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Wed Nov 20, 2013 9:54 pm      Reply with quote
Does ageless give you almond shaped eyes and eva lifts the eye area? I've read so much *rave* about ageless for fuller, lifted face. Also too, anyone done carole firm massage?

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Wed Nov 20, 2013 11:29 pm      Reply with quote
I can answer on Eva Fraser's Facial Fitness. It did lift my eyes and transformed them from hooded to what they are now. You can see my photos in this post (If link does not take you directly to my post it is on page 11 of the thread):
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Thu Nov 21, 2013 5:59 am      Reply with quote
Thanks. I couldn't see your photos in the link. What excersises did you do and how long did you see results? I'm in my late 20's so I don't have any wrinkles, just would like to lift and tone my face;especially eyebrows (almond shaped look) and cheeks (fuller and plump)

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Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:20 am      Reply with quote
tasha92337 wrote:
Thanks. I couldn't see your photos in the link. What excersises did you do and how long did you see results? I'm in my late 20's so I don't have any wrinkles, just would like to lift and tone my face;especially eyebrows (almond shaped look) and cheeks (fuller and plump)

Did you go to page 11 of the thread and scroll down? I just clicked on the link and it took me directly to my post and my pictures are still there. Question

I did the entire program. I was not trying to change my eyes. I was trying to keep my face as toned as possible to delay signs of aging as much as possible. I started the exercises when I was 20 and like you, I had no issues with my face at all. The change in my eyes was really a surprise and it happened so gradually that I never realized it was happening. I don't know how long it took because I was not looking for it or aware it was happening. When you see yourself every day and something is happening in baby steps, you don't really notice it. In fact, I might still have been clueless that my eyes had changed had I not read on the Flex Effect website when I was 35 that face exercises can do this to eyes. Out of curiosity, I wondered if 15 years of face exercises had done anything to my eyes. I looked at old photos and could not believe how much my eyes had changed!

I do not think you will have good results if you do not do a full program. Face muscles are interconnected and you cannot work on one area without working on all related muscles to tone them too. If you tone eyelids and don't tone forehead to lift eyebrows, then the change in your eyes will not be as apparent or as good as it could be.

I don't know if you can change the shape of your eyes from round to almond if round is their normal shape, but after changing things in me that were my norm to something else, I know not to speak in absolutes. Tom has the strongest scalp muscles I have seen judging by how much contracting them causes his hair to move. His scalp exercise involves contracting the muscles at the back of the head and alternating that contraction with the contraction of the muscles of the forehead. When you contract the muscles at the back of the head, you feel a pull in the muscles of the forehead and temples. I know I am more aware of this pull years later than when I first started the exercise. So maybe the stronger your muscles get the more permanent that pull back at the temples becomes and so perhaps you can slightly change the shape of your eyes. Tom has the most almond shaped eyes I have seen and I would not be surprised if his strong head muscles are not behind that:


I do Tom's program every now and then and as I said, my head muscles are getting stronger. My eyes are not round but I think the improved tone does make them look their best.

I think what you should focus on isn't really changing the shape of your eyes but rather bringing out the best in them, which IMO is a given when all your face muscles are in good tone. That way any changes that may happen come as a nice surprise and you don't set yourself up for disappointment.

You mentioned eyebrows.... It is easy to change the shape of your eyebrows or create an illusion of having a different shape. For instance, my eyebrows are naturally horizonal and sparse on the outer edges. I think you can see their true shape in my baby photos at the link in my previous post. I started to pay attention to eyebrows in 2003. Before then, I walked around with unkempt eyebrows that I never gave much thought to except to occasionally comb them with clear mascara not caring about the shape. Then I discovered and learned that shapely eyebrows do matter. Because I have sparse eyebrows, I have to fill them in with pencil. But that also means I can shape them however I want. I can give them an arch or just stick to my normal horizontal shape. I discovered threading less than a year ago and ironically it makes my eyebrows look less sparse.

As for lifting your cheeks, that is usually the goal of every program. The way to decide on what program to do IMO is to see before/after photos of people who do the program and see if you like the results. As we age, our faces drop and look wider in the lower half, so as we improve tone with exercise, the cheeks lift and the upper face gets wider. Elaine's photos are a good example of this lift happening. Notice how her jowls have lifted and her upper cheeks don't look deflated the way they did before. The look of skin being pulled down by gravity she had before is gone:

Also stop worrying about how long it takes for results to come. Everyone will have a different rate of change, so knowing how long it took others to get results has no bearing on how long it will take YOU. Therefore don't fill your head with useless information or again you set yourself up for disappointment. Instead make this a personal journey where you are looking at only you and not trying to be like someone else, and I think you will be pleased with the results.

If you decide to do Eva, I recommend her 1991 book. The later editions have the same exercises but I just found something missing. Even though I had the program memorized, I ordered her DVD at the start of the millenium just to have as a keepsake, but didn't care for the newer book that came with it, even though for all intents and purposes it looks the same. So I hunted for a copy of the 1991 book and confirmed I would not trade it for the newer one.. You may get lucky and find it for very cheap on secondhand bookstores or eBay but some people on sell this for the price of a small kidney. If you can't find it, then just get the DVD and newer book. I didn't have trouble understanding the exercises from the book alone but having the DVD is a plus, although not all the exercises were demonstrated from the kit I got.
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Thu Nov 21, 2013 11:09 am      Reply with quote
thanks for this info, I love those almond eyes that TOM has, he looks great. The link you sent to the website sent me to a dead page, but I`ll see if something else comes up on google.

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Thu Nov 21, 2013 11:36 am      Reply with quote
naturebella wrote:
thanks for this info, I love those almond eyes that TOM has, he looks great. The link you sent to the website sent me to a dead page, but I`ll see if something else comes up on google.

Which link? I posted several.

ETA: I found out: The link to Tom's website. I have no idea why it is not working because that is what I always type to go to his website and know it by heart. Maybe EDS is taking a wrong path when redirecting.

OK I have just copied this from the address bar as I have his website open on another window: Try it.
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Sat Nov 23, 2013 11:35 am      Reply with quote
Thanks for the information! Its like anatomy for facial so what you're saying is in order for me to see results for my eyes is to to also work on the forehead? And Tom's program is best suited for this area? I don't even know how to wiggle my ears. I know you mentioned in another post that Tom has a forum with others tips that may help so I'll have to take a look. My goal is a fuller face and don't you think that may also mean I increase my collagen intake? Chicken broth?
I've been eating lots of salmon, sardines, and fish, drinking lots of lemon water and going to bed earlier than I usually do, these couple weeks, and saw a friend who complimented me on how radiant and plumpled I looked. So dieting and proper sleep is a big factor I'm sure.

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Sat Nov 23, 2013 1:14 pm      Reply with quote
tasha92337 wrote:
Thanks for the information! Its like anatomy for facial so what you're saying is in order for me to see results for my eyes is to to also work on the forehead? And Tom's program is best suited for this area? I don't even know how to wiggle my ears. I know you mentioned in another post that Tom has a forum with others tips that may help so I'll have to take a look. My goal is a fuller face and don't you think that may also mean I increase my collagen intake? Chicken broth?
I've been eating lots of salmon, sardines, and fish, drinking lots of lemon water and going to bed earlier than I usually do, these couple weeks, and saw a friend who complimented me on how radiant and plumpled I looked. So dieting and proper sleep is a big factor I'm sure.

I am saying, in order to see results, work your WHOLE face, not just your forehead. When facial muscles are interconnected so they are like one unit, why would you neglect any part of your face? If you work on just eyes and forehead and all other muscles continue to give in to the pull of gravity and not get deliberate tone-focused exercise so as to resist deterioration, then don't you think they will create a pull/drag effect on say your eyes so that instead of them having a nice toned and lifted appearance they get this sad and tired look? Wouldn't aiming for tone all over create a better overall effect?

I mentioned Tom's program because *I think* his almond eyes are due to excellent tone in his temples. I did not say his program is best suited for that area. With so many programs out there and no way to compare them (To compare programs fairly, you would have to not only do all of them, but also be able to undo each program's effect and rewind to square one before trying each program so you can give them the same mileage). And because there is no way to compare them, I can't say what program is best for anything.

As for wiggling ears, yes, practice does make perfect. Many people start Tom's program unable to do Exercise 5 but they keep working on it using tips given by others who initially couldn't do it (See forum and archives) and eventually their muscles get strong enough to where they have better control of them and can do the exercise.

Eating protein is good for building up the body. I have never really understood the belief that eating collagen will increase collagen in the body because IMO when you eat any kind of protein (flesh, legumes, milk, cartilage, etc) your digestive juices in the stomach break it down to amino acids. These building blocks are then used to build up protein in cells wherever needed. So I don't think you body is able to tell that the amino acids being carried by your blood are amino acids that came from collagen so they must be used for collagen. Methinks amino acids are amino acids regardless of where they came from and they will be used to repair protein anywhere in the body. So while you have nothing to lose by enjoying chicken broth, I don't think it is necessary to make it all about collagen. Just make sure you are getting protein in your diet. I do not go out of my way to consume collagen but I sho do love me some protein. And yet I just realized a month ago that my face has filled in and looks fuller than it did 5 years ago. I have been in love with protein since before I lost weight at the start of the 90's though, so it isn't like I just recently went on a protein craze. Methinks this new increased fullness is due to face exercises and their effect on muscles and collagen. (Pics) Notice how pointed my chin was in 2007 but now my lower face has a nicer shape and the parentheses on the sides of my mouth have been smoothed out as if I got fillers.

Yes, a healthy lifestyle is important so the good habits you have adopted will serve you well.
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Sat Nov 23, 2013 1:59 pm      Reply with quote
Yes, I do see the difference. That's really good. So I will look into what program(s)(before/after pics) and see which is best for what I'm trying to accomplish (fuller face, upper/lower eyelids and eyebrow). I did reseach that many programs that talk about a fuller face targets the cheeks and work around that. So I suppose I will work on my entire face. I did read a post on a plastic surgeon forum about filling out a thin face and he recommended chicken broth for collagen and coconut milk that's why I was asking about the connection with collagen vs fuller face. I will look into other foods that are high in collagen. I'm loving my salmon, fish, sardine crave and the results of a dewy look, but can get expensive lol.

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Sat Nov 23, 2013 2:11 pm      Reply with quote
Re the 'wiggling ears', I think that term distracts people. We can't really twitch our ears about, like a horse or dog can. Instead, focus on lifting your forehead and whole front scalp up: so you're lifting your brows without forming horizontal lines. It feels like I'm pulling my whole scalp up to the top, like a bag pulled and tied at the top.

The ear wiggling is incidental. I find it really easy and do it while driving along or playing in the internet (eg right now, thanks for reminding me).
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Sat Nov 23, 2013 2:14 pm      Reply with quote
Nonie: you're so right about protein! I went through a too-busy phase where I was having only coffee and cream for breakfast and lunch, so protein only for dinner. Within a few weeks, I kid you not, my eyelids drooped and puffed up and looked about 20 years older! And the problem was FIXED again when I got enough protein back into my diet: a bit with every meal.
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Sat Nov 23, 2013 2:33 pm      Reply with quote
Needl, I find the details you described about pulling up like an imaginary string is a vision I can try to do compared to just "wiggle your ears" etc.. And yes, I agree with protein being added to your diet. You can see the difference when you're skin is lacking in that department.

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Sat Nov 23, 2013 3:10 pm      Reply with quote
Needl wrote:
Re the 'wiggling ears', I think that term distracts people. We can't really twitch our ears about, like a horse or dog can. Instead, focus on lifting your forehead and whole front scalp up: so you're lifting your brows without forming horizontal lines. It feels like I'm pulling my whole scalp up to the top, like a bag pulled and tied at the top.

The ear wiggling is incidental. I find it really easy and do it while driving along or playing in the internet (eg right now, thanks for reminding me).

Needl I believe the reason wiggling the ears is brought up is because the contraction of the occipitalis muscle at the back of the head isn't obvious to a lot of people but if their ears twitch or move in a backward direction, usually it is because they have engaged and contracted that muscle. Raising the eyebrows to contract the frontalis muscle of the forehead, which is the second half of Exercise 5 has the effect of making the ears twitch or move in an upward direction. Sometimes the movement is so tiny that it's almost invisible...but Tom insists that one cannot contract these muscles of the head without the ears moving. And because getting control of the muscles at the back of the head isn't something everyone can do at will--or even be aware they are doing--sometimes seeing the ears move is one way of knowing you got it right.

Someone on Tom's forum suggested the following as a way of mastering the exercise. Maybe it can help:
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Sat Nov 23, 2013 3:35 pm      Reply with quote
tasha92337 wrote:
Yes, I do see the difference. That's really good. So I will look into what program(s)(before/after pics) and see which is best for what I'm trying to accomplish (fuller face, upper/lower eyelids and eyebrow). I did reseach that many programs that talk about a fuller face targets the cheeks and work around that. So I suppose I will work on my entire face. I did read a post on a plastic surgeon forum about filling out a thin face and he recommended chicken broth for collagen and coconut milk that's why I was asking about the connection with collagen vs fuller face. I will look into other foods that are high in collagen. I'm loving my salmon, fish, sardine crave and the results of a dewy look, but can get expensive lol.

I see you are stuck on the collagen begets collagen theory.Laughing OK, you do you (For all we know, maybe this is where mind over matter comes to into play Wink ). Personally I think just eating protein is all that you need to do; not to seek out collagen in your diet as if it is the be-all-and-end-all of filling out the face. I doubt your body machine cares one way or another what the source of the raw materials is. It just needs amino acids delivered one way or another and then it will go to work building protein. And if your collagen growth has been stimulated by exercise or in some other way, then the amino acids from any protein you consumed will be used to build new collagen because of the stimulation. Also the resistance training means muscle building and the amino acids will be used for that too. If you believe one must eat collagen to build collagen then you must also believe that the only way to produce pee is to drink pee. Laughing J/K, but you get the point.

As for before/after photos, not many programs have that evidence posted on their websites so you may have to contact people on this forum who do various programs and have made claims of fuller faces by PM to ask for their own photos. For instance, on the Ageless website, only Loulou's photos are shown as before/after. IMO one person's results are not the full story. But since there are many positive reviews in the long thread on the program and claims of fuller/higher cheeks from the program, perhaps you could PM those who have made these claims and ask them to share their before/after photos. You can do this for any program that is known to fill out the face so you can make an informed decision. People can crop or block out their upper faces so only the lower face shows if not comfortable with sending their full-face photos. From my experience, people with good results are generous with sharing and helping others know what can be achieved; even those too shy/uncomfortable to post their pics on a public forum will readily share privately. So it's worth a try so you can make an informed decision on what program to go with.
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Sat Nov 23, 2013 3:48 pm      Reply with quote
Lol. Well I wouldn't say I'm "team collagen" but I will say that I'm sure it plays a role in health some kind of way. But I do understand your point about amino acids, protein and resistance with facial this combination can trigger collagen building. So I get what you're saying. And asking for PMs for pics of before/after is a great idea. Thanks! I find it odd when you only see reviews and no pics..especially nowadays anyone can create fake reviews, testimonies, etc. I've researhed about those marketing "secrets" to boost product sales.

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