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NuFace: a temporary fix?
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Sat Nov 23, 2013 2:34 pm      Reply with quote
Okay, so I have used the NuFace quite a bit in September and October. In November, I really slacked off. I think my face was looking plumper and more uplifted when I was using it, but now I see the drooping and slight jowls in certain unflattering lighting, or when my head is slightly down.

(I want to say though that I have no real evidence to back this up. It's just from my observation. I dont even have any before and after pics).

If this is just a temporary fix, is there any actual reason to do it every day, or is it better as a quick fix when you want to look good (for an event or date)?

I hope some veteran NuFace or microcurrent users can help me out on this.
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Sat Nov 23, 2013 4:45 pm      Reply with quote
I think all microcurrent is temporary. I know they mention using it daily on the Pico thread.

There is lots of discussion about "banking results" but I don't see it played out in reality, other than possibly the people getting professional treatments once a month.
Nonie aka AD
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Sat Nov 23, 2013 4:50 pm      Reply with quote
I don't know anything about gadgets but if they do work like exercise and can therefore be used in lieu of them not just as a supplement, then my guess is the more you use them, the more permanent the results become.

I have shared that whenever I would do Eva's upper eyelid exercise, early in my face exercise intro days, my eyes would take on this very pretty look but it would only be temporary. The short-lived look was so pretty to me that I made a point of doing the exercise inside photo booths before I pressed the button to take a pic just so that my photos would show me having pretty eyes. Laughing I had no idea that over the years, that temporary look would become permanent. And now I can go months without doing any exercises and my eyes do not go back to the hooded eyes I used to have. The look has become "permanent".

That said, with ANY exercise, if you don't keep it up, your body will return to how it was. Muscle memory works both ways. Muscles that have always been exercised seem to return to good tone pretty fast when one starts to exercise after a dry spell of doing nothing. On the other hand, muscles that have little tone may start to get tone when you start to exercise them but will race back to a state of slackness with a quickness if you stop exercising.

Here's an excerpt that explains that:

Muscles Have Memory

You will notice with all of the exercises that in the beginning you will see either a lifting or a tightening of the area you're working on... your neck for example. It will lift and/or tighten and this effect will last at first for a few minutes to a few hours until it lasts all day and then is "permanently" lifted. The longer you do the exercises, the longer the lift will hold during the day. After a while, THAT area is lifted and stays lifted. It's so much fun. The opposite is true as well. This is why when you stop doing the exercises, after awhile, you will lose this lift and tightening and go back to where you were "before" you began. The longer you've been doing them, the longer it takes to go "back". However, since muscles have memory, if you do slack off from the exercises after doing them for say... three years... and gravity starts to work, all you have to do are the exercises again and within a month or two, you'll be back to where you were at the three year mark. The muscles remember. It's very nice! And of course, this is one more reason why facial exercises claim to be "natural".


So IMO what you are witnessing is not a sign of Nuface not working. It is an example of cause and effect. While you were not using the gadget to lift up your tone, life didn't hit the pause button to wait for you to get back in the mood. Gravity and the elements have continued to report to work like clockwork. Even when people get quick results from a nip and tuck, that isn't where all aging stops. The hands of time continue to do what they do best. So if you want to slow down aging, you can't sign up for a part-time job. It has to be a full-time vocation. You have to make this as part of your lifestyle like daily grooming.
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Sat Nov 23, 2013 6:42 pm      Reply with quote
Well, here is an example from my body. I used to be really out of shape back in the day, but I started hitting a gym and doing Nautilus machines as well as an elliptical one hour a day. I would say by the first month, I had clear muscle definition that wasnt there before. I kept going for about 6 months and then I had to move and could not continue working out.

Even after I stopped, I had VERY clearly developed muscles that were not nearly as toned before. You could feel how firm my abs were. Years later, I still had that muscle tone, although it did get covered to some extent with fat. My body was different. It was a significant and dramatic change. I did not need to keep hitting the gym, I had enough tone built up that I could coast along just doing some light walking and I was looking pretty good.

I am not sure, but from my few months of the NuFace,I am not sure if that kind of benefit is being conferred. Maybe I havent done it long enough but that is why I sought opnions of those who have.
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Sat Nov 23, 2013 6:48 pm      Reply with quote
bethany wrote:
I think all microcurrent is temporary. I know they mention using it daily on the Pico thread.

There is lots of discussion about "banking results" but I don't see it played out in reality, other than possibly the people getting professional treatments once a month.

I'm starting to feel like this is the case. I would think that a few months of daily use would have lifted the area I was concerned about but it doesnt seem like it. It's disappointing to think the result would only last a day or two. I guess it's like shaving Laughing
Nonie aka AD
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Sat Nov 23, 2013 7:34 pm      Reply with quote
bellabambiiina wrote:
Well, here is an example from my body. I used to be really out of shape back in the day, but I started hitting a gym and doing Nautilus machines as well as an elliptical one hour a day. I would say by the first month, I had clear muscle definition that wasnt there before. I kept going for about 6 months and then I had to move and could not continue working out.

Even after I stopped, I had VERY clearly developed muscles that were not nearly as toned before. You could feel how firm my abs were. Years later, I still had that muscle tone, although it did get covered to some extent with fat. My body was different. It was a significant and dramatic change. I did not need to keep hitting the gym, I had enough tone built up that I could coast along just doing some light walking and I was looking pretty good.

I am not sure, but from my few months of the NuFace,I am not sure if that kind of benefit is being conferred. Maybe I havent done it long enough but that is why I sought opnions of those who have.

You are comparing apples and oranges. With skeletal muscles of the body, it is easy to maintain muscle tone because you keep moving. You flex and relax the muscles when you pick things up or move them, like you probably did when you moved, and when you walk and do everyday things. It is not like you're staying put like a paraplegic or bed-ridden cabbage not engaging muscles. What's more, the muscles of the body are so easy to isolate and target and thus whip into shape. Not so, the face.

With the face, look at how many muscles are involved and how complex their orientation:

Some of those muscles hardly ever get used in everyday living which is why jowls develop over years even though you chew food, smile, make faces, talk etc because it takes focused and very specific movements to target the muscles that do not get used usually. And besides the crisscrossing face muscles do all over, you also have some underneath unless you specifically target certain muscles, the sag of however many years you have never worked that face before that short time will return.

To give you an example of my own body, my ideal weight is 115 lbs. I haven't been than weight since 2005 because TBH, I'm complacent as I am still the same size (visually), fit the same clothes and look fairly the same. My weight for the last several years has been between 125 and 130 lbs. Yet I showed before in my photos which went poof thanks to Fotki having issues, my much larger thighs which I am known to neglect for months on end (along with the rest of my body) now have a gap--something they didn't have when I was smaller and tighter. It took just a couple months or so of focused exercise to get this much bigger thighs so toned that they went from my usual overlapping status to sporting a gap when my feet are together.

Compare that with my face's response. For the last six months of 2006, I did not do any face exercises. I let my face rest before I started CFF. That was the 16th year since I started face exercises and might have been the longest I had gone w/o exercising my face. Unlike my body which snaps back into shape even when a layer of fat is there no matter how long I go w/o exercising, my face took a whole 8 months to get back in shape. And that is even with muscle memory of 15+ years, it still did not respond as fast as my body does.
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Sat Nov 23, 2013 7:37 pm      Reply with quote
Nonie aka AD wrote:
I don't know anything about gadgets but if they do work like exercise and can therefore be used in lieu of them not just as a supplement, then my guess is the more you use them, the more permanent the results become.

I have shared that whenever I would do Eva's upper eyelid exercise, early in my face exercise intro days, my eyes would take on this very pretty look but it would only be temporary. The short-lived look was so pretty to me that I made a point of doing the exercise inside photo booths before I pressed the button to take a pic just so that my photos would show me having pretty eyes. Laughing I had no idea that over the years, that temporary look would become permanent. And now I can go months without doing any exercises and my eyes do not go back to the hooded eyes I used to have. The look has become "permanent".

That said, with ANY exercise, if you don't keep it up, your body will return to how it was. Muscle memory works both ways. Muscles that have always been exercised seem to return to good tone pretty fast when one starts to exercise after a dry spell of doing nothing. On the other hand, muscles that have little tone may start to get tone when you start to exercise them but will race back to a state of slackness with a quickness if you stop exercising.

Here's an excerpt that explains that:

Muscles Have Memory

You will notice with all of the exercises that in the beginning you will see either a lifting or a tightening of the area you're working on... your neck for example. It will lift and/or tighten and this effect will last at first for a few minutes to a few hours until it lasts all day and then is "permanently" lifted. The longer you do the exercises, the longer the lift will hold during the day. After a while, THAT area is lifted and stays lifted. It's so much fun. The opposite is true as well. This is why when you stop doing the exercises, after awhile, you will lose this lift and tightening and go back to where you were "before" you began. The longer you've been doing them, the longer it takes to go "back". However, since muscles have memory, if you do slack off from the exercises after doing them for say... three years... and gravity starts to work, all you have to do are the exercises again and within a month or two, you'll be back to where you were at the three year mark. The muscles remember. It's very nice! And of course, this is one more reason why facial exercises claim to be "natural".


So IMO what you are witnessing is not a sign of Nuface not working. It is an example of cause and effect. While you were not using the gadget to lift up your tone, life didn't hit the pause button to wait for you to get back in the mood. Gravity and the elements have continued to report to work like clockwork. Even when people get quick results from a nip and tuck, that isn't where all aging stops. The hands of time continue to do what they do best. So if you want to slow down aging, you can't sign up for a part-time job. It has to be a full-time vocation. You have to make this as part of your lifestyle like daily grooming.

I dont mean to quibble, but I dont feel what I am trying to do is slow down aging...I am trying to reverse damage done to my face from a prolonged (two year) period of high stress and little sleep. Not to brag or anything but I dont really feel my face or body was aging visibly, other than for the unfortunate life circumstances I found myself in. I am pretty sure that I wouldnt really be interested in any kind of facial exercise at this point if it wasnt for that stress I went through. Not saying that it isnt a good thing to start up with, as I am sure it is.
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Sat Nov 23, 2013 7:45 pm      Reply with quote
bellabambiiina wrote:

I dont mean to quibble, but I dont feel what I am trying to do is slow down aging...I am trying to reverse damage done to my face from a prolonged (two year) period of high stress and little sleep. Not to brag or anything but I dont really feel my face or body was aging visibly, other than for the unfortunate life circumstances I found myself in. I am pretty sure that I wouldnt really be interested in any kind of facial exercise at this point if it wasnt for that stress I went through. Not saying that it isnt a good thing to start up with, as I am sure it is.

Well, however you look at it, that damage from stress, lack of sleep, bad lifestyle whatever is AGING. And if you are undoing that, then you are reversing it. And if you are reversing a process that continues to move forward, you are not stopping it, you are slowing down the forward motion towards the look of being older. In short, slowing down aging.

Depending on who you ask, the things that happened to your face can be found on a list of signs of aging. So it all boils down to the same thing. One person says tomAYto, another says tomAHto. They are talking about the same fruit.
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Sat Nov 23, 2013 7:46 pm      Reply with quote
Another point to remember is that perhaps the NuFace and actual face exercises work differently. In this case I am asking about the NuFace.

I do appreciate the information about facial muscle memory etc though. Very Happy It's certainly good to know.
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Sat Nov 23, 2013 7:49 pm      Reply with quote
Nonie aka AD wrote:
bellabambiiina wrote:

I dont mean to quibble, but I dont feel what I am trying to do is slow down aging...I am trying to reverse damage done to my face from a prolonged (two year) period of high stress and little sleep. Not to brag or anything but I dont really feel my face or body was aging visibly, other than for the unfortunate life circumstances I found myself in. I am pretty sure that I wouldnt really be interested in any kind of facial exercise at this point if it wasnt for that stress I went through. Not saying that it isnt a good thing to start up with, as I am sure it is.

Well, however you look at it, that damage from stress, lack of sleep, bad lifestyle whatever is AGING. And if you are undoing that, then you are reversing it. And if you are reversing a process that continues to move forward, you are not stopping it, you are slowing down the forward motion towards the look of being older. In short, slowing down aging.

Depending on who you ask, the things that happened to your face can be found on a list of signs of aging. So it all boils down to the same thing. One person says tomAYto, another says tomAHto. They are talking about the same fruit.

All I mean is that I wasn't slowly developing jowls over the last several years. I would say a little over two years ago I had a very tight jawline and a pretty decent looking face.

It was like I had had really crummy sleep and bad stress over a very long length of time, and by the end of it, I suddenly saw my lower face kind of drop. It was really a shame as right after that things got better for me, I wish I had gotten my problems solved before that jowl thing appeared, because apart from that, I'm not unhappy with my appearance.
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Sat Nov 23, 2013 7:52 pm      Reply with quote
bellabambiiina wrote:
Another point to remember is that perhaps the NuFace and actual face exercises work differently. In this case I am asking about the NuFace.

I do appreciate the information about facial muscle memory etc though. Very Happy It's certainly good to know.

Well, from the results I have seen of people using the Pico Toner, which is also a microcurrent machine, the toning effect is not unlike that from face exercises. And sister sweets can correct me but I believe people who use it find that the longer they have been using it, the longer they can go w/o needing to use it. In other words, their muscles seem to hold the new shape longer. That to me is not unlike what happens with face exercises, which is why I said "if they work the same"--and IMO they do. The difference is, with face exercises, if a program isn't targeting certain muscles, then the stimulation of those muscles in some other way can waken them and bring about the tone that was missing. Which is why people who do face exercises may find that adding a microcurrent machine is the piece of the puzzle that was missing. JMHO
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Sat Nov 23, 2013 7:52 pm      Reply with quote
Well, in the end, actions do speak louder than words, so I guess maybe I need to follow Nike...just do it! Laughing

On that note, signing off as I was also trying to clean up at the same time (multitasking..tsk tsk LOL)
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Sat Nov 23, 2013 10:07 pm      Reply with quote
bellabambiiina wrote:

If this is just a temporary fix, is there any actual reason to do it every day, or is it better as a quick fix when you want to look good (for an event or date)?

I hope some veteran NuFace or microcurrent users can help me out on this.

I have used the Beautiful Image machine since March. I have not seen anything except temporary short term (a day or two) lifting.

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Sat Nov 23, 2013 10:33 pm      Reply with quote

could you, please, explain what "Eva's upper eyelid exercise" is?


Early 50s, Skin: combin.,semi-sensitive, fair with occasional breakouts, some old acne scars, freckles, under-eye wrinkles; Redhead with hazel eyes
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Sat Nov 23, 2013 10:46 pm      Reply with quote
bellabambiiina wrote:
Well, in the end, actions do speak louder than words, so I guess maybe I need to follow Nike...just do it! Laughing

On that note, signing off as I was also trying to clean up at the same time (multitasking..tsk tsk LOL)

Bella - I must chime in. Please read my evaluation below on several DIFFERENT microcurrent products I use daily or have experienced. I have a NuFace and Pico and the cheapie $14.00 thing and I've had a professional Neurotris treatment. These items are based on microcurrent technology but outcomes vary greatly due to the ability of the machine or device itself.

I would never in a million expect the $14.00 machine to do anything near what my Pico can do (honestly it's junk in comparison even to the NuFace - I'll likely give it away or toss). Based on EDS reviews I thought it had something going for itself and sadly it does not in comparison to what I know anyway ...if you were thinking of that I'd skip it.

The NuFace has a place. For me it is this: In the morning with very little time I do a treatment. Motions upward after applying my daily product - Penetration~~light lift: Good to go. I think it is a 'helper'.
The Pico toner is different in that it produces a higher level of effectiveness.. The Pico is not something that needs to be used everyday. I don't know who said this but it works best if you don't use it everyday. Quite honestly I use mine 2 maybe 3 times a week. It maintains and results stay and keeps on giving!!! I use it for lift, product penetration (fabulous here) and overall facial rejuvenation. I am so happy to have this device. It is the cornerstone of my success.
It must be noted that Toby used her Pico toner everyday in the beginning and her results are legendary. And she is one beauty at age 58. Remarkable was what I thought when I met her.

The professional device I love. I've only had one treatment and it stayed nicely - longer and the machine has more programs to work with the facial tissues.

If you want microcurrent to help your facial issues you need to know they are all different and recognize what each can do for you.

Interesting for me: I stopped using Pico due to trying a new device and I could see noticeable droop to my face after a break. 8-10 days from using Pico it started to show up - worse in some areas than others. That's proof for me. I am back using it and getting my lift back.

Edited to add: Toby has a Beautiful Image AND the Neurotris 3800 professional machine and she said the Beuatiful Image is no where near the quality and results of the Neurotris machine. I think she may have sold off her beautiful image.

Enjoying dermalogica with my ASG and Pico toner ** Disclosure: I was a participant without remuneration in promotional videos for Ageless Secret Gold and the Neurotris Pico Emmy event.
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Sat Nov 23, 2013 11:49 pm      Reply with quote
sigma wrote:

could you, please, explain what "Eva's upper eyelid exercise" is?


It is on Eva Fraser's website, but I must stress that I do not think spot training is a good idea. I have credited that exercise with the change that happened in my eyelids but I was doing the complete program which means all related muscles got toned too to give an open and nicely lifted appearance. Toning your eyelids while neglecting all other muscles will give disappointing results IMO.

Anyway the upper eyelid exercise is described and demonstrated on this page: It is an exercise found in many other face exercise programs.
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Sun Nov 24, 2013 7:10 am      Reply with quote
sister sweets wrote:

Edited to add: Toby has a Beautiful Image AND the Neurotris 3800 professional machine and she said the Beuatiful Image is no where near the quality and results of the Neurotris machine. I think she may have sold off her beautiful image.

Toby is the one who convinced me through her raves and PM's to buy the Beautiful Image machine. Also the before and after pictures she sent me about a year ago were very good. Actually the "after" Beautiful Image picture was better then the "before" Pico picture she sent months later when she started using the Pico.

I have no idea if the Neurotris professional machine works because I neither own it or have had a treatment but based on the time on the market and the thousands of spas who use the Beuatiful Image machine I am sure that it does work. I can very easily get my cheeks to "pop". It just doesn't last at all. It is not like when I use the ReAura or dermarolling. For example: I got rid of a sun spot on my upper cheek with the ReAura. It has not come back since. It is a long term result. Of course with life you continue to age but I look better then I would have had I not used ReAura and I can just do 2 series a year so it doesn't take up all my time. Same kind of thing with dermarolling.

Using or getting professional microcurrent treatments you are suppose to be able to do a series of 10 to 15 and then get a maintenance treatment once every 4 to 6 weeks. This is what I expected when I bought the BI machine but I have done 40 or 50 something treatments and still don't get the long term lift. I know it has worked for some and I am not discounting their experience, I am just telling my own experience.

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Sun Nov 24, 2013 7:35 am      Reply with quote

thank you so much for the link.

Early 50s, Skin: combin.,semi-sensitive, fair with occasional breakouts, some old acne scars, freckles, under-eye wrinkles; Redhead with hazel eyes
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Sun Nov 24, 2013 9:44 am      Reply with quote
bellabambiiina wrote:
Okay, so I have used the NuFace quite a bit in September and October. In November, I really slacked off. I think my face was looking plumper and more uplifted when I was using it, but now I see the drooping and slight jowls in certain unflattering lighting, or when my head is slightly down.

(I want to say though that I have no real evidence to back this up. It's just from my observation. I dont even have any before and after pics).

If this is just a temporary fix, is there any actual reason to do it every day, or is it better as a quick fix when you want to look good (for an event or date)?

I hope some veteran NuFace or microcurrent users can help me out on this.

Bella - when I got my NuFace I noticed results also - like you are describing.

Everything is a temporary fix. Even the finest face lift isn't going to last forever.
In the scheme of things the NuFace is a useful daily device. Used everyday for 3 minutes or so you can get a lift - *The face goes up* in a subtle way. I think it has somewhat of a cumulative effect and for the 3 minutes of use I'd keep at it on a daily basis or most days.

For a bigger hit I'd get a Pico (on sale for a little bit longer at 25% off). Microcurrent works with our muscles. If you do some facial exercise with it as Nonie so aptly discussed - they work together. The Pico is like "taking your face to the gym". It is your facial exercise tool.
The NuFace comparatively is more like 10 quick push ups to get your arms slightly pumped before you put on the sleeveless LBD. Laughing

Enjoying dermalogica with my ASG and Pico toner ** Disclosure: I was a participant without remuneration in promotional videos for Ageless Secret Gold and the Neurotris Pico Emmy event.
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Sun Nov 24, 2013 11:17 am      Reply with quote
Yeah for the price differential Nuface vs Pico with the sale, Pico seems to me to be the much better investment. FWIW, I used my friends Nuface Trinity ($375) for a week and honestly for me, it made my face appear more gaunt and I desperately need volume. I found the unit awkward to use at best. That said, it may not do that to everyone, especially if you already have a lot of volume. From what I understand, the difference is how the current is delivered. Plus with Nuface there is absolutely ZERO flexibility. You cannot perform the Caci pinch routine to deliver the current where you want it to lift the cheeks, you cannot work the eye area at all to lift the upper lid up, you cannot lift up the lip corners. BLAH. So to me, basically all you can do it push up under the cheek and hold and roll over your face for a quick pick me up. So if you want a device to do that, then the Nuface is the ticket. If you want a device that has flexibility and can do holds, lifts and plumping, PLUS work the body, then Pico is your baby. Plus you can add accessories. For $450 on sale, to me Pico is an absolute no brainer. ~ Aprile
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Sun Nov 24, 2013 12:35 pm      Reply with quote
I am confused...Bella asked a question about how long microcurrent treatments last, and somehow it has turned into advising her to buy a different device?

I personally would suggest that she just use her NuFace that she already has, since she mentioned she has not used it much this month. If she finds that she is using it regularly AND it is not meeting expectations, then maybe buy something new? (Unless she has unlimited funds of course, lol)
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Sun Nov 24, 2013 1:38 pm      Reply with quote
bellabambiiina wrote:
Okay, so I have used the NuFace quite a bit in September and October. In November, I really slacked off. I think my face was looking plumper and more uplifted when I was using it, but now I see the drooping and slight jowls in certain unflattering lighting, or when my head is slightly down.

(I want to say though that I have no real evidence to back this up. It's just from my observation. I dont even have any before and after pics).

If this is just a temporary fix, is there any actual reason to do it every day, or is it better as a quick fix when you want to look good (for an event or date)?

I hope some veteran NuFace or microcurrent users can help me out on this.

Bella - I hope we've helped somewhat - thank you for being patient with a little unsolicited advice.
I like my NuFace and you do need to use it regularly if you want to maintain a result. You can also use it sporadically - pulling it out for a quick fix for a special occasion. You should still see something. Maybe if you have something special coming up you can use it for several days preceeding to set the stage. In my experience not using it on a regular basis you lose the cumulative results.

Agree with Aprile - The NuFace is no comparison to the versatility and the result of what the Pico can do. I like the NuFace as a travel device and quick pick up some mornings.
Hope we've helped you Bella.
Best, Sis

Enjoying dermalogica with my ASG and Pico toner ** Disclosure: I was a participant without remuneration in promotional videos for Ageless Secret Gold and the Neurotris Pico Emmy event.
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Obagi Professional-C Peptide Complex (30 ml / 1 floz) Swiss Line Cell Shock The Swiss Cure Day & Night Ampoules (6 x 5 ml ampoules) Osea Seabiotic® Water Cream (47.3 g / 1.6 oz)

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