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HELP! Pimple emergency !!!
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Mon Nov 12, 2007 2:18 pm      Reply with quote
I have an event this Saturday and I am getting a huge pimple on my chin. Sad
I am on week 8 of Obagi Nu Derm so I don't want to screw that up and I don't know what to put on this monster! Mad
It is one of those under the skin, deep, painful things that feels about the size of a large pea. I tried steaming today to see if I can draw it out and get it over with but I am scared.
I only break out every so often and no its not "my time" so I don't know what brought this thing on but I need help - ANYONE ?!?!?!
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Mon Nov 12, 2007 2:38 pm      Reply with quote
If feel for you. Everytime I have an event coming up I have one of those suckers pop out. I always use Clean & Clear Invisible Blemish Treatment. I put it on in the morning, during the day, then again before I go to bed. My pimple is gone within a few days.
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Mon Nov 12, 2007 2:49 pm      Reply with quote
I know if you have a softlaser or a dermawand you'd be rockin' those, so other than that I have no other suggestions except for Julie's TCA complex - that can really help too... sorry - hope things work out.
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Mon Nov 12, 2007 3:06 pm      Reply with quote
Man, this always happens, doesn't it? My first response would be if you have any kind of relationship with your dermatologist, call him/her and BEG for an emergency appointment so they can inject a little cortisone into it. I do that if I get a cystic, under-the-skin blemish before a big event and the injection seriously helps it within HOURS. If you don't have a good relationship with a dermatologist right now I would suggest to call all the derms in your area and see if anyone can squeeze you in.

If the dermatologist is completely out and you are on your own, here is what I would do:
Steam it every morning and night using a washcloth dampened with hot chamomile tea. A couple days of steaming may very well bring it to the surface so you can cleanly extract it and it will heal up. I'm not terribly familiar with the obagi system, but I believe it uses retin-a, right? If you have retin-a, tazoraz, etc on hand, spot treat the blemish with it as that will help to either bring it up to a head or just get rid of it entirely. After you extract it, if you have Dr. Mist then spray that liberally on the area as that will help it heal. Good luck, and please keep us updated!

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Mon Nov 12, 2007 10:01 pm      Reply with quote
i am not familiar with obagi either.

From the top of my head exfoliating should help. Do you have any epidermx?? Its good.
Also maybe retin A.

and if your looking for something more natural than perhaps tea treee oil.

good luck
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Tue Nov 13, 2007 12:17 am      Reply with quote
If it's an ordinary pimple, I normally dab a bit of toothpaste on it at night before going to bed and it normally dries up after a couple of nights. Of course it depends as I said on if it's an ordinary pimple or one of those more nasty variety.

Cynthia , Stockholm , SWEDEN **No second takes in life. You only get one shot at it.**
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Tue Nov 13, 2007 1:02 am      Reply with quote
Try Mario Badescu Drying Lotion - it dries pimples up overnight. Its a combination of calamine lotion and salicylic acid.

For future crises you might consider buying a Derma Wand - its wonderful for zapping pimples into oblivion.
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Tue Nov 13, 2007 5:47 am      Reply with quote
Some have had great results with an aspirin mask. If you use the search feature, you'll find the recipe for it.

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Tue Nov 13, 2007 6:54 am      Reply with quote
What has been helping me lately with pimples that are starting to surface is a dab of Tea Tree Oil. You can buy it at any health food store. Just dab a small bit of it on the blemish. I have done this several different times and the pimple almost always goes away within a few days. It wouldn't hurt to alternate at night with a small dab of benzoyl peroxide cream either. There is also this cream my dermatologist prescribed for me called Duac which is a combination of Benzoyl Peroxide and clindamycin. It works pretty good, but I think the tea tree oil works the best IMO.
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Tue Nov 13, 2007 6:58 am      Reply with quote
Ok - so I steamed yesterday like three times and this monster is finally coming to the surface. Its just huge which is what always happens when you have an event right? Just our luck huh Confused Anyway, so late last night I put some peroxide to try to kill any germs in there and then put some of my sons Ziana - which is for cyctic acne. This morning my monster is staring me in the face. I guess thats good because I can extract what I can and treat it so maybe it will be gone by Saturday (cross your fingers). I am working all day today (no sun) so I plan to steam, peroxide, and Retin a - good plan?
I will let you know how it goes.
I must say I LOVE this forum because I can vent with people who understand - it's AWESOME!
Also, Obagi Nu Derm is really doing wonderful things for my skin. I am 39, never much of a tanner but it's evening out my skin color, tone, and texture. It just really sucks the first few weeks. Look it up on here and theres a ton of info. Also a member is doing a blog and her pics are AMAZING! rockerlynne dot blogspot dot com
I do recommend it even though its expensive. I have 10 weeks to go then its maintenance time baby Smile
Thanks for everyones help - I am always listening to the people on here - you all have so much knowledge it's just great.
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Tue Nov 13, 2007 8:49 am      Reply with quote
I have monster on my cheek right now and I've been putting over the counter 1% cortisone on it and it's helping a ton. One of my biggest problems is the inflammation during and after a deep zit. It speeds up the healing and there is almost no red mark left once it's gone, at least this is what I've noticed after trying this method three times. You're not supposed to use this method too much because I think it can thin out the skin (correct me if I'm wrong...I got this idea from Dr. Denese's book and it's been awhile since I've read it). I think she says to put some on a band aid (cut off the extra sticky stuff, leave just enough for it to stick to your face)and wear it over night. I guess this makes sure you don't accidentally rub it off in your sleep.
Best of luck to you!

28 Fair skin, brown hair, blue eyes & acne prone combo skin
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Tue Nov 13, 2007 6:13 pm      Reply with quote
My pimple emergency is getting better - it's the end of day two since it became visible and its pretty much deflated. Its still red and sore but I think I could cover it with make up if I tried (I haven't tried obviously).
I have steamed a few times yesterday and again today. This opened it up at let it purge. I then put peroxide to kill whatever germs were in there and let it air dry. Then I put some medicine my son was prescribed for his face called Ziana. I never really knew what was in that stuff but it was working on his teen cystic acne so I figured it may work on this one. Well, it's proving to be very helpful so I looked it up today - it's clindamycin phosphate 1.2% (a antibiotic) and tretinoin .025% so no wonder it worked! Its germ killer and retin a in one Shock
Its prescription and expensive but I found places online that sell it. You could always ask your trusty dermatologist for some sample to have on hand. Idea
So if you get these kinds of cysts, which we all seem to do before a big event or around that time of month, this stuff can really help.
I will let you know how tomorrow goes - thanks to everyone for the ideas - in a weird way some were right on Smile
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Wed Nov 14, 2007 10:11 am      Reply with quote
you can try OLEHENRISKEN roll-on blemish attack. It works well on all kinds of pimples and it is carried by Sephora.
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Wed Nov 14, 2007 11:07 am      Reply with quote
chouchouzhang wrote:
you can try OLEHENRISKEN roll-on blemish attack. It works well on all kinds of pimples and it is carried by Sephora.

Hi chouchouzhang

Is this the best spot treatment that you have used? What other have you used before?


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Thu Nov 15, 2007 3:48 am      Reply with quote
I just got my Sonya Dakar drying potion which I ordered after reading about it in Allure and it seems to be working quite well on my breakouts
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Fri Nov 16, 2007 7:33 pm      Reply with quote
it's kinda late to reply but Yonka's Juvenil always works for those big ones that hasnt surfaced
k! (orangewasabi)
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Sat Nov 17, 2007 8:52 pm      Reply with quote
I swear by Mario Badescu's drying cream and drying lotion and buffering lotion when I need to kill an "emergency" quickly.
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Sat Mar 28, 2009 10:04 am      Reply with quote
If this happens to anyone else... I first dry it up with hydrogen peroxide, and then put some Pate Grise from Payot for the night.
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Sat Mar 28, 2009 4:43 pm      Reply with quote
Definitely Retin-A. I am using Obagi nu-derm as well. Everytime when I have any breakout, I use Obagi Retin-A (0.1%) particularly for the spot's area. It always disappears in five days.
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Sat Mar 28, 2009 6:11 pm      Reply with quote
Why are you so anxious?

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Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:52 am      Reply with quote
You might want to head to the derm for a cortisone shot. That should shrink the pimple in a few hours.
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Wed Jul 27, 2011 3:12 pm      Reply with quote
azwildcats7 wrote:
You might want to head to the derm for a cortisone shot. That should shrink the pimple in a few hours.

Considering that the OP's pimple crisis was back in 2007, I think we can presume that she's got rid of it by now.

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Thu Jul 28, 2011 1:25 pm      Reply with quote
azwildcats7 wrote:
You might want to head to the derm for a cortisone shot. That should shrink the pimple in a few hours.

I've tried that before and somehow seem to be quite resistant to cortisone shots- they barely work for me.
unless the derm I saw just sucks (and it was one who works in a hospital clinic too...).

I just use Badescu buffering lotion and then their drying mark on top great.
but have problems w inflamation afterwards still.

Serious skincare has a sulfur mask and drying lotion that are really good. it is cheap if you get it from HSN in a kit.
I can't use their mask anymore though.

PSF has a sulfur mask...and I can't use it anymore either.
but EDS sells it...
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Mon Jul 09, 2012 4:21 am      Reply with quote
Try Clean & Clear Oil Free Dual Action Moisturiser. Which helps to reduce helps spots and blemishes. Effective remedy for acne.
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Mon Jul 09, 2012 4:45 am      Reply with quote
smithjons wrote:
Try Clean & Clear Oil Free Dual Action Moisturiser. Which helps to reduce helps spots and blemishes. Effective remedy for acne.

Wow this post is resurrected again.
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