones that did not help. I know that is sometimes even more depressing to get all happy about a product that worked for someone else and does bupkus for you. Hopefully we'll find one that helps. |
Sun Feb 06, 2005 3:51 pm |
Its a bummer marella, I bet my problem is the same as yours but you describe it better. Ive tried so much stuff to no avail but I never give up. Im just usng Janson Beckett Okusil and prep just now and waiting for the Alphaderma to arrive. I live in hope. No amount of concealer can hide it. Only hope would be for dark glasses to come into fashion for constant daytime wear...  |
Sun Feb 06, 2005 3:57 pm |
Cindi wrote: |
Its a bummer marella, I bet my problem is the same as yours but you describe it better. Ive tried so much stuff to no avail but I never give up. Im just usng Janson Beckett Okusil and prep just now and waiting for the Alphaderma to arrive. I live in hope. No amount of concealer can hide it. Only hope would be for dark glasses to come into fashion for constant daytime wear...  |
I'm doing the same thing. I have the 5 day trial pack now, but I have ordered the other stuff Alphaderma, Okusil, and Prep. I am hoping that maybe at least it will help the dark under-eye areas, even if it doesn't do anything for the hollowness. I figured I would give it a good trial from this. I think they say the products last about 3 months. Even if I fall short of that time before the products run out and nothing has changed then I won't order again. That strikes me as plenty of time to see some results. It is not cheap and I am not going to keep ordering this stuff forever if I do not see any improvement. Let me know how yours does. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.  |
Sun Feb 06, 2005 4:03 pm |
Wow thats spooky...... we're both trying the same stuff. Good Luck. I got the prep yesterday and the Okusil came on Wednesday so its very early days. Am hoping the Alphaderma will be here early this week, I know its been shipped. I'll keep you posted. Some people have said that the Okusil may not be moisturising enough so have a cream on standby just incase. That said, remember to much product will make the eyes puffy  |
Sun Feb 06, 2005 4:23 pm |
Hi Marella...hmmmmmm....good ol' genes might have a lot to do with this one! You might just be one of the lucky ones who doesn't have to deal with "blowfish syndrome"!! My first thinking is to look at a c serum and perhaps a c eye treatment to help improve the tone, firmness and circulation to the area. I can't help thinking of the Cellex C eye cream (you can get it on EDS)...You might also want to consider (perhaps in conjunction with a c program) a good, gentle lightening eye treatment to help lighten the area - which will help to alleviate the hollow, receded look (since "light" draws the eye outward). Inevitably, the inner corner darkness you talk about will, by default, contribute to the hollow look (since darkness creates the illusion of "receding" -- the eyes will inevitably look more "sunken"). Steer clear of cool tones around the eye area -- blues, plums and pinks are just plain old tabu - they will make you look tired and will excascerbate that sunken look you are talking about (from a distance you can actually look bruised in these shades if you're tired...and they'll make bloodshot eyes look redder!)....go towards neutrals and warms shades if you can. Keep lots of light on your eyelid and, stay away from liner and mascara beneath the lower lashline. Any darkness at the lower lashline (like liner) will contribute to a strict "carving out" of your eyes near that trouble area and make it look worse, more hollow, more distinct.....If you can, invest in good eye brightener - I've gone on stupidly on this forum about Laura Mercier Secret Brightener and Secret Brightener Powder - these two products together work magnificently well to bring light to the eye area..I could go on and on... You can do a search to see reviews!
Good Luck!! I'm sure you'll get mountains of advice from this forum!
Pudoodles  |
Sun Feb 06, 2005 4:25 pm |
yaaayyy for Pudoodles |
Sun Feb 06, 2005 4:29 pm |
They have all three in the trial pack and I have read reviews here that when you use the Prep and Alphaderma that you don't need a moisturizer on top.Well that has not been the case for me. I live in a desert climate and have to add a moisurizer on top of the Alphaderma. I understand that they want you to use their products alone at first so that you can see what it is doing for you, but I am just too dry here to do that, especially in the winter. The Okusil seems a bit better on the eyes, more moiturizing, but sometimes a tap the slightest bit of moisurizer on there as well. Maybe it is just the small amounts in the 5 day pack, but so far, I have to use a seperate moisturizer on it or I am really dry. |
Sun Feb 06, 2005 4:35 pm |
Pudoodles: Thanks for the info . I'll take a look at the reviews. Oddly enough I was thinking of going to Nordstroms to pick something up from Laura Mercier. I had been using Skinceuticals C+E on my face before I started this Alphaderma trial. I have never tried C on the eyes before though. Thanks again. I'm off to look for those reviews. |
Sun Feb 06, 2005 4:35 pm |
Cindi wrote: |
yaaayyy for Pudoodles |
Not only are you hilarious - you are unbelievably sweet as well!!  |
Sun Feb 06, 2005 4:43 pm |
Pudoodles: do you use any particular brush that you works best for these products? |
Sun Feb 06, 2005 5:15 pm |
Hi Marella! I have the mini-brush set from Laura can also buy the brightener powder brush on it's own(it's just lovely - feather-soft!)...the actual secret brightener dispenses in an unfortunate "twist" pen style....I hate it...the first time I primed the wand I dispensed a huge GOB of the product! THat aside, it's lovely, I just apply it with my ring finger...that application method works best for me! Another popular brightener is the YSL Touche Eclat -- but the LM Powder is a must-have in my book - it just can't be beat! The texture and result is just fabulous!!! Good luck!!
Pudoodles |
Sun Feb 06, 2005 6:49 pm |
Cindi wrote: |
Between the prominent socket line and the eye lashes are fine wrinkles and a small "bag", or trapped fluid or however you wish to describe it. |
Cindi! You just described my eyes perfectly! My mom and I were looking at old pictures today and honestly (and she agreed) that the only thing about my face that has changed in 44 yrs is my poor old looking eyes. What are we to do?
-Cheri |
Sun Feb 06, 2005 6:52 pm |
Pudoodles wrote: |
Hi Marella...hmmmmmm....good ol' genes might have a lot to do with this one! You might just be one of the lucky ones who doesn't have to deal with "blowfish syndrome"!! My first thinking is to look at a c serum and perhaps a c eye treatment to help improve the tone, firmness and circulation to the area. I can't help thinking of the Cellex C eye cream (you can get it on EDS)...You might also want to consider (perhaps in conjunction with a c program) a good, gentle lightening eye treatment to help lighten the area - which will help to alleviate the hollow, receded look (since "light" draws the eye outward). Inevitably, the inner corner darkness you talk about will, by default, contribute to the hollow look (since darkness creates the illusion of "receding" -- the eyes will inevitably look more "sunken"). Steer clear of cool tones around the eye area -- blues, plums and pinks are just plain old tabu - they will make you look tired and will excascerbate that sunken look you are talking about (from a distance you can actually look bruised in these shades if you're tired...and they'll make bloodshot eyes look redder!)....go towards neutrals and warms shades if you can. Keep lots of light on your eyelid and, stay away from liner and mascara beneath the lower lashline. Any darkness at the lower lashline (like liner) will contribute to a strict "carving out" of your eyes near that trouble area and make it look worse, more hollow, more distinct.....If you can, invest in good eye brightener - I've gone on stupidly on this forum about Laura Mercier Secret Brightener and Secret Brightener Powder - these two products together work magnificently well to bring light to the eye area..I could go on and on... You can do a search to see reviews!
Good Luck!! I'm sure you'll get mountains of advice from this forum!
Pudoodles  |
Pudoodles are you using Cellex C eye treatment around your eyes or another product? You always have the best advice! Thanks!
Edited to add that I just saw another post where you mentioned using Strivectin around your eyes. Creams aren't good for me at night (cause major puffiness), but I like to use them during the day. I'll get a sample. |
Sun Feb 06, 2005 7:29 pm |
I quite like Lauren Huttons Good Stuff. It works really well for me when I wear make up. Her light concealer if fabulous. Her whole technique gives a beautiful non-made up look. Talk about sculping your face. Check out her website. HSN has good prices on her disc. If you are interested I advice getting it with her video. You can do wonders with concealing under eye circles. |
Mon Feb 07, 2005 1:39 am |
Hi Phredd4, I dont know what we can do. We can hijack a top surgeon and make him turn the clock back on our eyes, but that seems drastic. I guess all we can do is keep on looking for that pot of gold and share any thing that makes a difference. Well, I say share, I'll sell you a few tips....
Let me know what you are using at the moment and we can monitor our progress.
Ive just started with Janson Beckett - Okusil, Prep and am hoping my alphaderma CE comes today. Assuming I use this under the eye, but careful not to overload cause we all know what too much eye product can do, dont we girls  |
Mon Feb 07, 2005 5:23 am |
phredd4 wrote: |
Pudoodles are you using Cellex C eye treatment around your eyes or another product? You always have the best advice! Thanks!
Edited to add that I just saw another post where you mentioned using Strivectin around your eyes. Creams aren't good for me at night (cause major puffiness), but I like to use them during the day. I'll get a sample. |
Hi Phredd4! I do use the Strivectin with the C serum (actually, my sister bought me the Vivier C 20 serum - which I started using last night )....I get a little nervous about blethering on about Strivectin, since it seems to be one of those creams that people either love or hate...I would hate for someone to spend the money on it and then come back saying YUCK! Lets face it, the stuff stinks, and feels quite rich in texture, and it wasn't even supposed to be put on the face in the first place - so I'm just kind of cautious....I'm thinking that perhaps I'm an anomoly.....My sister can't use the Strivectin AT ALL (and she's 3 - she just breaks out - but swears by the Cellex C eye cream....she's a smoker and a former "hard party-er"....and it's served her really well (she, too, by the way has moved over to the Vivier C...). Eye treatments are tricky, one person's golden egg can so easily be another person's rotten egg!!
Pudoodles  |
Mon Feb 07, 2005 8:32 am |
Could be a fluke, but last night I tried sample vials of Cellex C Advanced C Serum & Skinceuticals B5 all around my eyes before bed and this morning they really look great! Today my undereyes look so bright so I didn't need a concealer or brightener. Also they look firm but dewy. Best of all no puffiness!!! OMG I am praying this is for real! I went to bed at 2am and got up at 6am so it's definately not because I was well rested. Could it possibly make that much difference in a few hours?
I had been using SkinMedica Vit C and loved it for my face, but never used it around my eyes because it's a cream which I can never seem to tolerate.
-Cheri |
Mon Feb 07, 2005 8:45 am |
Yay for you, Phredd4!!! Hopefully it's not a fluke for you!!! I love Vit C serum around the eyes -heaven-sent!!!
Pudoodles |
Mon Feb 07, 2005 9:33 am |
Yikes! I didn't know that Cellex C Advanced C Serum was 17.5%!
Hopefully I won't look wrecked tomorrow.
-Cheri |
Mon Feb 07, 2005 9:46 am |
i'm beginning to develop hollows under the eyes as well. i'm considering something called a micro-fat transfer to the undereye area, if/when it gets deeper than i can hide with makeup products.
i know you were asking for products, not surgical procedures, but thought i'd throw it out there as an option. here is an article about it if you're interested: |
Wed Mar 12, 2025 12:58 pm |
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